Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Dad 416: Busy Days of Summer

(Dad writes today. Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying some nice summer days. Rain tomorrow and then a few days of extreme heat. Summer is here!

We were planning on the next two weeks with no appointments except my weekly trips to the store (Tuesdays). Suddenly it is all changed.

Spouse has a haircut scheduled for tomorrow. Tracy set this up for her and Spouse is quite happy.

Then on Friday we have a doctor appointment (a referral from her primary care doctor) for a look at her left shoulder. The shoulder is locked up to her chest with no motion. Can something be done? We'll see.

So you see, a lazy week has turned into a very busy ending. Stay tuned for results next week.

Shutting down for the day. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, June 25, 2018

As Time Goes By

I told my office-mates today that we need to think about month-end tasks this week. And when June ends we will have completed six months of the year. So six more months to go....

How did that happen? Didn't we just celebrate the start of 2018?

Although I am having a difficult time figuring out how six months passed while I blinked, I do wish you this:

Happy last week of the first half of the New Year!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Cleaning Out

(We worked hard today. Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

Tracy recorded in a previous blog post that we had a very successful yard sale (picture below) on Memorial Day weekend. So successful that we decided to have another one on Labor Day weekend.

There was some “stuff” left over that we put in the middle bay of our garage and said that we would just keep adding to the pile through the summer.  

Despite all of the items that we put in the first yard sale, we have already filled 5 or 6 more boxes for the next. We are going through cupboards, drawers, closets and storage bins. It is amazing what we are finding. Still much to do. Our friends will be doing the same.  

We have a motto as we work toward the Labor Day yard sale…”fill mid bay by Labor Day.” I think we might do it.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

An Off Day

I felt a little “off” all day.

It started as I was walking from my car into work. I realized I had left my work keys and my computer glasses at home! Fortunately Lew was able to bring both to me, otherwise I would have lost 45 minutes or so of work time.

I also wrote an e-mail telling a colleague to use a future date in 2017. I e-mailed her a correction when I realized my error. She had already figured out what date I meant, but she enjoyed thinking we might have the ability to turn back time.

There were several more things that contributed to my “off” day, and they all started to blend together. But one more stands out....

I was working diligently at my desk when I noticed a scurrying motion. I looked down to see a huge black ant right next to my hands. I did the only sensible thing, which was to scream and leap back out of my chair. Then I grabbed my weapon of choice (a tissue) and disposed of the intruder.

I want to be “on” tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dad 415: It's a Gas, Gas, Gas!

(It has been nice being home for the afternoon. Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Summer starts tomorrow, but we have already enjoyed a few summer-type days in a row. Supposed to go the next couple of days.

I'm writing this a little after noon. My editor and blogger wanted it early as Tracy (editor) and Lew will be attending a baseball game under the lights in Westbrook. I know Eli is playing, but I don't know about Adam. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. (Just learned Adam is not playing tonight.)

I'd better hurry. Editor arrived home and wants blog post to put in computer.

Today I filled all three of our gas cans that contain fuel for the mowers and go cart. We are ready for summer. Also filled truck with fuel. Going to try to drive truck more this year. Only traveled 449 miles last year. Basically plowed our yard a few times.

Lew put our AC unit in Saturday. Just in time for our ninety-degree day. Thank you, Lew!

Done for today, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, June 18, 2018

Father’s Day Follow-Up

I didn’t take any photos to document yesterday’s activities, but this sure was a hopping place! Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam were here, as well as Emily’s father and her brother. Lew and I and the folks in the back (a.k.a. my parents) rounded out the party.

Lew cooked delicious steak tips on the grill. There were go-cart rides for the little boys. Great fun was had by all.

Even Jerry and Marilyn got in on the celebration. We got our wires crossed and left some unattended food on our kitchen counter, so both cats got a taste. We are pretty sure Jerry had some cheesy salsa. He was licking his chops, so I think he liked it. But we are definitely not adding that to his diet.

Happy Week After Father’s Day!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Still Here!

Oops!  Forgot I had a blog for a couple days.  Will try to do better next week.

Go, Red Sox!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Dad 414: Rue the Rust

(Soon it's gonna rain.... Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying some pretty nice weather the last few days. We sit here now waiting for a late afternoon rain. Perhaps even a pop up thunderstorm. We need the rain to wash up tons of pollen that has landed on our vehicles. Please let us see a good rain.
Got my truck back from the shop Monday after five weeks. Had some more work repairing rusted out gas line. Replaced all gas line from tank to engine. I don't think there is anything left to rust on this vehicle. At least I hope not.
Now Lew's vehicle is in the shop to get an inspection sticker. He will get one after having work done on the brakes. Then it will be good for another year.
Still not raining. So I'll stop writing. Just heard it is sprinkling. Very good! Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Strategic Voting

Why I vote before going to the office: When passing by the various interest groups as I'm leaving the voting place and they ask me, "May I have a moment of your time, ma'am?" I can honestly say, "No, I am on my way to work."


Monday, June 11, 2018

Derf and Spouse :)

Happy Anniversary to my wonderful parents! Today they celebrated 58 years of wedded bliss.

Much, much love....

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Catch Up If I Can

What I have learned at work these past four days: It takes longer than a week to catch up after a week of vacation.

All the work I would have done last week plus all of the work for this week equals more than a week of work.

It is a simple concept really, but it is one I am having difficulty accepting. I want it all done now.

I keep reminding myself, "Job security, Tracy, job security!"

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dad 413: Got Mail?

(Dad writes today. This summer won't be the same.... ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! After about 2 1/2 lousy days the weather seems to be clearing up. The sun shines! A good weekend is predicted.
I received a gadget in the mail that I ordered to solve our mail problem. Our mail comes at different hours throughout the year. Anywhere from around noon until 7 to 8 at night, so many trips out to the mailbox with no results. Now when the mail comes and the mailbox door is open we will hear a few beeps and a light comes on. So we will make only one trip to the mailbox and not several when the mail is late. We'll see how it works. (Worked well today.)
Just heard from sister Deb that she will not be coming to the beach this summer. Plans on coming next year, but may be flying and not driving. She will be staying at her Florida home for the summer. Sorry she is not coming up, but we will look forward to next summer.
Enough for today, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, June 4, 2018

Back to Work

My vacation ended and I went back to work today. I am so far behind! Fortunately, my supervisor understands that it will take me a few days to get caught up. So I will do what I can do. (Profound, huh?)

Lew and I had a nice vacation week. We kicked it off with the yard sale and then spent the rest of the week doing odd jobs around the house, watching movies, running errands, and spending quality time doing nothing. It was really great!
