Thursday, October 17, 2013

Postviral Anosmia

Lew had a really bad cold early in the summer.  He was congested to the point where he couldn't taste or smell anything.

The cold went away, but the two senses didn't return.

After lots of questions, attempted remedies, and a trip to the ENT, Lew learned that his loss of taste and smell is permanent.  Major bummer.  The ENT attached a name to the condition:  "postviral anosmia."  Apparently he sees about three to four cases of it a year.

Neither Lew nor I -- nor anyone else we know, for that matter -- had ever heard of postviral anosmia.  I wish that we were still ignorant about it.

Lew can distinguish between salt and sweet as the tongue does that.  Food textures have become more important to him.  He also has some "memory" when he eats.

But we continue to pray that he will regain his ability to taste and smell.  ("Pie and fry" just isn't the same!)

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