Friday, May 31, 2013

Dinner at Eli's

Lew and I went to Matt and Emily's house for a dinner of make-your-own sub sandwiches. Yum.

It was very warm once again today, so Eli got to play outside a lot during our visit.

Enjoy the following photos!

Showing Grampa how to turn on the water.


An action shot.


Wearing as much ice cream as he ate!


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Back to One....

The current streak for "days-nice-enough-to-walk-outside" is now only one, thanks to the rain yesterday.

But that ONE....

Oh, how nice it was!

And still is.

I didn't need a jacket when I took a walk this morning.

Right now, as I write this while waiting for the Bible study ladies to arrive, I have several windows open and a couple fans going. It is a gorgeous evening, and the air is comfortable.

It's supposed to be nice like this tomorrow, too!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Dad 151: Josh Played Taps (and Baseball)

(I've included a photo below that a friend sent me via text message. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Watching the rain come down in the Northeast. Memorial Day weekend was not the best. Rainy Saturday. Sunday sort of cleared up. Monday was not bad and all activities went on as planned. Not a total washout.

Josh made the family proud on Memorial Day as he played "Taps" at several locations. He was one of four chosen for the honor and he is only a freshman. Way to go, Josh!

The freshman baseball season ended yesterday with a win. Certainly enjoyed watching Josh and his teammates play the game. A winning season was had by all.

Was fortunate to get the lower 40 mowed yesterday. With any luck, the rainy days will turn to sun and our mosquito sprayer will be able to spray our yard. Originally was to be sprayed last week. First of four sprayings should be completed soon. Hope so, anyway!

Finally planted a few seeds in our garden plot on our front lawn. Now we wait for the seeds to break through. Hope some seeds make it. Must now buy and transplant a few tomato plants. Then we wait for harvest time. Will we get any produce? Only time will tell.

I'm sitting here waiting to use the elliptical machine and I'm not getting very many writing thoughts. Maybe my mind is going blank. Old age is gaining on me. (Is it really?)

One thing I do remember is to continue to ask for prayers for sister Jean. Her struggle continues. Thanks for your prayers.

I can think of nothing else to write today so I'll quit now. I hope to regain my high level of posting next week. Stay tuned. I will be back.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!




Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Three, Anybody?

Lew and I took a walk outside yesterday.

I took a walk outside today.

So we've had TWO days in a row that were nice enough to walk outside.

It's the longest streak of the season!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Today we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

The sun came out in all its glory.... It seemed appropriate.

Give thanks!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Bread of Life

Our church has communion every Sunday. There are usually two tables, both containing a loaf of bread and a large cup of juice. Each person simply goes to one of the tables, tears off a piece of bread, dips it in the juice, and eats.

Matt was holding Eli as he went to take communion this morning. Eli saw the table and said, "Bread." Matt dipped a piece in the juice and gave it to Eli.

Once we were all seated again, Eli came over to me and said, "More bread." The folks around us giggled, and Grampa gave him a bag of goldfish crackers instead.

Eli is only 19 months old, so he doesn't understand the significance of communion yet. But someday he will. And I pray that on that day he will still have a desire for "more bread."

More bread....

More of You, Jesus.

Yes, this is my prayer.

Saturday, May 25, 2013



Breakfast out with our breakfast buddies.


Visit Grammy.


Quiet afternoon at home.


Spaghetti dinner. (Thanks, Lew!)


Watch -- and enjoy -- the movie "Jack Reacher" on pay-per-view.



Friday, May 24, 2013

The Bird Whisperer

Shortly after Lew arrived home from work yesterday, he received a call from Pastor David.

There was a bird flying around in the church building.

Off Lew went to the church, armed with the building key and a tennis racket (which had been useful in last summer's bat incident).

Lew's mission was successful on two counts: 1) the church was bird-free, and 2) the bird was flying freely outside. Lew was pleased that he didn't harm the bird; apparently he had formed a tight bond with it quite early during their adventure together.

Long story short: After several minutes of trying to coax the bird toward an open window, Lew got it to perch on the top of an eight-foot piece of molding. Then Lew walked slowly toward the open window while carrying the molding. The bird sat tight until it sensed the open air and freedom.

Good job, Sweetie! :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Jerry!

I brought Jerry home to live with us one year ago today. (See my blog post, "Introducing Jerry.")

We've had quite an adventure so far.

Thank you for a wonderful first year, sweet kitty!

My, how he's grown!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dad 150: My Very Busy Week

(It was great to have Kim, Joe, and Kelsey here for a few days. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Spending a cloudy, lousy day in the Northeast. According to the experts, this unsettled weather will last until the much anticipated Memorial Day weekend. Supposed to be nice over the weekend. While watching via television the devastation caused by the tornadoes in Oklahoma, I have no complaints about weather here. Thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the tornadoes. Can't imagine going through such a storm.

