Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Temporary Fix for the Foot of the Stairs

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the cat pee-pee problem at the foot of our stairs.

Tearing up that portion of carpet seems to have eliminated the pee-pee incidents, but now we have a new problem: We can't decide what to do about the floor!

Knowing that it will probably take us many more days -- as in months -- to make a decision, Lew came up with a temporary fix. We ordered an area rug through Amazon. The day it arrived, Lew trimmed it to fit the area. It doesn't quite cover the whole space lengthwise, but it will do for the short term.

We are open to suggestions for the long term!


Monday, September 29, 2014

Way to Go, Josh!

"Media Monday" is being bumped this week in order to acknowledge some family news:

Nephew Josh got his driver's license today!

Congratulations, Josh!!

Some "auntly" advice: Please drive safely. Wear your seat belt. Keep your phone in the glove compartment while you're driving. Be courteous toward other drivers. Drive safely. Drive safely. Drive safely....

Saturday, September 27, 2014

I Love Matching Tiles

The weather was beautiful today. Just like summer!

I took advantage of the nice weather and went to Josh's football game. (It was the Homecoming game.) As the game progressed, it got hotter and hotter outside -- or at least it seemed to. Josh's team was behind by quite a margin, so I thought about leaving early. But I decided to stay until the end of the game. When I stood up to leave, I could feel the sweat on the back of my legs. I had light-weight jeans on, but I would have been better off wearing shorts!

I have completed four weeks at my new job. Yesterday was the "crazy-busiest" day so far. Lots and lots of customers. Emily was one of them. I hope she enjoyed her lunch.  :)

For some reason I decided to look for a Mahjong game for my iPad a few days ago. I went to the App Store and found "1001 Ultimate Mahjong" by Clickgamer.com. I downloaded it and even purchased all the extra levels. And for three nights in a row I have been playing Mahjong. This is instead of doing some reading (which I love to do) and a billion other more productive things. But as I told Lew, "Perhaps I just needed a break from the pace I normally keep, especially since I am still adjusting to a new routine." Rationalization? Maybe. (Or maybe not.) At the very least, I have enjoyed playing Mahjong.

As I write this, I hear Lew talking to the kitties (it's time for their night-night goodies) and I also hear the laundry machines running. I'll be up late to finish the laundry tonight, but I'll be SO glad tomorrow. Doing laundry on Sunday is the pits.

Tomorrow's plan: Church, lunch with Verlie, then an afternoon/evening of reading, watching football, and playing Mahjong.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Music to My Brain

Writing Prompt:  Music.

I really enjoy listening to music. Which is why I don't seem to do it very much! Sounds crazy, I know. But when I listen to music, that's pretty much all I do. If I'm supposed to be doing a project (like balancing the checkbook), my mind will wander off of that task. I'll just be paying attention to the music. I guess I am not a good multi-tasker in some situations.

I know that a lot of people can be quite productive when listening to music. Somehow it helps them block out other distractions and focus on the task at hand. I wish I could do that. I really do.

Perhaps I am selling myself a little bit short. There is one chore that I can do successfully while listening to music, and that is folding the laundry! Being able to enjoy music while I'm folding makes the task go much faster.

And my five minutes is up! (I could write a lot more about music. Probably better than that above, but that's what I came up with today.)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Following Up on a Dish and a Pirate

I recently wrote about a funny-shaped dish that I enjoyed carrying around as a child.  Here it is, pictured beside my grown-up hand:

No idea of this dish's purpose. But it's pretty cool.

I recently posted a photo of Lew dressed up as a pirate ("Arghhhh!") for Josh's 5th birthday party. I also found a photo of me from that day. Here I am with my adorable little nephews:

Year is 2003.   Zack is in yellow, Josh in blue stripes.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dad 220: A Record Problem

(Maybe Dad needs to learn eBay! Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying another beautiful day here in the Northeast. Temperature isn't the warmest but it is still delightful. We'll enjoy.

Zack's team is back in the win column while Josh's team is still looking for a win. Sure do enjoy watching the boys play football.

