Saturday, November 29, 2014

Report Card

On Tuesday I listed five things I hoped to accomplish this past week. So, how did I do?
Fully Recuperate. I'm feeling better every day, but still not as good as I had hoped to feel by now. But progress is progress.
Make Sweet Potato Casserole. So this almost didn't happen due to the power outage! Fortunately the electricity came back on in time for me to make it. It was pandemonium in the kitchen!
Give Thanks. Did, doing, and will continue to do. :)
Decorate for Christmas. Lew put the tree up yesterday, strung the lights, and put the angel on top. I did nothing. Too tired. We've still got time.
Participate in Life as Usual. Lew and I had breakfast with our buddies this morning and then we did some shopping. Planning on going to church tomorrow.
All things considered, I guess I did okay!
We still need to add our ornaments!

Friday, November 28, 2014

My Baby Sister

Yesterday's "throwback" was pre-empted by Thanksgiving, so I'll do it today.

My sister Debbie's birthday was on Monday.
Happy Birthday, Debbie!
I must honor her with a couple photos.

Debbie, circa June 1972, so she's about 3 and 1/2 years old in this picture. Cute!

Our cousin Michael and Debbie are about the same age. The following photo was taken during the summer of 1969 (date on side says "Sep 69"), so Debbie wasn't even a year old yet. This photo remains a source of family amusement.

Michael on left, Debbie on right. Note the head sizes! Ha ha!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Synopsis

Happy Thanksgiving!
Lew and I are home from our Thanksgiving meal at Matt & Emily's house. (Everything was scrumptious!) We are now watching the Eagles/Cowboys game. I'm still recuperating from my cold, and I'm pretty tired right now.
I did manage to get some photos today, so I'll let them tell more of today's story....
Bad snowstorm last night. No electricity this morning!
Matt and Lew, not cooperating for a photo.
Wayne and Lew, not cooperating for a photo.
Nice photobomb, Matt!
Eli, the Serious.
Adam, the Stud.
Emily, the Sweet! Our Thanksgiving Day hostess by her table.
Eli waits for a cupcake.
Meanwhile, down at Debbie and Glen's house....
Zack Attack!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dad 229: A Winter Storm, a Panda, and a Day of Thanks

(It's snowing! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! A cool, cloudy, sunless morning is what we have in the Northeast today. We are waiting for our first winter storm along the coast. The experts say we can expect as much as a foot of snow inland. Did I say, "I hate winter"? If not, I'm saying it now! The Silverado is ready and the tank is full. We are ready!

Well, I don't have much to say today. So I'll start. The Patriots are still winning. Could be trouble in Wisconsin. Go, Pats! Must play well to beat the Packers.

In other sports news we are watching, the Red Sox have re-signed Hanley Ramirez and signed "the Panda" from the Giants as a new third baseman. Now to get Lester back as their ace pitcher. Please spend the money for Jon! Thanks!

I'll close with the following: Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! Spouse and I will partake of the meal at Glen and Deb's. Lew and Tracy will be at Matt and Emily's with Eli and Adam. A fun time will be had by all. Truly, a day of Thanksgiving. We do have many reasons for giving thanks! Think about it. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Getting Well Soon

It's "To-do Tuesday" once again on Mainely Tracy. Here's a list of what I hope to accomplish over the coming week:
Fully Recuperate. Today was the second day of my meds. The doctor said I should start to feel better by Thursday morning. I asked him about my chances of still being contagious by then. He said, "Slim to none." (This is very important information, as you will see.)
Make Sweet Potato Casserole. This is my offering for our Thanksgiving dinner, once again to be partaken at the home of Matt and Emily. It sounds like I will be able to go, germ-free! (More assurance for Emily: The doctor has two young children, and he said he would be comfortable having me around them on Thanksgiving. So glad!)
Give Thanks. We are blessed!
Decorate for Christmas. This is our day-after-Thanksgiving tradition. Lew puts up our artificial tree and I put out other festive decor. We do this while either listening to music or watching something stupid on television... usually the latter.
Participate in Life as Usual. Saturday breakfast, church on Sunday, and the like.
I'm sure there's more I could add, but the above gives you the gist. Wish me well. :)

Monday, November 24, 2014

An Enchanting Book; A Marginal Movie

Still feeling yucky, so I called the doctor this morning and got an appointment for this afternoon. The result of this appointment:

  • P.A. felt I would get worse without intervention
  • Two prescriptions. One for the next five days, the other for the next ten days.

Glad I went! (Many thanks to my father for being my chauffeur.)

Needless to say, I haven't felt like doing much of anything. (Why do we say "needless to say" then say it anyway?) So it's been movies and books....