Just had a very busy week. Was able to see about six baseball games. Josh pitched two games and won both. Zack scored three goals in his lacrosse games. Fortunate that Kim and Kelsey were here last week to enjoy the activities.

Saturday was especially busy as we had a baseball game in Windham at 10:00 AM. This was followed by lacrosse games in South Portland at noon and 2 PM. We grabbed lunch in between games. Then back to Windham to see the All-State Chorus concert directed by Joe. The concert was great and packed out. One participant fell to the floor at the end of a song, chipping a tooth. The fall was quick. The student is now fine. Thankful for that.

Joe flew back to Illinois on Monday via Detroit. Kim and Kelsey flew home yesterday (Tuesday). They were not as fortunate as Joe. Their Portland to Chicago flight was delayed about 90 minutes as the plane was late in Portland due to weather in Chicago. Consequently, Kim and Kelsey missed their bus to Bloomington by a few minutes. They had to wait for about four hours in Chicago until the next bus. Did get home around 10:30 PM local time. A long day! A very long day!

Had a concert last evening as Josh played trumpet in the high school band. Very enjoyable evening.

This next week will be taken up going to baseball and lacrosse games. Time well spent.

Sister Jean is still in need of your prayers. I hope to have a better update on her condition next time. I hope to speak with Kathy tonight. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

I've bloviated enough and must now visit the elliptical machine. I hate that machine. But I like what it has done for me. Not Greek god status yet, but I'm working on it! It will however, never be reached. (I can dream, can't I?)

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Turn-In

A long time ago Lew labeled one of Pepper's moves, "The Turn-In."

This refers to what she often does when she's picked up: She turns her body in toward you and buries her head in your shoulder. Very sweet.

She really only does this consistently with my mother and me. Lew used to complain that he usually doesn't get "The Turn-in" from her.

Now we have two more cats in the house.

Jerry is a very "pliable" cat. He is affectionate with everybody.

Kurt is still guarded, but he is gradually getting more and more loving. In fact, do you know what I got from him today?


Lew is jealous.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Oklahoma On My Mind

I have been watching some of the coverage of the tornado that just devastated the town of Moore, Oklahoma.

Please be praying for the folks there.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Picnic Highlights

Our church family had a picnic at the park after our service today.

Lew and I brought a lunch of tuna fish sandwiches and potato chips.

Several of the folks had a rousing game of Ultimate Frisbee.

And Eli may have found a career path!

Eli walks Fiona, a friend's dog.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Joe's Concert

Dad, Kim, Kelsey, Debbie, Lew, and I all piled into Dad's truck around 3:45 P.M. to head to Windham. We went to see Joe conduct the 2013 Maine All-State Chorus.

Joe's brother was already at the venue and had three tickets for Kim. She believed that he would be waiting for her in the lobby. While she began to look for him, I went to the ticket table, obtained three additional tickets (thank you, Dad!), and got into line with Dad and Lew to wait for the doors to open.

The three of us passed the waiting Kim, Kelsey, and Debbie as the line began to move into the auditorium. There had been no sign of Joe's brother....

He happened to be in the auditorium waiting for Kim to call him, but unfortunately there was "NO SIGNAL" on our cell phones. (He had begun to wonder if anyone was using the three tickets!) All was well, though, as he and I ran into each other, and I brought the tickets out to where the gals were waiting.

It was a wonderful program. The chorus sang beautifully. Joe did a great job conducting, as is his normal fashion. We all thoroughly enjoyed it. And Joe had two curtain calls! Woohoo!

(Postscript: Joe did experience a "first" for him: A boy in the chorus passed out right after the second piece ended. He fell forward, landing flat on his face. He chipped a tooth -- Kim even noticed it flying out -- but he was otherwise okay.... White as a sheet, but okay!)


Friday, May 17, 2013

Kelsey's Pie & Fry Run

This is Kelsey's only trip to Maine this year, so we HAD to make sure she had Bill's Pizza and Pier Fries before heading back to Illinois.

Kelsey, Kim, Josh, Lew, and I piled into our CRV. Pastor Dave, Laura, and their girls piled into their SUV. Our two-vehicle convoy headed down to Old Orchard Beach shortly after 6:00 P.M.

The pizza was great, the fries were yummy, the weather was beautiful, and the company was superb!

Cousins Josh and Kelsey show off their box of fries.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Making a Splash

Somehow today "got away" from me.

And now I am getting ready to host a women's Bible study at our house.

So I will call on an old blog trick by sharing a photo of Eli.

