Sunday, January 31, 2021

I'm Still Here: Part IV

The good news:  I think I finally have fully recovered from my minor concussion.

The bad news:  I am approximately 3,650 days behind at work.... That is a bit of an exaggeration, but it feels like the truth. It really could take me a full 10 years to catch up! Everyone else is feeling the same way, though, so at least I'm not alone. This week we are supposed to get some snow. I'm going to bring my work laptop home every night, just in case.

In other news, Lew and I are going to declutter. I think we just did that a couple years ago, so either we didn't do a very good job then or we have "RE-cluttered." Probably a little bit of both.

January is now over and I haven't added anything to my "2021 Reading List" page yet. But I have finished one book, so I'll try to update the page soon. I also have four other books going; it takes a while to finish a book when reading so many simultaneously! And my "Want to Read" list continues to grow and grow and grow.... 📚

Here's to getting February off to a good start tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Dad 551: Vaccine Update

(Dad writes today. At the top of his paper he wrote, "Tried to keep it short." He did well!~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another wintry day. Some snow last night with more to come tonight. Last night we received about one inch. Possibly up to two inches tonight. Spent the day in flurries.
Mary Lou had no problems with her first vaccination. She will receive her next one on February 9th. Now I'm trying to line up my own shots. As soon as I get the say-so, I'll get mine. Maybe some day in the next few months we will be visiting Mary Lou in a room where we will be together. She has been out of her home for almost one year. Not the way I had planned for the end of our lives. Things will improve, I hope!
Nothing more to say today. Must get ready to visit Mary Lou for her "good night" visit. So....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Sunday, January 24, 2021

I'm Still Here: Part III

As Dad mentioned in his post on Wednesday, I hit my head last Saturday. It took a full two days before I realized I had a mild concussion. I was more concerned about the blood on the first day!

I ended up missing three days of work. Lew drove me to work on Thursday and Friday, and I think he's going to drive me tomorrow, too. But I am feeling much better as each day goes by. Almost back to "normal" I would say.

In other news, Tom Brady is going to the Super Bowl again! He really is the GOAT!

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Dad 550: A Short Post

 (Thank you to my father for his brief writing today. Enjoy his post... except for the part about me. Don't enjoy that. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another cloudy day with temps in the 30s. Hope the sun is still up there!

Tracy had a slip on the ground and banged her head on the car door Saturday. Stayed home from work on Monday. On Tuesday went to the doctor, who told her to rest and stay home today. She asked me to make my post short today, so I will.

Mary Lou had her first vaccine yesterday. In three weeks she'll have her last one. No problem with the vaccine.

One more happening.... Kim got a call from her mom this morning at 3:19am! Talked for 20 minutes. I got a call from Mary Lou one morning at 4:20am.

That's it for today.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Sunday, January 17, 2021

I'm Still Here: The Sequel

All work and no play makes Tracy a tired girl. 😑

I've been working hard at my job during the week. I'm trying to take the weekends to catch up on stuff at home and get some R&R. Hopefully things will ease up in a couple weeks.

Thank you for reading the blog. I'm grateful to my father for keeping up with his regular Wednesday writings. As for me, I hope to provide regular posts soon!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Dad 549: Vaccination Really Soon

(Work is still quite busy for me, so I'm glad Dad is keeping the blog going! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cloudy early winter day. Temps in the 30s. Lew took his walk today and said he enjoyed the weather.
Just got back from a window visit with Mary Lou. Not easy to carry on a conversation through a closed window. We are happy that Mary Lou will be getting her first vaccine shot next Tuesday. Several of the residents will be receiving their second shot. Mary Lou's final shot will be on February 9, 2021. Looking forward to her finishing up her vaccines.
Now I'm trying to be one of the first in the general public to get a vaccine shot. Then three weeks later I'll be done with the shots. Finally we might be able to visit in her room instead of window visits. Our separation has been for almost one year. Please open up the country to get our citizens back to normalcy. Let's allow businesses to start earning money again.
Enough for today.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, January 11, 2021

My Annual Nap

Left work early today for my annual "woman's" medical checkup.

After the nurse leaves the exam room, it usually is several more minutes before the doctor comes in. A few years ago, I began using this time to relax on the exam table. I even pull out the foot rest!

Things were a little different at the doctor's office today because I had to wear a face mask. But I still took my "annual nap!"

Saturday, January 9, 2021

I'm Still Here

My blogging efforts have not gotten off to a good start this year. Good reason, though....

This past Monday, January 4, 2021, we went "live" with a new ERP at work.

ERP? I had to look it up, too. Enterprise resource planning... in general, an integrated system for for all your business processes. For example: purchasing, receiving, manufacturing, accounting, etc. all rolled into one software package.

We did have some training on the new system, but there's still a huge learning curve for many of us. We'll be okay, though. (Eventually...!)

I took the photo below yesterday morning and I just printed it. When I get to work on Monday, I will place this photo on top of the checks (which are locked in my desk). I learned the hard way that it is best to put the blank checks into the printer correctly before printing them! Voiding checks in the new ERP is not a piece of cake.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dad 548: Nothing to See Here!

(I've been working late all week, so I'm glad that Dad wrote a post today. Thanks for keeping the blog going, Derf! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The day has not been the sunniest that we would like, but the sun did come out for a short period of time. Very much appreciated.
Been watching Washington D.C. pretty much all day on the TV news shows. Sad that a group overran the Capitol Building. A lot of what has gone on in Washington for the last few weeks seems to be strange. I'm with Sergeant Schultz: I see nothing; I know nothing. My comment to you is, "Believe nothing what you hear and nothing what you see!" Our leaders are about as believable as a used-car salesman.
Daughter Deb was here today to deliver some gifts from Illinois. While here she was very happy to show us her new car. No longer drives the van. A brand new Subaru Forrester! Real nice!
Enough writing for today. So....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Columbo Marathon

Lew stumbled across a Columbo Marathon on Sundance TV today. Actually it is a 48-hour marathon, but we missed the first several hours.

Our DVR is set to record the remaining episodes in the marathon. It really is the best way to watch because we can skip the commercials... and there are a lot of commercials. Plus we can watch them over several days instead of binge-watching them all this weekend!

Oh, just one more thing....   ðŸ˜‰

Friday, January 1, 2021

Welcome 2021

We had a nice first day of the year, although it seemed strange not watching the Rose Parade.

Lew made pancakes for breakfast. The pancakes were enjoyed by Dad, Lew, and me. The three of us went to the diner for a late lunch, then stopped to wave to Mom through her window.

Lew spent the late afternoon and evening watching the college football playoffs. (Still a half to go in the 2nd game.) I've been watching a little bit, too, but I also worked on the transition to a new year: hung up the 2021 calendars, got my checkbook spreadsheet updated, and started scheming on how to rearrange the furniture in the entire house! (I'm not allowed to relocate Lew's recliner... not that I would dream of doing so.)

Happy New Year to all!