Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dad 286: Happy New Year!

(And the honor of writing the last post of 2015 goes to my father. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well we did see a little sun today on the last day of 2015.
Spouse's cataract operations are now complete and all appointments for checkups have been completed. Her eyes are now as perfect as possible.
Today we had the first visit from the occupational therapist. Spouse has lots of work to do. Her physical therapist is scheduled for next week. We are on the move forward again.... We hope!
Enjoying the visit by Kim and Joe and all of the visits by Deb, Glen, Josh, and Zack.
Not much to say except....


Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Lew's Great Day

Today was Lew's last day of working full-time.
Debbie made a retirement banner.
My father bought a cake.
Kim and Debbie made hamburgers and french fries for dinner. Yummy!
It didn't take Lew long to get into "retirement mode" this evening. The kitties are happy he's going to be hanging around more. :)

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Favorite Gifts

Eli and Adam (ages 4 and 2, respectively) took their own money and purchased Christmas gifts at the dollar store.

The gifts they selected for me are precious!  I am wearing them in this picture:

I love the colors in the boa. The blue beaded necklaces have plastic shot glasses hanging on them, so I am all ready for my New Year's Eve Moxie toast!

Best Christmas gifts ever. Love....

Monday, December 28, 2015

Books to Go: NONE!

I did it!

I completed my 2015 Reading Challenge.

I finished reading Gone With the Wind around 9:00pm last night.

I'm glad I did this challenge, because I read some books that I may not have otherwise pursued. Example: War and Peace.

I have seen other reading challenges for 2016, but I will not be doing one. Year 2016 is the year of reading what I want to, when I want to.

And, yes, I have already started reading another book.  :)

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Dinner

Kim and Joe flew in today, so Debbie had her Christmas dinner a day late so they could join us. It was worth the wait!

Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas!

Joy to the World, the Lord is Come!

Wishing everybody a very Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dad 285: Merry Christmas!

(Don't forget to hang your stocking tonight! Enjoy Dad's post.  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here!  Another warm, foggy day here in the Northeast. No snow yet for us in southeastern Maine. The experts tell us we'll get some Tuesday. I hope not!

Spouse spent the last three days in the hospital. We did bring her home today, but for a while we were not sure if we would get her home in time for Christmas. She made it! (More details next week.)

Enjoy the day that we celebrate as the birthday of our Savior. Peace be with you!


Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

And Then There Were Two

Books left to go in my 2015 Reading Challenge:

A book my mom loves.  I am almost 2/3 of the way through Gone With the Wind. I am reading this on my Kindle – a lovely way to read.

A play.  I have read three out of the eight plays in The Mousetrap and Other Plays by Agatha Christie. I could argue that I have already met this category's requirement – one play, after all, could be a stand-alone book. However, this is a paperback. It just wouldn't feel right to not finish reading all eight plays.

This will be my last "progress report" regarding my 2015 Reading Challenge. The next time I mention it will be when I've crossed the finish line!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Letter

Dear Windows 10,
I do not like you.
Have a good day.
Mainely Tracy

Monday, December 21, 2015

Christmas Sunday at Church: A Photo Essay

Batman was there.

My view of the front screen.

Those are some antlers!

Debbie still sits between her boys at church so they will behave.

Lew sits beside his boy at church sometimes, too!

Grampa and Batman (a.k.a. Eli)

Adam and his favorite girl.

Zack (in red) and Josh both tower over their mother... and their father, too!

And that's all, Folks!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Musical Closets

I've purchased a few new clothing items since I went back to work.
My closet was too cramped so I've been hanging the new clothes in the guestroom closet.
Just about every morning I've been going into the guestroom to get what I want to wear.
Today I finally took the time to swap closets.
(I do need to weed out some things, but I'm waiting for spring cleaning to do that.)
I feel like I have a whole new wardrobe now that my closet contains the clothes I actually like to wear.
Why didn't I do this swap before?
Beats me.
I just didn't think to do so until today!

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Last Friday

One of Lew's co-workers pointed out that today is the last workday Friday of his working career.

Lew is retiring from full-time employment on Thursday, December 31st, leaving only one Friday between now and then.

And that one Friday is the paid holiday known as Christmas Day!

Lew may continue to work part-time for a bit after the new year starts... but not on Fridays.

Happy "Last Friday" to you, Lew!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dad 284: Awards and Permit and Stitches, Oh My!

(So much news, I can hardly keep up with it. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cool, damp rainy day in the Northeast. Up to a foot of snow in our northern Maine counties. Nothing like snow in the south yet. A big cheer for that!
A lot of information today....
Josh received several awards at his football banquet:
  • His team's Lineman of the Year.
  • Coaches' Award.
  • First-team All-Conference in their league.
  • Gaziano Lineman of the Year nominee.
  • National Football Foundation Scholar-Athlete nominee.
A successful year!
Zack finished his classroom driver's education course and passed his test. A few more hours of driving and he will be able to drive Aunt Kim around with his permit!
Spouse has completed her cataract surgery with a good report on both eyes at follow-up. One more follow-up next week. Then she completes the eyedrops.
Spouse had two stitches taken out of her lip by sons-in-law. Glen cut the stitches while Lew held the light. A job well done. Spouse no longer looks like she has been through a war after her fall two weeks ago. We are on the mend! One week left with night eyepatch!
Wishing good luck to Joe, Kim, and Kelsey in their Christmas concerts. Wish we were there.
That's all, Folks!
Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Wednesday, December 16, 2015


This is a photo of the stand that is just inside my parents' living room.

When I get home from work, I usually pop in to say "Hi" to my folks. And I look down at the stand.

Do you see why I look?  My father knows me well.  :)

Monday, December 14, 2015

Wrapping Fail

Lew was fighting off a bad cold this weekend and I was preoccupied with I-still-don't-know-what, so we didn't get much wrapping done.

In fact, the only wrapping I've completed so far is what we needed to ship to Illinois and Florida. Lew sent it off today.

I told a friend at church yesterday that I am doing the "just in time" approach to Christmas gifts this year. And it seems to be working!

Except for the kitties.

The kitties are not happy that the guest room is still off limits.

