Thursday, October 31, 2013

Not Just Another Day

Do I really need to say anything?





Yippee! How sweet it is!

(Postscript: I gave Dad kudos on Facebook last night. He predicted the Sox in six right here on Mainely Tracy.)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dad 173: Uh-oh, O-Care

(My agenda for the day: do laundry; review Lew's open enrollment paperwork because our current health insurance plan is no longer an option; watch the Sox while frantically playing Candy Crush. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you today from the Northeast. The day is less than the best to say the least. Kind of cloudy. No sun to be seen.

Here in the Northeast we wait for another baseball game tonight. Fenway Park will be the scene as the Red Sox will complete their World Series goal. They will win their third Series championship in 10 years. My prediction will come to fruition tonight. If not in six, then to game seven. Stay tuned. GO SOX!

We are preparing for Josh's first playoff game this Friday. If they win, they live to play another day. If no win, then the season ends. Once again, stay tuned.

I sit here listening to HHS Secretary Sebelius as a witness for the Obamacare proceedings. Very interesting! "You can keep your policy." This Obama statement doesn't seem to be true. However, I've learned that "you can KEEP your policy" is now being translated to "one can TRANSITION your policy". Only in America from lying elected officials. This whole process of "voting for a law before knowing what is in it" is another example of government idiocy. Congratulations to our brilliant elected officials.

Sister Jean is now resting comfortably with all feeding tubes removed. It seems that the transition to her heavenly home will come very soon. Thanks for your prayers.

After listening to Secretary Sebelius and the Democrats attacking their Republican colleagues, I am about to vomit. So I think I will. My advice to you: Believe nothing you hear from our leaders!


Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mainely Tracy Wraps

Some church friends are expanding their restaurant business to an additional location.  The new site needs some work done before they open on December 2.

Enter our house church group....

We meet on Tuesday nights, so tonight was a work night at the new place.

Lew ripped up flooring and helped take down a big shelf.

I wrapped and boxed up glassware that was left behind by the former tenant.

Other folks painted, did demo work, and discarded stuff.

We are on our way home as I write this post on my cell phone.  Hopefully no typos due to fat fingers.  :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

One Track (or Basepath) Mind

On my mind: A certain sporting event that is currently in progress. (Game 5 tonight.)

But I really don't want to write very much about it. Too nerve-wracking....

I will watch tonight while frantically playing Candy Crush to help minimize my anxiety level.

Other big news for my evening: A dinner of hamburgers, french fries, and salad.

Go Sox!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Eli Turns Two

Today is Eli's birthday!

Eli's cake, starring Lightning McQueen.
Ben (a buddy from church) and Eli enjoying some cake.
Happy Birthday, pizza face!


Saturday, October 26, 2013

Waiting for THE Call

Yesterday I went to the doctor for a routine checkup.

He mentioned a word that rhymes with bowl-on-awe-sco-pee. (If you can't figure out what I'm talking about, substitute "coal" for "bowl.")

There are things about turning 50 that I would rather ignore, and this is one of them for sure. Sigh....

My doctor said he put the order in. Now I need to wait for "them" to call me to set up the appointment.

I can hardly wait.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Coming In One Week....

I have decided to do NaNoWriMo again this year!

NaNoWriMo is short for "National Novel Writing Month" and occurs each November.  I participated a couple years ago, but I skipped 2012.

I have not decided on a specific idea yet, but there are a few things brewing in the old noggin.  The juices are flowing.  (Hopefully, cliches will not abound in my novel!)

Anyone else interested?  Check it out:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Fear the Beard!

One win down. Three to go. Get 'er done, Red Sox!

And because it's been over a week since I've posted a cat picture:

Jerry is thinking, "Do I really gotta have a bath right now, Kurt?"


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dad 172: Catching Up (and Go Sox!)

(My stomach would prefer Boston in four games, but six will work. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you from the Northeast on a bright, sunny, cold day. Temps in the 30s. Along the coast we are still waiting for a good frost. Fall is here!

I'll be brief today as I catch everything up to date.

Zack's seventh grade football season is over. Seven wins, no losses, and one tie! Josh's high school team has one game left before the playoffs. They are assured of a home playoff game. It is sudden death in the playoffs. Stay tuned.

The Patriots stunk up the stadium on Sunday and lost. The Colts, with family friend Andy Studebaker playing for them, beat Peyton and the Broncos. I didn't watch the whole game but saw Andy get head butted by a Bronco and pick up 15 yards for the Colts. Real happy that Peyton got beat by the Colts.

In case you aren't aware, the BoSox open the World Series tonight at home against St. Louis. It is like old times. The winningest teams in both leagues are in the series. GO BOSOX!! Boston in six games! Bank on it.

