Thursday, November 3, 2016


Yesterday I told my supervisor I would be late to work today because I was going to watch Game 7 of the World Series. She doesn't follow baseball so she had no idea that history was in the making!  (I texted her this morning to tell her the Cubs won. When I arrived at work, she asked me, "That's the team you wanted, right?")

Lew and I watched most of the game in our living room. I was nervously playing "Bumpling" on my iPhone to keep myself from going crazy.

When the Cubs closer came in during the 8th inning, I told Lew, "I don't have a good feeling about this." I hated being right.

When they started putting the tarp on the field after the bottom of the 9th, Lew and I decided to move our party upstairs. We were recording the game, so we contemplated going to sleep and watching the rest this morning. But then the rain delay ended.

So we watched.

My stomach was in knots. (Imagine if it had been the Red Sox! I would have been a mess.)

When the game finally ended and the Cubs had won, I threw my arms in the air and gave a big "Hooray!"  I also began breathing normally again.

We stayed up to see the trophy presentations. I was so happy when Ben Zobrist was named the MVP! After his interview was over, we turned the TV off.  The clock read 1:11.  That's 1:11 A.M.

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs and all of their long-suffering fans.

Now let's all get some sleep!

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