Saturday, May 31, 2014

Watching Baseball

So I haven't mentioned my beloved Red Sox in quite a while.

The baseball-savvy will know that the Sox recently lost ten games in a row.

That's ten losses.

In a row.

But now they are on a five-game winning streak.

I like winning streaks.

This one is particularly fun because I have watched until the end of each game. (There have been a couple really late nights.)

I must continue watching to the end until they lose a game....

I am the secret weapon.

(Postscript: At least I don't have to wear dirty socks!)

Friday, May 30, 2014

Another Job Opportunity Missed

There were two big resignations today on the national scene.

The one that came as a surprise: Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary.

I told Lew many times that I thought Jay Carney had the worst job in the world.

Still, I was a little put out that his replacement had already been named.

I didn't even have a chance to apply. LOL!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Eye Exam

When I went to the eye doctor two years ago, she told me I could go two years before seeing her again. (I hope it is obvious to everyone that the two years is up!)

When I called yesterday to schedule an appointment, I was able to get one for today.

My goal -- which I immediately shared with my doctor -- was to NOT need new glasses. I've had the current pair for two years (surprise!) and I would like to get the average cost per day down below a dollar.

Fortunately, I met my goal. My left eye stayed the same, and my right eye changed only a tiny bit. ("Phew!" said my checkbook.)

A couple interesting things that my doctor told me:

1) I have big pupils. Because of this, she didn't need to dilate my eyes. Funny parallel: A dentist once told me I was one of the few people he had seen with a mouth big enough for my wisdom teeth. Hmmm... I was not sure how to take that! (I told my eye doctor this story. She laughed.)

2) My nearsightedness (in both eyes) is so severe that she had to manually enter the readings in her computer. Yep, the drop down menu doesn't go high enough! I am off the charts. Ha ha....

Next eye exam: Two years from now. :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dad 203: Woe Is Me Weather

(In the words of Annie, "The sun will come out tomorrow!" Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Here in the Northeast the weather is absolutely STINKO! The temps are running in the 40s. Yesterday at Josh's baseball game it felt like the middle of January. The only thing missing was a few snowflakes. (Josh's team did win and are now 10–2.) The question now is: Are we going to have summer weather ever? The weather experts tell us to enjoy tomorrow as it will be sunny and warm. This will be followed by days of clouds and showers. Just a repeat of past weather. Please show us the sun soon. Hope to recognize it. Enough about the weather!

We had a yard sale over Memorial Day weekend. Was planning on a three-day sale but settled for two days. The weather cooperated as we were scheduled for clouds and showers. Well, we made it through with clouds but the showers held off during the daytime. We got rid of a lot of stuff. However, we still have a garage and attic full of much more stuff. There is a good possibility of another yard sale before the summer is over. Our town only allows two sales per year and one must have a permit for a minimal fee of five dollars. Another example of government interference with the common man. What else is new?

Another comment about the weather. Ten minutes ago I looked out the window and it actually looked like the weather was clearing. Still cold but looked brighter. I just looked out again. The wind is from the Northeast and it pours. No need to water Lew's strawberry plants. (I'll keep you posted on the success of the strawberry plants. We don't expect too much success, but one never knows. May have to bring "pick your own" customers to the garden! Just a thought. An unrealistic one, at best!)

I seem to be suffering from writer's block today. Probably it would be better if I had writer's block every week. I have got a few ideas in my scrambled head but will share them another time.

So I think I'll just stop now and watch the rain come down. I will hope for a big yellow circle in the sky soon. That would be the sun. As I said before, I hope to recognize it. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

First Aid Extraordinaire

I have been wearing a bandaid on the palm of my right hand since my tumble on Saturday. There is a small area that is still raw and exposed.

Lew has been taking care of my wound for me, but he couldn't this morning. He had to leave for work before I was up.

Here is what I found sitting by my sink when I finally stumbled into the bathroom:


Feeling loved!


Monday, May 26, 2014

The Price of Freedom

I just looked at my Facebook newsfeed and saw several Memorial Day items. Most were quite good, but my favorite was a photo of several U.S. flags that had the following three words superimposed:

Celebrate. Honor. Remember.

No additional words are needed except for these:

Thank You.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Life's Mixed Emotions

We wrapped up our weekend yard sale today.

Toward the end of the sale, I met a young man who became a first-time father yesterday. The baby boy was born eight weeks early, so he will be in the hospital for a while. Baby Michael is breathing on his own and doing great, considering his early arrival. And he is already very much loved by his daddy! (And by his mommy, too, I imagine.)

