Monday, April 30, 2018

Not Quite There Yet

Tomorrow I will be 55 years old. (My parents and I were discussing this tonight, and not one of us can believe it!)

I just googled, "When do I become a senior citizen?"

The general answer to that question is the age of 65. So I have a ways to go yet.

But I did see that Denny's offers a 55+ menu with smaller portions. I'm not sure how I feel about that!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

New App

I just downloaded a new app to my new phone. The app is a blogging app, and I am using it right now.

I had a blogging app on previous phones, but that app was discontinued. (Grrrr....)

So — although I am writing the most boring blog post ever — I am really excited to have a functioning blogging app once again.

Maybe this app will help me blog more consistently.

And hopefully I will write more exciting posts than this one.

Thursday, April 26, 2018


I decided last weekend that I wanted to take some time off before month-end hits again at work. Two long weekends in a row sounded really good to me, so I took this past Monday off and I'm off again tomorrow!

I'm on a mini-vacation!
I'm on a mini-vacation!

I've taken some time tonight to get caught up on a few things that have been sitting on my desk at home.  So tomorrow I can really concentrate on "vacating," which is nice because...

I'm on a mini-vacation!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Dad 407: The Black (Hole) Truck

(It is pouring hard outside right now. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another dreary, rainy day in Scarborough Town. Weather is getting warmer and next week the temperatures are supposed to climb some more. Spring is here! Must take the plow off.
Had to use my power pack to start my truck today. Hasn't been run for a month. Started great all winter. Didn't let it go for a month in the winter, however! Noticed today my temp gauge is not working. Must get fixed with its spring service and sticker in a few weeks. Hope they don't have to change the whole dash panel to repair. This would be my fourth panel. (Don't ask about other replacements.)
Just finished cooking our chicken for the next couple of days. We must eat, you know.
Hopefully by this time next week we will have our John Deere mower back from the shop. It is scheduled to get picked up for service in two days.
That is about it for now. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Lew and I got new cell phones yesterday. Guess what color mine is?

Adam got the cast on his arm today. Guess what color he chose?  (Eli helped him pick it out.)

One more... Of the two Sox teams, which is my favorite?

Speaking of the Sox, the day after I gave them kudos on this blog they had a no-hitter thrown against them. Go figure.

Speaking of Eli and Adam, below is a recent photo of those cutie patooties. (Emily is in the background.)

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Adam's Broken Arm

(Lew writes today. Eli and I made a pterodactyl. ~ Tracy)

I received a text from my son at 8:30 last night.  My youngest grandson, Adam, fell of the monkey bars at the playground and broke his arm. 

My first thought was that we needed to go see him. My second thought was that we needed to buy him something.

I guess that buying him something is the only way I can think of to make it better. When I was very young I had my tonsils out and I still remember that my parents gave me a toy guitar when I woke from surgery.

Tracy picked out a couple of Lego toys.  (We had to get something for Eli, of course.)

They liked their little gifts and played with them while we were there today.

Adam may or may not have felt better because of the toys, but Tracy and I did.  Win, win.

Friday, April 20, 2018

16 - 2

I haven't written a post about the Red Sox since they blew the first game of the season.

Since that unfortunate opening game, they have gone 16-1.

This is the best start the franchise has ever had.

Keep it up, BoSox!  (Please don't start losing now that I've given you kudos.)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dad 406: If the Shoe Fits....

(Dad proves that the third time really is the charm. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Finally, A Beautiful Day! Almost springlike. Tomorrow not so good. Weekend good!
Recently I got some New Balance sneakers with Velcro. Mary Lou wanted Velcro shoes, too. Thought about Amazon. I said I'd find out if Lamey Wellehan had such an animal and then I would take her to get some. She did not want to go, so I got a pair comparable to her shoes she wears. Did not fit as they were too small. Took them back and tried one size larger. Still didn't suit Spouse (I thought they were the correct size). Went back a third time and got the half-size. Spouse thinks they fit. We'll keep them.
Also washed my car today after several weeks of being told by Lew it needed it. Only did exterior as they don't do interior except on Friday through Sunday.
Another accomplishment from today: Lew got Tracy's car serviced and inspected.
A successful day to say the least! Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Lew and I have an elliptical machine in our back room upstairs. I previously have written on this blog about my use of this machine. I like "ellipticizing" because I can read a book on my Kindle at the same time.... Guilt-free reading!

We also have a home gym for lifting weights. It stands next to the elliptical machine. I have not written much about this piece of exercise equipment because I haven't used it.

