Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Blog Experiment

This is my 31st post. And with this post, I have written each day for the entire month of January. I intentionally did that for a couple reasons:

1) To determine if I would enjoy it.

I did! I look forward to doing it. It's been fun to write about whatever happens to be on my mind.

2) To develop a good habit.

OK, so I am not necessarily committing to blogging every day for the rest of my life. But I hope I will do so more often than not.

If you've seen my previous posts, you have probably noticed that I don't have a specific theme going on here. You may have learned a lot about me, however! And because of that I say, "Thank you for still reading!"

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Breakfast Buddies

Our "default position" every Saturday morning is to meet some friends for breakfast. We only let each other know if we are not going to be able to make it. Otherwise, Lew and I meet them at the same restaurant each Saturday around 8:30 a.m.

We have the same delightful waitress each week. I'm barely sitting at the table before a cup of hot cocoa appears in front of me. When we order, I only have to tell her what kind of muffin I'm having. My egg and juice order stay the same, and she remembers it all!

I really look forward to our breakfasts -- and I'm talking about more than just the food.

Good friends are truly a blessing. We are grateful!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cold, cold, COLD!

It's COLD! And windy, too.

When I left work tonight, I barely had to lift my feet to get to my car. I just kind of glided along. Fortunately the wind was blowing in the right direction, otherwise I might still be there.

The back room upstairs in our house has no heat source. So, I have a little space heater to use when I want to spend time in the room -- like right now. My laptop is on its docking station, and I don't want to take the time to "de-station" it. So, here I sit with my little space heater . . . . Did I mention it was little? The room is big. The heater is l-i-t-t-l-e.

One of our best purchases over the years was a heated mattress pad. I already have it running for tonight. So, my cold feet will get a nice toasty welcome when it's bedtime.

But first, I do believe that a cup of hot chocolate is in order!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

So, There! (Your Sequel)

The following continues my story from yesterday. But I'm emphasizing something else this time. (Can you guess what it is? No? You're kidding!) Again, determine which line most resembles your own usage, and you're all set!

I heard that you're still hoping to go to the movies.
You could go in your own car, you know.
Did you say that you're willing to drive?
And you're even willing to share your popcorn?
You're the best!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So, There!

They don't want to do their work today.
There is a good explanation for that.
They're still tired from all of the work they did yesterday.
So, they're going to go to the movies instead.
They will buy popcorn there.
Popcorn is their favorite snack at the movies.
Would you like to go there with them?
Well, you can't! So, there!

"There" or "their" or "they're"...? I have written the preceding story to assist with that question. Pick the line that most resembles your own usage, and voila! There you go!

Disclaimer: I'm not an English teacher, but English is my first (and only) language.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lost Tickets and a Priceless Handshake

Last night when I got home from work, Mom yelled that she had something for me. I opened her door and asked, "Tickets?" I was correct. Dad had bought tickets to the Gaither Homecoming concert, and I am the designated keeper of said tickets until we attend the event in late April.

The last time Bill Gaither came to our area, Dad ended up buying two sets of tickets. He bought the first set, brought them home, stored them somewhere, looked for them later, couldn't find them, and then bought replacements.

At the beginning of that concert, all of the singers came in through different entrances. And my sister Debbie's favorite, Guy Penrod, walked right by us! Ever the shy one, I yelled out, "GUY!" and he turned and shook both Lew's hand and mine. I asked him to say "Hi" to Debbie, who was sitting further in on our row. He looked over at her, smiled, and said, "Hello, Debbie!" -- after which she pushed aside several people (including her own children) in order to shake Guy's hand herself.

Debbie's husband, Glen, was unable to come to the concert because he was still recovering from a serious car accident. So when she got back to her seat, Debbie excitedly called him to share what had happened. It had made her night.

Seeing her joyful face and watching her laugh with Glen on the phone had made my night.

Dad claimed that the replacement seats weren't as good as the originals. But they did turn out to be the best in the house.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Folks in the Back

A couple years ago, Lew and I became joint owners (with my parents) of my childhood home. Mom and Dad live in the "in-law" apartment in the back on the first floor. Lew and I live in the rest of the house.

Throughout the many years during which they had owned the house, my parents did some renovations, painting, wallpapering, decorating, and so forth. We, of course, changed pretty much everything.

Dad rides around in his plow truck in the winter, and he rides around on his lawn mower in the summer. Mom fusses over me like any good mother would. (Smile....)

