Thursday, January 31, 2013

York Peppermint Patties

In my intro to Dad's post yesterday, I mentioned my fear that he would cut out York Peppermint Patties (in addition to soda).

That would mean no more Patties for me, as I "steal" them from the jar on his counter.

Dad assured me that the Patties are here to stay!

In fact, he just bought a big box of them. I think the cost per piece was seven cents.

I just googled the number of calories in each Pattie.


I'm going to behave as if I don't know that information.

The positive benefits of the Patties far outweigh their calories. (Pun intended!)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Dad 134: So Long, Soda Pop

(I was out and about when Dad finished writing this. He is right about it being foggy; I drove home in "pea soup!" I wonder how long until no more York Peppermint Patties in the diet.... Sigh. That will be a sad day. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! From the warm, foggy Northeast. Supposed to hit high 40s today. Maybe even 50°. Had snow to clean up yesterday. Weather will get us back to the deep freeze in a couple days. Been below freezing for about the last week. February is almost here. Only four weeks until we reach the month that comes in like "a lion" and goes out like "a lamb." (That would be March.) And then Spring! Whoopee!

Well! Are you ready for some football? By this time next week we'll have a new Super Bowl champion. I have no dog in the hunt, but my guess is that the team from the west coast will be victorious. Could be wrong. I usually am when I pick a game winner. Only wish it was just a football game without all the extra performers. The game is enough!

I am announcing a change in my diet. I always have a few bottles of caffeine-free diet Pepsi in the fridge. I drink quite a bit of it. It has no calories. I have been told by daughter Kim that it is bad for me. She received this info from a friend of her daughter Kaelen. It so happens Kaelen's friend is a body builder. (And I mean body builder!)

It seems he said that diet soda is not the best liquid to put in one's body. Also said just drink water and that, for reasons I do not understand, in a few months I will lose 9 to 10 pounds. Something to do with water retention. Well, I'm about to finish my diet Pepsi and drink water in its place. Hope it works. I'll let you know at a later date. Wish me luck.

I'm still doing 50 minutes on the elliptical Monday through Friday. I miss it occasionally, but not too often.

Still requesting thoughts and prayers for sister Jean as she continues to recover from a recent surgery. It has become a slow process. Thanks for your continued prayers. They are very welcome.

It is almost lunch time. I know this because Pepper (our 16-year-old cat) is staring at me wondering where her tuna is. I usually have a small tuna salad and a boiled egg for lunch. Pepper always gets a little tuna and cleans the can quite well. She is still staring at me. I'll be right with you, Pepper....

Pepper just meandered over to me. I think she can tell time. Probably does it better than I do. Kidding.

Okay, Pepper, time for some lunch, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kitty Diet

Kurt is a lean, muscular cat.  Jerry, not so much.

Jerry just advanced out of "kittenhood," so perhaps he still has some baby fat.  But he could stand to lose a couple pounds.

Last week I stopped in at the vet's office and talked with a technician.  She gave me some feeding and diet tips for Jerry.  We'll try her ideas over the next few months before Jerry's annual checkup in May.  We'll reevaluate then.

I finally had a chance to sit down and get a plan together, which we'll start tomorrow.

You can do it, Jerry Kitty!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Too Much Like Homework

I am ending a blog as of today.

No... not Mainely Tracy.  I'm keeping this one going.  :)

But I won't be keeping up my book blog.  I love to read, but blogging about each book was getting to be a drag.  (I just took the link down, and I already feel refreshed!)

From here on, if I read a book that the rest of the world should also read, then I will share it right here on Mainely Tracy.

Happy reading, everybody!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Delight In the Law of the LORD

Pastor Dave read Psalm 1 in church today.

Before he did so, he looked at my nephews, Josh and Zack, and suggested that they do some dramatic movement to it.

He was kidding around with the boys, of course, but he did go on to explain that he did know motions to that Psalm.

Maybe he should teach Josh and Zack....

I really do think I would like to see that.


Saturday, January 26, 2013


Matt and Eli stopped by for a visit this afternoon.

Something wonderful happened while they were here!

While Lew was holding him, Eli poked his finger into Lew's chest and said, "Grampa."

Lew is still floating on air....

Friday, January 25, 2013

The World, My Oyster

Astronaut.... Brain surgeon.... Firefighter.... Rocket scientist....

What do I want to be when I grow up? I am almost 50 years old, and I still don't know.

But that's not such a bad thing, really. The fact that I can look forward to a "career" means that I am 50 years young. :-D

Hmmmm.... maybe President....

