Monday, February 28, 2011

So Long, February

"What a difference a day makes."

The above is going to be my mantra for the rest of the evening as I think about my plans for tomorrow.

I told Lew earlier today that he is married to a bum.  I had very little energy all day, and my lack of productivity shows it.  But I did accomplish something.

The "something" was that I allowed myself to have a leisurely day.  (A much needed leisurely day.)

It was actually a good day for it, as the weather was lousy.  (Yep...lousy weather...something new and different...Sigh....)

My plans for tomorrow are to rise early and get back into the swing of life.  My to-do list is not going to know what hit it.

It will be a good way to start a new month!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Where, Oh Where, Could It Be?

I have a pocket calendar that I keep on my bedside shelf.  I use it to write down what I want to share with Lew for our evening devotion time.  Until a couple nights ago, I had a paper clip marking my place in the calendar.

I use the word "until" because I couldn't find the paper clip after we had finished our devotion.  I didn't exactly freak out, but I did try to find the paper clip.  I had visions of it poking Lew in the eye as he slept.  Or worse yet, of the paper clip poking me in the eye.

Well, Lew told me not to worry about the paper clip.  Actually, I believe he used the word "obsess."

Me?  Obsess about something?  Never!

It's been two days since the paper clip was lost, and I have yet to find it.  But I'm not obsessing.

As part of our prayer each night, we pray that God would be with us in our dreams.  The dream that I had last night is proof that God has a sense of humor.

I dreamed about the paper clip!  I had found it in the kitchen sink.  When I picked it up, a bunch of other paper clips followed it.  They were clogging up the whole sink.  I'm still chuckling a bit about this dream!

But I really have very few obsessive tendencies.  I have pretty much forgotten all about that paper clip.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lew "Nose"

Lew has been suffering from a pretty bad cold since Monday.  He claims that yesterday was the first day all week that he felt somewhat human.

He has been blowing his nose almost constantly.  This has led to a lot of complaining about tissues.

He told me this morning, "Tissues just don't work for men.  They can't handle the volume or pressure."

So, Lew sent an e-mail to Kimberly-Clark.  He suggested that they make their tissues 30% larger and 50% thicker.

He even suggested a name for this improved product:


I hope he will get a percentage of the profits.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Three Week Checkup

Three weeks ago I bragged on this blog about how I had finally started my novel.

Number of words written since then:  Zero.

I had no clue what I was doing.  I had made the decision to write in the first person, and I figured that I was all set. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....

There is SO MUCH MORE to writing a novel, gentle readers.

Although there are some people who write a first draft of a novel by the seat of their pants, I have come to the conclusion that I am not "some people."  I need to do a lot more planning.

By now you may be asking, "So, has she done anything pertaining to the novel over the last three weeks?"

The answer is, "YES!"

I have been reading a very helpful book about writing fiction -- novels, in particular.  I am taking notes as I read, and the (small) creative section of my brain has been whirring.  So, even though I have nothing new on paper, I have made great progress.

And that first page that I wrote three weeks ago?  It will probably be a goner!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heart Medicine

My advice for my readers today:

Promise to stop and smell the chocolate.

I can't take credit for coming up with that one.  I read it once on a Dove Promises wrapper.  I eat two pieces of that "silky smooth dark chocolate" each day.  Lew and I call it my heart medicine!

And that medicine sure does smell wonderful.  :)

(Postscript:  I am hungry, tired, and cold.  Dinner will help with the first, a good night's sleep will help with the second, and the eventual arrival of Spring will help with the third!)

(Post-postscript:  So, OK.  I admit that on some days I eat more than two pieces.)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dad: Unedited XXXIII

(I remember going to Benson's!  And I did edit one sentence of Dad's post, as his wording made it sound like my sisters and I are monkeys.  We're not.  Enjoy! -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  From the snow-dwindling State of Maine.  We still have tons of snow, but the snowbanks are shrinking.  Yippee!

Josh's team won again (7-3).  Josh reached base three times with one strikeout.  He reached on a fielder's choice, base hit and a walk.  He drove in three runs, made a play at second base and threw out a runner while catching.

Lew and I got the 'Seven Reeds' to the airport at 5:00 a.m. for the flight to Texas Saturday, as they are now cruising somewhere in the Pacific.  We'll pick them up Sunday.

While talking with sister Deb I was reminded of an evening back in the early 1950s that we went to visit a chimpanzee.  Sister Jean inquired about this.  She had spoken to Deb and wondered if I was at the chimp visit.  I was!

