Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

The Resurrection

1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. 2 They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they entered, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 While they were wondering about this, suddenly two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning stood beside them. 5 In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? 6 He is not here; He has risen!"

-- Luke 24:1-6a (NIV)

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lew and I Welcome a New Season

Lew holding Pier Fries... our first box of the year!
And it was FREE because our "Frequent Fryer" card was full!
We waited all winter to get this box.  :)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

The Death of Jesus

45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” 47 And some of the bystanders, hearing it, said, “This man is calling Elijah.” 48 And one of them at once ran and took a sponge, filled it with sour wine, and put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink. 49 But the others said, “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to save him.” 50 And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and yielded up his spirit.

51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. 52 The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 54 When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”

-- Matthew 27:45-54 (ESV)


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kurt, Checking In

Jerry and I are very happy cats. We love to play together. Sometimes we do get a little rough, but don't all boys do that from time to time?

I can jump really high. Jerry has a little bit of a belly, so he can't get to all of the places I can. So sometimes -- when I need some "alone time" -- I find an "out of the way" spot to hang out.

Peek-a-boo, I see you!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dad 142: Springing Into Baseball and March Madness

(I googled the spelling of the two coaches' names, but I'm very happy that Dad decided to leave out the medical names! Enjoy his post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! On this bright, sunny spring morning. The ground is still covered with the white stuff called snow. I'm sure some of this white stuff will still be here throughout the next month. We have some very large mountains of snow remaining in the parking lots. Let us hope we have seen the last of it from the sky. Please!

Our winter statistics show a total of about 98 inches of snow in our area. Further north they went over the 100-inch mark. Be thankful for Spring. Still must redo my lawn where I plowed it up throughout the winter. It will be green in the near future. Isn't new life amazing! Get the lawnmower ready. I will!

An update on my colonoscopy is in order. The call from the office told me the two polyps removed were called some very long names. I don't recall the names nor do I wish to! I was told they were not cancer and to plan on the procedure again in five years. Good news to me! Thanks! Still waiting for my written results. Will file as soon as I receive them. Then I'll forget about the procedure for another 60 months. Can't wait! Or can I?

Just a note about sister Jean. She went back into the hospital last week and should be in rehab as you read this. She is still struggling as she recovers from colon-cancer-related surgery. The staff is attempting to get her strength and health up so as to enable another operation. This may take a few months. Prayers are still requested. Thanks!

The excitement around here is at a fever pitch as the baseball season is about to begin. Before I post again our beloved Red Sox will have opened the season at Yankee Stadium. Go Red Sox! Don't know what to expect for the season but I'll remain a faithful supporter of the team.

More good news. Not only is the baseball season about to start but other positive signs of Spring are occurring. The seafood restaurant across from our house is open for the season. The corner ice cream store will open in about one week. Down in Old Orchard Beach the Pier Fries stand will be open this week for the season. (They will be open on weekends only for a while.) We are ready for the change from winter doldrums. It is time for "Springing" to life. Please! Thanks!

I am still following the March Madness for both ladies and gentlemen. One interesting fact to me is there are two former University of Maine basketball coaches taking teams to the Sweet 16. They are John Giannini at La Salle and Joanne Palombo-McCallie with the Duke women. I wish them well and congratulate them on their accomplishments. A remarkable job. We could use you back at U. Maine. Hope your stints at Maine helped you to get where you are.

I think I forgot something, but this is enough for now. I'll catch up next time.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Walk On Water

Lew and I have been watching "THE BIBLE" miniseries on the History Channel. We just watched the fourth installment on our DVR.

Jesus walked on water.

Peter also walked on water toward Jesus, but then his (Peter's) fear got the better of him.

Peter, he of little faith.

As we watched this scene, I wondered how I would have done if I had been Peter. Not any better than he did, I'm sure.

But I'm not Peter and I live in the present. We have the complete Scriptures available to us. We know who Jesus IS.

Therefore, if Jesus told me today to walk on water toward Him, I would have no fear, right? I would have complete faith, right?

I'm not so sure.

LORD, please help me in my little faith!

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Happy Thought

Lew is suffering from a cold. He went to work today and wore himself out.

He's already in bed, lights out, eyes closed. (It's just after 7:30 P.M.)

His last words to me before he dozed off were: "That's THIS Friday!"

Why did he say that? Well, I had just told him that Pier Fries is opening on the weekends starting March 29th!

Pleasant dreams, Sweetie....

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Jerry, Checking In

Does this tile make me look fat?
WHAT? You can't be serious!


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Praying for Suzy

Please continue to pray for my dear friend Suzy. Her physical condition is worsening, but her spirit is not. She is truly amazing.