Life is actually quite wonderful with the folks in the back. And we all agree on who really rules the household: Pepper, the cat.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Quotation Hall of Fame

Today I just want to share two quotes that make me chuckle. But they also make me say, "Yep, I get it."

I clipped the first quote out of the newspaper quite a while ago. The second quote is from a button that I used to wear on my jacket.

"Experience is a wonderful thing; it enables you to recognize a mistake every time you repeat it." -- Anonymous

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."

I can relate! Can you?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Happy Hour

Today I did something that I had never done before in my life.

I got a facial.

Actually it was more than that, as my feet were also pampered a bit.

A friend of ours is in the business, and I decided that it was time for me to have this experience. (It only took me 46+ years.)

It was calming, wonderful, and relaxing. Aaaahhhhhh.

When it was over, I asked my friend if she was going to carry me out. I guess you can't have everything. (Smile....)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Life Is Precious

Today is the 37th Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion.

An important question: Do you consider abortion a women's rights issue or a sancitity of human life issue?

As for me, I agree with the Psalmist:

"For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:13-16, NIV)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Lew loves westerns, especially John Wayne movies. When we moved a few years ago, I actually had to take John Wayne into account when decorating.

Lew's life-size cutout of The Duke now resides in a corner of my dining room. I see him every morning while I'm eating my breakfast.

A couple Christmases ago, I put a Santa Claus hat on him. My father felt that it was borderline mockery of a great action hero. (He didn't mean Santa.)

I like having John Wayne around. He breaks the ice when we have first-time visitors. He helps us all feel at home. He's pretty swell, even if he is made of cardboard.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's What We Do

On each Wednesday night
We rehearse for Sunday morn'
We sing to the Lord.

The above is an original Haiku, written just now by yours truly. I think that Haiku verses have a first line of 5 syllables, a second line of 7, and a third (and final) line of 5.

Lew and I are both in our church choir. In fact, that's how we met over 10 years ago.

I sing alto, but I am a soprano wanna-be.

Lew sings tenor and has no wanna-be issues.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Sarah Connor Experience

Lew and I got married 9 1/2 years ago tomorrow. (Smile....)

After legally changing my last name to my "Mrs. Lew" name, I have received probably at least a half-dozen phone calls from creditors trying to collect on different past-due accounts.

I received another such call today. A young man informed me that he was calling regarding a certain credit card account that was in collections. I told him I was not the person whom he was seeking. He asked me one more question, after which he acknowledged that he must have the wrong person.

I told him that I had received similar calls from other creditors, some of whom had been quite rude. I thanked him for being polite and wished him luck in finding the right person. (I would like to find her, too, and tell her to pay her bills!)

So, there you have it -- my Sarah Connor experience. I'm hoping there will be no more sequels.

(Postscript: Don't know who Sarah is? Google will help. Unlike me, those who shared her name did not have a happy ending.)

(Post-Postscript: Maybe this experience has contributed to a certain shopping phobia that I have. Hmmmm....)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sore Throats & Headaches & Fevers, Oh My!

I only get three paid sick days a year at my job. So when I got up this morning feeling icky, I decided to try to go to work anyway.

Lew had the day off due to the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, so he had made plans to meet his son for breakfast. He dropped me off at work on his way. (We had lots of snow fall overnight, so it was nice to have a chauffeur.)

Lew and Matt had a good breakfast together. And how did I make out at work? Drum roll, please....Lew picked me up on his way back home.

One down, two to go.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Really Good Bargain

While grocery shopping yesterday, Lew and I purchased a sale item that was on closeout. It's a milkshake that you make in a can. The can contains the milkshake "beads." You add milk and then you shake, shake, shake it.

Lew decided to make one today, but he didn't have very good luck. So, of course, I had to make one to show him how it was done. I let Lew have a taste of mine, and he said that I had done a better job of mixing than he did. He then went into the kitchen to sulk. (Well, maybe to sulk. He's the only one who really knows for sure.)

Left alone to bask in my success, I then continued consuming my milkshake. The next thing I know, my nose is completely covered with a big glob of cold milkshake "stuff" and I am trying not to inhale...or let the glob fall on the floor. I run into the kitchen, lean over the sink to drop the glob, look over at Lew, and explain to him that I was almost drowned by my milkshake. He didn't seem very sympathetic.

Lew later said that he would have lied about how I met my demise if I had really drowned. Something about being too embarrassed....