On Saturday I finished reading The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Armin. The characters were intriguing, so I enjoyed the book. It's not a gripping plot, so it's not for everyone. For instance, I won't suggest that my husband read it!

I then decided to watch the movie based on the book. (The movie title omits the "The".) I marginally enjoyed watching the movie only because I was already familiar with the characters. A couple of the casting decisions were interesting -- not at all how I pictured those characters. And I dislike when the movie changes how things happened in the book. Annoying.

Bottom line: Add The Enchanted April to the list of "Books that are much better than the movie versions."

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Silence Is Me

Sick with a cold.... That sums up my week.
Had some good days. Had some bad days.
Today is a bad day.
My throat is so bad that I can't talk. I can squeak a word out now and then, and I can manage a whisper. But it hurts to try to speak, plus it is ineffective... nobody can hear me.
Just took a quick trip out to do two errands. The first involved buying more tea. The second involved borrowing DVDs from the library.
Tea and movies will make for a recuperative weekend.

Friday, November 21, 2014

The Parade Monster

Writing prompt: The Monster.
When my family rode our antique bikes in parades, we would get dressed up in old-fashioned garb.
My mom rode an 1880s tricycle while wearing blue bloomers, a white shirt with puffy sleeves, and a straw hat. People would yell out, "It's Mary Poppins" as she rode by. (I never understood this. She didn't look like Mary Poppins to me.)
My mother was very popular in the parades. She was so popular that she earned a nickname within the family: The Parade Monster. It was the perfect nickname, one she embraced with all of her tricycle-riding ability!
The Parade Monster

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Kelsey Lou

Yesterday was Kelsey's 21st birthday, so it's her turn to be featured in Throwback Thursday!
I love these two photos of Kelsey with her big sister, Kaelen....
Love all around!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dad 228: Irritations in the News

(Ah-choo! Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The sun doth shine. The thermometer doth dip. Well, we have had our 'hard' frost. The growing season has been over for almost a week, and every night since has continued below freezing. I'm ready for April.
As I look at the weather out by the Great Lakes, I can say, without question, that I'm glad I'm not traveling the New York Thruway. Six feet of snow is a bit much. Stranded for days in a big, big storm is not my idea of enjoying the trip. Something has to be done about the change to a warmer temperature. Global warming! Really!
Congratulations to the Patriots for handling the Colts. Quite easily, I might add. I hope the Pats have not peaked too early. Right now they are the class of professional football, but it can all end quickly if they can't sustain the effort. Wishing for the Colts and Pats to win all the rest in the regular season. Then I must make choices.
I've made it through the week with my cold and sore throat. I seem to be on the mend. Lew and Tracy seem to have contracted a similar fate. Lew is fighting through it by working every day. Hope we all turn the corner to better health within the week. We seem to be on track. Hooray!
Before ending my post today, I will mention three things that irritate me. (All three seen on the news with in the last 24 hours.)
  1. Just saw a promo for Obamacare. Showing how money is available for all those that can't afford health insurance. No subsidies available for most people. Me included.
  2. An atheist group is now challenging to allow an anonymous student in New Jersey to rid the pledge of "under God". As Obama said, "We are not a Christian community." Another great statement from our leader.
  3. A woman filed a lawsuit against her neighbor. Reason: her dogs went in the neighbor's yard and killed the neighbor's dog. It seems that the lady went into the yard and tried to stop the fight. I guess she got bit. Suing for one million dollars from neighbor, whose dog was killed.
Only in America! What a country! Let's disbar some of these lawyers. I feel refreshed!
Enough griping! Soooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Gee, Tasks!

I was feeling under the weather yesterday, but today I felt like conquering the world!
So I tackled three loads of laundry.
I also gathered all of my "to do" items into one place: GeeTasks. (This is an app that I have on both my iPhone and iPad. They sync!)
As of this moment, I have 151 items on GeeTasks. Granted, 86 of these are books that I want to get.

I know that there are 151 because this number is in a little red circle, staring at me from my iPhone's home screen.

To do: A lot, apparently!

Monday, November 17, 2014

My Addiction to Monk

I admit that I did not watch the TV show Monk when it was originally on the air. I may have seen one or two episodes at most.

I started watching Season 1 of the show last week. I am hooked -- and not just because I can identify with the main character. (My OCD isn't nearly as bad as Monk's!)

I like how Monk sees things that nobody else picks up on. He thinks things through. When the captain asked him, "Does everything have to make sense?", Monk pauses for a second and then replies, "Why, yes, it does." Great response, especially for analyzing evidence. I love it!