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Among Sweetness

Lew and I had two guests at our home last night: our pastor's little girls.

We did some reading together and played some hide-and-seek. The girls did some coloring. We had grilled cheese and french fries for dinner.

Then it was time to get ready for bed... brushing teeth, getting PJ's on, organizing stuffed animals on the bed, reading Cinderella, and saying a night-time prayer.

Jerry slept much of the night on the foot of their bed in our guest room. (They love playing with Jerry! Kurt isn't as playful, but he does let them pet him.)

The girls and I got up right before "Mr. Lew" left for work this morning. Then we had breakfast, got dressed, brushed teeth, brushed hair, put our winter boots/hats/coats/gloves on, and went out the door... to school for the older one and to dance class for the younger.

My time with my little guests was completely over by 10:45 or so this morning. I spent the rest of the day wondering why I didn't have very much energy left. (LOL!)

We had such a great time. I love my little friends!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dad 133: The Winner of the Super Bowl Will Be....

(Dad uses the word "blob" regarding today's writing... I guess that means he's not happy with it. I usually feel the same way about my own efforts, so I appreciate "y'all" continuing to check in! And enjoy Dad's blob... er, post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Brrrr! It is cold. Up in Caribou it was -15° this morning. My thermometer still shows a negative number around -10. I do believe my thermometer is not very accurate. The experts predict -5 to -25 over the next two nights. We did escape the snow predicted for yesterday. Our warning from 10:00 PM Monday through 4:00 PM Tuesday was a bust. We received not one snowflake. Thanks!

Well, the Patriots played poorly and will not be in our viewing plans until next season. It will be an interesting Super Bowl as the "Brothers Harbaugh" will be opposing each other. My pick: San Francisco. I've been wrong before.

My beloved Boston Celtics were on a six game winning streak a week ago. Now they are on a four game losing streak. I am done writing about them until the playoffs. Will they make the playoffs? Questionable.

[ Interlude ]

Just got back from a trip to the grocery store. Now I'll complete my "blob".

Sister Jean still needs your thoughts and prayers as she continues to rehab from her latest operation. I've spoken to her many times and progress is rather slow. Please continue your prayers. Thanks again.

I was going to write about Hillary Clinton's testimony before the Senate committee today. I've decided I'll stay out of politics today. Probably a good decision. When one can say nothing good, say nothing! Done!

So, I'll wrap it up here and say;

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Bad Prediction, Good Ending

According to the weather forecasters, it was supposed to start snowing around 10:00 last night and continue snowing for most of today.

Amount of snowfall: None.

Now that is my kind of snowstorm!

Monday, January 21, 2013

He Told Us So

Last Saturday I posted about how Lew had rooted for the Broncos to beat the Ravens.

My father and I were rooting for the Ravens to beat the Broncos so that the Patriots would get to play at home yesterday.

Dad and I both got our wish last Saturday, but a lot of good that did! The Patriots stunk it up yesterday. Pitiful.

I don't say this very often: "Yes, Lew, you were right."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Brother Bowl

I am posting before the end of the Patriots game. Just over half a quarter to go, and "they be in big trouble."

Barring a miracle -- such as all of the Ravens passing out and not able to play -- the Pats are going to lose. :(

But I do like that the head coaches for the two teams in the Super Bowl are brothers. Jim Harbaugh coaches the 49ers, and sibling John coaches the Ravens.

I heard that their parents were watching today's games on TV... by themselves. Too nerve wracking, I'm sure.

I imagine the folks will be in attendance at the Super Bowl itself. But who will they root for?!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Stop, Look, and Notice

My Aunt Debbie gave me a Monet print several years ago. It is hanging on our bedroom wall -- facing the door -- so it's visible at the top of the stairs.

I was looking at it just now and I wondered if I would be able to "pick it out" if it was placed beside other prints. I think that I would, but I know I would not come up with the name of the painting itself. (And the name -- La Promenade -- is indicated on the print that I have.)

This realization got me thinking about how very unobservant I am. I can look at something everyday but not really "see" it.

There are so many wonderful, beautiful things in the world. It's time that I stopped and looked! I am going to try to notice something new every day from now on.

Friday, January 18, 2013

It Only Took About Five Months

I am our church treasurer (volunteer), and until now I have done all of the work at home. I also have stored prior financial records at my house.

Toward the end of last summer I talked with Pastor David about "moving" my treasurer gig to the church building. In order to do this, we needed a filing cabinet (with lock) and a computer workstation (including a printer that can also scan).

