Monday, November 30, 2020

Farewell to you, November

I'm still recovering from my sinus infection....Worked from home today, but planning to go to the office tomorrow for a good start to December.

It is pouring outside as I type this. I guess we're supposed to have heavy winds throughout the night.  (Hope we don't lose power.)  November is not leaving quietly!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Dad 542: Happy Thanksgiving!

(Wishing you all a happy holiday weekend! Dad writes today. Thank you for reading our blog! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cold (32°), cloudy day which included some snow showers this morning. No accumulation of snow. Thanks for that.
Just got back from visiting Mary Lou through the window. She didn't have her long pants on and doesn't know where they are. Still had her nightgown on. Called the home and was transferred to the nurses' station. Didn't answer so I hung up. I'll check later.
No birds in the birdbath as it is an ice rink. It would be a cold bath day.
Short blog today. As Mrs. Gurney said in the Wally Cox show "Mr. Peepers" of long-ago television: Happy Turkey Day!
Done for now!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Bloggy Break

I know I have ignored my blog since Dad's post on Wednesday. I hadn't been feeling that great all week, so I went to the doctor on Thursday and was diagnosed with a viral sinus infection. It's been an annoying little bugger! I won't be going back to work until the 30th, but fortunately I can work from home when I feel up to it.

Rest, fluids, saline nasal spray, ibuprofen.... My current daily life in a nutshell.

Next post will probably be Dad's on Wednesday.

Have a great Thanksgiving week!
Praise the Lord.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
    his love endures forever.
            ~ Psalm 106:1 (NIV)

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dad 541: Temps and Technology

(Dad writes today. One update to his post: Zack's already home! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another beautiful day. However, it is very cold after having fine warmer weather to date. Lew's birdbath was frozen throughout the whole day. Temp on TV has been 30° all day. The sun is not having an effect on frozen water today. It gives me an idea of what to expect before it gets better. Could we bypass December through February?
Still can't visit Mary Lou. Looks like our visits will remain peering through windows and screens. The only time we freely talk is when Tracy visits with me and she contacts Mary Lou on her cell phone. Eventually I want to be able to use our cell phones. (Mary Lou and I are not very adept with this modern technology!) Then we will be able to talk during the cold winter.
Rumor has it that Zack will be home from University of Maine on Friday. He will return to school in January. He will take classes through the computer. Also, Josh will be home in about a week, shortly after Thanksgiving! Looking forward to their return.
Kelsey has a birthday tomorrow. They will celebrate Bode's birthday on December 6th (his actual birthday is December 19). Happy Birthday to both!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Good Night!

The election ruckus and the COVID-19 restrictions are tiring me out.

And yesterday my throat was sore and it still is today.  (Fortunately, that's only one "Yes" to the questions they ask us at work. If I had a "Yes" to one more symptom, then I probably would get sent home.)

Oh, yeah... and we're getting ready for the new software implementation at work. Nothing tiring about that. (Ha!)

I am going to bed early tonight!


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Saturday Afternoon Conversations

Lew and I have the following conversation almost every Saturday afternoon. Today was no exception.

ME: Do you want to write a blog post today?

Lew pauses to think it over. I try to wait patiently and then I just can't help myself....

ME: It's okay if you don't want to.

LEW: No, I don't think I will today.

ME: That's okay.

LEW: My life is pretty boring lately.

ME: Same here.

LEW: I don't have anything new to share.

ME: Same here.

Lew goes back to watching whatever sports event is on TV. Today it's the Masters Tournament. 

I put a load of laundry in the washing machine.


Thursday, November 12, 2020


 A selfie from March 18 this year... sort of a "Throwback Thursday!"