Patience, kitties, patience!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Not Quite a Shakespearean Work

Marilyn writes:
When I was working on my computer earlier today, Marilyn kept hopping up and trying to get on the keyboard.
So I thought that I could get her to write today's blog post.
I picked her up and the above is all she came up with.
Thanks a bunch, Marilyn.
When I need you to be my personal assistant, you bail.
Actually her post is more interesting than most of mine are!
Smile! (Meow!)

Friday, December 11, 2015

Time to Wrap It Up

My kitties aren't happy because they can't go in the guestroom at the moment.
Christmas gifts are on the bed and scattered throughout the room.
I really don't want little paws to be walking all over the items.
Tomorrow is "wrapping day" and hopefully the room will be open to our furry friends once again.
We've been saving a Christmas music special on our DVR.... It will be the perfect background for when we wrap!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dad 283: Haircut Week

(The Thursday of Tracy was a success. Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Another mostly cloudy day but not too cold. Tomorrow is supposed to hit fifty degrees. We'll take it.

Well, Spouse successfully managed to get through the week with no falls. Her weekly follow-up went well and we are now about to start preparing for the other eye (to remove cataract from right eye). This will be done next Tuesday with a follow-up on Wednesday. If all goes well the last follow-up will be on Wednesday the 23rd of December. We will still have to continue an eye-drop steroid until January 1st for the left eye and finish the right eye later in January. Then get new glasses.

Today was my haircut day. I went late in the day (3:30) while Spouse napped. Actually, she didn't nap but watched TV instead (Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Rifleman, and Judge Judy).

I managed to get Spouse a haircut appointment for Saturday. Cindy (our hair stylist) and I set a time that allows Spouse to get in the chair shortly after arriving at the shop. Cindy is very cooperative, which makes it easier. Thanks, Cindy!

Done for today. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Wednesday of Tracy

Have you seen the Seinfeld episode about the Summer of George?
I was feeling very behind at work, so I dubbed today the Wednesday of Tracy.
It was my night to stay late to cover student payments, so I knew I had a good opportunity to make some progress.
And unlike the disappointment of the Summer of George, the Wednesday of Tracy was a success.
I didn't get everything done, but there's always the Thursday of Tracy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Football Folly

What a terrible football day we had on Sunday.

The New York Giants blew the early afternoon game.

The New England Patriots blew the late afternoon game.

The Indianapolis Colts lost big-time in the night game.

I have family and friends that are fans of at least one of these three teams.

So it was a terrible football day indeed.


Lew and Matt made the playoffs in their Fantasy Football league! Hooray!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Oh, Christmas Wall

We decided against putting up a Christmas tree.
Our reason for this decision has a name: Marilyn.
But we did want to decorate for the Christmas season, so we devised our own way to hang ornaments.
What do you think?!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

And Then There Were Four

I have four books to go in my 2015 Reading Challenge.

I am halfway through one: The Tapestry.

I am a third of the way through another: Gone With the Wind.

I have two that I have yet to start: The Mousetrap and Other Plays, and To Kill a Mockingbird.

I lost some of my momentum the past couple weeks, so I need to pick up the pace a bit.

Can I do it?

I think I can.... I think I can....

Friday, December 4, 2015

Please Ask How I'm Doing :)

"How are you doing?"

My favorite response is, "Living the dream."

Not that I've said this myself yet.

But I've heard it about three times in the past week.

I enjoyed hearing it every time.

So I think I'm going to respond this way in the future.

It makes me happy.  :)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dad 282: A Dose of Excitement

(Dad, Mom, and I discussed adding a photo of my mother to the end of this post. The vote was 2-1 against doing so. I will leave it to you, the reader, to wonder who voted "yes". Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cloudy, cool day in the Northeast. We are told the weather will be fairly sunny for the next few days. Not very warm though.
As mentioned on Mainely Tracy yesterday, Spouse had cataracts removed from left eye on Tuesday. Everything went well. Then the fun began. The operation was at 7:30 AM, so we arrived home fairly early afterward. I opened the doors and then went back outside to help Spouse from the car to the couch. We made it up the stairs, through the hallway, and into the living quarters to the couch. As we were getting her to sit on the couch, she lurched forward, crashed into a cabinet and took a vicious dive, banging her head very fast and hard on the floor. (We believe she passed out.)
I tried to get her to respond to me. Her response was unresponsive. I attempted to get her to the couch. Eventually I was able to get her up and to the couch where she sort of collapsed again. I then called 911. They came and she made a trip to the emergency room.
Hospital took a scan of her head and found nothing broken. Spouse looks like she got beat up. She has two black eyes, a bruised nose, and two stitches in her lip.
We got home early afternoon as she was very alert. We made it to the couch. Success!
The next day (yesterday) we went back to the eye doctor and he said everything was fine. A big sigh of relief. We now wait until next week for the follow-up. Then we will prepare for the right eye surgery the following week. Hopefully Spouse won't look so beat up on our next trip.
Everything is back to normal as she has her monthly doctor's checkup tomorrow. We're looking for a fast healing. That's about it. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Wild and Crazy Perfect Storm

This has been quite the week so far.

Mom had her first cataract surgery yesterday, which was not without a dose of excitement.... More on that in Dad's post tomorrow, I'm sure!

And work has been so very, very busy. Several things have contributed to this, and they happened all at once:

  • Last week was a short week.
  • This Monday was a month end.
  • We had two big classes start at one of our locations on Monday.
  • Open enrollment for benefits ended yesterday and the changes hit this Friday's payroll deductions.
  • Two co-workers just went out on maternity leave.

Each one of these reasons sent additional tasks my way. I am slowly but surely digging out from the avalanche — albeit more slowly than surely. I do take comfort in the fact that several of my co-workers are digging out with me. I do love our team!

Gotta relax now.  :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Driving to Work With My Sister

When I drove by Debbie's road on my way to work this morning, I saw her vehicle waiting at the intersection.

She turned onto the road in back of me, and we waved to each other when we stopped at the lights.

She was behind me for another mile or so before we went our separate ways.

It was fun driving partway to work with my sister!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

How We Are Kickin' Off the Season

I am going to see The Maine State Ballet's performance of The Nutcracker tonight.

