Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dad 334: An Arm and a Prayer

(Praying! Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! In the midst of three lousy days. Lucky for us, we're getting rain on the southern coast. Snow up to one foot in the north country. Ski slopes are open and the weather is cold enough to make snow. Hope the snow stays away from the coast for the next three months. What are the chances?
Survived a great Thanksgiving day. Had a very good meal and visit with all extended family. (Also a nice visit with a grandson Josh as he was home from college. Looking forward to his month off in three weeks.) Thanks, Glen & Deb!
Spouse seems to be doing okay – with the exception of her useless arm, which will not open up and is locked to her chest. Every day I pray for healing; she has not received it yet. I will still keep that in my prayers as I know it's possible. I'm reminded of the song, "I Know a Man Who Can." Please pray for a miracle. We thank you for your concern and prayers. Keep them coming!
Ready for winter but not really looking forward to it.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Say What???

Tomorrow is the last day of November; I just don't know how that happened. When I was younger, I always got a kick out of how people would say the year "flew by"— and now I am one of those people!

Time is a funny thing... So much has happened since our trip to Kelsey's wedding in early August, and yet it seems like we were out in the Midwest only yesterday.

In fact, it was only yesterday that one of my credit card numbers was used at a gas station in Indiana — but I really was in Maine all day. Fortunately my credit card company declined the charge. (A replacement card is on its way to me.)

So today's lesson is to be aware of where you are — and when. Especially since time flies!

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Book a Week Is What I Seek

I try to read a book a week on average, so I am happy to report that I just added the 52nd book to my "2016 Reading List" page!

I'll probably add at least three more to the list before the year is over.  I usually have several going at once, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

I enjoy keeping track of the books I've read.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment. It also makes me feel more studious than I really am — ha ha!

My advice for y'all today:  Read a book!  :)

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Christmas Lights

(Lew asked me about taking a picture, but it's sort of drizzly out at the moment.... I am a "fair weather" photographer.... Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Last year I put 300 Christmas lights on the front of the house plus a lighted wreath on the front door.

This year I did the same but added another 150 lights.

I’m already planning to buy more lights after Christmas when they have the big sales.

I don’t know if I’m going to do 150 or 300 more next year.

I haven’t reached the Clark Griswold level yet, but I’m working on it.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Farewell, Florence

Florence Henderson passed away yesterday.

"The Brady Bunch" was one of the first TV shows that I remember watching as a kid. (Is there another fictional family that my generation knows better? I think not.)

Carol Brady was the matriarch of that TV family. Thank you, Florence, for portraying her so beautifully.

And now I feel like watching a Brady Bunch marathon. It seems like the right thing to do.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dad 333: Happy Thanksgiving!

(Dad's post will serve as tomorrow's post, too. Happy Thanksgiving to all!  ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another enjoyable pre-winter day. A little cool; about 40 degrees.

A short, to-the-point writing today. Appreciated by everyone....

Have a happy, thankful, joyous Thanksgiving Day!
Enjoy your friends and relatives!
Don't forget to say thanks to our God!!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Punctuational Lament

Not that I am the expert but did you ever notice how people ignore punctuation on Facebook and sometimes in their text messages I just don't understand how anyone can understand anyone else anymore I'm not sure I'm just not sure   do you agree

Monday, November 21, 2016

Coming Soon: Blog Reboot!

As another year comes to a close (okay, so I'm a little early with that statement), I want to rethink this blog.

When I started it, I wanted to write pithy posts every day....  I think I've done okay on the "every day" but not the "pithy."  Ha ha!

I tried the Monday Media, To-Do Tuesday, etc. idea, but I didn't really stick with it.

Scheduling that has worked (and will therefore stay): Dad writes on Wednesdays, Lew writes on Saturdays, and nobody writes on Sundays.

That leaves Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for me to come up with something worth posting about.  And I haven't been very inspired as of late.

But just thinking about a "blog reboot" is getting me a little bit excited. So, keep checking in on Mainely Tracy, dear readers.

Goal for tomorrow:  Write a pithy blog post.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Good Decision

(Sometimes Lew listens to me. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Answering the call....

This morning we slept in a little. After I got up I went through my morning routine which consists of taking care of the cats and a few other things. Then I sat down in my recliner in my “snuggies” to do my daily writing.

The phone rings. It’s my brother-in-law Glen asking me if I want to play golf with him and my two nephews.

I started thinking about how comfy I was and how I would need to hustle to get ready. Also, my clubs were kind of buried in the garage for the winter. I told Glen that I thought I would pass on the invitation.