Breaking news! Josh will be taking his driving test this Monday. Please keep positive thoughts as we all anticipate his receiving his license. Go Josh! We all wish you well!

Now to my problem of the day....

Over the years we have collected a great many record albums. They number well into the hundreds (about 500). Also have about fifty 78s. I tell you they take up a lot of space and are very heavy. I spent part of the day getting them together in one place. Several weeks ago I emptied the house attic of recordings. Today I emptied the garage attic.

Now my problem is how to rid myself of the recordings. I called a couple places with no success. I'll admit my records are mostly gospel. I do have some pop and jazz, but I'm not going to separate them.

I'm almost to the point of trashing some each week for the next few weeks. If I take them to the dump it will cost me money. So, to the trash they can go. Sad to see them thrown out, but no one wants them. I guess that is what happens when age sets in and new models take over.

Done for today, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Lew just said, "Hey, tomorrow's Wednesday already. We should celebrate!"

When I looked at our bank account online today, I saw that Lew's first social security "check" was deposited. Hooray! We should celebrate!

Tomorrow I will help my parents dismantle their old desktop computer. They'll just be using a laptop and an iPad from now on. As I am their "tech support," I am very happy about this. Another reason to celebrate!

My kitties have not gone pee-pee at the foot of the stairs for a few weeks now. Yahoo! A celebration is in order!

I am getting more adjusted to my new job and the new routine it brings. I'm glad about that... and I'm having fun. A cause for celebration!

And the greatest thing to celebrate: I am a child of God! So very blessed!

To do: Celebrate!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Dumb Movies

Lew and I watched "The Big Lebowski" on Friday night. It was as dumb as I thought it was going to be, although I was entertained by the story. (I don't recommend the movie, however. The language was pretty rough and there was other questionable content.)

I hate to admit it, but I have watched my share of dumb movies -- mostly with Lew. I'm not implying anything by that, but....

We went to see "Me, Myself, and Irene" when it was playing in the theaters in 2000. I remember the year because we went to see it on our honeymoon. And, yes, I still bring that up when I want my way on something. (I'm not recommending this movie either. Rough language, subject matter, etc. And really dumb.)

In exchange for my watching dumb movies with him, Lew has watched some dramas and chick flicks with me.  Some examples:
  • The Help
  • Legally Blonde
  • A Hallmark movie I can't remember the name of
  • Bridget Jones's Diary
  • Sweet Home Alabama
  • Enchanted
  • Something's Gotta Give
  • The Nanny Diaries
  • Ever After

Lew is clearly a good sport. And for that, I'll watch many more dumb movies with him.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day of Rest Eve

Now that I am a working girl again -- and still adjusting to a new routine -- I am finding that Saturday has turned into the week's catch-up day, errand day, etcetera, etcetera.... It feels like a whole week wrapped up into one day!

Note today's events and tasks:
  • Breakfast with our breakfast buddies
  • Grocery shopping
  • Pick up Lew at the motorcycle inspection place
  • Cut Lew's hair
  • Exercise and shower (I try to do these every day! LOL!)
  • Take Lew to pick up his motorcycle after inspection
  • Three loads of laundry
  • Prepare for children's church (my turn again tomorrow)
  • Trim front claws of both cats
  • Write this blog post
  • Catch up on some reading

We have yet to trim the cats' claws.

I still need to finish tomorrow's lesson, although I've got most of it ready. It is the story of Jacob wrestling with the angel.

I'd like to do some more reading.

Oh, and the laundry isn't quite done.... But is laundry EVER done?!

Friday, September 19, 2014


Writing Prompt:  Bed.

I love bed.

There are few things more wonderful than falling into bed at the end of a long, hard day. I like to put my white noise machine on the "rain" setting. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

It is also a wonderful thing to stay in bed on a cold, rainy morning. I like to turn on the light and read a little bit. And hopefully a cat (or two) will come stay by my side. Although I must admit the presence of a cat (or two) makes it even harder to get up!