And Lew did this yesterday:

The artsy "noir" effect:

Friday, November 27, 2015

Dad 281: The Cataract Regimen

(A day later than usual, but here's Dad's post. Enjoy!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying a fairly warm day for November 27th. Not sunny but quite warm. Lew went out to hang some lights wearing a jacket and cap and ended up perspiring. On November 27th. No snow here but the ski slopes are open with natural and man-made snow.

We sure did have a very enjoyable Thanksgiving as Spouse and I went to Glen and Deb's. We had a great meal and Spouse made it through the 2-hour visit with no problems. A real nice day.

We are getting ready for a very busy few weeks. Tomorrow starts eye drops for Spouse as we get ready for her cataract surgery. Tuesday we have to be in Portland at 7:30 A.M. The left eye will be done. Then a couple follow-up visits. In another two weeks we will go through the same routine for the right eye. We have high hopes. Keep the prayers coming.

Josh's football coach has nominated him for the Gaziano Trophy. That is the trophy for a defensive player. It's great just to see his name on the list. Congratulations, Josh!

I'm at the end of the page. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lew and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We went to Matt & Emily's for dinner, and we stopped at Pastor Dave and Laura's for "second dessert" on our way home.

Please check in tomorrow for Derf's weekly post!

I leave you with this photo, which I have titled "Relish Tray by Lew."

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Warm and Cozy

On this Thanksgiving Eve, I would like to express my gratitude for a material possession. (That's okay, right?) And that material possession is....

The space heater.

Actually, I have two: one in my office at work, and one in my home "office" (a.k.a. the back room upstairs).

The heat has not been functioning properly at work this week, so my little space heater has been working hard. Yesterday morning our office was so cold that my office-mate turned on my heater before I even got there. She has her own space heater, but she wanted to get the room warmed up as much as possible. I am thankful for my caring office-mate! (The heat got fixed today.)

There is no heat in our back room upstairs here at home, so I rely on my space heater to keep me warm when I work on my computer or read at my desk. It is keeping me toasty as I type this!

I am thankful for more than just my space heaters, of course. Life is a gift and I am blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Long Day, Short Week

Long day at work today.

But it's also a short week at work!

I'm glad I stayed a little later tonight to get caught up on some projects. I do work tomorrow, but then I have four days off for Thanksgiving weekend. It's good to stay caught up so I can really enjoy my time off.

And, oh....

Happy Birthday, Debbie!

(PostScript: I know that I repeated a lot of what I wrote yesterday. Please forgive me. I'm tired! And I'm really looking forward to the long weekend!)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Monday Update

Lew and Matt won their fantasy football game again this week! It was a close one, but their quarterback – Carson Palmer – really came through for them.

I have five books left in my 2015 Reading Challenge. I just started reading Gone With the Wind – a book that my mother loves.

It's a short work week because of the Thanksgiving Day holiday. I even have Friday off!

Tomorrow is my sister Debbie's birthday. Next year her birthday will actually fall on Thanksgiving, but I'm thankful for her every day.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Dreaming a Little Dream

I want a fairy godmother like Cinderella had.

She would whip up clothing for me every single day.

Then I would never have to do laundry again.

A full-time maid would be okay, too, but she would not be nearly as fun.

Friday, November 20, 2015

A Picture Is Worth One Foreign Word

Lest anyone believe that I speak Spanish (see yesterday's post), I need to set the record clear: Yes, I did take four years of Spanish (two in high school, two in college), but I am by no means able to read nor speak Spanish.

So how did I figure out how to "fix" Dad's TV yesterday?

Answer: I recognized the Setup icon! I was then able to switch the language back to English.

For those of you that are still wondering, the Setup icon looks like this – or a variation of it, depending on the device or application:

So the next time you have inadvertently changed the language on your device, revert to your pre-K days.... Just look at the pictures!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dad 280: Muy Bueno

(When setting up a new device – for example, a TV – it helps if you don't change the onscreen menu to a foreign language. Hopefully another household member – for example, a daughter – is able to reset it to English. Setting up the device is easy after that. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! A real cloud-covered fall day we experienced today. Very cool also. Fall is here and that means winter is on its way. Oh, joy! We are ready!
It is granddaughter Kelsey's birthday today. Happy Birthday to you, Kelsey!
Heard some good news today for grandson Josh. He made All-Conference first team as a defensive end in football. Congratulations, Josh! Good job!
I received a new 9-inch television yesterday from Amazon. (I wanted a little television on the nightstand by my bed.) I have it hooked up but have not been able to get it set up properly. I cannot receive the channels I should get by the numbers. I'll get Lew or Tracy to set it up for me. At least I hope so.
Spouse is still exercising a little and seems to be doing all right. We must get her working more time each day on her arm and walking. At our age this is easier said than done. Must do, though! Please keep Spouse in your prayers. Thanks.
It is now time to fix dinner. That means I'm done writing. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Leggings Experiment

Now that I am a working girl again, I have to revamp my wardrobe a bit.

Some of the gals that I work with wear long tunics/jerseys over leggings, so I decided I to get some leggings myself.

I looked on Amazon and ended up ordering six pairs... all black. (I guess you could say I wasn't sure what kind to get.)

When the leggings arrived, I took them all out of the packages and threw the packaging away.

I realized later that some of the leggings did not list the brand name on them.

My initial thought was, "How am I supposed to evaluate which ones I like best if I don't even know which ones are which?"

But then I had an "Aha!" moment....

Because the leggings all had different percentage labels on them (different percentages of cotton, spandex, etc.), I could click through my Amazon order online and figure out which brand was which.

One more reason I enjoy Internet shopping!

(Postscript: I have worn all six pairs. I like all but one.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


"Red Pants Tuesday" today.

I decided to wear a top that had some red in it as well – a tie-dye pattern.

At home, the red in the shirt matched the red in the pants.

At work, the two reds looked very different.

I guess my "home lighting" is not the same as my "work lighting."

I will have to keep this in mind for future wardrobe decisions!

Monday, November 16, 2015

Some Updates

Lew and Matt are making a comeback in the church fantasy football league. Their team is now 4-6. I hope their winning trend continues!

