Saturday, February 17, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Olympic Curling

(Lew writes today. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

My name is Lew and I am a curling geek.  

I’m hooked on the curling events to the point that I look up the NBC Olympic broadcast schedule and record all available curling events.  (I told my son this and he responded, “Oh, YOU'RE the one.")  

In thinking about why I enjoy it so much I have come up with two reasons: 
1) Curling looks like something I could learn to do in a relatively short amount of time.  Not that I would be any good at it, but I could participate in the event — unlike freestyle snowboarding or speed skating where I would certainly suffer permanent injury.  
2)  There is no judging.  You slide the rock and closest to the middle wins.  If a couple of rocks are too close to call they have a fancy measuring stick to solve the dispute.  

I guess there is quite a bit of interest in curling this year.  I expect that one of the sports networks will soon be covering the sport outside of the Olympics.  

I have included a photo of one of my favorite players.  She plays for OAR but I don’t think she meddled in the election.  (I think I just made a play on words.)

Anastasia Bryzgalova
Curler, Olympic Athlete from Russia

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