He's getting so big!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dad 149: The Front Lawn and Illinois Guests

(Perhaps we should double our current snowplow operator's salary next season. Would that be enough incentive to not tear up the lawn? Let's see... two times zero is zero. I think we could pay that! Enjoy our snowplower's - oops, I mean Dad's - post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! After freezing yesterday at a baseball game, it is great to enjoy a sunny, not so windy day, today. Don't get me wrong. The temperature is still not to the degree I want, but it is a whole lot better than it has been this Spring, with the exception of one day a couple weeks ago.

My post today will be brief.

Got the lawn mowed and trimmed. I have to admit the back 40 doesn't look bad. The front still is a little battered where the snowplow operator tore it up last winter. I doubt that we will rehire the same snowplow operator next winter.

Witnessed several baseball games in the last week. Josh plays on his high school freshman team and also a junior team. Both teams are doing well. Josh pitched a complete freshman game two days ago and probably will return to the mound this Saturday. They won (12-2) and he had two base hits. But it was cold. Spring, please come soon! Please!

Joe, Kim, and Kelsey are all here for the week. We are looking forward to the Maine High School All-State Chorus this Saturday under the direction of Joe. And we have several more baseball games to attend. Last night we attended Zack's sixth-grade band concert. He plays tenor sax. Also looking forward to Zack's lacrosse game Saturday. Saturday will be baseball, lacrosse, and All-State Chorus. Does it get any better? I think not!

One last note. Sister Jean is back in the hospital in serious condition. Please continue with your thoughts and prayers. Not only for Jean, but for her daughter Kathy as she juggles her job responsibilities while attending to her mother and sister Wendy. It is a very demanding time for Kathy. She is one very busy person. Thanks for your prayers.

More to come next time!

Until then!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tracy's Confidential Purchase

My sister Kim thought it was about time that I owned something from a certain ladies' apparel store. (I am now 50, after all.)

So today we went to the store, gift card from sister Kim in hand. Debbie and Kelsey went with us.

Debbie took a picture of me holding a water bottle and texted it to Lew, telling him that this was how I was going to spend my gift card.

I decided to buy some "evening wear" and went to try it on. I was shown into a dressing room named "Sexy." Go figure. (Apparently a photo of the door was also texted to Lew.)

Debbie continued to text Lew a play-by-play of the shopping event. She and Kim were giggling by the end.

I'm sure you would like me to provide a transcript of the entire text conversation, but that won't be happening. This is, after all, a family blog. (LOL!)

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Right Left-Overs

Lew and his brother took their mother out to lunch yesterday for Mother's Day.

They went to a Chinese food place.

Wayne and Verlie enjoy Chinese food. Lew doesn't enjoy it so much, although he can manage to choke it down. Especially for his mother.

Lew ordered dishes that I like, and he brought home some for me: sweet and sour chicken, and pork-fried rice.

I got two meals out of it!

Thank you, Sweetie!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Kim and Kelsey arrived in Maine this morning, making today the first Mother's Day in many, many years that my mother has all three of her daughters with her.

It truly is a "happy mother" type of day!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Things That Go Bump In the Night

The graduation party that I helped decorate for was a wonderful success. (Congratulations, Katelyn!)

Now I am even more tired than I was yesterday. I can't blame it on the party, however....


Lew can confirm this.

I got up out of bed no fewer than ten times last night because of their misbehavior.

The worst time was when I heard unfamiliar bumps and banging sounds.

I decided to get up and investigate.

No cats upstairs.

No cats downstairs.

When I came back upstairs I noticed that the door to the attic was open.

Uh oh.

I said, quite loudly, "Lew, they're IN THE ATTIC!"

Lew said, also quite loudly, "OH, NO!"

Our attic is not "kitty-friendly" because of the old insulation that looks like huge dust bunnies. There are also some places from which we would not be able to retrieve a cat.

I turned the attic light on and went up. I found Jerry right away and handed him to Lew. I knew that finding Kurt might be a problem, but he sauntered into view within a couple minutes.


We figured out that they got the attic door open because a bag was hanging on the knob.

No more bags on the knob.

Lew also put a hook and eye lock on the door.... HIGH on the door.

(Postscript: We LOVE our kitties!)

Friday, May 10, 2013

A Good Tired

The daughter of one of the Batgirls is graduating from college tomorrow.

Should this make me feel old? Nah....

But what DOES make me feel old is how tired I am after spending just two hours decorating for the post-graduation party!

The weariness is worth it, though. The room looks great. :)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

True Statements

Lew and I are headed out to a banquet shortly. We'll be home late so I wanted to do a quick post now.

I asked Lew what I should write about. He gave me a couple suggestions of what I could say. And I quote:

"A good time was had by all."

"My husband is an unbelievable stud."

So, there you have it.

Thanks for checking in!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dad 148: Motor Home Motors Away

(I was out this afternoon. By the time I got home, Derf and Spouse were eating dinner. I don't know whether the "fall asleep" prediction panned out or not. Probably so. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying another summer-like day today in the Northeast. It seems to be the first such day of the season. We hope for many more like today. Bring them on!