Her husband, Barry, is somehow managing to write eloquent, beautiful blog entries. If you haven't been reading his most recent posts, please be sure to check out Update on Suzy. (The link to this is also on the right of my own blog.)

I thank you all for your prayers.

And I thank the Lord for Suzy!


Friday, March 22, 2013

Dr. EasyOnTheEyes

One of my BFF's had outpatient surgery today. It was my pleasure (and privilege) to provide her transportation and moral support.

For those of you that are interested in such things, her procedure was a bilateral inferior turbinate reduction.

I was able to be with her right up until they took her to the operating room. Then I ate lunch in the surgery center's little cafeteria and read on my Kindle until I could rejoin her in recovery.

The young, handsome, good-looking surgeon said that the procedure went great. I'm sure that was because of his skill and expertise, and not just because he's a hottie.

My friend has a follow-up appointment with the surgeon in a couple weeks. I don't think she'll need me to drive her that day, but maybe I should volunteer anyway. Someone else should probably hear what the doctor tells her. I'd be happy to help. I really wouldn't mind.... Not at all. (LOL!)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

You Rock!

Pastor David often ends our phone conversations with "You rock!"

I thought that this was sort of like telling me that I'm cool.

But today I asked him what exactly it meant.  (I asked this after telling him that he rocks, too.)

This is his response, via text message:
"You rock" means you are hewn from the quarry of God & simply that u r cool.  ;)
I'm glad that I was correct about being cool.  But I especially love the part about being "hewn from the quarry of God."  Love it.

To all my blog readers:  You ROCK!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dad 141: A New Patriot

(Welcome back to New England, Danny Amendola! Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! First day of Spring! A bright sunny day in the northeast quadrant. To think we received around 11 inches of snow yesterday. Last year on this date we had people sunning themselves on the beach. They certainly would look out of place today relaxing in snow on the beach. This storm gives a total snowfall this winter season of just about 100 inches. Haven't heard the final tabulation yet. That's over 8 feet of the white stuff. Really more than we need!

Well, I finished my snowplowing for the day. I hope for the year. Didn't really clean up and shovel as much as usual as I'm planning on the spring weather to take care of the snow in the next few days. It is that time of year, don't you know? I'm ready for "mowing the lawn" season now. Please get here! Quickly! Thanks!

It has now been one week since I had my colonoscopy. Still waiting for final reports. Expect to hear within the next couple days. Sure am much happier today than I was one week ago. Not to mention my stomach is a lot "fuller." What a great feeling. Hopefully I can give you anticipated favorable results next week. Stay tuned!

The big news in this area is that Wes Welker has left the Patriots and signed on with the Broncos. Perhaps the best receiver over the last six years has been lost. He leaves Brady for Peyton. A Big Loss!

The Patriots wasted no time in signing Danny Amendola to replace Welker. This turned out to be very interesting to me. Back in 1987 I hired a young man to teach social studies and coach football while I was principal at Massabesic High School. His name was Willie Amendola. He came to us from Texas and was a very fine coach and teacher. (I didn't realize it then, but he had a sister living in Falmouth. About one year ago his sister died and I saw his name listed as her brother.) Willie only stayed one year with us. He returned to Texas to further his coaching career at a much higher level than we have here in Maine. He was here as Massabesic moved up to Class A when our student population rose to the necessary level to compete in that class. He did a fine job for us. I was sorry to see him return to Texas. As I was reading about Danny Amendola, the new Patriot, I was surprised to see his dad is Willy Amendola. Small world! Willie just won a state championship in Texas at his high school. I'll be watching Danny Amendola with keen eyes this fall.

Go Pats!!

Still requesting prayers for sister Jean as she continues to struggle with her recovery from surgery. Thank you for your prayers.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Snow. Oh, no!

No school.

No church meeting.

No cribbage club (so I hear).

No library.

No... no... no....

That's snow.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Go Out to Sea, Please!

I had planned to go out to lunch with a friend tomorrow.

Since said plan was made, the "weather people" told us to expect a major snowstorm starting tonight and lasting all day tomorrow. Projected snowfall: 12 inches.


I got a text from my friend earlier: "Rain check?"

I replied that it's actually a "SNOW" check....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kitty, Anyone?

Lew was ready to sell Jerry to the gypsies this morning. He was going to try to get $2 for him.

I guess Jerry woke Lew up at 3:00 a.m., which is what precipitated Lew's gypsy idea.

Jerry is still here, so I guess Lew decided not to follow through on his threat.

I must admit that I wasn't too worried.

And Jerry really is a good kitty... except when he's not!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Week As a Social Butterfly

Wow! What a busy week I just had.

Monday and Tuesday were relatively low-key. I did my normal weekly chores like laundry and paying the church's bills.

