Monday, December 31, 2018

He’s Home!

Dad came home from the hospital this afternoon. Lew and I arrived to pick him up at 3:00; after getting his meds and discharge instructions, we were off!

He still has to have an antibiotic for another four weeks or so.  It’s administered via IV, so a nurse came over tonight to get that started. He has a little pump in a bag that he gets to carry around.

Dad will write more in a couple days, so I will sign off for now. Only a couple hours left in 2018, and I plan to spend them reading... but will probably fall asleep instead.

Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

News of Derf

Dad is not writing his usual Wednesday post this week because he "decided" to spend some time in the hospital. He's been at Maine Medical since Saturday evening.

He hadn't been feeling well for several days. He thought he was fighting a cold, but it turned out to be an infection — a pretty bad one.

Fortunately he went to the hospital in the nick of time and he is getting an antibiotic every eight hours (via IV). We are still not sure when he will be home, but he believes it will be in time to pen his usual Wednesday post next week. 

In the meantime Debbie and I have been tag-teaming Mom's care. (Debbie's done several sleepovers!) Lew is preparing many of Mom's meals. I've watched a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies with Mom and we did a 100-piece jigsaw puzzle together today.

Mom, Lew, and I had Christmas dinner with Debbie, Glen, Josh, and Zack yesterday. It was good to get out of the house and we had a nice family celebration, although we were missing Dad and our Illinois contingent.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I will try to post again soon!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Vacation!

Lew picked me up from work at 4:00 today and we had a lovely dinner out to start my Christmas vacation.

I now have five days off in a row and will go back to work on Thursday. (And then I'll have just two days of work, then the weekend, then one day of work, then New Year's Day, then three days of work, then the weekend, then work forever... or so it will seem.)

Last night Lew and I discussed the daily "big meals" for while I am on vacation. Counting tonight, that is six "big meals."  Here's what we decided:

  1. We already ate at Pat's Pizza tonight so I could get the Friday special of Mac 'n Cheese.
  2. Christmas lunch at Debbie's — on Christmas day, of course.
  3. Eat at Blast from the Past Too so I can get their yummy lasagna.
  4. Cheese nachos (made by Lew).
  5. Spaghetti (made by (Lew).
  6. Chinese food take-out.
The schedule for #3-6 will be decided as we go. I imagine my parents will get in on the last two with us — as well as Christmas at Debbie's.

As for the rest of my vacation plans:

  • Breakfast tomorrow with our breakfast buddies.
  • Church on Sunday.
  • Christmas Eve Service on Monday.
  • Christmas breakfast with Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam (at their house).
  • Reading, watching movies, and sleeping. 😊

Now, off I go to do some of my Christmas vacation reading!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dad 441: A Great-Grandson and a Great Grandson

(I say, "Wow, Bode! Wow, Zack!" Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another fairly nice day in the Northeast. Temps at noon were about 30°. Tomorrow is supposed to be the best day of the week with temps around the mid 40s. Then a shower coming in for the next couple days. At least it will be rain and not snow!
Great-grandson Bode is one year old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BODE!!!
Well, grandson Zack has been named an All-State lineman, first team. His team had one other All-State at running back. Zack also has been admitted to the U. of Maine engineering program. He also has a spot on the football team if he chooses Maine for his school. (Maine did well this year and made it to the final four in their division.) Congratulations, Zachary!! We are proud of you!
Foot doctor for me tomorrow and Spouse has a haircut. Then we relax until celebrating Christmas at Glen and Deb's if the weather is good.
Hard to believe Christmas will be here before my next blog post.
Merry Christmas to all!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

'Tis the Season for College Football

The U.Maine Black Bears football season ended this past Saturday, but they sure had a great year. Congratulations to them for making it to the semi-finals of the FCS playoffs. They were beaten by Eastern Washington.

Eastern Washington will play North Dakota State for the FCS championship on Saturday, January 5th — so we won't find out who ultimately wins until next year! Ha ha!

Lots of college football still to watch... lots to watch... I don't watch much during the regular season... but bowl games can be fun... so many to watch... so many to watch.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Remember Hearing Aids

(Lew writes today about my googling skills.... Well, he sort of writes about that. 💓 ~ Tracy)

So, I have walked out of the house a couple of times and forgot to put my hearing aids in.

The worst time was when we were being picked up by friends to go see (and hear) the Nutcracker at Merrill Auditorium. Fortunately we weren’t very far down the road before I remembered and we were able to turn around without wasting too much time.

My lovely and ever-diligent wife came up with an idea to help me remember. See below. Hard to leave the house without seeing that.

Love that girl.

Friday, December 14, 2018

An Exercise in Self-Awareness

Now that I am getting along in years (!) I find that I am pretty tired by the end of the work week.

This week was a little more tiring than most, so I decided to leave the office early today.

And how did I arrive at this decision?

I figured I'd had enough when I realized I was waiting at the microwave for the printout I had just sent to the photocopier!

And if that wasn't enough, I tried to get into the wrong car in the parking lot.

Go, Black Bears!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Dad 440: Let's Go, Black Bears!

(Yes, best wishes to UMaine this weekend! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cold day (max 31°). December has started off below normal temps and is supposed to be about the same for the next week. No snow storms predicted. Good!
Not much news this week, but we are looking forward to University of Maine football as they enter the final four on Saturday in Washington. Two o'clock game on Saturday on a red field. ESPN2 will carry it on TV. Go, Maine! (Zack may be there next year. Maybe UNH. Who knows?)
Short tonight and Tracy is on her way home, so I had better quit for the week.
See you next week.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My Annual Nap

Once a year I leave work early and take a brief nap. Today was the day!

I had my annual doctor appointment.

After I am left alone in the examination room to wait for the doctor, I always have a few minutes to just recline quietly and relax.

I cherish those few minutes.