A few months ago Lew taught me how to do six different exercises on the home gym. I did them for about two weeks and then stopped. Like I said, I haven't really used the home gym.

But in a moment of insanity (?) this morning, I told Lew that I was going to start doing those six exercises again.  So tonight, about half an hour after dinner, I got out my notes and did two sets of 12 reps each of all six exercises. (Yes, I took notes when Lew taught me earlier!)

I anticipate that tomorrow I will be a little sore... maybe a lot sore. But hopefully not too much, because I plan to do some "weighting" again later in the week!

Monday, April 16, 2018

An April Worst

Today's weather: Driving rain. Strong winds. Cold temperatures.

All. Stinkin'. Day.

I just told my father that I don't ever remember an April day worse than this one — weather-wise, anyway.

As I write this, it sounds like we are having a hurricane.

Will this April shower bring May flowers? I would settle for dry ground.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Bode Meets a Great-Aunt

Debbie, Glen, and Zack are visiting our Illinois family.
Does Debbie look happy in this picture? What about Bode?  (LOL!)

Meanwhile, here's what's happening at our house....

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Dad 405: Preparing for Spring

(I wore a winter coat to work today. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Still waiting for spring temperatures to arrive. Supposed to hit 50s Friday after 40s on Thursday. Saturday looks cold and then we are supposed to get close to 60 next week. A corner is about to be turned.
We actually have some chairs on the deck today. Spring is coming but no one is about to spend time sitting on the porch.
Accomplished a lot today. Took wheel covers off the trailer and covering off the hitch. Moved the go cart from trailer. Also removed John Deere tractor after charging battery. Tractor will be picked up for service on April 27th. That is how busy the shop is.
Must go to finish cooking chicken for dinner. Tune in again next week. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, April 9, 2018

Move Over, Sergio

I watched the last round of the Masters Tournament with Lew yesterday.

After the final pairing had played two holes, I told Lew, "I am making just one prediction: Patrick Reed is not going to win the tournament."

I will not be winning any awards for my golf prognostication.  I should have known not to doubt someone with the nickname of Captain America.

Congratulations, Patrick Reed, on your first Masters title!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Tired Just Thinkin' About It

(Sounds like Lew has planned for a busy Spring. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Many years ago I saw a little church skit in which there was one character who had the recurring line, “Makes me tired just thinkin’ about it.” We all laughed each time the young boy uttered that line.

Well, now that the snow is gone, I’m looking around the property and realize that it has been a rough winter for the trees. There is a lot of cutting and hauling to do when the weather warms up a bit.  

The lawn (I use the term loosely) is a mess, and I also see a few minor repairs that need to be made.  

I actually enjoy doing all of this stuff and it will get done, but I must confess, “It makes me tired just thinkin’ about it.”  

Below is a picture of a downed tree behind the garage.

Friday, April 6, 2018

April Shower

Today is April 6th.

The Dairy Corner opened today.

I drove by it on my way home.

People were getting ice cream... even though it was snowing.


On April 6th.

That is all.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Wreaking Havoc

Jerry has been on a successful diet. He is looking quite svelte. He is much more energetic.

He has also discovered that he now has the ability to leap up onto the kitchen counter.

Lew texted this photo to me this afternoon. See that roll of paper towels? It no longer looks like that. Sigh....

We love our kitties!

Jerry, King of the Kitchen Counter

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Dad 404: Boston Sports

(Let's go, Red Sox! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another miserable damp winter day this spring. The snow is melting but it is still very cool for spring. Supposed to snow Friday. If serious we will tell you about it.
Spouse and I made it to Glen and Deb's for Easter along with Glen's family and Tracy and Lew. A very good meal and visit was had by all.
Well, the college basketball season is over so no more TV watching of those games.
We now turn our major sports watching to the Celtics and Red Sox. The Celtics are getting set for the playoffs and the Red Sox are just starting. Both are doing quite well. Looking forward to Red Sox home opener tomorrow. They look pretty good so far as they return from their road trip with a 5-1 record. At that rate they should set a record for the number of wins this year. We hope!
Enough for today. Please enter, Spring! Please warm up. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

After the Madness

The NCAA tournament is over. Congratulations to Villanova!

I just put in two really long days at work, so my month-end closing tasks are done. Hooray for me!

Tomorrow I will work a short day. Then on Thursday I start training my new co-worker. 

I'm trying to think of a good name for April (a la "March Madness"). April Apprenticing? April Ambition?  Definitely not April Agony!

Monday, April 2, 2018

An Effective Sign

While walking to church yesterday, Lew and I went by a couple buildings. I had to stop and take a picture at one of them... I just HAD to!  😀