My plow has been refreshed by the experts and all other pre-winter duties are done. Everything has been properly secured for the season, which is about to be upon us. Oh joy!

I am now back on track for my daily ellipticizing. I will refer to the elliptical machine from this day forward as "the evil misery machine." Abbreviated as EM^2. So there!

I'm still out of the loop on sister Jean. I now have her new phone number, but have been unable to reach her as of today. I'll keep trying. Keep the prayers coming. Thanks!

I believe my goal of catching up to date has been successful. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cookie Comparison

I went to the grocery store this afternoon. While there, I splurged and bought some cookies. I normally don't buy cookies, but I had a $2 coupon. That coupon put me over the top.

This is a picture of the cookies that I bought:


They are very similar to Oreos. I like them better than Oreos, which is saying a lot. (See my post from June: I Explain Something for My Husband.)

When I mentioned the Oreo comparison to the cashier, the gentleman behind me in line said, "I heard on the news that Oreos are addicting."

I, for one, was shocked by this....



Monday, October 21, 2013

Feng-Shui Challenged

I just read a very short book about feng shui. I can't say that I did a careful reading. I just wanted to get the gist.

Colors and direction matter. Certain colors for certain functions. The location (such as north or south) of a room in your home suggests a certain treatment.

I do remember a hint about not keeping an empty jar near your office door (or something like that).

I find it all a bit over-blown.

I am now fighting off a migraine headache.

But said headache is not due to my home's poor feng shui!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Baseball. Because It's October.

By now everyone should know that the Boston Red Sox won the American League Championship Series last night. Way to go, boys!

The Red Sox were ahead 1-0 when Lew and I both fell asleep. I woke up during the top of the 8th inning and watched the end of the game.... I love BoSox celebrations.

When we got home from church today, Lew and I fast-forwarded our way through the game (we had DVR'd it). We watched the highlights in "real time."

At one point Lew turned to me and remarked, "You're worried!"

Yep. Even though I already knew the oh-so-good outcome, I was still nervous.

World Series versus the Saint Louis Cardinals. Starts Wednesday. In the words of Big Papi, "Bring it!"

Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Party Crasher

I went to an event at church this afternoon.

It was a program for women, but we did have one guy show up.

I must admit he is pretty cute!

Sweet little Adam.


Friday, October 18, 2013

24.2 Days

The title of this post represents how long it would take me to listen to all 10,024 items on my iPod. (That is not a typo... there are 10,024 items in my "Music" folder on iTunes).

Lew has an iPod and my father uses my old iPhone as an iPod, so all of their CDs are in my iTunes library. This is in addition to my own music collection, of course.

I have no idea how many of these items I have actually heard.  And I'm not sure that I really want to hear them all.

But if I ever complain about not having any music to listen to, please make me stop!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Postviral Anosmia

Lew had a really bad cold early in the summer.  He was congested to the point where he couldn't taste or smell anything.

The cold went away, but the two senses didn't return.

After lots of questions, attempted remedies, and a trip to the ENT, Lew learned that his loss of taste and smell is permanent.  Major bummer.  The ENT attached a name to the condition:  "postviral anosmia."  Apparently he sees about three to four cases of it a year.

Neither Lew nor I -- nor anyone else we know, for that matter -- had ever heard of postviral anosmia.  I wish that we were still ignorant about it.

Lew can distinguish between salt and sweet as the tongue does that.  Food textures have become more important to him.  He also has some "memory" when he eats.

But we continue to pray that he will regain his ability to taste and smell.  ("Pie and fry" just isn't the same!)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dad 171: Got a Brake

(I just returned from errands to find two and a half pages to dictate. So glad I didn't have to type it all in! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Kinda cloudy today. Fall is here in the Northeast. Oh joy!

It has been quite a week. The Patriots win with five seconds on the clock. Big Papi hits an eighth-inning grand slam to tie up the Detroit game. Then Salty singles home the winning run in the ninth to even the series at 1-1. Then yesterday Sox win as John Lackey won a 1-0 decision. What a great three days. Now the Sox must continue on to win the series. Go Sox.

In local school football, Zack's team continues undefeated for a 6-0-1 record. That seventh-grade team ended its regular season. I'm not sure about playoffs. I'll let you know. Josh's high school team won a double overtime game 58-57. They went for and made a two-point conversion for the win. A gutsy move. Two games left in the season. They should win the last two and go into the playoff with a 5-3 record. We'll see!