My new computer gave me more headaches over the weekend. Lew even brought the box in so that we could pack the machine back up and return it to the store. But I decided to give it one more try from scratch – along with doing some extra troubleshooting – and everything seems to be working okay at the moment. (I do believe the problem was more with Windows 10 than with the machine itself.) I hope I have solved the major problems, because I do enjoy using the computer.

There are just over six weeks left in 2015 and I have six books to finish for my 2015 Reading Challenge. I've got two books going right now. I think I'm going to make it.

Fifteen years ago today my sister Debbie gave birth to a 10 pound, 4-ounce baby boy. Happy Birthday to you, Zack!

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Decision

After working for 50 years, Lew has decided to retire at the end of 2015.

He gave his employer notice today so that the company would have plenty of time to find a new hire.

And me? I have started a mental list of all the chores I want him to do around the house! (He does most of them already anyway.)

Congratulations, Lew!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dad 279: Eye See

(One page works for me! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another lousy fall day in the Northeast. It is now raining. That is how the day will end. Rain and darkness at 4:00 PM.
I am trying to keep you all up to date while using only one page each week. My proofreader and editor like it that way.
Well, football season is over for Josh and Zack. They lost the second playoff game. One team playing for the Western Maine championship was defeated by Josh's team early in the year. It was another successful season. Now we wait for baseball and lacrosse.
Spouse and I went to see the eye doctor and we now have the dates for cataract removal. December 1st for the left eye and then the 15th for the right eye. The weeks will be busy as we go for the follow-ups. We know all will go well.
We are getting back to Spouse's exercises. Perhaps not as fast as we should. We must do more in the exercise area. Keep your thoughts and prayers coming as we try to improve Spouse's health and get her seeing again. Thanks.
That's it, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Sayonara, Laptop.... Maybe

Lew's buddy Dick always takes us out for breakfast on Veterans Day.  (Thank you for your service, Lew!)  I enjoyed my hot chocolate, scrambled eggs, and pumpkin muffin.

Lew and I went to the mall after breakfast to get my ring checked. (See yesterday's post.)

We then went into Best Buy to look at laptops. I wanted to get an idea of what was available. I wasn't planning on purchasing anything today.

I purchased something today.

I decided on an all-in-one computer. Wireless keyboard and mouse. A touch screen, even. Very slick.

I have been getting it up and running ever since we got home. There have been a couple "blips" so far. I was ready to take it back to the store more than once. But Lew encouraged me to keep at it, and I think I may have reached a happy place. I do like how it works. And I LOVE the big screen.

Still, I'm not going to load a lot of data onto it yet!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Project Ring Removal

Twice a year, during the months of May and November, I need to take my diamond ring to the jewelry store to get the setting inspected.
The ring needs to be off my finger for the inspection.
When I went in May I had trouble taking off the ring, but I eventually succeeded.
In anticipation of taking my ring for inspection tomorrow, I decided to get the ring off tonight in case I had trouble.
I had trouble.
I finally had to bring in the reinforcements: ice, Windex, and Lew.
It wasn't a pain-free process, but Lew was able to work the ring off my finger.
Time for my fingers to go on a diet!

Monday, November 9, 2015

May, Not Must

While stopped at a red light on my way to work this morning, I found myself behind a Crown Victoria and in front of a car driven by an impatient young woman.

We were in a right-hand turn lane.

Traffic was proceeding through the intersection, so the Crown Vic was staying put.

When the traffic had cleared a bit, the car in back of me honked.

The light remained red and the Crown Vic didn't move.

The impatient car honked again.

The Crown Vic did not move until the light turned green. (I'll never know if the C.V. driver did this just to tick off the honking driver or not, but I kind of hope so.)

I doubt the impatient young woman reads my blog, but I would refer her to the State of Maine Statute regarding Traffic Control Devices. In general, one may make a right turn on red, not must.

A rules and vocabulary lesson, all in one!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Today's Dilemma

Lew and I just got home from an early dinner out with Wayne, Sarah, and Rylie.

When I couldn't decide between the ribs and the pulled pork, the waitress suggested a combo. "That particular combo isn't listed on our menu, but you can still order it."

Dilemma solved!

Friday, November 6, 2015


Friday night has arrived and I am beat!

It gets dark outside so early, it's hard to be too motivated in the evenings.

I did get some reading done tonight, but now I'm ready for bed. And it's not even 8:00 yet! Good grief!

Good night to you all!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Dad 278: Playoffs

(I just ate the last of my Halloween candy. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another not-so-bad day for November. Actually our weather has been very good (warmer than expected) and doesn't look too bad for the next week. We'll take it.
Well, Josh's (and Zack's) team won their first playoff game. They will now play in the semi-final round. (This will be a tough game as they will play the defending state champs.) Josh has started the last three years and has made the playoffs every year, never getting by the semis. He has had a good career. Now we wait for Zack in his sophomore through senior years. Good luck this weekend in the playoffs.
Almost ready for winter. All things are put away and I just need to wrap up my trailer wheels and the front trailer assembly. A few tarps and bungee cords and I'm ready for anything.
Please keep the prayers and thoughts coming for Spouse. I must get actively involved in her exercise program. Thanks for your concern.
Done for the week (one page only). Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Voting Report

I voted yesterday.

There were three questions on the state ballot.

The town ballot contained only one real race - five candidates for two town council seats. (All the other candidates were running unopposed.)

So that's a total of five results that actually depended on votes received.

I was zero for five.

Hooray, me.

But I will not be discouraged....

See you at the polls next year!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Trick-or-Treat Report

Dad and Lew both purchased snack-size chocolate bars for Halloween, so we were ready for all the dressed-up munchkins to arrive at our door.

We had two kids come.

And those two kids, the daughters of Pastor Dave and Laura, didn't even bring in their trick-or-treat bags. They just came to show us their costumes! We forced candy upon them anyway.

Before you start to feel sorry for us, I guess I should admit that we didn't really expect any trick-or-treaters. We don't live in a walk-around-neighborhood, so anyone coming to our house would have to be coming on purpose.

I've been telling people that we are a "destination trick-or-treat location."