As kids we visited "Benson's Wild Animal Park" in Hudson, N.H.  Perhaps more about this place in a later blog.  Well, I recall a chimp (it could have been a gorilla) that used to spit at people.  Some of the spit was a result of a bodily function.  Nasty!  Nasty!  Nasty!  I still liked the chimp!  Benson's closed in 1987.  I should add that we visited Benson's with our own kids!

As written about weeks ago, we had several (5) monkeys when we were kids.  So we kind of gravitated to the species.

In the early 1950s the "Today" show with Dave Garroway had a co-host called J. Fred Muggs.  Mr. Muggs was a chimp born on March 14, 1952.  J. Fred was on the show starting on February 2, 1953 and continued as co-host for quite some time.  His attire was impeccable as he trotted about the studio.  (As of March 15, 2002, J. Fred was alive and living with friend Phoebe in Florida.)

About this time, Dad got wind of a chimp for sale in Portland.  One evening off we went to visit with "Helita."  I recall the location was on Forest Avenue, behind the old Union Station.  I remember playing with Helita, holding her like a baby and just fascinated with the creature.  Sister Deb recalls viewing Helita's room with a refrigerator filled with goodies available to her whenever she wanted something to eat or drink.  Needless to say, we didn't go home with Helita as Dad didn't buy her.  It was a close encounter with a real live chimp.  The evening was enjoyed by all.

Shortly after our trip to visit Helita there was a show on television called "The Beverly Hillbillies."  There was a young lady (tomboy) on the show called Ellie May Clampett, played by Donna Douglas.  Ellie had 'critters' and one of them was a chimpanzee.  I've often wondered if the chimp on the show was Helita.  Probably not, but could have been.

At the time I wanted Dad to purchase Helita but, in retrospect, it was probably better that he didn't.  Probably most of us remember that in 2003 a chimp named Travis turned on his owner and her friend with tragic results.  The attack nearly took the friend's life.

After reading and seeing the devastating results of the attack, I'm glad we were never in that position.  I never knew the strength of a chimpanzee.

Hopefully you all remember about the previously mentioned animals.  I surely do and must admit I thoroughly enjoyed my evening with Helita.  A life long memory!!

Until next time;

Toodle Pip!  Derf.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Royal Oversight

When the mail arrived today, I anxiously flipped through it.

"Where is it?  Where is it?"

The "it" was our invitation to the April 29th wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.  The wedding will take place at Westminster Abbey.

I was so excited, as I just knew that Lew and I were going to be two of the 1900 invited guests.

But alas, there was no invitation in our mail today.

Not invited!  How could this be?  Perhaps it was just an oversight.

Or...gasp...could we have been snubbed by the royal couple?!

I am so very disappointed.

Monday, February 21, 2011

When Worlds Collide

While we were out to breakfast on Saturday morning, I ran into a college friend that I hadn't seen in years.  She walked right by our table and we both did a double-take.  Recognition did indeed occur, and she came over to me and we gave each other a huge hug.  It was so great to see her!

Later that same day while shopping at Sam's, I ran into a gal that I used to work with.  Again, hugs all around.

The phenomenon of seeing people in the "not usual" setting has always been interesting to me.  Even if it's someone that I might see quite often, bumping into them elsewhere is very exciting!  It's a special treat.  It's a good outcome of "when worlds collide."

This week is winter vacation for our local school systems.  Our pastor's son Nathan (a senior in high school) went to visit my sister Kim's family in Illinois.  Talk about worlds colliding!

Eureka, Illinois will never be the same.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Would I Lie to You???

Every Sunday, Lew and I are dashing out the door to get to church on time. We're supposed to be there a little early to rehearse the choir song. Sometimes we make it for that rehearsal. Sometimes we don't. But at least we're there in time for church.

We really have no excuse for this. We know that we should get up a little earlier. But even when we do get up earlier than normal, we still seem to "time out" when we're getting ready.

For a few weeks, Lew was making scrambled eggs for our breakfast. He stopped doing that, because I suggested it would take some of the heat off of the Sunday morning rush.

It hasn't. The heat is still there.

This morning was no different. Lew was pretending to cry because he didn't know what he was going to wear, and we needed to leave five minutes ago. He grabbed a very nice shirt, lamented that he didn't have time to iron it, and put it on.

