Saturday, June 23, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Cleaning Out

(We worked hard today. Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

Tracy recorded in a previous blog post that we had a very successful yard sale (picture below) on Memorial Day weekend. So successful that we decided to have another one on Labor Day weekend.

There was some “stuff” left over that we put in the middle bay of our garage and said that we would just keep adding to the pile through the summer.  

Despite all of the items that we put in the first yard sale, we have already filled 5 or 6 more boxes for the next. We are going through cupboards, drawers, closets and storage bins. It is amazing what we are finding. Still much to do. Our friends will be doing the same.  

We have a motto as we work toward the Labor Day yard sale…”fill mid bay by Labor Day.” I think we might do it.

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