Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dad 282: A Dose of Excitement

(Dad, Mom, and I discussed adding a photo of my mother to the end of this post. The vote was 2-1 against doing so. I will leave it to you, the reader, to wonder who voted "yes". Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cloudy, cool day in the Northeast. We are told the weather will be fairly sunny for the next few days. Not very warm though.
As mentioned on Mainely Tracy yesterday, Spouse had cataracts removed from left eye on Tuesday. Everything went well. Then the fun began. The operation was at 7:30 AM, so we arrived home fairly early afterward. I opened the doors and then went back outside to help Spouse from the car to the couch. We made it up the stairs, through the hallway, and into the living quarters to the couch. As we were getting her to sit on the couch, she lurched forward, crashed into a cabinet and took a vicious dive, banging her head very fast and hard on the floor. (We believe she passed out.)
I tried to get her to respond to me. Her response was unresponsive. I attempted to get her to the couch. Eventually I was able to get her up and to the couch where she sort of collapsed again. I then called 911. They came and she made a trip to the emergency room.
Hospital took a scan of her head and found nothing broken. Spouse looks like she got beat up. She has two black eyes, a bruised nose, and two stitches in her lip.
We got home early afternoon as she was very alert. We made it to the couch. Success!
The next day (yesterday) we went back to the eye doctor and he said everything was fine. A big sigh of relief. We now wait until next week for the follow-up. Then we will prepare for the right eye surgery the following week. Hopefully Spouse won't look so beat up on our next trip.
Everything is back to normal as she has her monthly doctor's checkup tomorrow. We're looking for a fast healing. That's about it. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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