I just learned that a sweet friend and her husband lost their beautiful 23-year-old daughter yesterday. My heart is aching for them. Words can't describe their pain. Lew and I are praying that God will grant them the peace and comfort that only He can bring.

Yesterday . . . a new life . . . a lost life.

The Bible verse I needed for today:

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." Romans 12:15 (NIV)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

And Tracy Went Tumbling Down

Day #1 of our Memorial Day weekend yard sale is in the books.

The weather prediction was 30% chance of rain. Actual weather: NO RAIN!

We were outside setting up by 7:30 A.M. The first potential customer arrived at 7:31 A.M. -- or at least it seemed like it. People get out early to find the good stuff, I guess.

Business was good and steady. We had many happy customers. Our junk turned into their treasure. :)

The bad part of the day was when I fell running down our driveway. I was chasing a runaway clothes rack that was heading straight for Lew's vehicle. (I think Lew caught it in time.) I scraped my right palm and my left elbow. Lew doctored me up and I was good to go. No broken bones and no rips in my clothes. But I'm sure I will have some aches and pains later... not to mention bruises.

Day #2 tomorrow. Everything must go!

Friday, May 23, 2014

It's Been Two Years, Jerry!

Two years ago today I brought Jerry home to live with us.

Click HERE to see what he looked like on that day.

Over the past couple years he has changed in appearance.  (But only a little bit.... Ha ha!)

Click HERE and HERE to see how he has grown.

We love you, Jerry!  Thank you, sweet kitty, for two wonderful years.


Thursday, May 22, 2014


Heavy-Duty Day #3 of my preparation for the yard sale is now over.

I only added a couple small boxes/bags of stuff to the sale items.

I did get nine drawers completely reorganized. My top priority was accessibility of the contents.

Today's efforts turned up a couple things I had been looking for, so that was a bonus!

I will be happy when our sale is over.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dad 202: Yard Sale Prep

(Wait... there's a yard sale this weekend? Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! The morning is not real sunny nor bright yet. But the reliable weather reporters have guaranteed us that the day will be sunny with only a slight chance of rain late afternoon. I hope they are correct as Lew rode his motorcycle to work today. He certainly has faith in the expert predictors.

I'm putting this post together before I'm wide awake. The reason: I've got only the hours in the day to complete several tasks that probably will take me three days to finish. You see, we are planning on a yard sale this weekend. We started removing stuff (called junk) from the big attic yesterday. It still doesn't show that we moved anything. I think it's a losing battle! I do know one thing that has been a success. I believe every bone and joint in my body is rebelling from the movement required as it is up the stairs and then down the stairs. Then we do it all over again. Whew!

My first project today will be a lawnmowing. Must have the yard looking good for the weekend. I will not do any trimming but just cut that which can be reached from the riding tractor. That will keep me off my feet for an hour or so and allow me to perhaps have some energy left over to walk the stairs later. Oh joy!!


The Red Sox are in a funk.

Josh's team won yesterday, 27-0.

Zack's lacrosse team lost, 9-6, in its last game.

Baseball and lacrosse tomorrow. No games today.

I must go hop on the John Deere!!


Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Up and Down the Staircase

Dad and I spent almost three hours this morning taking things out of the attic and putting them in the garage.

You may interpret the word "things" as "junk" -- although we do have decent stuff for the yard sale.

There are still some bigger items in the attic that need to be removed, but Lew will have to be involved. (I know that he is really looking forward to it.)

All in all, a productive day.... My muscles and joints can attest to that!

Monday, May 19, 2014

And It Was Raining To Boot

I ran all my errands today so I can spend the rest of the week getting ready for our upcoming yard sale.

One of the errands on my list: "Stop at Hallmark Store."

When I went to enter the store, I was instead greeted by a locked door, dark interior, and a sign that said the store had closed on Mother's Day.


My local Hallmark Store is out of business!

I'm crushed. Truly crushed.

I loved that store.

I don't know if I'll ever totally recover.



Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fashion is my Middle Name

My mother laughed when she saw the outfit I've been wearing around the house this afternoon. I can't imagine why.


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Two Down, One to Go

Earlier today my father predicted that California Chrome would not win the Preakness.

After the race I went to tell Dad we must be living in an alternate universe.  (For those of you that don't know, California Chrome did indeed win.)

Now that he has the first two legs of the Triple Crown under his saddle, will California Chrome be able to win the Belmont Stakes?

We will all find out on June 7th!

(Postscript:  If I ever own a racehorse, I am going to name it Maine Metal.)

Friday, May 16, 2014

See Cat Read

The weekly sales circulars arrived in the mail today.

