Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Dad 399: William Franklin Graham, Jr.

(A great man is the subject of Dad's post today. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Sure are enjoying this early spring weather this week. However, there is a strong storm in the future which looks like it will not hit us directly. We will know come Friday. Please stay away, as we must see the doctor that day.
Spouse and I enjoyed the service establishing Rev. Billy Graham's casket being set up in the Capitol building to be viewed by the people of our country. Thought the speakers (McConnell, Ryan, Trump) did a good job in their reflections. The legacy of Rev. Graham certainly is as near to Christ as can be. So sad he is gone, but he now receives his reward in his final home. What a man! Will there ever be another like him?
Nothing compares to the mention of the man in the above paragraph. So I'll not say anything else.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, February 26, 2018

I Know How to Celebrate

I have recovered from my cold — woohoo! — so I celebrated by going to the doctor over my lunch hour.  I just changed doctors, and today was a "hi, how are you" appointment.

My new doctor didn't see an up-to-date tetanus shot in my records, so he recommended I get it.

They asked me which upper arm to use for the shot. I'm right-handed, so I always answer "left" to those sorts of questions.

I'm glad I said "left" because after the shot, they told me my arm would probably be sore for the next couple days. I barely felt the shot itself, so I was a bit surprised by this warning. But several hours later, I am not so surprised! It doesn't feel horrible, but I definitely feel some pain.

Tomorrow I will continue my end-of-cold-celebration by going to the dentist!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Olympic Curling (Part 2)

(U.S.A.! U.S.A.! Enjoy Lew's post. ~ Tracy)

Last week I wrote about being a curling geek. I had admitted that fact to family and friends and gotten a few eye rolls in return.  

If you haven’t been paying attention, the U.S. men’s curling team just completed one of the greatest comebacks in Olympic history. With two wins and four losses, they were one match away from elimination…but they won. And then they won the next three matches, all against top tier teams, and found themselves playing for a gold medal.  

THEY WON THE GOLD MEDAL (first ever) and I was all over it!!!  

So, I am no longer Lew the “curling geek”. You may now refer to me as “cutting-edge” Lew.  

(BTW, my favorite curler lost her mixed doubles bronze medal because her partner/husband got caught doping.  Doping in curling?  Who knew.)

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Lost Week

I've had a head cold this week, which kept me home from work for two full days (Tuesday and Thursday) and for part of the day on both Monday and Wednesday.  I told my office-mates today that I feel like I've lost a week.  But despite my absence, I am not too far behind at work. (Next week is month-end, though, so that will change soon.)

I was getting my day started on Wednesday when Lew came downstairs and told me that Billy Graham had passed away. We watched some of the stories about him on the morning news programs, and Lew and I both got a little teary-eyed. A good and faithful servant has gone on to his reward.

On a completely different subject, our federal and state income tax refunds both got direct-deposited this past week. Another successful tax filing is in the books.

Speaking of books, I plan to do some reading this weekend while I continue to recuperate from my lost week. I am looking forward to it!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dad 398: Technology Can Be Taxing

(Despite the warm weather, I am fighting a nasty cold.... Ah-choo! Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The snow is melting at a rapid rate. I guess that is because the last few days have been in the 50° range. However, today is in the 60s. No prediction of major storms for the next week and February of 2018 will be over. Any storms in March will not stay very long. Another winter almost gone.
Still watching the Winter Olympics but not really happy about the coverage. I have the same complaint every four years.
Tracy has finished our taxes, so that is done for another year. So helpful to have relatives around that can do all our "whatever needs to be done". Also they are always being asked to show us technology. We know just enough to get by.
Just thought that my dad would be 106 years old next Wednesday!
Done for today, so....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Proof of Cuteness, Proof of Svelteness

Cuteness:  BODE.
Happy two-months-old-day, Bode!
And — YES — you are very cute!

Svelteness:  JERRY.
This kitty has been on a diet for several months.
He used to look much "rounder" from this angle, so the diet is working!

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Olympic Curling

(Lew writes today. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

My name is Lew and I am a curling geek.  

I’m hooked on the curling events to the point that I look up the NBC Olympic broadcast schedule and record all available curling events.  (I told my son this and he responded, “Oh, YOU'RE the one.")  

In thinking about why I enjoy it so much I have come up with two reasons: 
1) Curling looks like something I could learn to do in a relatively short amount of time.  Not that I would be any good at it, but I could participate in the event — unlike freestyle snowboarding or speed skating where I would certainly suffer permanent injury.  
2)  There is no judging.  You slide the rock and closest to the middle wins.  If a couple of rocks are too close to call they have a fancy measuring stick to solve the dispute.  

I guess there is quite a bit of interest in curling this year.  I expect that one of the sports networks will soon be covering the sport outside of the Olympics.  

I have included a photo of one of my favorite players.  She plays for OAR but I don’t think she meddled in the election.  (I think I just made a play on words.)