And now I get to eat the leftover candy.... Snickers.... Reese's PB cups.... Twix....


Monday, November 2, 2015


I accurately predicted Kansas City to win the World Series.

Now we must wait for Spring 2016 for baseball to start up again.  Sigh....

In the meantime we will be rooting for the Patriots to repeat as Super Bowl champions!


Saturday, October 31, 2015

Family News

Now that a full week has gone by, I feel I am allowed to share the following news. (It has been on Facebook, after all, so that makes it official!)

Kelsey is engaged to be married! She and Zach will tie the knot next August.

Congratulations to them both!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Glad It's Friday

I had a busy week. I worked hard and had a couple extra appointments.

I'm tired! (It's a "good" tired, though.)

But I didn't realize how tired I was until I experienced a "first for me" moment at work today....

Have you ever stapled your shirt sleeve to a piece of paper? I can now say, "I have!"

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dad 277: Fall, Football, and Felines

(Yesterday was National Chocolate Day! How did I miss that?? Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Not the greatest fall day. Started with a rainy night but was just cloudy most of the day. Not too cold.
Josh's team is ready for the football playoffs after another 4-4 year. (Three years in a row.) Go, Josh! Zack will get a chance to stand on the sidelines as a freshman player.
We're all anticipating Thursday night football as we're hoping the Patriots continue to win. Go, Pats! Miami could be a tough game as they are now playing well.
Almost closed up for the winter. Must put the go-cart in the trailer and get Glen's and Lew's motorcycles in the third bay.
Spouse and I are surviving with the help of local family members. Monday morning we will be going to the eye doctor to see about Spouse's cataract removal. (We'll see my glaucoma doctor.) Keep your thoughts and prayers coming for Spouse. Thanks!
Reminder: Today is National Cat Day. We'll give a couple extra goodies to Marilyn and Jerry.
Tune in next week.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Weary Wednesday

Woke up.

Walked (sort of - did elliptical).

Went to 

"Wined and dined"
With friends.

Wiped out, but
Watching baseball!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


My prediction of a World Series between the Cubs and Royals did not come to fruition. (My prediction was made in the title of a prior post:  Click HERE to see it.)

But, hey, I was half right!

The New York Mets and the Kansas City Royals will start playing Game #1 in a few minutes.

My prediction of who will win the Series?  You shouldn't need to guess!

Play Ball!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Not One of "These" Days

It was one of "those" days.

I had a routine doctor appointment first thing this morning, then I went to work.

Once at work, I felt like I couldn't get out of my own way.

Everything I picked up had a little "issue" to be resolved.... Nothing was straightforward!

I e-mailed a colleague with one of my questions, and her day ended up going downhill after that.

I was expecting a work-related phone call that never came.

The project I really wanted to work on sat untouched. (Hopefully I'll get to it tomorrow.)

The best thing about today was that I was not alone.... Everyone else at work had one of "those" days, too!

So, not only is there strength in numbers, there is also comfort.  :)

Saturday, October 24, 2015


Eli's birthday is this coming Tuesday. He will be four years old!

We celebrated today with a "pirate" party.

Happy Birthday to you, Eli!

"Ahoy, Matey!"

Adam, the Apprentice Pirate.

Mommy will always be Eli's pirate princess!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Senior Night

Lew and I went to see our nephew Josh's football game tonight (the first half, anyway).

It was "Senior Night" so Debbie and Glen met Josh at midfield during a pre-game ceremony. Josh gave his mother a flower and there were hugs all around.

We are proud of #56!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dad 276: Football, Plow, Therapy, and Jobs

(Update: It is now dark out. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Today started wet and cloudy but is now cool and sunny.
Josh's football team has one game left and must win for a break-even season. Then it is on to the playoffs. Good luck, Josh!
I got my plow inspected and they changed the fluids. All for free. We should be ready for winter.
Today was the last day for Spouse's physical therapist. We're now on our own to do the therapy necessary to still improve or gain back some of her previous abilities. She seems to be improving. Not as fast as we wish, though!
In the past few weeks we are happy to state that two daughters and one granddaughter have new jobs. Daughters Tracy and Deb are busy now. Granddaughter just got a job in Chicago with an orthodontist. Happy for all!
That about brings us up-to-date. Still a little left to do for winter. Done for today, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Thursday Wednesday

As I was leaving for work this morning, I reminded Dad about writing his Derf post.
But - oops - today is Wednesday, and he now writes on Thursdays.
The thing is, I thought today was Thursday!
While at work, I heard at least three people comment that today felt like Thursday.
Someone else said the same thing at our housechurch group dinner tonight.
One of the kids said his teacher mistakenly thought today was Thursday.
Why were so many people confused by the day of the week today?
My "alternate universe" theory is probably way off (ha ha), but something was definitely up on this Thursday-ish Wednesday.
Note to self: Tomorrow is Thursday!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Near Cat-astrophe

This evening, in the comfort of our living room, Lew and I took on the task of trimming our cats' claws.... Both cats.... Front and back claws.

Marilyn was next door visiting my parents, so we tackled Jerry first.... Piece of cake.  Not that he liked it, but he's an easy-going kitty.  Plus he knows he's going to get extra treats afterward.

I went to get Marilyn, who weighs in at less than eight pounds. She was not happy with us... not happy at all.

I tried to keep her occupied by giving her goodies while Lew trimmed her claws. She managed to squirm away a few times. She tried to scratch and bite both Lew and me. (I think she succeeded.)

And did you know that cats can growl?

Anyway, we were able to complete Marilyn's pedicure without any blood being shed.

And just think.... we get to do it again in another month! Just the front claws, though.  :)

We love our kitties!

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Tale of Two Heaters

I brought a space heater to work today. My office mate has one, but it doesn't throw heat to my side of the room.

It was really cold outside this morning, so the building was cold as well. (I think it takes a while for our building to "wake up" after the weekend.) I was happy to have my heater.

A few minutes after I fired it up, it unexpectedly went off. As did my computer. As did my floor lamp. As did my office mate's computer and space heater.

Blown fuse!

What we learned: Do not run two space heaters on "high" at the same time in our office. ("Low" is fine, though, thank goodness.)