We have since obtained everything I needed. (Most of it was donated by some very gracious church members!)

I have been busy getting things set up and organized. Today I labeled the hanging folders in the filing cabinet.... which was the last thing I needed to complete!

I can now do all my treasurer work at the church. I am very excited!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

It Only Took About Five Days

When I was syncing my iPhone with my laptop last night, I saw a picture that I had taken when we were at breakfast last Saturday.  I intended to use the photo on my blog that day, but I forgot all about it.

So, here it is....

Who is this masked man?!

Yes... the toast really came like that....  LOL!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Dad 132: Silverado... I'm Driving You Home

(Shoveling?! Dad will use any old excuse to get out of using the elliptical machine! Ha ha! Enjoy his post. -- Tracy)

Derf Here! From a snowy day in the Northeast. Two days ago we experienced 59°. Today, a snow day of 3 to 6 inches total. At least we are halfway through January. A couple weeks and February will arrive. Then the winter is all down hill! Whoopeee!

What a weekend of football we just witnessed. Everything worked out well for the Patriots. No trip to Peyton's Place. Baltimore will present a problem for the Pats. Could go either way. Do believe San Francisco will make the Super Bowl. Hope their opponent is the Pats. Go Pats!!

Great run for the Celtics. Working on six in a row. This winning streak will be the best of the year for them. Guaranteed!

Well, I started to the store this morning to grocery shop. Since it was snowing, I decided to take the pickup, plow and all! Well about 2 miles from home the truck went dead. Of course, I don't carry our cell phone with me. Put the 4-ways on and raised the hood to bang on some relays. You see, I had this problem a while back and had to replace a relay. A couple more tries and it started.

Started down the road again and truck went dead. Managed to turn into a driveway to turn around. This was not easy to do as I lost power steering, etc. After a few tries, the Silverado started and I decided to return to the garage that does my work, if I could make it. Well I made it to the garage, left the engine running. It ran until I shut it off. It would not restart, and I left it dead.

The garage owner gave me a ride home as he was off to a call. Jumped in the car and went to the store. Hope to get truck back later in the day. If I do, I'll plow today. If I don't get truck back today, then I'll plow and clean up after it is repaired.

Talked to sister Deb last couple days as she is in Indianapolis to help while sister Jean is in the hospital. Jean seems to be feeling well. However, body functions are not working properly. Maybe will start working in the near future. Hope so! (I plan on talking to Jean shortly. Keep the prayers coming and I'll keep you posted.)

Not happy about my truck problem and the snow. There is one good thing about it, however. I have an excuse not to do my elliptical workout today. A whole 50 minutes to myself. So happy for the reprieve!

Well, I must go out and do a little shoveling. Hopefully, will be able to plow later today. If not, Lew will have to use four-wheel-drive to enter and exit our driveway. Oh well! Could be worse, I think!

Enough for today! Soooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It Only Took About Twenty Years

I am having a "catching up with the times" sort of week.

Yesterday:  Quicken.

Today:  A flu shot!

(And it really has been almost twenty years since I got a flu shot.)

With all of the hoopla this flu season, I decided to call the pharmacy this morning.  They only had a few vaccines left, so they reserved one for me.  By the time I got there, they only had two left and they were both reserved.  (Yes... one was mine.)

I do believe that I will get a flu shot on an annual basis from now on.  But I will get it earlier next season!

Monday, January 14, 2013

It Only Took About Five Years

Lew and I bought a new computer soon after we were married in 2000.  That computer came with Microsoft Money.  I have been using Money to track our personal finances ever since.

Microsoft discontinued the Money program back in 2007, but that didn't keep me from continuing to use my 2001 version of the program!  Fortunately I have had no trouble with it.

Last week I purchased Turbo Tax 2012 at Staples, and I bought Quicken Starter Edition 2013 at the same time.  (I have since submitted a rebate to get the entire cost of Quicken back!)

I thought it might take me a long time to convert from Money to Quicken.  But it didn't....  I did the entire project today.

It's nice to be "current" on my financial software.

Yay, me!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


I spent most of the Patriots game playing Mahjong on my iPad. For quite a while, the football game was much closer than I wanted it to be. Mahjong was a good diversion.

But the Pats pulled it out. Time for a deep breath....

Here's hoping for a blowout against the Ravens next Sunday. It would be much better for my nerves!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Daddy's Girl

My father was rooting for Baltimore today.