He then said to me, "I would ask you if this needs to be ironed, but I know that you will lie."

I believe there are two factors that contributed to this comment:

1) He knew that I was anxious about leaving for church. We now needed to leave ten minutes ago. No time to iron.

2) OK, I admit it. I HATE ironing. I am very forgiving of a few wrinkles. If everyone agreed to NEVER iron, the world would be a much happier place.

I would like to state publicly, here on my blog, that Lew's shirt looked fine. It did not need ironing.

But he's right. Even if I knew that he would think it needed ironing, I would have said it was fine. I'm still trying to determine if that would have been a lie. But just in case, I am going to instruct him to never ask me an ironing question again.  (Smile!)

(Postscript: For the record, I do iron on rare occasions. I am not very skilled at it, however.  One time I ironed a skirt. My mother, not able to tell that I had already ironed it, went ahead and ironed it a second time.)

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lew and Dad Do a Good Deed

My sister Debbie's in-laws are taking their entire family on a cruise this coming week.  It is school vacation for the boys, so escaping to a warmer climate sure does sound like a fabulous idea!

As no cruises originate locally, they had to fly first.  Their flight left out of Portland early this morning.  A total of seven people needed to be driven to the airport.  Lew and my father were the chauffeurs for the travellers.

We are fortunate that the airport is not too many miles away.  Otherwise, Lew and Dad would have had to get up even earlier than they did.

4:00 a.m. is early enough, isn't it?!

(Postscript:  I woke up when the alarm went off.  As Lew was getting ready to leave, I told him that this really was "true love."  I also said that this is why I married him -- so that he would be around to participate in this morning's airport run.  I don't believe he laughed.... 4:00 a.m. might be too early to make jokes.)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Word for the Day

A few days ago, I read that the year 2011 marks the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War.  Several states will be holding commemorative events.

Most of you have probably heard the words "centennial" and "bicentennial."  They refer to the 100th and 200th anniversary, respectively.

But did you know that there is a word for the 150th anniversary?  I did not know this until I read the article about the Civil War.  The word is:


If this is a new word for you, too, then go out and amaze your family and friends with your new knowledge.

(Postscript:  I don't recall if there was a lot of news during the "quasquicentennial" -- or 125th anniversary -- of the start of the Civil War.)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pepper's Sun

Pepper loves to be warm.

I think her favorite spot is my mother's lap.  Actually, she kind of stretches her way all up until her face is in my mother's face.  Mom has somehow perfected the art of reading the paper, doing the puzzles, and talking on the phone while the cat is invading her space.

Pepper enjoys the sun.

She comes over to my side of the house every morning to get a little natural sunlight.

And she loves shadows that move.  Our most recent daily game takes place in the living room.  The sun comes in through the front window, and I hold my hand in front of it to make a shadow.  I wiggle my fingers and move throughout the patch of sun.  Pepper tries to "catch" my finger shadows.  She is quite a little pouncer.  And she doesn't seem to get discouraged when she doesn't "catch" anything!

When there is no sun, Pepper still manages to find it.  Her "sun" is what we would call a light bulb.  She will sit anywhere so that she can feel its heat.  A prime spot for her is on the back of our love seat.  I will even turn the lamp on just for her when she's sitting there.

She really is a spoiled kitty!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dad: Unedited XXXII

(As you read Dad's post, it will become apparent to you that he wrote it over the course of the morning.  And for the record, I personally have not seen the squirrel.  Enjoy! -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  Hoooraah, a cold snowless week!!!

Missed Josh's game, but they won again.  I understand Josh hit a 3-run homer!  Congratulations Josh!

As I look out my window I see a gray squirrel wandering around on Lew's deck.  The creature seems to be looking for a way to jump on the roof.  He/She just jumped off into the snow so I'm going out to put some walnuts on the deck.

The nuts are now out there for Mr(s). Squirrel.  I'll sit here and watch for the beast to return.  No sighting yet!!

We all survived another Valentine's Day without any major expenditures!  My secret wish for Valentine's Day didn't materialize once again.  Maybe next year.

No - No - I'm not about to reveal my wish.  (No, it is not the 1800-pound chocolate moose.)

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to see a newborn gorilla on television and via the Internet.  My thoughts digressed to my dad.  I am sure if he saw such a picture he would say:  "I'd like to have a baby gorilla."  After seeing how cute this animal is, I agree with him.  However, in a few months the beast would become too large and uncontrollable.  But for a few months, it would be fun to have the little creature around, just to watch him/her grow and mature.  Then to the zoo!