Here's to next year's nap!  😉

Monday, December 10, 2018

Try Not to Get Too Excited

It has been several days since I have posted anything on my blog, but the most interesting thing I have to tell you is the following:
There is wind on Mars.
I heard this news on the radio yesterday morning, and there are all sorts of stories about it. There are even recordings online so you can hear the wind for yourself. (All you have to do is google it.)

So that's my post for tonight. 
I lead an exciting life. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Dad 439: Remembering H.W.

(Thank you for your service, H.W. You will be missed. Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Had some pretty nice days recently as we look out the windows. However, as we step out it is fairly cold. Must admit all the snow (except where plowed) is about gone. Perhaps no more snow this season. Probably not! Absolutely not!
Spent a lot of time this past week listening to stories about George H.W. Bush. I've been impressed by his service. He seems like one of the truly serving individuals that was in it for the other people. Didn't seem to be in politics for his own gain. There aren't many like this today (if any).
Just a side note. Friday Spouse sees our primary care doctor. A few years back our doctor made a bamboo fishing rod for H.W. He was able to give the fishing rod to H.W. in Kennebunkport. He has a picture of him standing there with H.W. I'll be interested to chat with our doctor about his feelings this week.
Stay tuned.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, December 3, 2018

How to Watch Television

Our cable TV provider (Spectrum) went 100% digital on November 27. Any TV without a cable box will no longer work.

Farewell, kitchen TV!  Farewell, exercise room TV!  Farewell, guest room TV!  We do not wish to pay the cable company more money to watch TV on you.

But we didn't want to give up that easy.... A google search led us to a wonderful, inexpensive solution: the Roku Express.

Roku has a Spectrum app, and this app allows us to watch even more channels on our non-cable-box TV sets than we were able to watch before. Go figure.

Welcome back, kitchen TV!  Welcome back, exercise room TV!  Welcome back, guest room TV! You will continue to serve us well.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Delightful Matinee

On the first day of December,
My true love took me to see....

(My friend Ellen’s daughter danced the part of Clara!)

Friday, November 30, 2018

Farewell, November

I am trying to figure out how the first eleven months of this year are already over. (Ideas, anyone?)

To prepare for the Christmas season, I just printed off a list of Advent readings... 20 days of Scripture passages... I am looking forward to it.

Happy December to all!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Dad 438: Spouse is Cleared

(I almost titled this entry "Spouse Passes" but realized it could be misleading, ha ha! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another beautiful day (pre-winter). We've seen a lot of rain lately and a lot of snow has melted. Rain along the coast while the inland and northern areas have received lots of snow. Heard that the ski slopes have a base now of about 3 to 4 feet of snow. Glad we only got rain along the coast.
Less than a month before the days start getting longer. Looking forward to sun setting after 4 o'clock again. Spring will be here before you know it! Believe it!
Spouse is doing quite well since we spent November 19th, midnight to November 20, 6 o'clock AM at Maine Medical Center after another passing out. Just a routine check cleared her of anything serious; she is in good shape. All seems well! Keep the prayers coming. Thanks!
Stay tuned!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Monday After

Today’s conversations at work went pretty much like this:

Speaker 1: “Did you have a nice Thanksgiving?”
Speaker 2: “Yes, but I ate too much.”

I predict that a lot of salads will be eaten this week! (Salads without romaine lettuce, of course.)

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Happy Birthday, Debbie!

My baby sister is 50 years old.... Oh. My. Goodness.

Debbie, Glen, Josh, and Zack came up to our house this afternoon so we could all celebrate Debbie’s birthday with cake and ice cream.

I would like to say that I made the birthday cake, but I can’t. Debbie made it herself, and she did a fantastic job.... Photo evidence below. (And it was delicious.)

Happy Birthday, Debbie!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Dad 437: Thanksgiving Eve

(Gobble, gobble! Enjoy Dad's post!  ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Nice day today. Cold with high temp at freezing. Receiving afternoon reports on snow squall warnings. Hope this doesn't continue all throughout the winter season.

Preparing to go to Glen and Deb's tomorrow to have a :
HAPPY THANKSGIVING — Wishing you one!
Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Birthday, Kelsey!

Another family birthday today. Best wishes to niece Kelsey, who is now old enough that I forget her age. 😊

We have one more family birthday this month, and it’s a big one for this person.... You know who you are....

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Snow, Go Away

(Lew writes today. I feel his pain! ~ Tracy)

Lovely niece Kelsey posted a picture of adorable great-nephew Bode standing in a little bit of snow. He was crying.

Interestingly, I felt the same way yesterday (Friday) morning. I had to clean snow off my car. I was not amused. No, I did not start crying but I could have.

We live in a beautiful, disaster-free part of the country and I’m going to keep telling myself that over and over for the next four months.

Below is a picture of Ken’s opening day, 3-24-17. It’s going to be a long winter.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Happy Birthday, Zack!

Our nephew Zack turned 18 years old today! It’s hard to believe.

Lew found this photo of him and Zack. Obviously, it was taken quite a while ago!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Continuing This Week's Theme

More talk of how cold it's getting to be....

For most of my workday I wore fingerless gloves. I have a black pair and a gray pair. I chose the black ones for today.

At home I have a brown pair of fingerless gloves. I'm trying to put off using them until the cold really sets in... but my hands are really cold as I type this!

I wasn't going to post tonight, but I happened to remember that my sister Kim is disappointed when Mainely Tracy is silent....

So, Kim, this incredibly interesting post was written just for you. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dad 436: A Spell of Cold

(Cold. C-O-L-D. Cold. Enjoy Dad’s post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Boy, does it feel like winter today. Temps below freezing all day. Snow predicted for whole state tomorrow night into Friday. Commute on Friday morning should be difficult. Should get up to 6-8 inches in the mountains. Most ski hills are open now. Please give us a low snow winter and a lot milder than today. Weatherman said this noon that if predicted temperatures for the next couple days are met, it will be the earliest cold spell since records are kept (1870s). Global warming at best!

