Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dad 283: Haircut Week

(The Thursday of Tracy was a success. Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Another mostly cloudy day but not too cold. Tomorrow is supposed to hit fifty degrees. We'll take it.

Well, Spouse successfully managed to get through the week with no falls. Her weekly follow-up went well and we are now about to start preparing for the other eye (to remove cataract from right eye). This will be done next Tuesday with a follow-up on Wednesday. If all goes well the last follow-up will be on Wednesday the 23rd of December. We will still have to continue an eye-drop steroid until January 1st for the left eye and finish the right eye later in January. Then get new glasses.

Today was my haircut day. I went late in the day (3:30) while Spouse napped. Actually, she didn't nap but watched TV instead (Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Rifleman, and Judge Judy).

I managed to get Spouse a haircut appointment for Saturday. Cindy (our hair stylist) and I set a time that allows Spouse to get in the chair shortly after arriving at the shop. Cindy is very cooperative, which makes it easier. Thanks, Cindy!

Done for today. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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