No squirrel sighting yet!!  The walnuts are still there!

All of New England was happy to see Tom Brady receive the A.P. award as the NFL's offensive player of the year.  It was, I believe, the first time anyone had received a unanimous (50) vote.  Much rather have the "Lombardi Trophy."  A couple years ago Brady won the award with 49 votes.  The other vote went to Brett Favre.  Imagine that!

No squirrel sighting yet!

We're looking forward to a vocal concert this evening which will include Zachary as a major participant.  Then he will be one of ten storytellers tomorrow evening as he spins a 'yarn' for parents and friends.  More about these later.

No squirrel sighting yet!

This concert tonight will require us to use our recording skills.  We do not want to miss the last "Jeopardy" with the two great champs against the computer.  I hope you all watched the shows.  It was quite interesting.  I don't understand how it works but I am impressed.  Also, spouse must not miss "Idol" and "Survivor."  "Survivor" has a young lady from Maine as a participant.  She is a former Miss Maine.  We wish her well.

No squirrel sighting yet!

No squirrel sighting yet!

Until next time.

Toodle Pip!  Derf.

P.S.  No squirrel sighting yet!  The walnuts are still there.

P.P.S.  SQUIRREL SIGHTING!  12:45 P.M.  EATING WALNUTS!!  Gone -- back again -- must be storing nuts.

(Postscript:  Tracy here.  If you would like to see the baby gorilla on YouTube, here's the link:  First Big Steps for Tiny the Gorilla....)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Deserted Island: Songs (Christian)

I hand-wrote the following list several weeks ago, tacked it up on my very small bulletin board, and forgot about it until yesterday.  Because winter has been wreaking havoc with my creative juices, I will take advantage of my discovery and continue my deserted island series.

The point of this series is to reveal more about myself, so it is not against "the rules" to break some categories into sub-categories.  Thus, instead of just five songs, I will allow myself five songs in each genre that I decide to include.  (This is not cheating.  My blog, remember?!)

I chose songs that can be purchased on iTunes from the albums that I've specified.

It was tough to decide, but here are the five Christian music songs that I would want with me:

"The End of the Beginning"
(by David Phelps; album "God Bless America")
Perhaps my favorite song ever.

(by Steven Curtis Chapman; album "Signs of Life")
A death-row inmate finds the Lord, is forgiven, and is free indeed.

"Help Me God"
(by Kathy Troccoli; album "Love and Mercy")
I will undoubtedly have some anxious days on the island!

"Easter Song"
(by 2nd Chapter of Acts; album "Encores")
Lew and I listen to this each Easter morning.  Gotta have it.

"We All Need"
(by Bryan Duncan; album "Anonymous Confessions of a Lunatic Friend")
No matter our station in life, we all need the redeeming love of Jesus.

I could listen to the above songs over and over and over and over and over and over and over....

Monday, February 14, 2011

Today's Text Messages

Lew to Me:
Valentine smoochie

Me to Lew:
Unlimited everyday
Valentine xoxoxoxo

Me to Lew:
xo raised to the infinite power!

Lew to Me:
Wow!  Smooch

A special message to my readers:  Was that TMI?  If so, I'm sorry.  But, hey, it's my blog!

Happy Valentine's Day!

(Postscript:  I may find out later that my father already knows what "TMI" stands for, but just in case -- "Too Much Information.")

Sunday, February 13, 2011

No More Bad Hair Days?

I wear my hair short, and I get it cut every four weeks.  My hairdresser always does a nice job and I like the way it looks after she's done.

My own efforts are hit or miss.  Even with my short style, I often have a bad hair day.

My biggest problem area is the left side of the back of my head, close to the top.  For some reason, it usually acts like it's on its own -- like it's not part of the rest of the hair on my head.

I believe that I have determined the source of my problem.  I realized that after I washed my hair, I was just randomly toweling it off.  It would be sticking up any-which-way, and then I would run a comb through it.

My new approach is to towel it off with purpose.  I take the towel and start at the front of my head and move toward the back.  No more just toweling my hair randomly.

I still use the comb.

This is the second day in a row that I have operated under my new theory. And -- in my opinion -- neither day was a bad hair day.

Does this make sense?
Or am I all wet?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Stressful Shopping

Lew and I had our usual Saturday breakfast out with friends.