We have a busy day tomorrow. Spouse needs a shower in the morning. Then I must go to the foot doctor at 11:30 AM. Then home to take Spouse to her last meeting with the surgeon at 1:30 PM. Hope all goes well and we make our appointments. Then home for the night storm. Spring will be here before you know it. We hope!

Hand froze. Can’t write anymore. Tune in next week.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, November 12, 2018


Quick post tonight . . . . 
Not much to say, other than that I have started wearing my winter coat.
I appreciate space heaters, both at work and here at home.
I am also glad we have our new heated mattress pad.
Warm wishes to you all!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Two Seasons End

The football season ended today for both Josh's and Zack's teams.

Josh and his teammates had their final regular season game. It was a tough year for Maine Maritime, but we love our Mariners. Respect the Anchor!

With a win today, Zack's team would have gone on to play in the State championship, but it wasn't to be this year. Although the outcome wasn't what we wanted today, Zack's team was a force to be reckoned with this entire season. Fear the Red Storm!

Congratulations to both of my nephews for being captains on their respective teams this football season. Josh and Zack, you are great young men on and off the field! 💗💗

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Dad 435: Preparing for Winter

(Winter? What means this word "winter"? Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another great late-summer, early-fall day enjoyed in the Northeast today. Temperature reached close to 60° today. A truly remarkable day.
Got the trailer loaded up for the winter. Only have to cover the trailer wheels to avoid the winter weather. Cover the trailer hitch up in front of trailer. Then we are ready for the winter.
Not much else going on. Baseball is over! Red Sox are champs. Don't watch football anymore. Probably never will again.
Spouse is getting to go to her last check up by her surgeon next week. Shoulder really looks great. I think the surgeon and his nurse will be very happy with their work. They did a good job.
Enough for today, soooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Red Pants Tuesday

I got my sticker shortly before 9:30am, but I threw it in my purse and just found it. Usually I wear it all day at work. Oh, well.

But I did wear my red pants today, so that’s something!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Brrrr, Already

I think I am in denial that it is already November.

Today the gals at work were talking about the possibility of snow next week... only an inch or so, they said... an inch too much, in my opinion.

Another reminder that colder weather is upon us: We got an oil delivery here at home today. I am grateful we are able to heat our house, but I'd rather not have to.

Our heated mattress pad isn't working great any more, so Lew ordered a new one today. Hurry up and get here, I say.

Good night. Sleep tight. Keep warm!

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Yesterday (Friday, November 2) was a big day:

Matt turned 40 years old! Lew and I went to a birthday bash earlier today to help celebrate. Happy Birthday (plus one day), Matt!

Zack's football team had its first playoff game last night. The Red Storm handily beat Bonny Eagle. Congratulations to Zack and his teammates! Next week they play Thornton Academy for a chance to go to the State Championship game. Let's go, Storm!

As for today.... Did you remember to turn your clocks back an hour?  😀

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Dad 434: Red Sox Wrap

(Happy Halloween! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well, fall has fell as we have a very fallish day today. It makes me think of what is coming. I hate winter!
I had scheduled a man to check out our monitor heater in our small living quarters for yesterday. It was about one month ago that I scheduled his visit. He never showed. Since the monitor was in the shop last year, I will not have it checked out this fall. The man I had doing the heater over the past many years would take it back to his shop and quickly check it out for the next year. I guess I'll be looking for a new service man next summer. Or perhaps this winter if a problem arises. Please, no problems!
Last week I said if the Red Sox lost game #3 in the World Series they would wrap up the series in game #6. I was wrong, as they won both games that followed game #3. They wrapped up the series in five games. The best team in baseball for sure. The season was great as they were 11-3 in the postseason. They beat the other two teams that also won 100 or more games. They defeated the defending champs. We watched the parade this morning. No more baseball until spring.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, October 29, 2018


I am confident my blog readers already know that the Red Sox won the World Series last night, but I must have a celebratory post....


I didn't create too much of a scene after the final out, but I did startle one of my cats.


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Eli is 7!

Eli turned seven years old today! His friend Elijah has a birthday right around now, too — Elijah is eight years old — so they had a combined Harry Potter theme birthday party today. They were both dressed as Harry Potter, of course!

Adam, Eli, Elijah, and Sage (Elijah's sister)

Matt dressed up as Hagrid, Emily was Mrs. Weasley, and Victoria (Elijah's mom) was a pretty convincing Snape.


Friday, October 26, 2018

No Stress (?) Baseball

World Series Game 3 is about to begin.

The Red Sox won the first two games, so I feel like tonight’s game in L.A. isn’t a “must” win....

But it sure would be a “nice” win!

The “nice” instead of “must” means my nerves are calm.

Relatively calm, that is.

Go Sox!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Dad 433: World Series Prediction

(I hope Dad's prediction is correct! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well, the days and nights are getting cooler. Days are now in the 40s and the whole state has had a hard frost. The growing season is over but I must mow one more time before stowing the mowers, etc. Hope to do within the next two days.
Sunday River ski area is open for the season as it opened last weekend. The second earliest in history. Only open weekends as we slowly creep toward winter. I don't like winter. In fact, I hate winter!
The Red Sox won game one of the World Series last night. Hope to make it the first two wins tonight. If they play like they should, they should have the World Series won before next week's blog post. Stay tuned. GO RED SOX!
Spouse is still improving as she seems to be gaining a little strength daily. Sure has appreciated all the prayers for her. Keep them coming!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, October 22, 2018


My “Goal Bear” (pictured below) arrived today! I started working toward getting this bear on April 1st, and I achieved it on October 13th.

The goal???

Over 40 pounds GONE!

How did I do it? Think “Marie Osmond” and lots of discipline.

I feel great!

