Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Welcome Job Change

I am once again between jobs, but it is only for one night!

I have been in a temp-to-hire position these past few weeks. As a temp, the employment agency was technically my employer. I am a permanent hire as of tomorrow, so the company will now be my employer.

Tomorrow should be my least stressful "first day of work" ever.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dad 465: Party Hearty

(Dad writes today! It is Wednesday, after all. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another day in the 50s. Will we ever get more days like the holiday weekend? I hope so, because it was a great warm weekend.
This will be short.
We will be attending a party for Zack's graduation this Sunday. He graduates next week. I believe he is done with his high school career as of tomorrow. Hope Sunday has good weather.
I'm waiting for an appointment at the cardiologist. It seems that my heart is now not beating regularly. I believe it is called a A-Fib. I'll keep you posted.
I think I have completed writing for today. Tune in next week!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

My Holiday

I was going to make a pie chart showing how I spent the Memorial Day holiday, but then I started thinking about pie....

The pie chart would have been very boring anyway. There would be very small slivers dedicated to reading and walking, but the majority of the pie would represent EATING.

I ate everything edible in sight....

It was a very good day.


Saturday, May 25, 2019

WE Let the Dogs Out!

Lew and I went to a Sea Dogs game last night with Matt, Eli, and Adam.

We arrived at the ballpark when the gates opened, which was 90 minutes before the start of the game. Before the first pitch, I had already eaten fried dough, a hot dog, and a large order of fries. Midway through the game I ate a Sea Dog Biscuit (a vanilla ice cream/chocolate chip cookie sandwich).

The weather started out so-so (very windy) but got a little warmer as the night went on. Still, I prayed for a pitcher's duel and got it!  The Sea Dogs won, 1-0.

Brock Holt and Dustin Pedroia played in the game! They were both on rehab assignment. Neither one of them got a hit, but it was fun to cheer them on anyway. (Go, Red Sox!)

Lew and I hope to get to another game this season. We'll see!

A selfie with Eli.

A selfie with the back of Matt's head, Adam, and Lew.

Major Leaguers in the park!

Eli and Adam pose with Slugger, the Sea Dog!

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jerry's Big Day

Jerry had his annual checkup at the veterinarian's today.

Lew sent me this text message shortly after the appointment:
Jerry is all set. Vet says she is happy with his weight. "Jerry is not fat! He is a big cat." Vet quote.
Tonight I asked Lew if he knew what happened seven years ago today.
Answer: Jerry came to live with us! 
(I documented it on my blog. Click HERE to check it out.)

Below is a recent photo of Jerry. 

He is NOT fat. He is just a big cat!  😺

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Dad 464: Fillings

(Soda and ice cream.... Yum.... Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! What a beautiful day. A little windy but it is 66°. I think Spring is here. Hooray!!
Well, I plugged our (Lew's) garage refrigerator in today. I will try to fill it tomorrow. The freezer and fridge seem to be working well. Soda and ice cream will be available to all for the summer. In fact, after writing this, I'll make a list of soda for purchase tomorrow.
I went to the dentist twice this week and received a couple (actually three) fillings. Only planned on one, but repaired a couple other teeth. No Novacaine was involved. Painless!
Spring is here and I'm done writing for today!!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Monday Morning Convoy

Yesterday I drove to work with my nephew Zack. Sort of.

When I got to the end of my road, waiting to turn onto Route 1, I noticed the license plate of the car in front of me. "Hey, that's Zack! He must be on his way to school!"  (I didn't actually say those words out loud, but I did think them.)

We had to wait for the green right-turn arrow for a couple minutes.

After turning onto Route 1, I soon got into a left-hand turn lane. Zack was stopped in a line of cars going straight, so I waved as I drove by him.

Then I was stopped, and he drove by me. I waved again.

I don't think he saw me wave either time, and he probably didn't know it was my vehicle. Still, it was fun driving to work with my nephew!

P.S.  Happy Birthday, Glen!

Monday, May 20, 2019

An Observation

Spam, spam, spam, spam....
Spam, spam, spam, spam....

E-mail has gone the way of snail mail:
I now receive more spam e-mails than legitimate e-mails.

I guess it was bound to happen!

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Weather (What Else?)

Today we had Spring.

I have been wearing a "between-seasons" coat all week, but today I was able to wear a windbreaker and still be warm enough at Eli's and Adam's baseball game.

I even had to wear sunglasses and a ball cap to keep the sun from giving me a headache.

Thank you, Spring, for making an appearance today.  Will you be back tomorrow?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Dad 463: Weather Woes

(I think we might go from winter straight to summer. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Still complaining about our spring weather. There was snow in the state yesterday. We did not get any on the coast. The temperatures have still been cold with a wind. Doesn't feel like baseball weather. More like football! Please get out of the 30s to 50s and let us get some warm 70° days! Please!!
I had my teeth cleaned Monday. Must now return to dentist Monday for a filling. Only one small one that is missing. Hope it is not an "ouch"! We'll see!
Hope to get outside next week to do some outside work. Enough to do if the weather cooperates. I'm tired now, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, May 13, 2019

A Riddle

Q: What does a shoe horn and a toilet seat have in common?

A: They were both delivered to us today by!

For those of you that were hoping for some potty humor, I am sorry to disappoint.... 😏

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Keep Walking

The weather was nice enough today that Lew and I actually took a walk this afternoon. It was nice to get outside and get some fresh air.

As for the walk itself: I've been using the elliptical machine a few times a week, but it's not the same as walking outside. "Hello" to muscles I haven't used in a while!

Maybe we'll get a chance to walk outside again tomorrow. That would be good, especially since it's supposed to rain for a few days this week.

Happy Mother's Day!  🌷🌼🌷🌼🌷

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dad 462: A Bath for Birds

(Lew plays outside. I go to work. Dad writes today's post. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well, the weather is getting closer to spring. Today has been a beautiful day. Very sunny with the temperature still in the 50s. It is time to turn the heat on. Let the sun shine through the clouds. We are ready!
We are getting ready for summer at the homestead. Lew has been busy today. Golf with Glen, Josh, and his friend Dick. Then he got the birdbath out and water turned on outside. Then the birdbath was filled. I think no birds are willing to swim in the birdbath yet. Maybe a drink or a skating party!
Everything else seems to be going along satisfactorily. Not much else to say so I'll stop here. More next time. Tracy will be happy that this is shorter than usual. So....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, May 6, 2019

A Welcome Sight

Guess what made an appearance today?

The SUN!


Maybe we will have Spring after all.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Update: A Lofty Goal

In mid-March I wrote a post about how I had 58 books on my "to read" list. (Click HERE to see that post.)

I am happy to report that my list is down to 51! That's pretty good progress in under two months.

Disclaimer: There are more books I want to add to my list. Many, many more....

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dad 461: A1c

(Happy Birthday to me! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well, another cool day on the home grounds. Had about a day and 1/2 of good weather the last week. Still our temperatures are hovering in the low 50s. Please warm up! This noon it was snowing up north. May 1st and snow. Really?
I have taken an insulin shot (along with pills) for almost four months to help control my blood as a new "old" diabetic. Well, now I am trying to go with just pills and so far my personal care doctor said to keep it up.
I don't understand what A1c is. When I was hospitalized four months ago, I was told mine was 10 and they hoped I could get it down to around 7. Well, my blood test in April was in a normal range at 5.3. I don't know what it is but it is a good report.
Spouse and I keep on going. It was a few years back that our first-born arrived on this date. Tracy showed up on May 1, 1963. Happy Birthday, Tracy.
Done for now.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!