A few weeks back a decision was made to sell our motor home. Well I finally got ambitious enough to make a sign and put it in the vehicle. My neighbor's friend suggested to me on Monday morning as I was mowing our lawn that I place the motor home on our neighbor's property. They have a large area next to their home where a home had been demolished.

I decided to take him up on the offer and drove the vehicle to the designated area. Within 20 minutes our phone was ringing. It seems that someone wanted to check out the interior. I strolled the few yards necessary to allow the inspection. Within 10 minutes the sale was completed. In record time, I might add!

The sale was officially dated for today as the buyer used my ownership to drive the vehicle on my plates and insurance to his property about one hour away. The plates and registration were returned to me this morning and the sale is final. What a relief!!

Been attending several of Josh's baseball games within the week and they are doing well, both his high school freshman team and his local junior team. Looks like rain is coming in for the next four days. So probably will get rained out of a few games and quite possibly Zack's lacrosse games also. Well, there is always next week. I'll be there.

By this time next week we'll have our Illinois family visiting (minus Kaelen). Joe will be here to direct the high school All-State Chorus. Kim and Kelsey will be here for the visit. Looking forward to the week.

Sister Jean is still struggling to heal well enough to be able to handle another operation. Prayers are still requested. Thanks!

I'm sure next week I'll have some news based on our visitors. At least, I hope so.

I've rambled enough for today. I'm about to have my tuna and boiled egg lunch. After I share tuna with Pepper (our cat), I'll do my elliptical exercises. Following my cool-down period and shower, I'll proceed to the couch where I'll probably fall asleep until my dinner. Then to the news and the Red Sox game. Another day in the life of Derf! Exciting! Yes!


Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Why I Don't Always Stay Up Until the End of a Red Sox Game

I do enjoy watching the Red Sox.

And I do understand that a baseball game "ain't over 'til it's over."

But sometimes the games last too late into the night for me.

My eyes start to slam shut. I know that I really should go to sleep.

So I tell myself that I can't go wrong with learning the game's outcome in the morning:

If they won, then I'm happy for the win.

If they lost, then I'm glad that I didn't stay up to watch!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Venturing Beyond the Zone

Since I am now fifty years old I have decided to take more risks. You know what I mean.... Live on the edge. Be a little rebellious.

Last Thursday I plunged right into my new risk-taking way of life:


Yes, dear readers, I wore my new pair of jeans before washing them! Can you believe it?

Now I'm going to remove the tags from our mattresses.

I really AM a rebel!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Me, Out to the Ball Game, Take

Lew and I went to our church worship gathering this morning. We stayed for our annual church business meeting afterward. Then we went to a baseball game!

According to my saved ticket stubs, the last time I went to a Portland Sea Dogs game was August 21, 2011 -- Lew's birthday. Far too long between games, I'd say.

The Sea Dogs did not win today, but it was a fun game to watch. Plus we had good seatmates -- Dick, Glen, Josh, and Zack.

Z, G, and J

I always enjoy singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" during the 7th-inning stretch. I usually follow it up with a rendition that starts the song on the syllable "Me" -- so you're a syllable off the whole song. (It's actually quite hard to do. I had to practice a lot in order to get it right.) Lew hates my alternate rendition and begs me to stop. If I don't stop, then he walks away from me.... That's what he did today, anyway! LOL!

The view from our seats.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Good Day Was Had By All

Emily had a Thirty-One Gifts party today.

I got to see Eli when I arrived at the party. Then Matt brought him to our house to visit with Grampa, so,I got to see him when I came home, too.

The party was lovely, and so was Matt and Eli's visit.

It was a really nice day. :)

Reading "Animalphabet" on the iPad.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Cake & Candy

For three days in a row, I have eaten really, really great.

Great in the "yummy" sense, not the "healthy" sense.

Cake, candy, brownies... all part of my birthday celebration.

And I am not feeling guilty about this at all.

Why not?


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birthday Photos

Balloon and Roses from Lew.

Roses before the cats "inspected" them!
Had to move them to the kitchen counter....

Best Birthday Card EVER!
(Thank you, my sweet Eli!)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Dad 147: Brief Birthday Banter

(With my birth 50 years ago today, Derf and Spouse became parents for the first time. I hope they've been okay with that... LOL! Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying another great spring day. A very nice week with more to come according to the experts.

Today is my editor's birthday (the big 50) so I have been told to be brief. I will comply.

Update on last week's post. New pump received and installed. Water pressure is restored.

Have done a little mowing with hand mower. Must now mow whole lawn with tractor! Oh, Joy!

Josh's baseball season and Zack's lacrosse season are now underway. A busy spectator spring season is upon us.

Please keep praying for sister Jean! Thanks!

C'est tout! More next week! (Short enough?)

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!
