Friday, June 30, 2023

One Lovely Rose

There is a new RN at the nursing home. He just started yesterday.

Today he brought in a flower to my mother and said, "A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady!"

The RN said his girlfriend left the rose on his windshield because they'd had a fight. He's never received flowers before, so he's not sure one rose is enough of an apology. (Best wishes, girlfriend!)

Anyway, my mother loves looking at her rose. We put it in a vase with water, so hopefully it will last for a little bit.


Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dad 676: Rain, Rain, Rain!

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another very damp day. We have a weather pattern now that does not leave our days sunny or dry. In the first 28 days of June, we have had only six days that have not had some rain. With two more days in June, we will have at most eight dry days for the entire month. One more day of rain tomorrow. Yes, a rainy month.
The heat in the southwest is basically unbearable. Yesterday and today records were being set in the southwest for power usage. Surely will have grid failings this summer if the weather continues to follow the current pattern.
Forest fires in Canada are still affecting our skies. The fires are allowed to burn without much defense and smoke settles over the U.S. skies.
Hope to visit Lou today. She called me last night and I promised her Tracy and I would see her today. She was feeling scared but I think she was comfortable when our conversation ended.
Congrats to LSU for its college baseball championship win over Florida.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, June 26, 2023

Driving to Work With My Brother-In-Law

While driving to work on Route 1 this morning, I recognized a vehicle that passed me. It was Glen, also on his way to work.

I called his cell phone (hands-free) and he answered. I told him he just passed me and that I would wave to him at the upcoming stoplight.

We hung up.

I pulled up beside him.

We waved.

He left me in the dust.

It was fun driving partway to work with my brother-in-law!

P.S. This post is modeled after Driving to Work With My Sister, which I wrote over seven and a half years ago!

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Rocky IV

Since this is Mom's fourth summer at the nursing home, I have dubbed the squirrel that eats off her birdfeeders, "Rocky IV."

This Rocky is very athletic. Holding on with only his back feet, he was on the birdfeeder for at least 15 minutes this afternoon. Mom enjoyed watching him, but then she said it was time for me to scare him off.

He will be back!

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Dad 675: Have Oxygen, Will Travel

(Dad wrote this post earlier today. The lawn looks good! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! A good afternoon for Lew to mow the lawn. Dry day, sun is out. (We have received rain every day this month.) Git 'er done!

Well, I'm trying to get unleashed out into the world. As of now I'm "homebound" to my O2 tank. I'm trying to get mobile again so I can visit Mary Lou at the nursing home on a daily basis. I must get familiar traveling with my O2 gear. Then I'll hopefully be able to resume my regular visits to Mary Lou within the week. I'll do my best to get out of this "homebound" feeling.

Yes, I must get used to carrying my O2 gear outside. I'll make it!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Father's Day

Blueberry pancakes for breakfast with Dad. (Thank you, Chef Lew!)

Early afternoon visit with Mom.

Late afternoon visit from Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam. They brought dinner with them — steak tips, potato salad, bread, and strawberry shortcake.

Final round of U.S. Open golf tournament. Watched a few holes with Dad, and the final holes with Lew. (Congratulations, Wyndham Clark!)

God bless all our fathers!

Friday, June 16, 2023

Clean Up in Room 4

I have spent the past couple weeks going through the stuff in Mom's room. 

We brought a lot of things (puzzles, games, books, decorations, etc.) into her room over the past couple years, and it was "getting away from us."

I threw out some stuff and I utilized the storage space more effectively — in my opinion, anyway!

One positive outcome of my efforts is easier access to her puzzles, so we've been doing those again. Mom even said, "I really love these puzzles!" And that made me happy. 😊💕

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Dad 674: Oxygen 24/7

(Dad writes today. His note to me: "Short enough, Tracy?" I think so! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Northeast weather is not the sunny days we want. Temp not bad. It is in the high 60s. Really would like some sunny days with temps in the mid-to-high 70s. Please.

I'm now on oxygen 24/7. The only concern — other than watching where I'm walking so I won't trip over the long tube that allows me to take in the O2 around the house — is I must make sure the machine is working at all times.

My throat is very dry and I would like to clear it. Perhaps suck on candy or buy a humidifier. I'll think about it. (More dampness!)

Keep checking the blog each week and I'll keep you informed. Enough for now.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, June 11, 2023

63 Years

Happy Anniversary to my parents! They had a brief visit outside today. I did manage to get a picture, but the sun didn't make it easy on our eyes. 🌞

Sixty-three years of wedded bliss!

Say, "CHEESE!"

Debbie brought these gorgeous flowers to Mom.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Where's Marilyn?

It's been a while since I've done a "Where's Marilyn?" post, so she and I both figured it was time!

Find the kitty....  😻

Thursday, June 8, 2023


Update after Dad's earlier post today: His oxygen equipment was delivered around noontime. Lew and I sat in on the delivery so we could learn about everything, too.

Dad 673: Waiting

(Dad writes today. I will do another post when the the delivery has happened! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! We are going through a weather situation that does not allow for the sun to be seen. Plus we have smoke from Canadian fires leaking down through the eastern part of our country. New York was so smoke-covered yesterday that one could barely make out the skyline.

Tuesday I went to check with my doctor about getting oxygen. I am getting readings in the 60s and a couple in the 50s. We figured out what I needed and the call has been made, but I have heard nothing since returning home. So I called my doctor this morning to check on how and when I get my oxygen package. I now wait for a return call from the company that will deliver my O2 and teach me how to run it. I would like it to be today. Please, please, please!

I will wait and keep testing and reading numbers from high 90s to low 60s and 70s. Please get me out of my waiting pattern!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Tomorrow Is Thursday

Dad's weekly post has been postponed until Thursday.  Reason: We both forgot it was Derf day!

Thank you for checking in!


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Read a Book!

Every now and then I write a post about how I love to read.

I own many books that I still haven't read yet. There are piles of physical books sitting on the floor in our guest bedroom. I also have pages and pages and pages and pages of book titles on my Kindle.

Long-term readers of this blog know that I've been keeping track of the books I've read for a few years now. I even list them for your perusal. (See the links on the right-hand side of the page.)

You will notice that I've been reading a lot of books by three authors: Agatha Christie, O. Henry, and George MacDonald. This is because I am trying to read all of the works by these authors. It's taking a while!

Hey! Read a book!

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Saturday Breakfast

Lew and I went to breakfast this morning with Carole and her daughter Donna.

We had a lovely time, although we all knew there was an "empty place" at the table. It was our first Saturday breakfast out together since Dick passed away.

Carole and Donna gave Lew a golf ball and tee that they found in Dick's bedside table. I am going to make a LEGO display stand for the ball and tee.

We had a great conversation, catching up on the events of the past month.

We shared lots of laughter and a few tears.

It was a morning that we all needed.

We are blessed.