Anastasia Bryzgalova
Curler, Olympic Athlete from Russia

Friday, February 16, 2018

Modern Technology! (Part 2)

In addition to our printer ordering its own ink cartridges, here is something else that boggles my mind:

I don't have to set the time on my cell phone, my clock/radio, or our Subaru Outback.

All of these things get a signal from "somewhere" that allows the device/vehicle to show the correct time.

It's amazing how much technology has advanced during my lifetime!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dad 397: Happy Valentine's Day!

(💗  Enjoy Dad's post! ~  Tracy  💗)

Derf Here! Another beautiful day in the Northeast. Spring is on its way!

Watching the Olympics. Especially the curling. The young kids are so talented! Just teenagers. Very enjoyable.

Short blog today, so....

Happy Valentine's Day!  💗

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Modern Technology!

Lew and I bought a new HP Envy printer a few months ago.

It is a very intelligent printer.

It monitors how much ink it has left. When the ink gets below a certain level, the printer sends a signal and orders its own ink cartridges.

Let me repeat that....  Our printer orders its own ink cartridges. They get delivered right to our house.

How cool is that?

It is so cool, I'm giving our printer a name. What do you think of the name Envy Presley?  "Presley the Printer" does have a ring to it!  :)

Monday, February 12, 2018


After three days of not leaving the house due to illness, Lew and I both actually ventured out today. It was nice to participate in society once again.

My workplace managed to survive without me, but they were glad to see me back in the office. Although I missed only one full day, it feels like I missed an entire week.... Job security!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Hammer In the End

The Winter Olympics have begun, and that means the return of a sport I follow once every four years:  Curling.

Lew and I were watching some Curling today, and we even started to understand it a bit. (I did go over to consult with my parents on the finer points of the game. But they, like us, were getting reacquainted with the sport.)

I have been trying to figure out what sport I could do in the next Winter Olympics. I do not believe I am cut out for the ski jump and that crazy snowboard stuff. But I might be able to do Curling — although I do not really like sweeping.

Let's go, U.S.A.!!!!!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Warning: House Under Quarantine!

Lew and I are both sick.

He has a bad cold, and I am fighting off what I believe may be the start of the flu.

I worked less-than-a-full day yesterday. I stayed home today.

We are probably not going to venture out at all this weekend.

Rest and relaxation, lots of fluids, and comfort kitties.... Just what the doctor would order.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Dad 396: Letting It Snow

(The weather outside is frightful.... Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Sitting on the couch while the snow is really coming down. Just as they predicted. Snowless morning but it is snowing hard this afternoon. Expecting snow of six inches to one foot.

I'm not going out today but will go out early in the morning to plow at least enough to get out of the driveway. Clean up later in the day. Just three more weeks of February. Please hurry!

Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles for winning the Super Bowl. What an offensive game.

Hope Gronk and the police find his stolen stuff.

Now, I'll just stay in until tomorrow A.M.  Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

An Engineering Feat

Brought to you by the design team of Derf and Jerry:
The Leaning Tower of Toilet Paper
     Initial construction ~ Derf
     Decorative touches ~ Jerry Kitty

Monday, February 5, 2018

I Did Not Watch the Super Bowl

I didn't watch the NFL this season, so I decided to skip the Super Bowl yesterday. I hear the Patriots lost, ho hum. (Yes, I would have preferred that they won. Family and friends were rooting for them.)

But I did watch a bowl game yesterday... the Puppy Bowl! There was a puppy from a Maine shelter participating in the game, so I had to watch. I got my parents and Lew to watch it, too. (Although I hear that Dad and Lew may have both snoozed a bit during the game. I'm not sure how they could have slept through any of the excitement.)

I also did quite a bit of reading yesterday, which I really enjoyed.

Will I watch the NFL next season? I must admit I am leaning against it. There are so many other worthwhile things to do.

But rest assured, dear readers.... I will continue to watch my beloved Red Sox!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Lew's Logbook: I'm Busy

(Lew managed to find time in his schedule to write today's post. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

I am often asked, “How are you enjoying retirement…do you get bored?”  

Yes, I do enjoy being retired and I am not bored.  

In fact, I have recently come to realize that if I have two or three scheduled activities that are not part of my regular weekly routine, I consider myself to be busy.  This would seem silly to a lot of people who really are busy, but it just goes to show how we become adjusted to our life circumstances.  

So, if you want to get together with me or if you need my help with something, give me as much notice as possible.  I’m very busy…sometimes.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Football Fever

It was New England Patriots attire day at work today.

What I wore instead:

T-shirt:  Borrowed from my father.

Stupid expression:  All mine. We were asked to make a goofy face for this photo, and I guess I succeeded!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tax Time

It is February, so my tax preparation season has started.

I do the tax returns for only three couples:
  • Lew & me
  • Matt & Emily
  • My parents
If you are not on the above list, then I am not doing your taxes. So please don't ask me.

And if you do ask, the answer will be "No" — but I will say it politely.

Happy tax prep!  Remember to file on time!