By the way, the next time we see an item on closeout at the grocery store, we are leaving it there.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Money Not-So-Well Spent

I always put my return address on the snail mail that I send out. And I never need to handwrite the address, thanks to the address labels that I get from charities that I have never donated to.

I guess these charities have purchased my name, hired a marketing firm to print the labels with my address, and then paid mailing costs to send me the labels. The labels are accompanied by a financial appeal letter with a pre-printed response form on which I am to check off the amount of my gift and mail back in the envelope that is also enclosed. Sometimes I even receive a certificate in honor of my support.

I rip up everything but the address labels. It would be a waste to throw them out.

(Postscript: My husband and I tithe to our church and we give regularly to some charitable organizations that we have carefully selected. We do not consider gifts of address labels in our selection process.)

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Newly-Discovered Phobia?

I carry a very fun and colorful purse, which I bought several weeks ago. I needed to do some shopping after work tonight, and I went to the store where I had gotten my purse. Even though I know the store personnel saw me arrive with the purse, I can't help but wonder if they later thought "Did she come in with that?"

About a week ago I went into the store where I bought my winter hat. I decided to leave my hat in the car.

When I went shopping at the store where I bought my winter jacket, I wore a different coat.

Uh, no, I'm not a shoplifter. Nor am I a suspicious-looking person. And, I am assuming that stores realize that people will actually use the stuff they buy. So, I really don't know where this amusing phobia came from. And does it have a name? If not, I propose the following:

Previously-Purchased-Product Paranoia.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sing it, Eliza!

My brain!
It's plainly
a migraine.

(Actually I feel much better now, but I spent quite a bit of time finessing the above. Didn't want my efforts to be for naught.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I'm supposed to be at church choir rehearsal as I write this. But I had a migraine headache settling in this afternoon at work, so Lew and I felt it best that I stay home tonight. The headache hasn't gotten any worse, so I thought I'd try to do some Internet surfing and write my blog entry for the day. Then early to bed.

My surfing ended up being mostly stories about the earthquake in Haiti. What a devastating event. The loss of life is so sad. I am praying for the family and friends of those who were killed or are still missing. I am praying that there are still survivors to be found. May God be with the relief workers, search teams, and all those involved in dealing with the aftermath of this disaster.

I still have a headache, but I am so fortunate. I can rest now, knowing that I'll probably feel better in the morning.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Zzzzz, Zzzzz, Zzzzz

When I decided to start this blog, I began to keep a list of things I could write about. I also knew that I could use my daily experiences as inspiration. So, no big deal to write each day, right? Plenty of stuff to talk about.

But what about the time it takes to actually DO the blogging? I just had two long days at work, it's getting late, and I'm tired. (And, as it is, it takes me forever to make an entry even when I'm totally awake.)

So, for today, it's "good night" from me. And I have learned another lesson about trying to blog on a daily basis:

Start earlier.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Most Important Food Group

Chocolate . . . chocolate milk, chocolate chips, chocolate cake, dark chocolate, chocolate ice cream, chocolate fudge, chocolate chip cookies, hot chocolate, chocolate mousse, chocolate bars, chocolate fondue, chocolate-covered raisins, chocolate pudding, chocolate donuts . . . .

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Did the Patriots play today?

I don't know all the intricacies of football, and it's not my favorite sport. But I understand the basics, and I enjoy watching it. Usually, that is.

I'm a New England Patriots fan, and I was hoping to celebrate when they won the Super Bowl in a few weeks. Ha! It was a very ugly day at Gillette Stadium. I sensed big, big, BIG trouble when the Baltimore Ravens scored two touchdowns within the first five minutes of today's playoff game. And everything that happened after that really isn't worth mentioning either.

But, as "they" say, there's always next year. And we still have Super Bowls XXXVI, XXXVIII, and XXXIX.

(I am amused by the NFL's use of Roman numerals. For those of you that are scratching your heads: 36, 38, and 39.)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Balancing Act

When people find out that there is a 15-year age difference between my husband and me, they are usually surprised. They are surprised by Lew's age, not mine. He looks younger than he really is. I think that his youthful looks are due to being around me. (Smile....) We also like to tell people that his immaturity and my fuddy-duddiness help to even out the age difference.

Lew can relate to historical events that I can't. I either wasn't alive yet or I was much too young to remember. (And, of course, I remind him of this when I get the chance!)