On Wednesday I chauffeured my father to and from his colonoscopy. That evening I had a three-hour meeting at church.

I had a babysitting gig on Thursday! Our pastor's wife brought their younger daughter to my house for about four hours. We had a delightful time.

Thursday night I attended the first week's session of a ladies' Bible Study at the parsonage. (The study is based on Ann Voskamp's book "One Thousand Gifts.")

Yesterday (Friday) I registered Lew's vehicle and his motorcycle. I visited him at work over the lunch hour to switch vehicles with him... and to eat my lunch! Then I went to my friend Carole's for the afternoon to help with her blog. Last night I hung out with the Batgirls.

Today has been somewhat crazy: breakfast, Lew's haircut, visit Eli (and his parents), visit Verlie... and that was just the morning! I had a women's event at church this afternoon.

So that was my week.

I am now quite tired because I am really a social caterpillar.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Amazing Carole P!

I'm sitting here with my friend Carole. We just made some revisions to her blog design.

Now all she has to do is start blogging again. The last time she wrote on her blog was June 24, 2012. That just doesn't cut it, Carole!

Be sure to check out our hard work: C J Collection

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Push-Up Update

I have been doing push-ups a couple days a week for four weeks now. (I wrote in a previous post that I had never done push-ups before.)

I can't believe the progress I've made! I am so much stronger than I was when I started.

Now the big question: Can I, will I, keep this up? I sure hope that I do!

As Nike says, "Just do it."

But I don't have to like it, right?

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dad 140: The Appointment

(While waiting during Dad's appointment today, I enjoyed some guilt-free reading. Enjoy his post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! From a cloudy Northeast. The sun is not shining brightly, but temperatures are climbing, perhaps to 50°. The experts say the weather will cool off in the next few days.

My editor has advised me she would appreciate a short blog today as her day is and has been busy. You see, her middle day's hours were spent transporting "yours truly" to my appointment for my second colonoscopy in the past five years. Her driving was impeccable and here I am back home. Finally a chance to have something to eat. I already have had a bowl of cereal and a banana. What a pleasure!

The procedure was painless and I even got to watch a little of it on the screen. I was waking up towards the end of the procedure. This allowed me to have some feelings (nothing painful) and view the screen. I don't remember this too vividly as I was still a little groggy.

If any of you are in need of a colonoscopy, please do it. The process itself is painless. It is not too pleasurable getting ready for the moment, however. I ate nothing after 6:00 PM Monday evening. I took a total of six Dulcolax tablets and drank two 10-ounce bottles of prep juice. I think this was magnesium citrate. And I drank water to the extent of around three quarters or more. I think I lost weight.

I'm sitting here watching white smoke rising from the Sistine Chapel as a new Pope has been elected. Don't know who it is yet, but it is a part of history.

That about does it for me today with one more request for sister Jean. She continues on her road to recovery. A few appointments necessary in the next two weeks. And perhaps another surgery. So keep up the prayers that she can beat this and get back on solid foods. Thanks! I want to go out to eat with her on my next visit!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Signs of Spring

Daylight Savings Time. (I'm still adjusting. Yawn.)

Raining... NOT snowing.

Major road construction.

Due: Lew's motorcycle registration.

Shutters are off of Ken's Place!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Girl Scout Cookies are in the house.

Must. Have. Willpower.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Mixed Feelings

So we did the "Spring Ahead" thing.

Springing ahead is much more difficult an adjustment than falling back. This is true for me, anyway.

I am really tired right now, which I blame on getting up an hour earlier than my body is used to. (I ate a big lunch, which also may have contributed to my sluggishness.)

But I still prefer turning the clocks ahead than back.

It's lighter out later, which I like. I like it A LOT.

But the best thing about it is that warmer weather is right around the corner!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Place to Rest One's Head

My pillows:


Lew's pillows:


Who's the grownup here? LOL!


Friday, March 8, 2013

The Grocery Store Chant

Lew and I decided to eat out tonight. We followed dinner up with a trip to the grocery store.

When we got to the store parking lot, I commented on how empty it seemed.

Lew delivered his response with a cadence that sounded like he was marching: "WHO goes shopping on a Friday night?"

I replied in kind: "WE go shopping on a Friday night!"

It was so much fun we repeated this chant several times throughout our trip.

Feel free to chant it yourself!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Get 'Er Done

There is an item on my to-do list that I have been putting off for several months.

But the time for me to have it done is fast approaching.

So I tackled it this afternoon.

And it wasn't nearly as agonizing as I thought it would be,

All this time I had been dreading it, and it turned out to be not so bad.