Then, as usual, we went grocery shopping.  Because we had to stop for one item at a specific store, we decided to do all of our shopping there.

I am not a great shopper to begin with, and I particularly dislike grocery shopping.  But it is a necessary evil.

Today's trip was one of the most stressful ever.  I didn't know where anything was located.  Lew and I went back and forth through the aisles several times, because we missed items the first time.

It was stressful.

When we got home, I realized that we had forgotten stuff that we would have remembered had we shopped at our regular grocery store.  We don't always write everything on our list.  At our regular store we walk by something, know we need it, and we get it.

Our regular store.

We will be shopping there tomorrow.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Night Chick Flick

Lew went to play poker with the guys at church tonight. church.

Please rest assured.  They don't play for money.  It's just for fun.  And I hear that the competition is pretty intense!

So I had a Friday night to myself and I decided to watch a chick flick.  (Sometimes I am successful in talking Lew into watching such a flick with me.  But I know he would rather not.)

The movie was "He's Just Not That Into You."  I had heard of the movie before, and I knew it had some pretty big-name actors in it.  The movie did hold my interest, and it certainly presented some intriguing theories.  But I can't say that I actually liked the movie.  Too much "R" stuff for a movie that's rated "PG-13."

The movie was just over two hours long, but I was really in need of some "mindless" time.


I completed our income taxes today.

Hooray for me!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Toast Tongs

My husband recently asked me if we had any toast tongs.

I had never heard of toast tongs.  I figured that they must be tongs used for removing toast from a toaster or toaster oven.  (Brilliant!)  And I learned that they are made of wood.

And, no, we didn't have any.

So, today I went to a large, well-known discount store to look for toast tongs.  I did not wish to pay a lot for them.

I found some for $ Maine's 5% sales tax.

The tag just says that they are "Tongs."
They are "Made from durable beechwood."
"Hand wash."
Oh....and "Made in China."

What a productive shopping trip.

There will be no more hot-hot-HOT fingers at "Lew's Breakfast Bistro!"

(Postscript:  "Lew's Breakfast Bistro" is Lew's little area at work where he has his own set-up for coffee and breakfast.  It is not a real dining establishment, so please do not try to go eat there!)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dad: Unedited XXXI

(I think that my father is looking forward to winter's end.  Now, where did I get that idea?  Ha ha!  Enjoy.  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  Still snowed in with freezing temperatures!

Josh's baseball team ended in a tie so they still are undefeated.  They play one and one-half hour games every Friday evening.  Indoor baseball in Maine in the winter.  What a way to spend an evening.  The kids have fun while learning the game.  Most teams rotate all players so they play most positions, including pitcher.  Josh pitched one inning a week ago and gave up the only run.  He walked two, then hit a batter.  Then he walked another, forcing in a run.  He then struck out the side.  He also pitched in the last game.  He pitched to only four batters.  One reached on an error and he struck out three for the inning.  A much better performance than the previous week.  Spouse missed last week, so she takes credit for the pitching turnaround.  I wonder what this week will bring!

I hope everyone enjoyed the Super Bowl.  Spouse wanted Pittsburgh to win (in honor of her sister).  I was kind of hoping for Green Bay to win as I wanted to see Charles Woodson get a ring.  He has been such a force for so long.  I would not have been upset with a "Big Ben" win.  Congratulations to the Packers.  If there is a football season next year (contract negotiations), the Patriots will win it all!  No ifs, ands, or buts.  Mark my words!! Chisel it in stone!

"Truck Day" was yesterday.  As I look out to my snow-covered RV, trailer, garage roof and yard snow piled high, I find it a great relief that "Truck Day" is here.  What is "Truck Day"?  The truck was loaded in Boston at Fenway Park with all the necessary equipment for spring training.  It is now on the road to Florida.  Hoooraay!!  Now let's get winter over and melt this snow.  I'm looking forward to the end of March when spring training games are being played.  It can't come soon enough for me.

After last week's post with a lot of my hates (winter, snow, cold, salads, etc.), I received a note from my niece Kathy in Indy.  I had mentioned that areas of the country were having problems with ice.  She told me they had severe ice problems.  This resulted in three days off from school.  This was not uncommon as Kim and family in Eureka, Illinois also had school closed for three days (including Eureka College).  A severe winter is definitely upon us.  Ugh!!

I've bloviated enough for this blog.  I'm looking for a week with no added snow.  I'm ready for spriiing!  Please come soon!!

Until next time.