Saturday, October 20, 2018

More Late Nights

Hooray for my beloved Red Sox! They punched their ticket to the 2018 World Series, which starts Tuesday.

We will know whom they will be playing after tonight's deciding game between the Dodgers and the Brewers. Lew and I will watch tonight's game until our eyes slam shut.

Once the World Series starts we will try harder to stay awake until the end of each game.... We will have time to sleep in November!


Friday, October 19, 2018

Senior Night

Lew and I just got home from Zack’s last regular season high school football game. 

They honored the seniors before the game. Here’s a blurry photo of Debbie, Zack, and Glen.

Here’s a photo of two of Zack’s biggest fans.

Zack is one of the captains for his team. They won the coin toss... and the game!

Congratulations, Zack!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dad 432: The Phantom Goes

(I don't want to think about the plow yet. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another nice day that turned into a dark, damp day late this afternoon. Seems to be lightening up now. However, the winds of a couple days ago are supposed to return tomorrow night. Perhaps some more trees down and power outages. Don't think it will hit our area. We hope!
Red Sox are doing all right in the series with Houston. Ahead 2-1 with two more games in Houston and back to Boston for two, if necessary. GO RED SOX!!
Got the plow on the truck today so I can get its yearly Messer's checkup Saturday. Actually, Lew had the plow 85% on by the time I got there to help. We are thinking about getting rid of a couple vehicles, and one of them will be the plow truck. Stay tuned!
Spouse is gradually losing her phantom pain and we will start lessening the pain pills. Seems to be getting better. Keep the prayers coming.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Pizza Rock Concert

Lew and I attended a mini-concert tonight. A meal of pizza followed.

We were invited to this event by Eli and Adam. Joined by their friend Elijah, they co-wrote two songs to perform for us. They also planned the meal and helped prepare it.

It was a fun evening as we witnessed the debut of the Pizza Rock Band!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

We Went to See the Poodle

Today Lew and I went to the ballet with Batgirls Ellen and Anne-Marie and their husbands. Ellen’s daughter is in the dance company. 

It was a fun program and a lovely time with friends!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Streaming to My Hearing Aids

(Welcome to a special Friday night edition of Lew's Logbook. Enjoy! ~  Tracy)

I mentioned in my last post that I probably would never use the streaming function of my hearing aids…. I was wrong.

First of all, the first time I received a call on my cell phone (it was Tracy) I realized that I was not hearing her talk from the phone speaker. The sound of her voice was in my head. The phone had paired with my hearing aids automatically, so I did not need to hold the phone to my ear. It was very strange. Tracy had to tell me a couple of times to speak into the phone because I was distracted by the way I was hearing her.

I usually go for a walk a couple of times a week and take a little radio with me. Well, you can’t put ear buds in your ears if you are wearing hearing aids. I had an idea. I downloaded “TuneIn” to my phone. On my walk I streamed my favorite program (Rush) to my aids. It worked flawlessly and did not keep me from hearing all that was going on around me.

I’m really quite amazed with the technology. The only thing I’m worried about is the possibility that someone could access my hearing aids and re-program my mind. Actually, considering the way my mind works now, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. 😊

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Dad 431: Red Sox Relief

(I love baseball... today, anyway. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another summer day enjoyed in the fall. In fact, the last three days have been in the low 80s. Supposedly this is the last "80" until spring. We'll take it!
Well, the Red Sox have eliminated the Yankees from post-season play. The last two wins were in New York. Scores of 16 - 1 and 4 - 3. The 4 - 3 win went into the last of the ninth with a 4 - 1 score. One good Yankees swing could have doomed the Red Sox win. Hearts are now back on a regular beat.
Now it's up to the Dodgers and Brewers in the National League. Red Sox and Houston are American League foes. As of now the Red Sox have 111 wins and Houston has 106 wins. Tough series for the Sox. GO, RED SOX!
Spouse had her next-to-the-last visit to her surgeon's office last Friday. The surgeon's assistant was happy with her scar. Only one more trip to see the surgeon next month. Regular primary care doctor visit this Friday. Seems to be going well. Prayers are still asked for.
Thanks for checking us out.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Pins and Needles

I really do have a love/hate relationship with baseball.

Come on, Red Sox....

My nerves are shot.

Monday, October 8, 2018

I Love/Hate Baseball

Friday night: 💗

Saturday night: 😭

Tonight: 💗

Tomorrow:  ?


Saturday, October 6, 2018

Two for Four

Their were four outcomes I cared about within the last 24 hours:
  1. The Red Sox won last night, 5-4! (One article called it a "nail-biter." I think the writer must have read my blog post last night, ha ha!) 😊
  2. Josh's football team lost early this afternoon. 😢
  3. Brett Kavanaugh got confirmed. (I think I have been holding my breath for the past three weeks, so it was nice to finally exhale.) 😊
  4. Zack's football team suffered its first loss late this afternoon. 😢
Pretty soon the Red Sox will be playing the second game of their series with the Yankees. I do think it's time for another 😊!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Nail-Biting Season

The Red Sox are in the post-season. Their first playoff round is against the Yankees — a best of five series. The first game is happening as I write this.

The Red Sox got off to a great start, and I hope they can hang on to win tonight.

Still.... I don't think I can watch.... My nerves are shot!


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Dad 430: Birdwatching

(It's Wednesday. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well we finally saw the sun this afternoon. The first time in days. Supposed to be great from Friday on. Tomorrow I'm not sure, but I think pretty good also with a little rain.
I will admit nothing has been done to get ready for the upcoming winter. Must close down garage refrigerator. Put the hoses back in their winter home, drained and dry. Furnace has been serviced and monitor heater will be done at month's end.
Lew's birdfeeder goes down almost faster than he can fill it. It sure is fun to watch the birds, squirrels, and chipmunks travel about the home grounds. Not only eating, but bathing in the birdbath. Something to watch.
Big day Friday. Spouse has another check up. Then we have one last check up a month from now. All seems to be going well.
Enough for now, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

In Other News....