Saturday, October 17, 2015

A Near Cat-astrophe

Earlier this month I wrote about needing to get a new laptop soon.
Today I thought I might need to get a new one, well, today.
I turned on my laptop and left the room while it was starting up.
When I returned I saw Marilyn on top of the keyboard.
When I looked closer I saw that she was prying the keys off with her claws.
She had managed to remove the A, Z, Shift, and Caps Lock.
I yelled at her, picked her up, carried her downstairs, and reported what she had done to Lew.
Fortunately for my laptop - and for Marilyn - Lew was able to snap the keys back on.
We love our kitties!

Friday, October 16, 2015

At the Ballet

I went to the ballet tonight! One of the pieces they did was "Peter and the Wolf". My friend Ellen's daughter was the cat.

I end this post with a photo of me and said kitty.  Meow!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dad 275: Head Banging

(There is a Wendy's chili in my refrigerator. I will eat it tomorrow – the chili, not the refrigerator. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a fairly good fall day. We really have had a good fall with warm weather. Today feels a bit fall-ish. Supposed to get cold this weekend. Perhaps even a coastal frost.
Just finished eating some Wendy's food I picked up after my haircut.
I did hear that Sunday River Ski Area will open this Monday. It seems that snow can be made at higher temperatures than in past years. This will be the earliest opening ever for the ski area.
Did get my plow on the truck Monday. So I am ready for my free plow inspection this Saturday. I plan on being there. (As I was picking up tools after putting the plow on, I fell forward and banged my head. I had a large bump on my head. It was gone in about a day.) The plow says it takes 2 to 3 minutes to mount. It takes me one hour!
Tonight I'll know the last of the baseball teams that will play in the National League Championship Series. I want the Cubs to beat the Blue Jays in the World Series.
That's it for today, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Busy day at work. Planned to head home at 5:00 so I would be ready to go to our housechurch group tonight.

I left closer to 5:20.... 5:21, to be exact. I sent Lew this text message:

"On my way.
Cutting it close!
Hope you have what we're bringing for food."

He did.

When we got home after our meeting, I told Dad I probably would skip posting today. Long day and tired. He said, "Nah.... You should post something."

I was tempted to post just the word "something" but I settled for using it as the title. I figured I should put in at least a little effort!

Good night, Dad!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Closing Day

Lew and I both had to work today, but I know that some folks had the day off for Columbus Day.
In addition to being a holiday, Columbus Day also marks the end of "the season". We don't exactly roll up the sidewalks, but we might as well do so.
Lots of places closed today. We now have to wait until April for "pie and fry" and for the best ice cream.
Anticipating the months ahead, Lew and I went to our favorite places yesterday.

Until next year....

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Wedding Bells

Katelyn, the daughter of Batgirl Anne-Marie, got married today!

Lew and I rode to the wedding with Batgirl Ellen and her husband. We met up with Batgirl Krista there.

It was a lovely day of celebration and friendship.

Congratulations to Katelyn and Tyler!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Cubs? Royals?

Who goes shopping on a Friday night?
WE go shopping on a Friday night!

Lew and I went out for dinner and then stopped at the grocery store. We have a busy day tomorrow so we decided to get our shopping done tonight.

I am now trying to clean off my desk at home, but there is a really bad side effect of this project.... I am missing baseball!

I do enjoy watching playoff baseball. My beloved Red Sox are not in the playoffs this year (I won't mention the type of season they had.... ahem....), so I can actually watch the games without a pit in my stomach.

Play ball!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Dad 274: Zack's Feat

(I don't want to think about snow yet, but I guess we have to be ready for it. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another fair day in the Northeast. We have enjoyed quite a stretch of rain-free weather. Supposed rainy day tomorrow and then another stretch of sunny days.
Josh's varsity football team got beat last weekend by the defending state champions.
Zack, our 280-pound freshman, was up in the first line when the opponent tried an onside kick. They kicked it in Zack's direction. He made the catch and went to the ground. It was an exciting play. He finally touched the football! Congratulations, Zack! Zack's team is undefeated.
Just received word that free inspection for snowplows is on Saturday, October 17. So I must get my plow on to get my free inspection.
The furnace gets its annual upgrade on Monday. The outside water is off. The hoses are put away. The cellar has D-Con throughout. Must now close down my garage refrigerator. We are battening down the hatches for winter. (Hope this winter is not as bad as last February!)
Please keep up the prayers for Spouse!
Done for today, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Nine To Go

I went through the whole month of September without dedicating a blog post to my 2015 Reading Challenge.

In case you think I gave up the challenge with the onset of my new job, I would like to assure you that I have not given up.

I have nine books left to read and 12 weeks in which to do so. I know I can average a book a week, so I think I'm going to make it.

And for 2016?  I have already declared it, "The Year of Reading Whatever I Feel Like Reading Whenever I Feel Like Reading It!"

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A Fantasy Win

Before this past weekend, the fantasy football team co-captained by Lew and Matt had a losing record of 0-3.

They were the only team in their league without a win.

I am happy to report this is no longer the case.

I found out the good news this morning while I was in the shower. Lew came into the bathroom cheering, "We won!"

Shortly after that Matt texted Lew to make sure he knew of their victory.

Winning....  It's no longer just a fantasy.

Congratulations, Lew and Matt!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Laptop Timing Out

I have had my current laptop (my first one ever) for several years. It still runs Windows XP, which Microsoft stopped supporting on April 8, 2014.

I have been nursing it along since then. I've been running malware and virus scans every week. Plus I back up my data to an external drive (although not as often as I should).

I try to do as much "in the cloud" as I can on my iPad and iPhone so that I don't need to depend on my laptop for too many things.

There are three programs that I really need my laptop for:
  • iTunes
  • Quicken
  • TurboTax
Everything was going fine until yesterday. Although I still have a working iTunes program on my laptop, it appears that I can't download the latest version. And I need the latest version in order to connect my laptop and my iPad. This is not the end of the world, but it is a sign of more trouble to come.

I think that Santa may have to bring me a new laptop this year. (I will decide which one, Santa!)

Yes, although it has served me well, my current laptop has timed out. It had a good run.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Lew and I met up with our breakfast buddies this morning at our usual place.