Tracy asked about the phone call and I told her.

Her response was, “You should go.”

I thought about it for another 30 seconds and said, “You’re right, I should go.”

It was probably the best decision I’ll make all week. Had a great time with the boys. They help keep me young.

(Josh and I won.)

Friday, November 18, 2016

I Was #6

We had our annual all-staff meeting at work today.

During the lunch break, everyone who wanted to could participate in a contest. We had been asked to turn in a baby picture a couple weeks ago, and today we were to match up who was who.

There were about 30 pictures on the board. I did a horrible job.  I identified only six correctly: mine, one that I cheated on, one that was obvious to us all, and three that I really did get right all on my own.

The person who won the contest (who happens to be my 19-year-old office mate) identified 21 correctly. While we were looking at the pictures ahead of time, she looked at me and pointed right at my picture. As for me picking her photo out, I wasn't even close.

One of the three I got right: the owner of the company.  Phew!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dad 332: Football, Of Course!

(While Glen and I were hard at work this afternoon, Dad, Mom, Lew, and Debbie ate cake with Zack. He is 16 today! Happy Birthday, Zack! My father fills you in on the rest of the day's news below. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another warm, cloudy, sprinkly day in the Northeast. Next few days look good, then some colder weather. Winter is next. Oh, joy!
Our football weekend was a washout:
~ Zack's team lost in the regional finals. Lost three games this year. Two to the regional champion and one to a team which Zack's team beat in the semis. A great year. Congratulations to Zack and team (8–3).
~ Josh's team finished the season with one win. Never blown out but just couldn't win. Wait until next year.
~ The Patriots lost to Seattle. Hope they meet again this year. That would be the Super Bowl. Winner: Patriots!
Very busy day today:
~ First thing this morning went to the beach and had two new windows put in sister Deb's cottage.
~ Bought a new gas cap for the truck in hopes that my engine light is off for good.
~ Picked up my car (Lew transported me to garage) after servicing for the winter. Home now for the evening.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Follow the Logic

In light of the hoopla that has followed the recent election, I have considered starting a new blog.

This blog would be called "Postcards from Tracy" or something like that.  I would write simple, brief notes on a variety of things.

The first postcard would be about the electoral college/popular vote controversy as it pertains to the 2016 election:
Do you think the candidates would have campaigned differently if the president was to be selected by popular vote instead of the electoral college? 
I think the answer to that is clearly, "Yes." 
Apples and oranges, my friend.... Apples and oranges.... 
Wish you were here!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Whining Poetic

When ideas are few and creativity has taken its leave,
My only words are,
"Oh, blinking cursor, how you mock me."

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Lew's Logbook: It's Over

(Woohoo! Enjoy Lew's post. ~ Tracy)

As we were watching some shows from our DVR, I noted that there were campaign commercials because the shows were recorded before the election.

That’s when is struck me that it is over!!!!

I actually pay attention to politics and enjoy the back and forth, but toward the end of the campaign I was avoiding some news programs that I usually watch because of election fatigue.

Now we can pay attention to the important things in life like football, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and football (yes, I said football twice).

Friday, November 11, 2016

Not This Year

I just remembered I hadn't posted yet today, but I was a bit preoccupied this evening.... 

Zack's football game was streamed online; Lew was watching and keeping me updated while I read. I watched a few minutes over Lew's shoulder here and there.

The final outcome of the game was not what we had hoped for.

Zack's team had a great year and made it further in the playoffs than expected. If they had won tonight, they would have gone on to the state championship game.

Congratulations to Zack and the Red Storm on a super season.

And I have a feeling next year is going to be even better.  :)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Better Than Dust Bunnies

I am still recovering from staying up too late to watch the election results, so today's post will be short.

Here's a picture that Lew texted to me a couple weeks ago, complete with caption:

"Under the Love Seat"

There are probably three dozen of these toy mice in our house.

We love our kitties!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dad 331: Two Late Nights

(Woohoo! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a real cloudy dark day. Why should I enjoy such a dismal day? The two-year campaign for electing officials and voting for other choices is over. To that I say, "HOORAY!!"
Well, Zack's football team beat the two-year defending state champions in the Western Maine semi-final game. Now they must play in the final against the only other team to beat them this year. The winner plays for the state championship. GO, RED STORM!!
I had two very late nights in the last week. Why, you ask?
[1] I watched the Cubs win the World Series last Wednesday. Happy for them. Didn't really care who won because I like Francona.
[2] My second long night was last night. I saw my clock say 2:20 AM before retiring. Reason for the late night was the much anticipated voting day. Now let's get the country together again! Please!! In my prayers!!
I'm falling asleep now. Sooozzzzz....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

So, What's New?