Lew and I have a sleep-number bed, which is a must for us. We have very different comfort levels. I usually keep my side at about 95 (on a scale of 100), and Lew likes his side at about 40. (Our bed looks very lopsided when we're not in it.)

This week I have been fighting off a migraine headache, so my bed has been very important to me. I will take pain medication to help with the headache, but the best solution for me has always been to sleep it off.

I love bed.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Once Upon a Graduation

A year ago yesterday my precious friend Suzy went home to Jesus. From all of the comments that I read on Facebook, it is clear she remains a blessing to all who knew her!

It seems fitting to share some Throwback Thursday photos of Suzy. These were taken during the weekend of our college graduation. (Well, all except for the first one!)

Suzy and I ... a wrinkle in time?

Suzy cleaning dorm rooms for graduation guests.  :)

Suzy, me, and Jen ... all dressed up for the Senior Ball!

Suzy and I after graduation.

I love her smile.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dad 219: Football, Furballs, and Flying Weeks

(It's so sweet that my kitties miss me. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf here! Another sunny, cool, pre-fall day here in the Northeast. Following up a rainy, wet day. Not a good day yesterday. The experts predict sun the next week, but cold weather. Perhaps warming up to above normal in five days. We'll take it.

Well, we had a bad week in football. The Pats won; that's good. But Josh's and Zack's teams were defeated. The next two weeks will be tough for Josh's team as they play the top two rated teams in their division. Hope they play well! I'll be at both games as they will be played at home.

Then we had our Indiana family's team, the Colts, suffer their second defeat of the season. We also root for the Colts as our Illinois family's friend plays for them (#58, Andy Studebaker).

So.... Go Pats, Colts, Josh's team, and Zack's team! Let's get some wins this week.

I sit here, this morning, on our couch listening to Lew and Tracy's cat scratching on the door. Tracy is now working every weekday so her cats are expressing their loneliness by banging on their door. After a while it stops as they decide to sleep the day away. Think I might try that solution myself.

The weeks sure do fly by this time of year. I'm already getting organized to button up for the winter. That means putting the hoses away. All our trinkets scattered about must be put away in the back cellar. I must mow a couple more times, then put the mower away in the trailer. (This makes room for Glen's and Lew's motorcycle storage.) The plow must be put back on the pick up. (It is supposed to take only a few minutes; this is not what I've experienced.) I'm tired just thinking about winterizing. I have run out of gas.


Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

56 and Counting

The task list that I keep on my phone currently has 17 items on it.

2 reminders for Lew

1 book I am expecting in the mail

2 names to add to our prayer bulletin board

1 Bible verse to look up

1 children's church lesson for Sunday

1 check I need to write next week

2 friends I need to follow up with

6 computer tasks

1 reminder to trim cat claws!

I also have a to-do list on my computer that currently has 39 items, none of which duplicate any of the above.

You may be wondering why I am taking the time to write this post. So am I!


Monday, September 15, 2014

"Next Week" Comes Through

Last Monday I lamented about how the Patriots had lost the day before. Lew's fantasy football team also lost. (I believe my lament was expressed with the word "stinky.")

Well, anyone who follows the NFL -- the on-field action, not just the recent news stories -- is aware that the Patriots won yesterday (handily). It was a fun game to watch. Not stressful at all.

And unless something really weird happens, Lew is set to win his fantasy football game this week. And that, my friends, is a major accomplishment! It is an extremely rare occurrence.

So, three cheers for the Patriots and the Beach Bums!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!

Here's hoping that next week will be just as successful.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cold Computer Cat

I enjoyed my second week of work!

But now I am fighting a cold.

I have some theories about my cold. I think it came about due to changes in my routine and the weather. I got my annual flu shot on Wednesday, so I'm hoping my cold isn't due to that. (I don't think it is.)

Lew and I just got home from helping his brother with some computer issues. Helpful hint: When writing down e-mail addresses and temporary passwords, please make them legible.

Tomorrow marks the two-year anniversary of our adopting Kurt the cat. Thank you for being such a sweet kitty, Kurt!

Friday, September 12, 2014

The "Forgot to Name This Post" Post

Writing Prompt:  Mystery.