I always get a hot chocolate with whipped cream, a glass of water, scrambled eggs, and a muffin.

I vary from week to week on what kind of muffin I want, so our waitress has to check with me on that. Otherwise, she knows exactly what I want. She is a waitress-extraordinaire.

This time of year she doesn't even have to ask me about the muffin because the pumpkin muffins are back! Yes, please, I want the pumpkin muffin whenever they are on the menu. They are DELICIOUS!

The muffin wasn't my only pumpkin experience today. Dad bought some Pumpkin Spice Oreos at the grocery store. Mom sent me a text message telling me to come try one. (Yes, we live in the same house.)

I liked the Pumpkin Spice Oreo. It was quite tasty. But I wouldn't choose it over a regular Oreo cookie. And I wouldn't choose a regular Oreo over the muffin.

The pumpkin muffin RULES!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Brief Commentary on "The Job"

I haven't written too much about my new job yet. I just finished my fourth week, so I think it's safe to now say that it's a "keeper."  I'm really enjoying the work and I like all my co-workers. I would go so far as to say that it's kind of fun.... Yes... I like bookkeeping! I like things to add up right, and I like proving that they add up right.

I have learned so much during the past four weeks, and I still have much to learn. But it's going well.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Dad 273: Rain, Rain, Went Away

(Got home late from work tonight, so many thanks to my father for a short post. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a rain-free day here in the Northeast. Yesterday we received at least six inches of rain in a short period of time. The rain came down! Portland had many flooded areas almost covering up some vehicles. Our sump pump kept our cellar from flooding. It worked well, thank goodness. The water at the lower level of the cellar stayed at about one foot. Now we wait for the hurricane.
It is now October and almost time to button up for winter. I think I'll start within the next week, if the spirit moves.
Josh's and Zack's football teams won their games this past weekend. Josh's team plays the defending state champs this week. It will be a tough task. Go, Josh!
Spent one night with Spouse at the hospital over the weekend. She seems to be doing better. On the mend! Please keep her in your prayers.
I've reached my limit for today, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

No Swimming For Me

It poured today.

While driving to work I heard on the radio that there were no flood concerns.  "That's good," I thought.

By late morning there were flash flood warnings and actual flooded areas in and around the Portland area. Several of us at work even got a flash flood warning on our cell phones.

By the time I left work things were back to normal. This was a very good thing as I didn't want to swim home!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Stock Market Tip

Buy shares in Kleenex!

I know for a fact that the demand for tissues has increased significantly over the past 24 hours.

Don't believe me?

Just look in the trash can by my desk at work!

(Disclaimer: No, this is not really a stock market tip. But I don't think you have to worry about insider trading should you decide to buy Kleenex stock.)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Musings

I woke up with a sore throat.

I managed to get through my full day of work.

I'm now trying to stay caught up on my home chores.

I'm tired and feeling yucky. The "cold" has won today's battle.

But I am going to win the week's war!

(I'm so tired, I'm not even sure this makes any sense.)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

A Sweet Morning

Lew and I had a sweet babysitting gig this morning -- the highlight of our week! :)

Friday, September 25, 2015

Rest for the Weary

My place of employment closes at 4:00 on Friday afternoons.

People start to head out before then if they have their 40 hours of work in for the week.

I was one of those people today!

I'm enjoying my job, but it sure was nice to get home early and have some quiet time.

Tonight:  Pizza and TV shows.  :)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Dad 272: Glasses and Crashes

(The sun has gone to bed as I enter this, but it was indeed a sunny day. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another sunny day in the Northeast. We're gradually working our way to fall temperatures. Bring it on! Must get plow ready!
Josh's football team won again and is now 2-1. Homecoming this weekend against Sanford. Another win??
Took Spouse to the eye examiner yesterday for a glasses check. They checked out well but her vision is cloudy due to cataracts. Next step is a consultation with the specialist about cataracts. The specialist is my glaucoma doctor. We'll see him November 2, 2015.
I was woken up at 2:00 AM Wednesday as Spouse crashed to the floor. She claims she was asleep and got up to go to the bathroom. A few sore spots but nothing broken. The physical therapist checked Spouse and thinks a twisted tendon in the knee is about all that happened. Lucky!

Things to do:
  • Put plow on!
  • D-con the cellar!
  • Close garage refrigerator!
  • Order K-1!
  • Shut off outside water!
  • And the list goes on!
See you next week, sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Five O'Clock in the Morning

Kitties wrestling on my bed 
.... doo dah 
.... doo dah 
Kitties wrestling on my bed 
.... at 5 A.M.

Last night I set my white noise machine to stay on all night, rather than the 90 minutes I usually do.

Success! If there was any traffic noise, it didn't keep me awake.

However, I was awakened before my alarm went off.  The "why" is described above.

At least it was almost time to get up anyway....  Meow!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Four O'Clock in the Morning

I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning. I woke up at 4:00AM and could not get back to sleep right away. So I was more tired than usual when it was time to "rise and shine".

At 4:00AM I was listening to all of the traffic going by our house. I usually don't notice the cars because of the noise our fan makes. But we slept without the fan on last night. Everything sounded different.

While I was listening, I wondered where all of the cars were going. An early shift at work? The airport? A head start on a long automobile trip?

One vehicle I know I didn't hear at 4:00AM was the mail truck. The mailbox flag was still up this morning. I had two more items to mail, and I decided to trust that the system would work today. I added the pieces to what was already in there from yesterday.

My trust was not misplaced. Our mail got delivered! We are one excited household.

Postscript: Dad called the postal service to ask about yesterday. Apparently our regular carrier was ill and the substitute didn't have a chance to complete the route... "nor illness" is not in the motto!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Mail Call?

It is 9:00 p.m. and our mail carrier hasn't been to our home yet.

We know this because Dad and I each had one piece of outgoing mail in our box. I was surprised to see the mailbox flag still up when I arrived home from work.

We received no mail last Monday. But we also had no outgoing mail. Was there mail delivery in our neighborhood that day? We're wondering.

At any rate, I can only say "the check's in the mailbox" if anyone asks.