Lew was rooting for Denver.

When the game went into overtime, I finally told Lew that I was siding with Dad. (It had been a hard secret to keep.)

Be still, my heart! What a game....

Hopefully Baltimore will be playing football in New England next week!

Friday, January 11, 2013

AHA! It's the Company's NAME! (Finally I Get It)

Sometimes I remember the oddest events from my past.

Today I recalled a childhood road trip.  I don't remember where we were going, whom I was with, or any of the normal things one might remember.  What I remember is stopping to use the "facility" somewhere.

After I had completed my business, I noticed that the toilet paper container said "Onliwon Tissue" on it.  I took this literally.  So I took only one tissue at first.

It did not suffice.

I ended up taking what was necessary to adequately complete the task.  But I felt exceptionally guilty that I had taken more than my allotted share of the toilet paper.

This is the first time that I have ever shared this story with anyone.

My question:  Should I turn myself in to the authorities?  (Be brutal.  I can handle it.)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Online Beats Typewriter

In my volunteer position as treasurer at my church, I am responsible for preparing W-2s and 1099s. The past two years I have typed them directly onto the forms. The forms are multi-copy with carbon between the copies, so making a mistake is highly undesirable.

This summer a friend told me about an online site where I can prepare the forms, e-file them to the Feds, and print the recipient copies. The price per form is reasonable.

A couple weeks ago, a TV ad caught my attention. The ad was for the same website company that my friend told me about! I bet most of you have seen it, too: (The site I needed to use is

I did my 1099s on Monday and my W-2s today. I can't believe how easy it was.

And I didn't miss that typewriter. Not at all.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dad 131: Football, Flu, and Falls

(Get well, everybody! Enjoy Dad's post. -- Tracy)

Derf here! Another sunny day in the Northeast. Really having a stretch of great winter weather. Over the next few days the temp is supposed to hit 40°. A January thaw, indeed.

Sorry the Indianapolis Colts are out of the playoffs. I had hoped they would be beating up on Peyton's Broncos this weekend. No such "Luck". Still want Broncos to get whipped so the Patriots can have home games throughout the playoffs. Probably, if all goes according to plan, the Pats will play the Broncos in Denver to decide who will represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. Go PATS!! Must beat Houston first!

I've got to give Alabama credit. They certainly are the best college team in the nation. Perhaps Ohio State would like a chance, but that is what suspension does to one's chances. Ohio State, still undefeated. Johnny Football still beat Alabama. Would like to see Alabama and Johnny play again. I believe Alabama would crush Johnny!! My own opinion!!

How about those Celtics. Three in a row. Even beat the Knicks without Rondo. We'll see what happens tonight. Hope for number four.

The past week has been a "bummer" for a few family members. Daughter Deb is slowly recovering from flu symptoms. Started Christmas day. Gradually getting back to normal. Not quite there yet. The rest of the Reeds all had the flu but bounced back quickly.

Illinois daughter Kim slipped, with coffee in hand, and fell while going from house to garage attempting to get to her Sunday School class. Result, a strained knee and a fractured ankle. Will know tomorrow if a cast is necessary. Or will it just be a boot? I'll keep you posted. During this school vacation time between semesters, Kim's daughter Kaelen visited her friend in Missouri. While there she took sick with a cold, sinus infection, and pink eye. A real happy time. With any luck, she will return home today. (Hang in there, Joe! It can't get much worse! Make sure Kelsey helps you keep the home running well.)

Sister Jean is undergoing an emergency operation as I write this. The doctor must check and find out what is causing an intestinal blockage. Asking for your prayers for Jean and her family throughout this process. Upon arriving home from the hospital last Friday, Kathy noticed ambulance at Jean's house. Niece Wendy had fallen and needed a transport to emergency. Kathy returned home later that evening with Wendy. This was a good result. Again, please offer prayers for Jean and family. Thank you all. I'll keep you updated.

Only three weeks left in January! Winter is flying by. Oh, how I wish this were true!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Poor Judgment?

I was just looking through the top 100 free Kindle books.

The list has a thumbnail of each book's cover alongside its title and author.

While I was looking, I realized something about myself.  I'm guilty of violating that age-old advice:  "Don't judge a book by its cover."

But -- when it comes to actual books -- ignoring this advice has gone okay for me so far!

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Phenomenon Returns to This Side of the Pond

Everyone is talking about "Downton Abbey."

Lew heard about it on a radio talk show today.  Even my father knows what it is.