Ah... mystery. My favorite kind of story.

I love reading mystery novels. I do try to figure out "whodunit" as I read. (Sometimes I'm right, but mostly not!) And I will say that I do NOT skip to the last couple pages to find out what happens. That would ruin the whole reading experience for me.

I am interested in real-life mysteries as well. What mysteries exist that I would like to know the answers to? One that comes to mind is the JFK assassination plot. I wonder if we will ever know the truth. (I was just a baby when this happened. My mom tells me that we were at a gas station when she heard the news on the radio.)

There are other unsolved murders and missing person cases, but I won't mention any specific ones. My heart goes out to the families and friends that have never received closure regarding lost loved ones.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Land That I Love

The young women that I work with were wearing bandanas yesterday. They told me that I needed to bring one and they would help me with it.

I found a couple fabric remnants that I wanted to use for today in particular. I didn't get a photo of me wearing it, because I had to take it out for an after-work haircut.... But you can see it below.

God Bless America.


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dad 218: Football, Furnaces, and One Flashy Car

(My advice for Josh: Put your cell phone in the glove compartment, always wear your seatbelt, and use your blinkers. Enjoy my father's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another early fall day in the Northeast. Gotta love the weather this time of year.

We are in full football season now. Zack's eighth-grade team has won all three of their games to date. Zack recovered a fumble in his last game. Well done! Josh's high school team opened with a loss. Josh is the center on offense and finds himself playing a lot of defense also. He handled the ball well at center. This Friday's game is in Bangor. I will not be there. It will be a tough game.

Well, Josh turned 16 yesterday and sent in for his license exam date. The car he was going to drive couldn't pass inspection, so Glen and Deb found another vehicle. It is one flashy car. Jet black! Sunroof! It is an Infinity and looks brand new. One of those one-owner vehicles only driven on weekends. Drive carefully, Josh! Good looking ride!

Sister Deb has finally arrived back at her home in Florida. That officially is summer's end.

We had the furnace man check out our heating devices for the upcoming cold season. The monitor heater and furnace are ready for another brutal winter. Bring it!

This morning I spent some time trimming our lilac trees. Hauled another $20-load to the dump. Still have about three tall trees within the lilac bushes. Hope to get them removed by a pro. (I don't dare remove them myself. I'm worried that I might wipe out my neighbor's back porch.) I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Hope to have this finished for my proofreader and editor by the time Tracy (editor) returns from her new job. I'm done for the day. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Sandwich and Salad Spreadsheet

Today I worked my sixth four-hour shift at my new job. Still fun!

I'm getting more comfortable with the menu items, but each day I pick my co-workers brains so that I can better my understanding. I write my notes on a piece of paper, then I add those notes to my spreadsheet.

Yes, I said "spreadsheet."

I created a spreadsheet to list the names of the wraps, paninis, and salads. I don't list all of the ingredients on my spreadsheet, but I do have a column for some specific notes that I want to remember.

Last night I added some notes about the salad dressings, the french fry "dustings," and a few other odds and ends.

I told my young co-workers (who loved that I made a spreadsheet) that I have too much useless information taking up space in my brain. At some point, the details I need to remember for work will take over. I hope so anyway.

To do: Purge useless info.

Monday, September 8, 2014

And We're Off to a Great Start

Except for the two games tonight, the first week of the NFL regular season is over.

The Patriots lost. Stinky.

Lew's fantasy football team lost. Stinky.

But, hey! There's always next week.
Let's go, Patriots! 
Let's go, Beach Bums!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The First Week of September

What a great week!

First of all, Lew was on vacation. He went walking on the beach, played golf, and did some reading. He also had his fantasy football draft. I think there may have been some napping during the week, too.

I was able to share Labor Day with Lew, but then I worked for the rest of the week! Some friends own a wonderful eatery and they now have a part-time employee named Tracy. (Yes, that is I.) My hours are 10am-2pm, Monday through Friday. I work the register and take orders over the phone. I have much to learn still, but I did have a lot of fun during my first four days!