A ho-hum day if there ever was one . . . . Not much going on today, right?!

My two text messages to three of my work colleagues this morning:
"Time 8:31 -- heading in to vote!"
"8:48 -- in my car!"
It would have taken me even less time if the election worker had directed me to the correct line when I got there.

I wore my "I Voted Today!" sticker all day, and now I am in my jammies to wait this out.  I am using a vacation day tomorrow so I can stay up late to watch the returns.

Whatever the outcome, I pray that God will bless America.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Workplace Excitement

The fire department came through our workplace and did an inspection not long ago. My workstation didn't "pass" due to daisy-chained power strips. I already knew this would probably be a problem, but I couldn't plug my computer system in without using two power strips (too far from electrical outlet). Plus I needed another power strip for some peripheral items.

Today my supervisor presented me with a 25-foot long surge protector with eight sockets.  Would I be able to plug everything into it?  Let's see.... "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, . . . and that's everything."  


No more daisy-chain for this gal!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Pictures

(Lew writes today. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

When I’m walking or driving I often see things and say to myself, “That would make a nice picture.”

I can’t usually do anything about it when I’m driving, but when walking I always have my iPhone, so…. Click.

I wonder if this could be a hobby for me?

This is the latest picture that I took of something that caught my eye.

"Lobster Buoy"

Friday, November 4, 2016

The Day After the Day After

After staying up really late, one survives on adrenaline the next day.

But the day after....


Have a restful weekend, everybody.  

And don't forget to "fall back" tomorrow night!  Farewell, Daylight Savings Time.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


Yesterday I told my supervisor I would be late to work today because I was going to watch Game 7 of the World Series. She doesn't follow baseball so she had no idea that history was in the making!  (I texted her this morning to tell her the Cubs won. When I arrived at work, she asked me, "That's the team you wanted, right?")

Lew and I watched most of the game in our living room. I was nervously playing "Bumpling" on my iPhone to keep myself from going crazy.

When the Cubs closer came in during the 8th inning, I told Lew, "I don't have a good feeling about this." I hated being right.

When they started putting the tarp on the field after the bottom of the 9th, Lew and I decided to move our party upstairs. We were recording the game, so we contemplated going to sleep and watching the rest this morning. But then the rain delay ended.

So we watched.

My stomach was in knots. (Imagine if it had been the Red Sox! I would have been a mess.)

When the game finally ended and the Cubs had won, I threw my arms in the air and gave a big "Hooray!"  I also began breathing normally again.

We stayed up to see the trophy presentations. I was so happy when Ben Zobrist was named the MVP! After his interview was over, we turned the TV off.  The clock read 1:11.  That's 1:11 A.M.

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs and all of their long-suffering fans.

Now let's all get some sleep!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Dad 330: Trick or Treat, Share or Eat

(I'm looking forward to watching the final game of the baseball season tonight. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying an almost-summer day today. Temps in the 60s. Very pleasant while mowing for the last time this season. Received a hard frost yesterday. The next good day I'll put mower, go-kart and other articles in the trailer for winter storage. My car will go back to the garage. Winter will be here shortly. Boo!
Zack's team won their first playoff game and will play in the semi-finals this weekend. Should be a very competitive game. Josh's team remains at one win as it added another loss.
We survived Halloween. Once again, no trick-or-treaters for our three bowls of candy. We were prepared. Now we must eat... or share!
Now hear this: In case you haven't noticed, Tom Brady is back and his team is doing well.
Well, there will be a game seven tonight in Cleveland. Go Cubs! Or Indians! My first choice is Cubs but, if they lose, congratulations to Francona. Must rest up now to stay awake for game.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Project Ring Retrieval

The first part of this story happened almost a full year ago. Click HERE to read it.

I had not worn my diamond ring nor my wedding ring since that day. (I was too afraid I wouldn't be able to get them off again.)

About two and a half weeks ago Lew and I took both of my rings to a local jewelry shop. I wanted to get the diamond reset as well as resize my wedding band. My friend Carole came along to be my personal consultant; I knew I wanted something "practical" and she was in charge of making sure it would be beautiful.  :)

I ended up combining my original diamond with my original wedding band. It's a bezel setting, not that I know what I'm talking about.

The ring was ready today.  Lew picked it up and delivered it to me at work.

I think it's beautiful... as well as practical.