Usually I am "behind the times" when it comes to popular culture....  But not when it comes to "Downton Abbey"!

I have seen each episode of Seasons 1 and 2.

Although I did not watch the Season 3 premiere when it aired in the U.S. last night, I didn't wait too long to see it.  Thanks to the miracle of the DVR, I watched it as I ate my lunch today.  (Yes, it was a rather long lunch time!)

I feel very culturally literate.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Laundry Day

Separate into three loads (1, 2, and 3).

Wash 1.

Dry 1.

Wash 2.

Basket 1.

Dry 2.

Wash 3.

Fold 1.

Basket 2.

Dry 3.

Fold 2.

Basket 3.

Fold 3.

Repeat week after week after week....

Business opportunity: Invent the single-use wardrobe. (How hard can it be?)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

A Lovely Afternoon

Lew and I had the opportunity to babysit our pastor's younger daughter this afternoon, and we jumped at the chance.

I wasn't sure how I was going to entertain a three-and-a-half-year-old for over two hours, but it turned out that she entertained us!

We played hide and seek for most of the time. But she also helped me do some laundry, helped me make the bed (sort of!), and watched me clean the cat's pooperias. (We laughed when Jerry did a "stinky!")

What fun we had. I'm ready to babysit again sometime!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Lions and Tigers and... Tracy?

Brrrrrr.... It seems colder and colder every day.

It's time for my annual consideration of hibernating for the winter.

I could rename my blog "Bear-ly Tracy" and check back in with you when warmer weather returns.

I know that hibernation is not really an option, but it's still fun to think about!


Thursday, January 3, 2013


I "jumped" out of bed this morning when my cell phone alerted me that it was 4:10 a.m.  I had promised to take a friend to the airport, and pickup time was 4:40.

I had enough time to throw some clothes on over my pajamas, make some hot cocoa, and start the dishwasher.  (I was supposed to do the dishes last night but forgot all about it!)

By the time I picked my friend up, I was feeling quite awake -- which was good, considering this adventure required that I operate a motor vehicle.

Although I wouldn't want to be out that early every day, it was kind of nice.  It was still dark, the traffic was light, and the world seemed quiet.  And I thought, "It's great to be alive!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dad 130: NFL Playoff Predictions

(I hope that Dad is right regarding the Patriots!  Enjoy his post!  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  What a beautiful, bright sunny day out there.  It is quite cold, however.  This morning the temperature was on the south side of zero.  A typical winter day in the Northeast.  Must admit that our snow cover is now up to our total of last winter.  Slightly over twenty inches.  I hope this pattern will not continue for the remainder of the season.  Good Grief!  We've just started the month of January.  Turn off the snow guns.  Please!

Twenty-nine football "bowl" games are now done.  Only six to go.  I believe I've seen some of each game.  I'll continue to watch the remaining games.

Now to the Pros!  Want to thank "Luck" and the Colts for defeating Houston.  This allowed our Patriots to gain a week off during the playoffs.  It's possible, under certain conditions, that the Colts might come to New England to play the Pats.  I would then root for the Pats.  Wish the Colts well this weekend in their wild card game.  If Cincy and Colts win this weekend, the Colts will come to Foxboro.  The remarkable season of the Colts will come to an end at that time.  The Patriots will then travel to Denver to face the great Peyton for a trip to the Super Bowl.  Should be interesting.  I'm sure all you Indianapolis fans remember Peyton.  Go Pats!  Go Colts this weekend!

Well, we are now in 2013.  I, for one, did not see the year begin.  Slept through it, as usual.  Years ago I remember seeing the New Year in as we would attend a "watch night" service at church.  Do any of you recall such services?  We'd haul our instruments to church, sing a few songs, listen to a few speeches, play a few tunes on our instruments and, before you knew it, the New Year was beginning.  A little nostalgia!  Anyone else have the feelings?!  Oh, the good old days.  I must be getting old.  Very old!

Sooo... 'Nuff said!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome, 2013!

Lew and I managed to stay awake long enough to see in the New Year! So we've experienced one minor miracle already in 2013. (Ha ha!)

I wanted to sleep in this morning, but the cats didn't get that message. For some reason they thought they should get their breakfast at the normal time. Go figure.

We got all of our Christmas decorations packed and put away by early afternoon. Then we watched the movie "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy." It was very intense -- really had to pay attention -- but we enjoyed it.

Today's menu? Similar to last night's. Plus: Lew made pancakes for breakfast! (The healthy eating can wait until another day....)

Happy New Year!