I even enjoy the show's theme song. I have since learned that the theme song was replaced starting in Season 2. Bummer! Fortunately the first season's song is still available. I just downloaded it from iTunes and it is now my ringtone on my iPhone. (Sorry, Perry Mason. Your theme song has been demoted.)

Up next: Monk, Season 1, Episode 8.  :)

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Movin' Kinda Slow

It's a lazy day in the neighborhood -- in our house anyway.
Poor Lew has been fighting a cold all week, as has my father. So after going out with our breakfast buddies this morning, Lew and I came straight home.
My parents were both relaxing on their couch when we returned. Pepper was cuddling with Mom.
Things aren't much different on our side of the house. Lew is asleep on the couch, Kurt is curled up at Lew's feet, and Jerry is sound asleep on the back of the love seat. I alone am conscious.
I think I will spend the rest of the afternoon reading. I might watch a movie. And maybe, just maybe, I will take some time to snooze, too.
A lazy Saturday.... I like it.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Princess Tracy

Writing Prompt:  I am someone else.

For one thing, I don't want to speculate on being a different person. I have enough idiosyncrasies of my own and I don't want to take on someone else's stuff!  Ha ha!

But I will talk about being a princess. I am supposed to be one, you know. That's what my mother says anyway.

It would be nice to have a myriad of staff to do all of the housekeeping. (Wait, I do have staff to do that. His name is Lew.)

And what about the wonderful clothes and all of the regal events to attend? Frankly, I don't see myself doing that. Jeans, a t-shirt, and a movie suit me just fine.

But you know, I actually AM a princess! I am blessed to be a child of the King.

And I won't have to wash dishes in Heaven!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Zack Attack!

This Sunday we will celebrate Zack's 14th birthday.

He weighed 10 pounds 4 ounces at birth... a sign of things to come!

Below are a couple photos from years back.

Happy Birthday, Zack!

"Papa" and Zack.  They were probably discussing the tasty dessert!    :)

Zack was - and always will be - a cutie!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dad 227: Under the Weather Report

(I think Dad's biggest help has come from the tea I gave him! Enjoy his post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Coming to you today through the fog. Temperature is not real cold, but the experts say to watch the thermometer over the next few days. I think within the next few days we will finally have a hard frost. The growing season on the coast will come to a close. We can only hope.
Our local football games have come to an end. Josh's team lost in the semifinal round of the playoffs. After starting with four regular season losses, the team went on a winning streak that ended in the semifinal round. Great season, Josh!
My blog post is almost over. Why? Because I have not had a great "feeling good" week. I can't remember the last time I had five days in a row of substandard health. Well this last week is about the worst I've felt since I don't know when. It started with a sore throat and the symptoms still linger.
I do believe, however, that I am now on the mend. Throat is not as sore. Seem to be not as stuffed up. Only time will tell. I'm not used to being in a "feel bad" state, and I can say I don't like feeling lousy.
My purchases of Cepacol liquids and lozenges seem to have done the job. At least I hope I'm going in the right direction. I'll know in a few days. Stay tuned. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


A week ago today I resigned from my job. ("Resigned" sounds so much better than "quit", don't you think?) I lasted a full two months, which still isn't my shortest job tenure!

Anyway, I had fun for the most part, but there were some issues with my O.C.D. (yes, I have that) affecting me at my workplace. I just wasn't going to be able to do it any more and maintain sanity.

But like I said, it was fun in a way, and I appreciate the opportunity that my friends gave me to work for them. We learned we have different styles, and that's okay.

So now I am back to an "unemployed" status, which isn't a horrible thing for now.  I'll eventually determine how to earn a livelihood..

Life is good.  I am blessed!

To do:  Figure out what I want to do when I grow up.  :)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Lew's Lose

I do enjoy watching NFL games, and it is fun to hear Lew yelling at the TV about specific players.
The players he "comments" on are, of course, the players on his fantasy team.
He has managed to win three games so far. That's three more than he won all of last season!
But he still has a losing record.
This week's matchup is still undecided due to Monday Night Football. Both Lew and his opponent have players going in this game.
Lew is not confident. He just said he is going to "lose, lose, lose...."
I may be in for a long evening. (Come on, McCoy!)

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Not Much of a Summary Saturday

Lew has a four-day weekend, so we are in a little bit of a vacation mode.
Today was a day of absolute vegetation.
So much so that I almost forgot about my blog.

And just remembering my blog seems like enough productivity for today.
Thus ends today's post.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Whittier's Election Day Poem

Writing Prompt: My two cents.

Today's prompt immediately brought the recent election to mind. I gave "my two cents" when I voted. And my vote was equivalent to that of the wealthiest person.

When I was in the eighth grade we all had to select a poem to memorize and recite to the class. I came across John Greenleaf Whittier's "The Poor Voter on Election Day" and decided to learn it.