Last week I told you about brake problems with my truck. Well, it was necessary to replace ALL brake lines, hoses and bleeder screws. Very expensive. I have been told I'll have no more such problems. I feel very safe now. This Saturday I'll go to a local truck place to check out my plow functions. Every year they do this for free. They change the fluid, etc. The plow is on now. It is ready for winter. I am not!!

Sister Jean is hospitalized with complications and her Indy family is vacationing. So I'm out of the loop this week. Please keep the prayers coming. They are definitely needed. Thanks.

I must make this comment to our Indy family as they root for the Colts. I now have a special interest in the Colts. A friend of our Illinois family and me is now a member of the Colts. He was with the Chiefs for the last few years. Subsequently he went to Jacksonville and now is with the Colts. Andy Studebaker is now on the special teams. Good luck Colts and Andy. Number 58!

Must quit now to have my egg and tuna lunch. Pepper is ready. No elliptical today as must take Spouse to doctor's appointment. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Synchronized Sleeping

Snapped this photo while Jerry and Kurt were napping earlier. You will notice a little ... ahem ... difference in size!


We love our kitties!


Monday, October 14, 2013

Love That Dirty Water!

What a day yesterday was for New England sports fans.

First we had the Patriots coming back to win in the final seconds of the game.  After watching the winning touchdown pass, Lew and I both yelled in our excitement.  I can't remember what we yelled, but I know it was happy yelling.

Then there are those Red Sox!  I admit that I was asleep by the time Big Papi hit the grand slam in the 8th inning to tie the game.  (Lew and I both conked out when the score was still 1-0, so we weren't being "fair weather" fans; we really were just plain old tired.)  Although I missed seeing the game "live," I took advantage of modern-day technology:  Before I got out of bed this morning, I had already watched all of the highlights on my iPad.

Let's keep up the great work, fellas!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Now That's a Milestone

We bought our Honda CRV (new) just over ten years ago.

Today I took the following picture:


I'm surprised I noticed the odometer at exactly 55K. (Pretty cool, huh?)

And, no worries.... I was in a non-moving environment when I took this!


Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Saturday Snooze

Lew and I got together with our breakfast buddies this morning.  It is pumpkin muffin season!  Yum!!

All I want to do for the rest of the day is read, watch some DVR'd shows, and tune into the baseball games.

But first I need to deal with my droopy eyelids.

A very happy nap to me!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Flee, Flea!

Jerry has had fleas for the past couple months.  I have put Frontline on him and he is due for another dose this weekend.

Kurt had fleas for about a month, but now seems okay except for an occasional flea when I comb him.

Why do the fleas enjoy Jerry more than they enjoy Kurt?  They probably find Jerry more plump and delicious!

Will the new kitty diet end up helping Jerry in the flea fight?  Or will Kurt just become his equal?  (Poor Kurt if that happens!)

And shouldn't the colder weather help get rid of these little buggers?

I am looking forward to a flea-less existence!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Who Wore It Better?

Tuesday night we were at a small group meeting at Pastor Dave's and Laura's home.  Eli became enamored with some "headwear" that one of the girls had.  He wore it for most of the evening.

But Glen was not to be outdone.

So... who wore it better?  LOL!

(Postscript:  The photo of Glen is courtesy of my sister Debbie.  She provided the photo with the full knowledge that it would appear here....  Thanks, Debbie!)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dad 170: Need a Brake

(I just got home from doing some errands. I am happy to report that Dad completed his elliptical workout! Enjoy his post. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying another great fall day in the Northeast. Temp is supposed to reach into the 60s. Experts say it will be warmer the next couple of days.

Well, Josh's high school team won 42-21 last weekend and seems to be improving as the weeks go by. Only three games left before the playoffs. It would be nice to win a couple more. Will be tough this week! Zack's team continues to win and is now 6-0-1.

Sister Deb is back home in Florida and on her way had a good visit with sister Jean and family in Indy. Please keep Jean in your prayers. Thanks.

I'm still working on completing fall projects as I get ready for winter. I spent 90 minutes this morning attaching my three-minute plow on the pickup. Then, to my chagrin, I stepped on my brakes and the pedal went to the metal. Guess I blew a brake line. Drove truck to repair shop with no brakes. Made it with no problems. Got a ride home with Tracy and Spouse as they were at the gift shop handy to repair shop. Everything worked out well. All will be well until I must pay for brake repair. Ugh!

Stayed up late last night watching the Red Sox win their game to continue on to the American League Championship Series (ALCS). They will start the ALCS on Saturday and hopefully complete their run to the World Series. Go BOSOX!!

It's hard to believe but the time has come, once again, to have my egg and tuna lunch. Pepper is awaiting her tuna treat. Found out for sure Pepper was born on May 4, 1997. She is now 16 1/2 years old. She has been a loyal kitty. A true friend!