I'm hoping that the rest of my to-do list goes just as well!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dad 139: "Water Only" Update

(I am looking forward to next Wednesday's excursion with Dad. LOL! Enjoy his post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you today from the sunny Northeast. The temperature is rising. The snow is melting. Spring is only a few weeks away. Snow is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. March in Maine is full of changes. Can't wait for the sight of grass. Even though a lot of yardwork must be done to clean up the lawn where I dug it up plowing. At least it will be a whole lot warmer while working outside on the lawn. No more snow to move. Spring! Come quickly! Please!

Well, I'm continuing on my "water only" beverage living. Haven't had a sip of Diet Pepsi for about a month now. Every now and then I would really like a drink of the diet stuff. Because I have none available at home, I don't succumb to my temptations.

When I started my "no diet" to "water only" life I was told by daughter Kim that this would be good for me. She told me that this change would cause weight loss. I didn't know how this would be a result as the diet drink contained zero calories. Kim had found out this fact of weight loss from her daughter Kaelen and her friend Sam. Sam is a bodybuilder (a real bodybuilder) and seems to know of what he speaks. The body weight issue seems to be correct.

At last Saturday's weigh-in I was under 250 pounds. Not down to 249, but less than 250. Only a few weeks ago I tipped my doctor's scale at 266. The 266 was less than my last doctor's visit. So I was on the right track. One must remember that one time I tipped my doctor's scale at 300. I'm not quite back to "Greek god status", but I continue to move in that direction. My mind may be playing tricks on me. Could that be? I guess so! I'll still remain on my "water only" beverage life. As you see, it seems to be working. I still do not love my 50 minutes per day on the elliptical. Must admit doctor's scale was used fully clothed. Understand!

I've got a busy week coming up. Must get a haircut tomorrow and donate blood on Friday. I must call an 800 number to set up a blood donation appointment. I think I call somewhere in Georgia. Call Georgia to donate blood in Portland, about 10 miles from home. The lady I spoke with mentioned I have donated over 158 times. She said it probably wasn't necessary to tell me to eat and drink prior to donating. I told her I had heard this before. So I'm off Friday for another "double red" donation.

Prior to my next week's post, I have a very important session scheduled. Not really excited about it, but find the appointment necessary. Tuesday will be my "prep day." No solid foods and a couple of types of laxatives taken along with clear liquids. Wednesday will begin with more laxatives along with more clear liquids. Then a ride to the outpatient facility. Must be driven by another adult. I've already lined up Tracy for the transportation (to and from). Probably by now you have guessed "COLONOSCOPY". You are correct. Been there. Done that. Will be glad when it's over. I demanded to be sleeping throughout the procedure. Hope it works as well as last time.

So, perhaps next week my post will be on Wednesday as usual. May get backed up a day. Time will tell.

Still request prayers for sister Jean during her recovery. Thanks!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Cool Tip

I read about this in a magazine....

When playing music on an iPhone or iPod Touch, put the device in a short glass. It helps magnify the sound. (You will want to use a clean EMPTY glass, of course!)

I tried it and it works great!


Monday, March 4, 2013


The electronic age we live in is quite amazing. There has been so much advancement in my lifetime.

Also amazing is the simple solution for "fixing" electronic devices when they sometimes act up: Restart. Reboot. Reset.

We just had to do this with our DVR. It was not recording as scheduled, but now it is.

I wish more things in life were that easy!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Annual Chili Cookoff

We had the chili cookoff at church today.

And the winner is...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

We Say Farewell to the Newspaper

Lew and I have subscribed to the Portland Press Herald and the Maine Sunday Telegram for most of our married life.

We let our subscription expire a week ago without renewing it.

The major reason for our decision not to renew: The political bias of the paper. It has had a liberal (i.e., leftist) agenda for years, and we finally got too fed up! (We will let the Internet and Fox News Channel keep us informed.)

The only parts of the paper that I consistently looked at anyway were the puzzles, the obituaries, and the comics. Here is how I now meet those three needs:

Puzzles. My favorite puzzle is KenKen, which wasn't even in our paper. I have purchased some KenKen books through, so I can get my "puzzle fix" every day.

Obituaries. (Is it morbid to want to see who died?) I have bookmarked the paper's section:

Comics. I have access to more comics online than with the newspaper! The rest of my post will be the links that I use for reading "the funnies."

The Washington Post has a great page that links to most of the comic strips I am interested in:

Some additional strips I like that aren't currently on the Washington Post site:

Foxtrot Classics:

Fred Basset:

Mallard Fillmore:


Friday, March 1, 2013

Family News

Today Emily and Matt learned the sex of their baby due in July.

The baby will be a boy or a girl.

That's right.

Either a boy or a girl.

(You can figure it out, right?)