I remember the poem to this day... well, not to recite, but the message.  It's a good one.

Here it is....

The Poor Voter on Election Day
John Greenleaf Whittier (1852)

The proudest now is but my peer,
The highest not more high;
To-day, of all the weary year,
A king of men am I.
To-day alike are great and small,
The nameless and the known
My palace is the people’s hall,
The ballot-box my throne!

Who serves to-day upon the list
Beside the served shall stand;
Alike the brown and wrinkled fist,
The gloved and dainty hand!
The rich is level with the poor,
The weak is strong to-day;
And sleekest broadcloth counts no more
Than homespun frock of gray.

To-day let pomp and vain pretence
My stubborn right abide;
I set a plain man’s common sense
Against the pedant’s pride.
To-day shall simple manhood try
The strength of gold and land
The wide world has not wealth to buy
The power in my right hand!

While there’s a grief to seek redress,
Or balance to adjust,
Where weighs our living manhood less
Than Mammon’s vilest dust, —
While there’s a right to need my vote
A wrong to sweep away,
Up! clouted knee and ragged coat!
A man’s a man to-day!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Two Grandpas

I am blessed to have known all four of my grandparents. We called both sets of grandparents "Grandma and Grandpa" and we added their last name if we needed to distinguish them from each other. (In today's world it seems more common to have a unique name for every grandparent. But I digress....)

Today I am posting two photos, one of each grandfather. I didn't know these "younger versions" of them, so it is fun to see what they looked like as young men. And, yes, I do see the resemblance to their older selves.


My mom's dad, Grandpa W., with his dog, Butch.
(Gotta get a hat like that for my kitties.)

My dad's dad, Grandpa G.
(His hair looks uncharacteristically tame in this photo.)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Dad 226: Snow, Football, Election, and Chickens

(Like my father, I was up late keeping tabs on election results. Overall, our household is pleased with the outcomes. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The sky is cloudy, but we have been assured (the weathermen) that the sun will break through this afternoon and temperatures will rise to the high 50s. The state did get a great deal of snow a couple days ago. All snow of consequence was north of us. Up to one foot fell in certain areas. About 100,000 lost power and all has not been restored as of now. (Please turn off the "mother nature" snow machines. Bring them back again in about four months. Wishful thinking!) Still waiting for a good frost!
Josh's high school team won their quarterfinal playoff game. Led by 20 points with less than three minutes left. Gave up two more touchdowns, so they won by seven points. Now it's on to play the number one seed. It has been a great run. Five wins in a row! Go, Josh!
Happy to see the Patriots demolish the Broncos. Also happy to see the Colts win. Noticed our family friend was now playing some defense in addition to all special teams. Go, Andy Studebaker (#58).
Was up last night into the morning hours. It was voting day, you know.
Was concerned about retaining our governor. Early in the morning he was declared the winner. We were three for three with our yard signs. Very glad about the total elections (locally and nationally). Could not be happier!
No more visits from our neighbor's chickens. I saw a police car in my next-door neighbor's yard, and I only saw the chickens one more time after that. I assume my next-door neighbor complained about the chickens pooping on her deck and digging up her flowers and plants. (I wouldn't like that either.) But I sure do miss their visits. And to think that I have a brand new, full bag of cracked corn in the garage. I'll guess I'll feed the crows.
Told to be short with today's blog so I will obey. Sooo....
Until next time!
Total Pip!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Media Mayhem

I am tired today.

Q:  What is making me weary?
A:  A few things, not the least of which is the election hoopla.

We hardly get any phone calls on our landline, but this past week it has been ringing off the hook with election robocalls.

A great many TV ads are slamming this candidate, praising that one, while offering very little substantive information.

Now I do understand the need for campaigning before an election. (We even have some candidates' signs posted in our front yard.) But enough is enough already!

I will be voting tomorrow.  (I will try to do so before I go to work.) Any further phone calls received or advertisements seen will not change how I have decided to vote.

I have a headache. Hopefully it will go away with the election results.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Decision, Information, Celebration

NaNoWriMo started today. I have made the decision not to do it this year. As a result, my November will be a lot less hectic!

I took Kurt to the vet on Wednesday. The vet gave me great information on how to deal with Kurt's peeing on the floor. She also did some tests to confirm he is not sick. So it's behavioral. Sigh. We just got an additional litter box for downstairs. We are hopeful it will help.
We went to Matt & Emily's house today to celebrate two birthdays. Eli turned three this past Monday, and Matt's birthday is tomorrow! We have much to be thankful for. :)
I leave you with some photos from today.
Eli in his playroom.
Adam wearing his brother's new hat.
Matt and his dad. :)