Must have lunch and then to the misery device. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I learned what a "Selfie" is a couple weeks ago:  A picture that you take of yourself.  More specifically, a picture you take of yourself by holding your digital camera or cell phone at arm's length.

So I guess the following two photos that I just took are not "true" Selfies.  Reason #1:  I took them with my laptop's webcam.  Reason #2:  The pictures are not just of me; Kurt the cat decided to cuddle a bit!

Sweet kitty.
Cat tail.

Based on the above photos, I don't think that I'll be taking many more Selfies.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Return of the Kitty Diet

I have previously posted about Jerry's need to trim down a bit.

We have tried a variety of things, some of which worked briefly. (Emphasis on briefly.)

I finally decided to undertake a drastic measure: I am now fully in charge of kitty feeding.

This decision is based on my belief that Lew can't help spoiling the kitties. He has trouble with the "tough love" concept.

But I still allow him to give out the night-night goodies.

Only five goodies each, Sweetie. Five....

Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Household Riddle

Q: What hinders the rotation of a Lazy Susan?

A: Why, a Lazy Jerry, of course!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Real Sporting Day

Homecoming at Scarborough High School today. Football game at 3:00 p.m.

Lew and I attended the Homecoming game and cheered on the Red Storm to a 41-21 victory! (I think that was the final score anyway.) Nephew Josh started the game and, I guess, played well throughout. (It's hard for his Aunt Tracy to follow the action on the field!)

Game 2 of the ALDS, Tampa Bay Rays at Boston Red Sox at 5:30 p.m.

Lew and I "attended" this game by watching it on TV in the comfort of our own living room. The Red Sox won and are up two games to none! Best of five series, so one win to go. Go Sox!

Friday, October 4, 2013


I picked up my sushi plate today. Here is the finished product:


The four hearts were made with our pinky-prints! Each Batgirl wrote her name next to her heart.

The bear is in memory of my friend Suzy. She loved bears!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Not Quite a Family Heirloom

Today I presented my mother with an old pale-green bucket that had been in my car.

This bucket is legendary in our family.

It is known as the Throw-Up Pail.

This bucket went on many a long car ride with us when we were kids.... I put it to good use more than I care to remember.

The old bucket is very flimsy now and has a small rip near the top. I decided it was time to put it out to pasture.

Thank you for your service, Throw-Up Pail. You could always take what we gave you.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dad 169: Daughter Deb's Debut

(I am reminded of an old Dilbert comic strip where the pointy-haired boss is asked why he hasn't signed up for the 401K. He replied that he would never be able to run that far! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying a beautiful day in the Northeast. A summer day in early fall. Fantastic!

A quick catch-up on football: Josh's varsity team lost again by a touchdown against the third-ranked team in the state according to the television report. Josh played well. He is the starting offensive guard as a sophomore. Zack's seventh-grade team continues to roll on with another easy win. They are now 5–01.

Sister Jean is now in a rehab facility. Not sure what she is capable of attaining. Sister Deb is currently in Indy, so I'll get a better idea of what is to be expected. Please keep the prayers coming.

Last week – in my haste and wanting to be brief – I failed to mention the following: About two months ago daughter Deb decided to enter a running event. She had never attempted anything like this before. Well, she trained with friends and completed a 10K run a week ago Sunday. (Couldn't start with a mile or a 5K run. She had to go for the gold!) I've been told she not only completed the distance, but did so with no stopping or walking.

Way to go, Deb! I haven't seen you out training, so I assume your race days are over. I apologize for not giving you credit a week ago. Better late than never. Will there be another race?

We are now down to the baseball playoffs. Tonight we'll learn who the Red Sox will play in the division series. I'm rooting for Cleveland to defeat Tampa Bay. This would be a showdown between managers Francona (the manager that won two World Series while with the Red Sox) and Farrell (Francona's pitching coach while in Boston). Go Sox! We want another World Series championship. Anything less will be a big disappointment.

Must have my egg and tuna lunch with Pepper, and then back to the elliptical misery device. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Do, Doing, Done!

A little shameless self-promotion:  Today I actually completed everything on my "to do" list!

I should clarify that....  My "to do" list for today has been completed.  (And, YES, I did have quite a few items that I wanted to get through.)

It is very rare that I get everything done.  Sometimes a task takes longer than expected.  But most often something more interesting (and more fun) comes up!  And why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?  (LOL!)

Speaking of tomorrow, I plan on doing a lot of projects around the house.  I don't think I'm going to make them official items on my "to do" list, though.  Slow and steady wins this race (see my September 28 post).

Remember:  October baseball!  Yippee!