Toodle Pip!  Derf.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Classic Rock Knowledge

I do not know much about rock music.  If I were to compete in a contest to identify the name of the artist performing a certain song, I would probably finish toward the bottom of my age group.

Lew, however, is a classic rock aficionado.  After ten years of marriage to him, I have learned a little bit.

This became apparent this morning.

I was listening to the radio, and the trivia question for the morning was (and I'm paraphrasing):  "42 years ago today Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Steve Winwood formed the band Blind Faith.  Of what band were Eric and Ginger previously members?"

I knew the answer!  I knew the answer!  I knew the answer!

Lew wasn't in the room to share this joyous occasion with me, so I figured I would make it the subject of today's post.


I knew the answer!

(Postscript:  Do you know?  I will give the answer in the first comment under this post.)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl (The Day After)

Don't step on a scale the day after the Super Bowl.  I'm just sayin'....

At least I was inspired to do some serious time on the elliptical machine today.

From perusing Facebook, I see that my friends were pretty much split down the middle on whether they wanted the Packers or the Steelers.  I found myself rooting for the Packers to hold on at the end of the game, but I didn't really care who won.  I just wanted a good game, and it was indeed that.

Christina Aguilera has apologized for messing up the words to the national anthem.  I do feel kind of bad for her.  But I wish she had sung the tune as written.  Then I would feel really bad for her...not just "kind of."

Last year, Emily celebrated her birthday on Super Bowl Sunday.  This year, she is celebrating her birthday on the day after the Super Bowl.  Yes, that's today!

Happy Birthday, Emily!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV

The game just ended.  Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers!

Lew and I watched most of the game at church with many of our church friends.  We made the 5-minute drive home midway through the 4th quarter.

High points:  The food, the fellowship, and the football.

A low point:  The half-time show.

Extra, extra low point:  The presentation of the National Anthem.  She messed up the words and -- in my opinion -- did a very disrespectful arrangement of the song.  (Just sing the melody next time, Christina, and maybe you'll get the words right.....)

And just like that, another football season is now over.


Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm still recovering from feeling "blah" earlier this week.  I think it's a combination cold / flu / sick-of-winter ailment.

I can tell that I'm starting to feel better, though, because I've started thinking about spring cleaning.  I'm not a great housekeeper, but every now and then I get inspired to really work at it.  I especially like to get rid of stuff, which makes the actual cleaning much easier.

I have found that getting rid of the extraneous stuff also makes me better appreciate what I have.  It's so easy to get overwhelmed and bogged down with material belongings.  We miss out on how blessed we truly are.

So, tossing and cleaning.  That's my plan.....for spring.

Bring it on!

Friday, February 4, 2011

It's a Start

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single line."
--  Lew

I just asked my husband what I should blog about tonight.  He's emptying the jammed-up ice maker while I sit at the dining room table, working on my laptop.

In response to my question, he looked at me and replied, "Didn't you tell me that you started your novel?  You can use my line!"

Said "line" is at the beginning of this post.

I had recently started writing a novel, but my initial attempt puttered out pretty quickly.  The ideas weren't really making their way onto the paper.  So, I took a break.  (Great start, huh?!)

Today, I made some decisions:  I want my novel to have a light and humorous feel, and I think I can best achieve that by writing in the first person.  I also decided on the name of the character who is telling the story.  (And, no!  I'm not telling anyone that name yet!)  I even think I know how the novel is going to end -- in fact, I'm going to write the ending next.

I wrote the very beginning of the novel today...about 320 words.

Now that's progress!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Some Normalcy

I was not feeling quite up to snuff yesterday.  When I described my symptoms to a friend (who herself had just been sick for five days), she told me, "That's how mine started."


I felt similar today, but not as bad as yesterday.  In fact, I was feeling well enough to go out to dinner with my parents tonight.  When I texted Lew this afternoon about whether he wanted to eat dinner out, he replied, "YES!!!!!!"  (I'm glad that he made his wishes clear.)

The four of us had a very nice meal.  Our waitress was delightful.  My father gave her a hard time (in jest, of course), and she received a generous tip.

A couple things happened at dinner that made me feel somewhat normal:
1)  Lew and I shared a dessert, and
2)  I got chocolate sauce on my shirt.

Happy time!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dad: Unedited XXX

(Dad wrote this post before lunch.  I have been negligent in typing it in.  He has completed his elliptical machine time.  But I believe he just now went outside for the first round of plowing the yard.  It's a winter wonderland.  I hope that you are safe and warm.  Enjoy Dad's ramblings!  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  From the snowbound Northeast!