I know I am not the only one who has spent far too much time on social media this past week.

I forced myself to take a one-day break from Facebook; I even took the app off of my phone for that day. Of course, I looked at Twitter instead, but at least I kept off Facebook, right? (Ha.)

So... what to do... what to do....

Brush the cats.
Listen to music.
Housework. (Uh, no.)
Take a walk.
Take a nap.
Hang out with family and friends.
Oh, yeah... go to work.

There are plenty of things to do instead of being glued to what people are saying about current events. There is nothing of significance being discussed anyway. (Ha.)

Will I take my own advice? I am going to try.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lew's Logbook: New Hearing Aids

(Welcome to a special Sunday edition of "Lew's Logbook." Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

Hearing aid saga update:

Tracy and I went to Togus last Thursday to pick up my hearing aids. The audiologist could not have been nicer or more helpful.

There is a little bit to know regarding the care and maintenance of these devices, but the VA supplies all of the replacement items needed, free of charge. After that explanation there was a tune up process which adjusts the aids to the way I hear. Our brain plays a much larger role in the hearing process than I realized.

The devices that I picked are Bluetooth compatible…”there’s an app for that.” I can adjust levels and pick settings from my phone. I can even stream music but I doubt that I will ever do that.

Also, they are rechargeable. At night I just drop them in a tray and they recharge overnight. A charge lasts for about 16 hours. I wore them for 14 hours yesterday and there was still about 40% left on the charge.

Now, how am I hearing? Very well! I’m hearing things that I have not heard in a very long time: birds chirping, rain hitting the windshield of my car, keys jingling, squeaky floors, and Tracy when she talks to me from another room. 😉

The audiologist tells me that it may take as long as six months to totally adjust, but after only three days I’m very impressed with my new level of hearing. Feeling blessed. To all of Tracy’s blog readers (who pay taxes), I thank you.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Road Trip to MMA

Lew and I rode up to Maine Maritime Academy with Debbie and Glen today. We went to Josh’s football game then ate a late lunch with him before heading home.

The outcome of the game wasn’t what we were hoping for, but at least the weather was beautiful. And, of course, the best part of today was spending time with Debbie, Glen, and Josh.

It was a day to remember... yes, a really great day!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Can You Hear Me Now?

Lew and I went to Augusta to pick up his hearing aids today!



Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Dad 429: 107 and Counting

("Poodle pet!" Confused? See last Wednesday's intro. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! After yesterday's fall day we enjoyed perhaps the last full day of summer today. We'll see over the next few days.
I must admit that our lawn is as green as I have ever seen it this time of year. It is ready to be mowed. It will get done in the next few days. And then maybe one or two more times this fall.
Well, I just watched a makeup game as part of a day-night doubleheader. It wasn't much of a game as the Red Sox won their 107th game of the year. Score was 19-3. Now I wait for the night game to see if they can continue to a new high of wins. Should happen as Baltimore has the worst record in baseball. Just three games left in the regulation season. Of course they are with the Yankees. GO SOX!
Spouse continues to rehab at her own pace. Some days are better than others. Must still get rid of some phantom pain that remains in the missing limb. Please go away, pain. Prayers are still welcome.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Heat is On

Lew told me tonight that he turned the heat up in our house today. It was the first time this season that we've done that. (Today was the fourth day we ran the space heater in our office at work.)

How I feel about the temperature change:


The above emoji is called "loudly crying face." Yep.... That describes how I feel pretty well.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sports Roundup

Dad mentioned last Wednesday that he hoped the Red Sox would clinch the division that night. If I remember correctly, they didn't clinch until Thursday. But they did indeed win their division. Hooray!

Zack's football game was streamed on Friday night. Lew and I watched over on my parents' side of the house. Zack's team won easily.... Easily!

Josh's football team was not as fortunate, but they did play their best game of the season so far. Keep it up, Mariners!

Lew was excited yesterday because Tiger Woods won a golf tournament. Lew had me come downstairs to watch Tiger's final putt (although it was a foregone conclusion he would win). We are happy for Tiger.

We haven't been watching the NFL at all, but I hear the Patriots lost last night. Is that two losses in a row? I think so. But it doesn't really matter to me. I'm not watching.

And there you have it: my sports report. Take that, ESPN! Ha ha!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Nothing to Report

(Lew writes tonight. And I definitely understand his sentiments, as the last post I personally wrote was four days ago. Thanks for taking one for the team, Lew! ~ Tracy)

In an episode of Seinfeld, Kramer wrote a coffee table book about coffee tables. Well, this is a blog about writing a blog. Tracy asked me to do my “guest” appearance for her blog tonight and I really couldn’t come up with anything interesting.

That got me to thinking that I must lead a very boring life…but that is not true.  I am never bored (except when I am clothes shopping with Tracy).

Each time I am asked to write a blog post I go over the events of the week in my mind to determine if I did or saw something interesting. Usually the week was pretty standard. But standard is good. I didn’t win the Megabucks (hard to win when you don’t play) but there were not disasters either.

So the upshot of my week is that I have nothing to report but all is well.

One item of note, I pick up my hearing aids on Thursday. That should give me something to write about next week.  😉

(P.S. from Tracy: I guess it's good that I don't do too much clothes shopping!)

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Dad 428: Less of a Pain in the Arm

("Toodle Pip!" was "Poodle poop!" last week. Today it was "Total hip!" Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The day is not too sunny and has temperatures in the 60s. A severe change from the mid-80s we had a few days ago. But it will be officially fall before I blog again. And what follows fall? Winter!
Spouse mentioned today that she believes her phantom pain (felt in her missing arm) is lessening. It was well worth hearing. Hoping for the complete non-pain in her missing arm.
Guess it is about time to move the fans out to the garage. Take the AC out. At least think about what weather will be here shortly.
So fortunate to live here where we do not get the violent weather as the Carolinas just received. Thanks!
Hope to announce tonight: the Red Sox win their division. It is a foregone conclusion, but it will be great to complete the task. GO RED SOX!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Foot Race

I've been wanting to write this particular post since the night of our big family cookout. (See my earlier post titled Happy Family Photo Night.)