Postscript: Incidentally, there is no snow nor rain nor excessive heat. But we are now experiencing the gloom of night. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Stop and See the Flowers

I took a picture of our front lawn this morning. As you can see, It was not a good summer for the grass:

As I looked closer, I saw one little burst of non-dandelion yellow sprouting up on our desolate lawn:

Lew noticed it, too. He mowed today, but I believe he preserved this miraculous little splash of color!

Friday, September 18, 2015


This morning we learned that today was National Cheeseburger Day.

This meant that dinner was planned!

Lew made burgers for our entire household (excluding the cats), and they were scrumptious (the burgers, not the cats).

.No cheese was found on any burger, however... not a one.

So I'm not sure that we celebrated National Cheeseburger Day to the letter.

But we sure did celebrate in spirit.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Dad 271: A Big One Point

(The best time to lead is at the end of the game. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a summer-like week in September. Temps in the 80s. Told fall-like weather will arrive next Monday.
Josh's high school football team beat a perennial powerhouse last week by scoring the tying touchdown with 39 seconds left and then kicking the extra point. Their only lead of the game.
Got my truck serviced so I can put the plow on for its fall check-up. Between last year's registration and this year's, the truck had only been very few miles. Pretty much used for plowing. Trying to use a little more now. Not hoping for a lot of snow this winter. The almanac tells us to expect a cold snowy season. Boo!
A good report today as Spouse's therapist said she seems to be regaining some of her balance. Hope she continues. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers! Thanks.
Enough for today.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Kitty Daycare

Lew and I adopted both of our cats during my non-working time, so Jerry and Marilyn are used to me being home during the day.

Jerry had already been visiting my parents at various times, but now Marilyn is doing so as well.

Jerry usually naps and then gets sent back home when he starts to get into stuff he shouldn't (example: potato chip bags).

Marilyn's habits are yet to be determined, but we hope today's activities aren't the norm. She shredded the tail end of a roll of toilet paper and decorated my parents' bedroom floor with it!

I am glad that Mom and Dad like our kitties and that they don't mind having them saunter over to visit.  :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A New Non-Habit

A couple days ago Lew and I saw a news story about making your bed. Apparently it is better not to do so!

When you make your bed, you are trapping all of the little dust mites, etc. that thrive in the warm, cozy environment. Leaving your bed unmade allows it to "breathe" and doesn't let those little critters take over.

I have found it very easy to follow this advice... very easy!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fantasy Football Flop

Lew and Matt are co-managing a fantasy football team in the church league this year.

They talk on the phone just about every day regarding their lineup and any moves they want to make. (This is serious stuff.)

Matt won one of the two church leagues last year. Lew came in toward the bottom somewhere.

Will Matt's good fortune outweigh Lew's bad luck?

If their Week #1 result is any indication, they are in for a long season.

Get 'em next week, guys!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Now that I am a working woman once again, the weekend actually feels like the weekend.
Today seems less hectic and more relaxing than weekends past, even though I may be just as busy.
I guess I'm more appreciative of the fact that it's Saturday.
It's kind of nice.

Friday, September 11, 2015

One Week In the Books


I survived my first week back in the workforce. Granted it was only a four-day week. (Thank you, Labor Day!)

I'm pretty tired right now, but I'm also very happy. It's going well so far.

I will try to make my blog posts more exciting than they have been this week. I will try to do so soon, anyway! I write better when I am fully conscious.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dad 270: Cool It!

(Dad now writes on Thursdays. Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! A sunless day today. It is, however, a lot cooler than the last few days. It was so hot that a couple of school districts sent their students home early. I guess classroom temperatures close to 100 degrees were just too much. Afternoon activities and practices were canceled or moved inside away from the sun. I don't recall students sent home due to the heat before. We await tonight's rain. Supposed to be heavy at times. Should help lower the temperature. We hope!

I will try to keep you all up to date with what's happening on a weekly basis. I will try to be brief because Tracy (owner of the blog) is now employed full-time.

We have our physical therapist (PT) and occupational therapist (OT) on board at home now. Spouse continues to work with the therapists and we try to do exercises on the off days. Please keep your prayers coming for Spouse as she struggles to recoup her skills. Thanks.

Enough for today, sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Wednesday, September 9, 2015


One of my Facebook friends just started a doctoral program.
This week she is focusing on finding her "new rhythm" as she balances classes with the rest of life.
I'm doing a similar thing, aren't I?
Here's to new rhythms!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Day #1 at my new job is in the books!

Am I tired? Yes!

Am I overwhelmed? Of course!

Will it be fun? Absolutely!

I am going to really enjoy it.  :)

And now it's time to sleep.


Monday, September 7, 2015

Schedule Changes

I start my new job tomorrow! At 8:30AM I will be employed full-time for the first time in almost five years. I'm looking forward to it. But, no, I don't know what I'm going to wear yet!

Due to my new daytime schedule and our Wednesday night housechurch meeting, there will also be a change on Mainely Tracy:  Dad will be writing his posts on Thursdays starting this week So, Derf is moving from Wednesdays to Thursdays.

Mom's shower schedule is also being adjusted.  :)

I'm facing the changes!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Yard Sale

Our breakfast buddies and a couple of their daughters had a bunch of yard sale items, and what better place than our house to have a sale?!
We started setting up shortly after 7:00 this morning and "closed" for the day around 3:30ish. We will "open" again tomorrow around 8:00 in the morning for day two. (There will be no day three!)
The sale items are covered with tarps in our driveway, so I suppose someone could do some midnight requisitioning. But I'm not too worried.... The driveway is right below my bedroom window, so I would probably hear them.... And then I would go outside and help them pack the stuff in their car!
Pastor Dave's and Laura's two young daughters had a lemonade and popcorn stand at our sale today. Their cuteness factor alone would have given them great business success! But the lemonade and popcorn were quite tasty. Yum.
Lew and I had a few items in the sale today. But I spent all of our profits buying stuff from our friends!

Friday, September 4, 2015

A Lovely Day

Morning walk with Ellen.

Lunch out with Emily.

High school football game with Lew.

Josh is #56, one of his teams' four captains. (Second red jersey from left in the middle of the field.)

A lovely night for football!