Any good deals at Rite Aid, Jerry?



Thursday, May 15, 2014

I Spy

I really would have enjoyed being a spy.

At least I think so.

At any rate, I do enjoy reading a good spy novel.

Lew and I are reading the Charlie Muffin series by Brian Freemantle.

We are both currently on the 7th book, "See Charlie Run."

I believe there are a total of 16 books, so there is a lot more Charlie in our future.

We are both excited about that because it's a great series!

(And I still want to be a spy.)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dad 201: Projected Projects

(I am looking forward to Dad's completion of all these projects. Yes, I am! With great anticipation! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Sure enjoyed Sunday (Mother's Day) and Monday as we hit 80°. Summer days! Didn't last! Back to temperatures in the 40s this morning. Wish the weather would make up its mind as to what season we are in. So enjoyable out in the yard Monday mowing and cleaning up. So miserable outside today. So I'll stay inside at home or in the store.

I find it difficult to get going on projects while the weather is more like football season then baseball season. Do manage to make Josh's baseball games and hope soon to see Zack playing in lacrosse games. Hope the weather warms up.

Projects that I must get done soon are as follows.

We are planning on a yard sale Memorial Day weekend. I haven't really done anything to get ready for this event yet and the days are rapidly dwindling. Better get started organizing sale junk (I mean treasure).

Also must get our front lawn garden planted soon. Always like to have done by the end of May.

Should be getting stressed out but I don't seem to be worried. My theory is as follows: two weeks from today all of the above will be over. Successful or not!

While talking with some neighbors the other day, I noticed the tree in front of our house is about near death. So probably I'll have it removed in the next couple months. When we moved here 40 years ago, we would decorate the small Christmas tree and have the lighting ceremony the weekend of Thanksgiving. The tree grew to about 40 feet and must now be removed. I'll try to plant a small Christmas-like tree that is to remain as a dwarf. I believe the tree would not have grown so large if I hadn't removed all the stones that were packed around the roots. Perhaps it would have stayed as a beautiful small Christmas Spruce. I didn't know any better. I won't make the same mistake again. I'll buy a miniature, dwarf tree! Definitely!

We have several lilac bushes on the property. The bushes, however, have grown into trees. So, within the coming months, I'll attempt to magically make the trees become bushes once again. One tree is to be removed. The others will probably never get back to bushes, as I tend to think I'll accomplish more than I actually will. That's life! Yep! Never happen!

I seem to have good intentions. Time will tell what I will accomplish in the next few months. It will all start with planting our garden, having a yard sale, and one more mowing before next weekend. Think I will get it done. Hope so, at least! So for now....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It Wasn't Exactly On My Bucket List

I had the pleasure of babysitting Eli and Adam for a few hours today. This babysitting gig was accomplished with a lot of help from my mother. (Thank you, Mom!)

My big news: I changed a poopy diaper! This was a first for me. (Really!) I had never ever changed a poopy diaper until today. In case you're wondering, I am 51 years and 12 days old. I had quite the run, huh? But when duty called, I was ready.

Hooray for me!

Here I am, holding the spoils. ;-)


Monday, May 12, 2014

More Than a Farmer's Tan

As I indicated yesterday, we had beautiful weather for the baseball game.

I didn't wear a jacket.

Nor did I wear sunscreen on my arms.

Thus, my forearms are now a beautiful shade of red.

I can feel the burn.

Note to self: 1) Bring sunscreen to next day game. 2) Apply liberally.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Do It For Mom!

First of all, Happy Mother's Day to my own mom and all other moms out there!

Lew and I celebrated Mother's Day at Hadlock Field. The Portland Sea Dogs hosted the New Hampshire Fisher Cats.

Pre-game Selfie.


Great things about the game included the weather, my hamburger with hot veggies, french fries, a Sea Dogs Biscuit, and fried dough.

Fried dough. Oh, yeah!


The best part about the game was, well, the game! We really enjoyed it and Lew encouraged the Sea Dogs players by yelling, "Do it for Mom!"

It worked . . . .

The Sea Dogs were behind by three runs going into the bottom of the 9th. But with some patient at-bats the Sea Dogs were able to score four runs to win the game!

The final scoreboard. Lots of crooked numbers.


Final score: 13-12. Sea Dogs over the Fisher Cats.

It was a real pitchers's duel . . . . NOT! :)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

My Achy-Breaky Everything

We are having a yard sale in two weeks on Memorial Day weekend.

Lew and I worked several hours in the kitchen today sorting, cleaning, and wondering how we ended up with all this stuff.