Winter started out so calm but has turned into violent, cold, snowy, snowy SNOW...and more predicted snow in a couple days.

I sit here in the midst of a snowstorm that is supposed to reach approximately another 18 (+ or -) inches of snow.  Yesterday we received a small amount of about 4-5 inches.  Prediction:  Another 4-8 coming on Saturday.

Most everything is closed today, including Maine's largest mall (The Maine Mall).  We are not "special" as reports on radio and TV keep me abreast of other areas of the country.  They are experiencing similar amounts of snow along with up to one inch of ice.  Hopefully, we do not get the ice!

In a recent post I mentioned our "Farmall H" tractor as I used it to pull my pickup off a snowbank.  This was a result of a daredevil stunt that didn't have the desired outcome.  Well, that Farmall tractor was used to remove the snow from the streets of Springvale, Maine for a few years.  Uncle Roland was the operator of the tractor.  The Farmall paid for itself in a couple years.  It was a smart purchase indeed.  I also was able to use the tractor to clean out snow at our home and my grandparents' farm.  I started doing this when I was around 12-13 years old.  It was obviously equipped with a bucket for loading so we could remove snow from the area, not just plow it out of the way.   I wish I had the machine today, but I'll settle for my pickup with its plow.

I recall once when I was at home while transferring schools (colleges) that I worked for one night for the town.  Every Christmas break I would work at the post office delivering "Christmas" mail.  I would walk the route about one and one-half times while the regular guy would do one-half the route each day (alternating so he did the whole route every two days).  I also worked 3rd shift as a person cleaning up jet engine parts for a few weeks.  I had a night off and the town was looking for truck drivers for snow removal.  I drove a dump truck one night removing snow from the streets in the Sanford-Springvale area.  I remember it well as I had a very sprained ankle that day from jumping off the Farmall and landing unevenly on the ground.  It was a night to remember as I was a "professional" truck driver for one night.

I just looked out the window and heard on the TV that the heaviest of the snow was arriving.  From my viewpoint, I believe it.  I look out over the motor home and trailer and hope the snow doesn't collapse through the roofs.  I had that happen to me about 5 years ago.

I'm sick of winter!  I'm sick of snow!  I'm sick of shoveling!  I'm sick of plowing!  I'm sick of sub-freezing weather!  I'm sick of salads!

That reminds me.  It is just about time for my wonderful salad lunch before I put my boots on.  Then I'll start my truck (remotely) and clean the snow off it.  I will then clean up our yard and check out Glen and Deb's yard.

Then I'll enter the house for a while before doing it all over again.  Probably will do it a few more times before the storm is over.

Enough rambling!  So until next time:

Toodle Pip!  Derf!

P.S. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow today (Groundhog Day).  Result:  early spring!  Could it start tomorrow?  Please!!!

P.P.S.  In between my plowing exhibitions, I'll find time to get my daily (almost daily) elliptical machine workout in.  I'm tired just thinking about it!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


It snowed most of the day today, but I had some "out of the house" things to do.  So, I ventured out.  I am very glad that I did, because tomorrow is definitely going to be a "go nowhere" day.  We are supposed to get tons and tons and tons of snow.  We've had so much snow, that it's almost getting to be kind of boring --although the local weather people still seem really excited when they report on it.

One of the highlights of my day was lunch with my friend Carmen.  She had to drive a lot further than I did, but she is a real trooper.  I told her she had to e-mail me when she got home, so I would know that she arrived safely.  (She did.)

I'm still amazed by how aggressively some people will drive in the snow.  I stopped to put gas in my vehicle, and I thought a pickup truck was going to run into me while I was at the pump.  He came in the yard too fast and spun out of control.  Fortunately he stopped before he hit anything....or anybody.  (And, Mom, he was never very close to me at all.  I just wanted to make it sound more exciting for my blog.)

I also saw a pizza delivery car fooling around -- he was purposely letting the rear end of his car swerve back and forth on the snow.  I saw him do it twice.  The first time was a little unnerving, because he was right behind me and I was stopped at a red light.  (Now, Mom, this guy did get a little too close.  But I think my CRV could have taken his little car, if it came to that....)

So, it's now time for some hot tea.  And I think I'll go put all of the warm blankets on the bed.  Brrrrr!