After we had all eaten dinner that night, Eli challenged my sister Kim to a foot race. I believe Eli told Kim that he would beat her, so the stage was set for a real showdown. (Later on I heard that Kim and Eli had some secret plot that other people had to race Eli if he was able to beat Kim. But my recollection of how that went down is a bit sketchy....)

The parameters were to run across the lawn, go around the tree, and run back to the starting point.

Kim did some floppy thing with her arms and basically ran in slow-motion partway across the lawn and back. (There was no tree involved.)

Eli won.

This led to a race with Glen. If I remember correctly, Glen threw his race and allowed Eli to win again.

(You do know where this is going, right....?)

"Tia, will you race me?" I couldn't decline such a request, but I told Eli that I was really going to try and beat him.

I ran my hardest. I really did. I even cheated by not circling the tree. And I still lost.

My excuse was that I was running barefoot, so I had to be careful not to slip on the grass and fall. (I could hear Kim yelling at me to be careful.) But I'm still not sure I could have beaten Eli. A 55-year-old woman is no match for a boy of six-and-a-half (almost seven).

By the way, Josh and Zachariah were able to beat Eli. Zack would have won his race, too, had they finished; Zack decided to tackle Eli instead.

Even though I lost fair and square, I'm still glad that I raced Eli.

And as for my left foot, it took only three weeks to recover.

Monday, September 17, 2018

I Believe It!

I am still on a bit of a "concert high" from seeing the Gaither Vocal Band yesterday.

Although all of the songs were absolutely wonderful, I do believe one stands out as the most memorable.

Want to hear it?

Put this into Google: chain breaker gaither vocal band. Then watch on YouTube.


Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Sunday Treat

I usually don’t post on Sundays, but I wanted to note the wonderful afternoon Lew and I spent with our friend Trista today. The three of us went to a fabulous, inspirational concert at Merrill Auditorium in Portland....

The Gaither Vocal Band!

Friday, September 14, 2018

I Bought It... When I Saw It...

The locals may recognize the catchy jingle I used for this post’s title, although I have presented a slight variation of it.

Lew and I went shopping at Marden’s tonight because I wanted to find some inexpensive pants/jeans/slacks. I ended up buying four pairs at $9.99 each (plus tax). Even the cashier was amazed at the good deals I found, and she works there!

The jingle in Marden’s ads laments, “I should have bought it... when I saw it... at Marden’s.” 

I am pleased to report I have no such regrets.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Dad 427: A Pain in the Arm

(When I dictated "Toodle Pip!" into my iPad, it came back as "Poodle poop!" Ha ha ha ha ha! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cloudy day here in the Northeast. Hoping and praying that Hurricane Florence will not hit the East Coast as strong as it appears it will. Hope all people follow the evacuation rules.
Tomorrow is another day which will see us at the hairdresser. This will be the first time Spouse and I will be there without Tracy. She set us up with Ron and we went the first two times with Tracy. Tomorrow we solo!
The loss of Spouse's arm is three weeks tomorrow. Spouse still has pain in the area of the operation as well as some phantom pain in the missing arm.
Spouse also misses our niece Gina who spent some days with us. Gina and Spouse had their own talks and enjoyed each other. Thanks for coming, Gina!
Keep your thoughts and prayers for Spouse as she will be recovering from her operation for a few more weeks. Thanks.
That's all folks!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, September 10, 2018

A Sign of the Season

Get your flu shot today!

Although I didn’t see the sign at first, I must have subconsciously known it was there.... I found myself turning into my pharmacy as I was driving to work this morning.

Yep, got my flu shot. 

Dad got his shot last week, and Mom got hers today. Now if Lew would get his shot, our household would be four for four. (Hint, hint.)

Everybody should get their flu shot! It’s preferable to getting the flu.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Hearing Aids On the Way

(Lew writes today. I'm so happy about his good news! ~ Tracy)

Bad news, good news.

The bad news happened about 18 months ago when I was rejected by the VA health system. The reason for the rejection was not clearly stated but it seemed to be about our financials. This did not make sense to me because everything that I had heard about the system told me that Viet Nam combat vets were automatically qualified.

The reason I wanted to enroll was to get hearing aids. I was told that once enrolled I could go through a process which could result in receiving hearing aids paid for by the VA, a $6,000 - $7,000 value.

Good news. Long story short, my son runs into an American Legion officer, and tells him that I was having trouble enrolling. This gentleman knows a guy who deals with VA claims and calls him and that started the ball rolling. There was a review of my original application and it was discovered that I should never have been rejected. I received a call and several apologies for the error. 

I told the person from the health office that my hearing is bad and I was hoping to get hearing aids through the VA. Once they confirmed I was a combat veteran they set me up with the audiology department in Togus, Maine’s VA Hospital.

Tracy and I went to my appointment last Thursday. My hearing was tested and hearing aids were ordered…just like that. I never filled out another document or had to see any other medical professional. It seems that they were trying to make up for their error and cut all the red tape.  

Admittedly I was discouraged at first, but it seems that my bad news turned into very good news that was slightly delayed. My son says it was God who led him to meet the Legion officer that day. I’m very glad that he thinks that. I think so, too.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Friday Night Football

Nephew Zack is a senior in high school this year. He was named as one of the captains of the football team. Congratulations, Zack!

Lew and I went to Zack’s football game tonight. It was a win! Score of 46-7. Congratulations, Zack!

Here are some photos from tonight. Zack is #76... I hope you can spot him in the first photo! Ha ha!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Safe Travels, Gina!