And we still have a lot left to go through.

But the rest of our stuff will have to wait because we are both feeling aches and pains from all the standing, bending, reaching, and carrying.

It's time to do some sitting!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Slow Blog Night

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K,


Q, R, S,

T, U, V,

W, X,

Y, and Z.

Now I know my ABCs.

Next time won't you type with me.


Thursday, May 8, 2014

Trip Photos

I get my car washed once a year, whether it needs it or not.

I decided to take care of this task yesterday.  I had the option to stay in the car while it went through the wash.  So I did.  :)

I love this pretty blue color, which is really from the camera flash!
Brush down . . . .
. . . . brush up.
The end is in sight!
Okay, so this is just a cool picture.  Very artsy.
The "Final Rinse", baby!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dad 200: Walk This Way

(Sun is out, warming up, oh yeah, a nice spring day. Enjoy Dad's 200th post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you today enjoying the best weather day we've experienced since last summer. It is absolutely a fantastic Wednesday. Could not be better. Would like weather like this year-round. Never happen here in Maine!

Today's post will be rather short. Just a couple items to catch up on.

I planned on being in Illinois this week to observe Kaelen's vocal recital. Well, I didn't make it. From all reports, she was on her game and performed all thirteen numbers flawlessly! Congratulations, Kaelen. Sorry I missed it!

We've had the opportunity to take in all baseball games for Josh's high school junior varsity team. They are now at four wins and one loss. Josh has pitched in two games and has given up two runs in 11 innings. The team won both of his starts. They are fun to watch and make all the plays. Looking forward to the remainder of the season.

The weather is finally decent so I've now stopped using the miserable elliptical machine. I now have two walking routes that are around two miles each. I've only done this for two days but I do have some aches and pains. It seems that walking jolts the muscles, etc., a bit more than the smooth miserable elliptical machine. Hope to do this walking about five days a week. Will not do on mowing days. Mowing day could be within a week, or sooner.

I hope to have our front lawn garden in the ground within the next couple weeks. At least by Memorial Day. We will also have a yard sale on Memorial Day weekend. First one in a few years. Must start preparing.

Enough gibberish for now, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

For What We All Scream

We always share a meal at our Tuesday night house church meetings. It's potluck, so the spread of food is usually interesting.

Lew and I never know what to bring, but I believe we have established ourselves as the "non-healthy" food folks..... We have brought a cheese & cracker platter, a cookie platter, a variety of chips, more cookies, bread, and candy.

I am particularly excited about our offering for tonight....

Ice cream! (One quart of chili chocolate; one quart of sea-salted caramel.)


Monday, May 5, 2014

I Fold

I fold.

I am not referring to the game of poker.

I'm talking about origami.

While I was in graduate school, I began dabbling in this beautiful art form.

I loved it!

I haven't been doing much origami lately, but I am going to get back into it.

Thus, my use of the present tense: I fold!

At some point, I will post photos of my creations. :)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

It Was Something to Think About

Today I mentioned to Lew that perhaps we should rearrange our living room.

We each got out a measuring tape and formulated our ideas... our totally different ideas.

Lew's description of his ideas: "Radical... paradigm shift...." My description of his ideas: "$$$$$."

My ideas utilized our current furniture. Lew's reaction to my ideas: "No."

We were so far apart on what we wanted that we kept things pretty much as they are, making just a few minor changes that wouldn't be noticeable to the casual observer.

Uh-oh.... Lew is still measuring....

Saturday, May 3, 2014

140th Run for the Roses

"Go, girl!"

That was my cry during the Kentucky Derby just now.

I didn't really expect the female jockey to win, but it was fun to root for her anyway.

The winning horse, California Chrome, only cost his owners about $10,000. (That turned out to be a pretty good deal.)

Now for the big question: Will there be a Triple Crown winner this year?

What's your answer to that, California Chrome?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Cats in the Sack

Poll: 83% of owners allow pets to share their beds.

I just saw the above poll results on the Fox News program "The Five."

Lew and I fall within the 83%.

Each night, at least one of our cats is on our bed. Sometimes they both are.

The cats seem to prefer my side of the bed. This is probably because I take up less room than Lew does.

They tend to sleep right next to my legs, making it difficult for me to do any tossing and turning.... And I do take great pains not to disturb my kitties.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!

Lew sent me a text today to ask if I wanted something special to eat tonight.

Chocolate.... Definitely chocolate!

Here is photo of what he brought home:

It's "da bomb!" A chocolate bomb, to be precise! Yummy!

I am "this many" today:

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