Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Dad 512: Still Quarantined

(I was "at work" when Dad wrote his blog post today, so I'm getting this typed in after the sitting and shopping have been completed! Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Kaelen is sitting on the deck catching some vitamin D from the sun. It is a beautiful day (about 50°), but the wind sends a chill right through you. I'm surprised she is still outside.
Kim is at the grocery store picking up food wearing a mask (Kim, not the food). She should return shortly and we'll restock our shelves.
Kim and Kaelen came here for two weeks and now are in their eighth week of visiting.
Must stay quarantined as our governor has sentenced us to house arrest. Let's get back to normal.
Our wonderful representatives in Congress are on vacation while the rest of the country wants to get working. Only in the USA.
Enough complaining for now. I still have a lot more material. For now, I'll stop!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Working from Home

He is doing much better now, but my dear hubby was quite ill at the end of last week. He even got "the test" on Friday morning!  NEGATIVE for the 'rona, thank the good Lord!

Because he had a fever, I got banished from working at the office until he is fever-free... for 72-hours... without taking fever-reducing medication.

Today is the first day I can comfortably say he is fever-free, so I probably won't be going back to work until Monday, just to be safe.

In the meantime I am working from home. Although I can't do everything that I could do if I were at the office, I can do the important stuff.

I'm glad that work is going okay, but I'm especially glad (and thankful!) that Lew is starting to feel better.


Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Dad 511: Spouse on the Move

(Oh, dear. Saw that I haven't posted since the last "Derf" installment. We really DO need things to get back to normal! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Cold and windy today. Weather is a little mixed now. A little rain, snow, and sun in the state. The coast is not seeing the snow and that is good.
Spouse (Mary Lou) will be moving within Pine Point Center and will now have a roommate. This will allow her to have someone to speak with daily. Family members will still have to visit her from outside. It will be so much better when we can visit her within the building. It is time to stop these restrictive rules and get back to normal!
Kim has been looking at flights for her and Kaelen to get back to Illinois. Must go through Chicago. Came for two weeks and have been here since March 6 (about seven weeks).
Time seems to have gone by during this Corona thing at a very slow pace. Let's open these homes up so clients can have visitors. That is where we want to spend our time. So senseless to not be able to visit loved ones! Governor, take notice!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dad 510: This Virus Thing

(I agree with what Dad writes in today's post: NOW!!! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another spring day in the 40s. Still cool, but not much scheduled in storms for a while. Good!

I forgot to write yesterday and also today. I was made to remember by my editor!

Still staying home every day. Really will be glad when this virus thing is over. Let's get back to normal NOW!!!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Day's Postponement

The days are all starting to run together!

Fans of Derf, please check back tomorrow for this week's post.  :)

Monday, April 13, 2020

Checking In

So, what's new?!

Haven't been able to attend church on Sundays for several weeks now. Was really strange to not be in church for Easter yesterday. Our pastor is doing a great job delivering his sermons via Facebook Live, but I know we will all be glad when we can meet again in person.

I am still going to work during the week. I am blessed to work for an "essential" business, although I feel like I am missing out on the complete COVID-19 lockdown experience. Not binge-watching anything, not staying in my pajamas until noon, not cleaning out all my closets... although I am doing a good job eating a lot!

My blog has been pretty sparse lately. I go to work and come home. There you have it.

Stay safe!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Dad 509: Family Matters

(Dad writes today. Praying for Joe's and Kim's entire family. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying the third nice spring day in a row. Not too warm though (close to 50°). Tomorrow is going to be rainy and snowy! We will probably get rain on the coast. Up in the mountains they are expecting up to a foot. Better them than us.
Still spending most of each day indoors at home. Not too much activity going on in the outside world. This is a strange time in the world. Hopefully it will be over shortly.
Spouse remains at Pine Point Center where she is getting the care she needs. Tracy, Kim, Debbie, and Kaelen visit outside her window. Lew is still taking care of her birdfeeder. Birdfeeder is used very much by hungry birds and a squirrel.
Kim's father-in-law, George, passed away early yesterday. Kim and Kaelen are now spending a couple of days with Jackie (Kim's mother-in-law / Kaelen's grandmother). Happy that they are able to be with her at this time.
That is it for today.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Dad 508: No New News

(April 1st already. Dad writes today.  ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another cloudy day in the Spring. Only in the 40s. Possible storm tomorrow. Not serious!

Short report today.

Talk to Spouse on phone 20 times a day!

Watching a lot of news on television. Almost 100% on COVID-19. Can't relax until we're back to normal. Hopefully earlier than later.

Jerry the cat and I are getting a lot of couch rest.

Tune in next week for an update.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!