My cousin Gina heads back to Pennsylvania in the morning. We have all enjoyed her visit, and we will be sad to see her go. She will have to come again — that's all there is to it!

Mom, Gina, and me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Dad 426: No More Staples, No More Socks

(A very welcome "farewell" to the evil stockings! Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Another great summer day was enjoyed by all today in Maine.

We had an appointment for Spouse today with the surgeon. Gina, Spouse, and I made the short trip. Melanie removed the remaining staples and put alcohol and tape strips over the scar. The professionals were very happy with their work. It looks great.

Spouse can now take off the long white (tight) socks. This makes her happy. Now all we have to do is quiet the pain down. It has been a great day.

Will see our primary doctor Friday.

Enough for today.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 4, 2018

After the Yard Sale

We survived the yard sale! Everything we didn’t sell has been taken to Goodwill or the dump. We had a really fun time hanging out with our friends for a couple days, but we are all glad the yard sale is over.

Yesterday was Labor Day. Jerry had the right idea about how to celebrate during the heat wave we were experiencing. He’s a smart kitty!

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Yard Sale Weekend

We had so much fun during our Memorial Day weekend yard sale, we are having a Labor Day weekend sale!

Our friends brought over several truck loads of stuff. And, of course, Lew and I had stuff from our massive decluttering project.

Today was a success, and we’ll wrap up the sale tomorrow. Everything must go!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Friday, August 31, 2018

A Good Report

Mom had her first post-surgery follow-up appointment at the surgeon’s office today. Dad and Gina accompanied her.

So far, so good! She is healing nicely. They took out half of her stitches (every other one) today. The other half will come out on Wednesday.

Keep up the good work, Mom!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dad 425: A Niece, A Recovery, and A Tire

(Summer has returned! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Not enjoying about the hottest two days of the year. Both days over 90° with a third probably to follow. Then the humidity will drop from oppressive to livable. Please come quickly – Friday!
Well, niece Gina from Pennsylvania is visiting for a time. She arrived yesterday and it has been a long 14 or so years since seeing her. Happy to see her!
Spouse is recovering from surgery but is suffering from extreme pain. We are trying to manage it, but I'm not having great success. We have a meeting with the surgeon on Friday. Hope we make it. If not we'll go next Wednesday.
I blew a tire while picking up Spouse from the hospital. I hit the curb. Only waited 20 minutes for AAA to change it. Was really lucky AAA was quick in coming to the hospital. We didn't have to wait! Thank goodness! Glen had a new tire put on today. So it is back to a running vehicle again.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My Cousin Is Here!

My cousin Gina is visiting! She drove up from Pennsylvania and arrived this afternoon. Way, way too many years had gone by since we’d seen her, so we’d all been looking forward to her coming. It’s so good to have her here!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Slow But Steady

Mom is still experiencing post-surgery pain, which is to be expected. But after spending all day yesterday in the bedroom, she sat in the living room for a bit today.

A little progress every day is a good thing. Taking things slow but steady helped the tortoise win the race against the hare!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Mom Update

The surgeon wanted to leave the drain in one more day, so Mom will spend at least one more night in the hospital.

Dad went in to see her for a couple hours today. I guess she didn’t remember the brief visit we had with her last night, which doesn’t surprise me. She was still coming out of her anesthesia-induced bliss!

Our cats are wondering where my mother is. (Yes, I really do know this. Cats do care.) So, hurry home, Mom! The kitties miss you!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

She Did Great!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers today!

The surgeon said Mom did great during her surgery, and he thinks this will really help her a lot.

Dad, Debbie, and I got a chance to see her briefly before we came home. She looked good, especially considering what she had just gone through.

She may come home tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Below is a photo taken just after we arrived at the hospital today.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dad 424: Tomorrow Is the Day

(Dad writes today. Thank you for your prayers! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The day started foggy, dreary, and rainy. The day is now dry and the sun is trying to win the afternoon. Lew likes the weather so well he is walking on the beach right now.
Not doing a whole lot today except getting ready for Spouse's surgery tomorrow. Prayers requested and welcomed.
Yes, tomorrow is the day we have been waiting for. We have read all the rules and directions for what must be done for preparations. We have covered all the bases and are ready.
I am thankful that Tracy and Deb will be accompanying us to the hospital. It is nice to have family around at a time like this.
I have nothing else for you this week. Tune in next week.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Happy Birthday, Lew!

A milestone birthday for Lew today... seven decades in the books!

Lew had breakfast this morning with his brother, Wayne, who made him an angel food cake. (I love Wayne's decorating job!)

Lew got another great birthday gift this evening: a surprise visit from Matt, Eli, and Adam!

Lew had a wonderful day. 😊

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Funtown

(I was at work while all this was happening. 😞 Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

I hadn’t been to Funtown/Splashtown in at least three years. Last Friday I had an opportunity to go with my son and his family. We purchased an all-day combo pass so we could enjoy the amusement area and the water park.

Did the bumper cars, the little roller coaster (we had to negotiate to get Adam on the ride, he was just a tiny bit short), antique cars, log flume and the big roller coaster. Eli was tall enough and went on the big coaster but did not like it very much. (Dad had to talk him down a little.) The kids went on a couple of other rides and Grampa was just a spectator.  

Then we hit the water park. It was a beautiful, warm sunny day and there were a lot of people (see picture) enjoying the park. 

I was good for about five hours of activity and enjoyed every minute. It was one of those days that you would like to record and play over and over again. 

Emily took this picture of Matt, Adam, me, and Eli waiting in line for the antique cars.

Friday, August 17, 2018


I went to the ballet tonight with my friend Ellen to see her daughter, Laura, perform.

Ellen was the head usher for tonight’s performance, so I sat next to Laura’s boyfriend. (I told Lew that I had a delightful, adorable date.)

The ballet was lovely and a very fun take on a classic story....