But on matters of the heart and soul, the 15-year makes NO difference. We love our life together, and we are thankful for that. He's my sweetie!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Here I am, World!

I started my blog one week ago today, and I managed to make an entry each day. Hooray for me.

As of right this very second, I have told exactly three people about my new blogging adventure. I think I may branch out now that I have a few entries for folks to actually read.

It is amazing to think that anyone in the world with Internet access can see this. It is exciting and sobering at the same time. Perhaps we should add the following phrase to an old Sunday School song: "Be careful, little fingers, what you type...." Good to remember.

And now I say, "Hello, World!" Or, more appropriately, "Hello, extremely small subset of the World!"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Three R's, Part 3

Arithmetic! Or perhaps I should say...'Rithmetic!

I was a math major in college. Yes, I love math! I love its beauty and logic. I enjoy solving problems. I like the satisfaction of completing a task. As a student, I knew when I'd completed a math assignment. But when writing a paper, I never knew if it was really the best that it could be. (Ultimately, that little concept called "time" would kick in and suddenly a paper would be "good enough.")

Apparently some people experience sheer panic whenever they hear the words, "Two trains were heading toward each other, one going x miles per hour, the other y miles per hour, etc." But not I. As long as I have pencil and paper, I'm ready to solve those nasty word problems.

My equation for the day: Math = Fun!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Three R's, Part 2


Whenever I think that I would like to be a writer (as a profession), I am then reminded how much I labor over every word. I know that writing comes very naturally for some people, not so much for others. Although sometimes I achieve fairly good results, I am mostly in the second category. (I'm even struggling with this blog entry, but that can also be attributed in part to the droopiness of my eyelids. Long day.)

I want to write a novel. About what, you may ask? Good question. That's where I'm stumped, too!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Three R's, Part 1

I have always enjoyed reading. My favorite book is The Holy Bible, and I try to read through it every year. This year I'm reading a version called The Message, which is a contemporary language translation by Eugene H. Peterson.

My goal is to read 24 books a year. (I am starting my third year doing this.) I try to do half non-fiction/half fiction, but I'm not too strict about that. And toward the end of the year, if I'm a little behind, I'll find a good children's book or two! (Is that cheating?)

I currently have at least two dozen unread books stacked up in various places in my home, so I definitely have enough to last me all of 2010. But I will undoubtedly add to the pile throughout the year. I can't resist a good book....

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ode to A New Year's Resolution

I took a course in American Popular music when I was in college (back in the middle ages). One of the assignments was to pick from a list of songs and write our own lyrics, using current cultural references. Here's what I wrote (to be sung to the tune of "Puttin' on the Ritz"):

Chocolate chips and jelly beans
Go to the hips, so my Lee jeans
No longer fit.
Snackin's hard to quit.

Calvin Klein and other names
Sure do look fine on other dames
'Cause bit by bit,
Snackin's hard to quit.

Garfield's lucky although he is too fat;
Goes without clothes 'cause he is a true cat.
I can't do that.

To di-et would be the key
But I'd die, it would never be
With me a hit.
Snackin's hard to quit!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Quotation Hall of Fame

"It would be unanimous to say,
and everyone would agree..."

-- Bob Davie during last night's Valero Alamo Bowl

I love the funny things that people say. I hit the rewind on the DVR at least three times to listen to the above. I'm going to look for an opportunity to use it in a conversation soon.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Snow, y'know?

Yes, I do know about snow. If I look out my window right now, I would see lots and lots and lots of it. And there will be more to see later and more later and more later. It is on the ground, still falling, and waiting to descend on us.

I do not ski (downhill nor cross country). I do not snowboard. I no longer go sledding. I do not snowshoe. I am definitely not fond of driving in the snow. Basically, I have no use for snow. But it does lead me to appreciate something else.

It only snows in Winter. And what comes after Winter? Well, only my favorite season of the year. And maybe -- probably MORE than maybe -- I love Spring because I have experienced Winter.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Name that blog

I told my husband a few weeks ago that I was going to start a blog. Brief entries. Hopefully entertaining. Maybe even some insightful stuff. A blog that people will return to.

The hardest thing about blogging so far (and I just started!) was coming up with a name. Some ideas that I pondered: BlogOnIt, Lew's Gal, Tracy with a "Y", Tracy Leigh, etcetera. (The name "etcetera", not just a a convenient way to end my list.)

I decided on Mainely Tracy. I live in Maine and my name is Tracy.

Welcome to my blog.