Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To Do, Doing, Done!

A little shameless self-promotion:  Today I actually completed everything on my "to do" list!

I should clarify that....  My "to do" list for today has been completed.  (And, YES, I did have quite a few items that I wanted to get through.)

It is very rare that I get everything done.  Sometimes a task takes longer than expected.  But most often something more interesting (and more fun) comes up!  And why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?  (LOL!)

Speaking of tomorrow, I plan on doing a lot of projects around the house.  I don't think I'm going to make them official items on my "to do" list, though.  Slow and steady wins this race (see my September 28 post).

Remember:  October baseball!  Yippee!

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