Thursday, August 16, 2018

I Am Popular Today

My office-mates and I had a lot of people coming in our office today.

From the hallway, everyone could see a clear plastic container with red items in it.

Those red items were candy bars!

Dad had a bunch of Kit Kats (left over after the family visit) that he wanted to share, so I took them to work.

There are still a few bars left, but my co-workers made quite a dent in the stash.

Thank you, Dad, for making me a very popular gal at work today!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Dad 423: A Great Family Summer

(I just read about the kit Dad mentions below. Should be interesting. Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Not enjoying a damp, hot, hazy, and humid day. Supposed to hit 80 degrees today and be quite humid. Got the A.C. on in case we need it.

Also kind of a sad day for the Maine family members. Our Illinois family members are now back home and back at their routines:
Zach, Kelsey, and Bode closed on a new house yesterday. Zach starts school tomorrow and they will be moving throughout the next days. 
Joe has already had auditions for the Peoria Area Civic Chorale. Kim and Kaelen will be back to their routines today. They have Cocoa back. Don and Sandy kept Cocoa during their absence.
Boy, do our Maine homes seem empty. It was a great time with the family this summer.

I purchased an Ancestry DNA kit. Will fill out and send it today. Stay tuned. Will keep you posted.

Spouse goes in for surgery a week from tomorrow. Prayers requested!

Done for today.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

It Was a Good Visit!

Our Illinois family members have all returned to their homes. Joe, Kelsey, Zach, and Bode left Maine on Sunday morning. Kim and Kelsey left early this morning.

We had a really nice time while they were here. The blog suffered a bit (!), but I was in a vacation mindset myself toward the end of their visit. Who wanted to write a blog post? Not I, ha ha!

So now it is time to get back into our routine. It will take a couple days to adjust, so I will close this post with a few more photos for you to enjoy.

Mom and Dad with their three girls and sons-in-law.
(Mom is wearing a Piglet shirt and mine has Tigger on it!)

Awwwwwwww...... Love!

Bode and Great-Uncle Lew are in the midst of a serious discussion.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Happy Family Photo Night

The whole family was here this evening for dinner. There were 18 of us: Mom, Dad, Debbie, Glen, Josh, Zack, Kim, Joe, Kaelen, Kelsey, Zach (yes, I finally saw him!), Bode, Lew, Matt, Emily, Eli, Adam, and yours truly.

We started the evening by taking some pictures. Below is a four generation photo. ❤️

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Dad 422: Glen, Golf, Goose

(I still haven't seen Zachariah.... Maybe tonight! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another wonderful summer day for us to enjoy. The weather has been summer-like and the grass is the greenest I have ever seen it in August. Must mow tomorrow! Will do!
Our Illinois family is visiting Joe's folks (George and Jackie) in Randolph (near Augusta) today. Joe's folks are seeing Bode's dad (Zachariah) for the first time this summer. Zach flew in last Saturday night and has been very busy this week. He has been boating on the Atlantic as well as Little Sebago Lake. He is meeting all of his Maine family and fits in quite well. He will be golfing tomorrow with Glen, Josh, and Zack (Zachary).
Today Lew went golfing with Glen and the boys; Lew and Josh played against Glen and Zack. Lew and Josh won again (two holes up and by six strokes), but Glen had the shot of the day. He drove a ball on a line and hit a goose. The goose will not be down for breakfast. Upon reporting the event to a worker, Glen got a handshake and was told he wished he had killed all the geese. I guess they are a nuisance on the course.
So much for today!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Zachariah Is Here!

Zach actually arrived via airplane Saturday night, so I am a few days late with this announcement. I should be excused for my oversight, though, because I have yet to lay eyes on him!

The Illinois family has been playing hard, and I have been at work the past couple days. So our schedules haven’t matched up at all. But I am convinced Zachariah is indeed here for a couple reasons:

1) Lew claims to have seen him. That should be good enough, but just in case....

2) I have seen pictures taken within the past couple days showing Zach with people I know are currently in Maine.

Zach, if I don’t see you tomorrow, I will see you at the big family shindig on Thursday!  😊

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Breakfast Bunch

Kim and Joe joined us for breakfast out this morning with our regular breakfast buddies, Dick and Carole.

We had a few people glancing in our direction by the time we finally left. Why? We were definitely the noisiest, rowdiest, most fun table in the restaurant! We laughed loud and we laughed hard.

Yes, people stared... and we didn't care.... The other tables were just jealous of the great time we were having!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Find the Kitty

Lew and I spend a lot of time looking for our cats. We need to make sure they aren’t locked in a closet — especially if we are leaving the house for any length of time. At bedtime we need to make sure they are on our side of the house; just last week Marilyn almost spent the night over with my parents.

Jerry and Marilyn have their favorite spots to hide, but sometimes they come up with new places. Marilyn’s latest one stumped us for a while!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Dad 421: The Gang's (Almost) All Here

(Hmmm.... What was I like at seven months old?! Ha ha! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! August 1st! Really! Is the summer half over? Yes it is! For the next week or so the weather is supposed to be kind of unstable. (Something like me walking around.)
Bode made it to Maine on July 28th. And yes, Joe and Kelsey were with him. He is the most pleasant seven-month-old child I have ever seen. We all are enjoying him. He visited Joe's parents Sunday and was a big hit. I'm sure he will be happy when his dad (Zachariah) gets here Saturday... as we all will be happy to unite father and son.
It was a very great moment a couple days ago as Spouse and I sat in our small apartment with our grandkids (Kaelen, Kelsey, Josh, and Zack). All we needed was Kelsey's husband, Zachariah. Maybe next week!
Keep praying for Spouse as we get closer to the date of her surgery. Three weeks from tomorrow is the day. We will remind you every week.

That's it for now, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Adam Is Five!

Adam’s birthday was two days ago (Sunday). He is the coolest 5-year-old I know! 

Saturday, July 28, 2018