Saturday, April 27, 2024

Conversation With an "Old" Friend

This past Tuesday evening I stayed up until 12:30AM (into Wednesday morning) talking on the phone with one of my dearest friends. I met her when I lived in Kansas, which is still her home.

She came to Maine for a visit about four years ago, and we couldn't remember if we had spoken on the phone since then. Text messages and the like, yes.  But speaking, not so sure.

At the end of our three and a half hour phone conversation, we talked about how it hadn't seemed like a possible four years. Wasn't it only yesterday that we were sitting in the same room, drinking hot tea, and watching a chick flick?

Friends are forever. Especially "old" ones.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Dad 711: Six Months, Two Days

(Dad writes today. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another pretty cloudy day in the Northeast with temperatures around the mid 50s. We're still waiting for that warm weather to reach the 70s. It is rather slow in coming. We'll just have to wait. A little rain still left.
Six months and two days ago our Mary Lou left this earth. It is amazing how fast the year is flying by. It is surprising to me how many times during the day she enters my thoughts. I guess living with someone for 63 years does make an impression on one's self. The good times that will never be again. But the memories are great!
We struggle along with our loss knowing we'll see her soon. That will be a reunion. We're ready.
Life goes on.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Prayers and More Prayers

I have dear friends that have suffered this past week.

For two friends, the tragic loss of an adult daughter/niece.

For another friend, painful side-effects from chemotherapy.

My friends know people are praying, and they are grateful.

God's peace, comfort, and love to all.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dad 710: A Special Brick

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! It looks like a nice summer day outside. However, the temperature is in the low 50s. I'm waiting for the temps to rise to the 70s on a daily basis. We are ready to warm up.
Life goes on week by week and each week seems to go about the same. Several things happen over and over.
This week we did notify the Hospice that we would donate an engraved brick memorializing Mary Lou. The brick will be put in the yard at the hospice. Nothing fancy, just her name and life years. The brick will be dedicated at a spring ceremony along with other memorial bricks. We plan to be at the dedication and are looking forward to it.
Still planning on attending the big reunion at Kents Hill School celebrating the class of 1964 (50 years). Hope go all goes well and I make it back for the 200th reunion at the school. I'll let you know.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Mouse Out of the House!

Not wanting to risk another middle-of-the-night ruckus due to the mouse, Lew and I decided to flush him out.

Because of how the kitties were acting, we knew the mouse was behind or under the bookcase beside my recliner. Lew pulled the bookcase away from the wall, and the mouse went scurrying.

He made it underneath a corner piece, safe from the two kitties that were stalking him.

I tried to lure the mouse out with cheese, but he wasn't biting. He eventually ran back under the bookcase.

Lew believes the mouse was getting desperate for food, because he (the mouse) eventually emerged. The kitties chased him back to his hiding spot.

He came out again. The kitties chased him.

This went on for about an hour. At one point the mouse came out and sat still, as did the kitties. It was at this point I realized our cats were "playing" instead of making serious attempts to catch the mouse.

When Marilyn chased the mouse into our small bathroom (which is beneath our staircase), we knew we were in luck. Although it is small quarters, Lew and I both went into the bathroom and shut the door. The space under the door is tight (old house!), so we knew the mouse couldn't get out.

So it is the mouse, Marilyn, Lew, and I in the bathroom. Marilyn and the mouse are playing peek-a-boo back and forth behind the toilet.

I had brought in the tupperware bowl (from yesterday's post) and was ready for when the mouse decided to come out into the open floor.

And he finally did!

I trapped him under the bowl. We put Marilyn outside of the bathroom, and I carefully slid the bowl over the small area rug. Lew took it from there.... He folded the area rug around the bowl, tipped the bowl over, and subsequently released the mouse outside.


Jerry and Marilyn then crashed, exhausted from the "hunt" — and I use that term loosely!


Friday, April 12, 2024

Mouse in the House!

Last night around 2:00AM I was awakened by a loud noise. Then I heard one of the cats madly dashing around downstairs.

I went to investigate.

Marilyn was at the foot of the stairs, playing with one of her toy mice.

Upon further inspection, I saw that said mouse was able to move all on its own.

The mouse ran behind the speaker we have next to our electric keyboard. Marilyn and the mouse then played an amusing game of peek-a-boo back and forth around the speaker.

By now Lew is downstairs as well. Jerry seemed to be just a casual observer at this point.

The mouse got brave and ran into the dining room. Both cats now were trying to catch it. Lew tried to trap it with a tupperware bowl, but the mouse was too fast.

Eventually the mouse dashed into the living room, and it is there we all lost sight of it.

Lew and I went back to bed while the cats kept watch.

No sign of the mouse today.... It's freaking me out a little!


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Dad 709: The Super Shoe

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The weather finally is giving us a taste of spring and even summer. Please get here soon!
Last week I told you I would tell you about my "super shoe." So here is a short story of the super shoe.
After my last foot surgery to clean out the infection, I was supposed to walk on my heel to keep all weight off of my toe. This would help the healing process, but it wasn't happening. I mentioned building a different heel for my shoe but was discouraged from doing so.
In the hospital my foot finally started to heal. The day that I was being discharged from the hospital to rehab, I was issued a new type of shoe (my "super shoe"). It has a rebuilt heel that helped me to get up on my heel and not use my toe area. My rehab was on its way.
I was released from rehab after one week by my surgeon, and I have been wearing a simple surgical shoe as the healing goes on. In a couple of weeks I'll get back to all regular shoes.
Here is a poor drawing of the super shoe.

Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

(P.S. Below is my own rendering of the super shoe, from heel to toe! 😏 ~ Tracy)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Tuesday Musings

The NCAA tournaments are over. Congratulations to the UConn men and the South Carolina women for their decisive wins! And now I can try to get to sleep at a decent time. 😴

My work colleagues shared eclipse glasses yesterday. We weren't in the path of totality, but we were able to see some of the effects of the eclipse. The glasses showed us that most of the sun was blocked by the moon at the peak point of the eclipse, but it still wasn't dark out. The sun is certainly a powerful star.

The weather has been nice the past couple days. I think that Spring got the message and decided to show up!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

It Snowed on April 4th

Everything screeched to a halt on Thursday because of heavy, wet, and icky snow!

Police and fire departments requested that people stay home if possible.

Our power went out about 4:15AM. 

We were cold.

We were tired.

We were cold and tired.

Just over 12 hours later — around 4:30PM — our power came back on.

Warm food for dinner!

Hot coffee! (Regular for Lew, decaf for me.)

Cable TV and internet working again!

Every time we lose power, I promise to never take it for granted again. But then I do....

Therefore, many thanks to the line crews that have worked hard these past two storms.

And, Spring, you need to step it up.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Dad 708: Foot and Shoe

(Dad writes today! Hooray! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! I'M BACK!
I've been home since last Thursday. I spent a week at Maine Medical Center and finally got discharged when my foot started to heal.
Then I went to rehab. The rehab was not a physical therapy need. It was to allow my foot to progress in the healing process. It did heal and I was discharged to go home.
I wore an extended-heel shoe while in rehab and for the first few days after returning home. I now can go back to wearing my flat surgical shoe for the next six weeks. If I treat my foot correctly, I should be able to get into my orthopedic shoe after the six weeks. I'll keep you posted.
Tune in next week! Will write more details about my stay and my new shoe!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!