On Thursday night I went to a women's ministry event at church. I shared some photos from it on the new women's ministry blog that I administer. You can check out the photos by clicking HERE.

Last night Lew and I went to Josh's football game. We got there just in time to hear his name announced in the starting lineup. It was a beautiful night to watch a game; the weather was very pleasant. Unfortunately, Josh's team lost, 29-14, but hopefully they can make some adjustments before their next game....

Go, Red Storm!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Three Early Memories

Writing Prompt:  My earliest memory.

My earliest memories are of when my father taught at Kents Hill Preparatory School. I was a toddler then. I have three specific things that I remember from that time:

1) My father walked to work. I remember sitting at the window and watching him go. I knew about cars, so I also thought it was neat that my dad could just walk. (It was later on in life that I learned my parents lived in one of the houses on campus.)

2) We had some sort of meat for dinner. I sat at what I remember as a counter but it could have been a regular table. It took me forever to chew my meat. My parents were up and moving about the house while I sat there chewing and chewing and chewing.

3) I loved carrying around a little funny-shaped dish. It really is teeny -- it can fit in the palm of my hand. Years later when my mother tried to put this little dish in a yard sale, I grabbed it from her. "You can't sell that! I loved carrying that around!" Usually I'm not very sentimental, but I am about this little dish.

Disclaimer: The above details might be a little "off." They are, after all, my earliest memories!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Two of Josh's Birthdays Past

Our nephew Josh will be turning 16 on Tuesday.

Early Happy Birthday, Josh!

In honor of this upcoming event, today's Throwback Thursday will be two photos from his prior birthdays.

The first one isn't even a photo of Josh. Uncle Lew was asked to dress up as a pirate for Josh's 5th birthday party, and Lew did a fine job. He was so believable that he scared our nephew Zack, poor little guy!  (I think that Zack has finally recovered. LOL!)

Captain NoBeard

The second photo is from the following year, 2004, Josh's 6th birthday.  And yes, that is Josh in the picture.

Every kid should have one of these!

(Postscript: Just following up on yesterday's post about Pepper. Taking into account Pepper's advanced age, today's news from the vet was good. So Pepper is still with us. Hooray!)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dad 217: A Reprieve

(Please read Dad's post. Then pray Pepper's tests come back okay. She is a sweet kitty! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another beautiful pre-fall day in the Northeast.

Today will be my shortest post ever. I've had an emotional day. Just returned from the vet with Pepper, our 17-year-old cat. I really thought I would return home cat-less, but we will see if we can squeeze some more time for Pepper. The final decision will come tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. (Vet said she will get rid of Pepper's abundance of fleas in six hours. Also, we will need to treat floors with boric acid.)

Well, Zack's eighth-grade team is now 2-0 with a 26-6 win over the weekend. Zack played on the offensive line and, when necessary, he played on the defensive line to stop the run up the middle. A good job by Zack and his team.

I'll see Josh in the high school opener on Friday night. Supposed to be real warm.

I just don't feel like writing today. So I'll stop right here.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I haven't mentioned it before on my blog, but I have secured a part-time job! Four-hour shifts, five days a week. Business is owned by some friends.

My first day was today. It was pretty fun and I really like my coworkers.

I don't want to write too much yet, because everything is so new. Plus I am tired! (The "tired" part is the main reason for this short post. LOL!)

More later!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Not Naming Any Names

There is so much going on in our country these days, much of it political. But instead of fully addressing the real political situation, I will briefly mention something that Lew and I began watching last night: the Netflix original series "House of Cards."

So far we've only seen four of twenty-six available episodes and we are already hooked.

For those that are unfamiliar with the show, Kevin Spacey plays a congressman who takes the word "powerful" to a whole new level. His character often speaks to the camera, like an aside during a play when the actor talks to the audience. This technique allows us to see his duplicitous nature; he tells us what he is really thinking while he butters up some unwitting colleague.

Lew and I are of the opinion that many of our actual politicians are much like Spacey's character, which is not good. It's okay as entertainment, but not as the real thing.