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Dad 540: A Tire Problem

(Thank you to all of our country's veterans! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! A warm day today. Temp around 70 but clouded up this afternoon. Kind of soupy outside now. The pros tell us that fall weather will be returning; temps to be a little below average. It will get worse!
Yesterday Tracy and I saw Mary Lou outside for 30 minutes. They had a cancellation and gave me a call. We had a good visit. Mary Lou is still saying she wants to come home. I hope I can get in to visit her in the near future. Spending more time with her will certainly help our relationship. We have had no touching since March 13. Just about eight months.
Had a tire losing air last Saturday. Glen and Deb spent some time with us and Glen proceeded to take over the tire problem. Glen and Deb went to a store on Sunday to get a socket. Glen also bought a tire repair kit. Lew and Glen got the car up on our jack and took the wheel off. Spraying the tire with soapy water showed us the leak. Glen read the directions to complete the job. As of now the tire is still full of air. Thanks to Lew and Glen.
That's it!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Beautiful Day for a Visit

Yesterday Dad got a call from the Center offering an opportunity for an outdoor visit with Mom today.

I left work around 1:50 this afternoon so that I could go to the visit, too.

It was a beautiful day... warm enough that I didn't even wear a jacket! Mom didn't have a jacket on either, although she was getting a little chilly toward the end of the half-hour.

We had a lovely time. I texted niece Kelsey and she sent me some current photos of Bode. Mom loved seeing those. (Thank you for sending them, Kelsey!)

The number of COVID-19 cases has increased in our county, so we are getting close to the point where the Center may not allow these scheduled visits.  I'm very grateful Dad and I had the chance to spend some time with Mom today.

Mom, I love you!


Saturday, November 7, 2020

At Least We've Had Some Nice Weather

It has been beautiful outside the past three days!

I walked outside with some co-workers during lunch Thursday and Friday.

Lew and I took a nice walk today. We walked to what has become our favorite walking destination. I took a picture!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mills Mask Mandate

Janet Mills, the governor of the State of Maine, issued a mandatory mask executive order today.

We are now required to wear a mask at all times while in a setting that is accessible to the public. This is for indoor and outdoor settings. (Believe it or not, this includes sidewalks!) Even if "social distancing" is in place, the mask is still mandatory.

We have had an increase in the number of cases in our state, which prompted her to issue this order.

I do find it ridiculous that I will have to wear a mask if I want to take a walk outside. No fresh air allowed, I guess.

Government over-reach at its finest.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Dad 539: Clean Teeth! Clean Election?

(Ho hum, another uneventful day in America.... Enjoy Dad 's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another bright sunny day with temps in the 40s. Last two days have been worse because of the wind. Supposed to be in the 60s through next Tuesday. We'll take it.
I just returned from the dentist. Finally got my teeth cleaned. And I have no cavities. My teeth cleaner has returned to work by appointment only. She recovered from her second hip replacement two years after the first. Next visit in six months for cleaning. Can't wait!
Stayed up last night until 1:30 AM. Why, you ask? I watched the voting show on Fox News. Today they are still working on the counting. Seems like there are some strange things happening. Just normal for our "honest" elected officials. We'll see if anyone gets blamed or they all get away with their actions. I am surely upset that our illustrious leaders (now and prior) never get punished. Great justice for all! Done!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Sleep Tonight?

I am not watching TV tonight.

But I can't help looking at my phone for updates.

Robert J. O'Neill* just had the best tweet of the night:  "It's official: Nobody knows what they are talking about..."

Sounds about right, Rob!

So maybe I will be able to sleep after all, especially since it's looking more and more like things won't be decided tonight.

(*Rob O'Neill is the Navy SEAL credited with shooting Osama Bin Laden.)

Monday, November 2, 2020

Rock Solid Hope

So, is there anything interesting happening tomorrow?  Or will it be just another "ho hum" day?


Anyone who has been paying any attention at all knows that tomorrow is election day, of course! 

Do I have a preference as to who wins? Sure.

If my guy loses, will I move out of the country? No.

No matter what happens, I know that God was, is, and always will be sovereign!

Blessed. 💗