Thursday, December 31, 2020

Farewell 2020

Didn't this year just start? Seems like it, but then I think back to everything that's happened and it seems like forever ago.

This was a crazy, busy, but sort-of-fun week at work finishing up on our current computer system(s). Going "LIVE" on the new system this coming Monday.... New year, new processes!

Not sure if I'll make it to midnight to see the new year in tonight. Going to try!

Happy New Year to all!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dad 547: Vaccination Soon

(Dad writes on this penultimate day of 2020! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cloudy non-sunny day with temperatures in the low 30s. Our two-foot snowstorm of two weeks ago is now gone and our grass is as green now as it was in season. Notice I didn't call it a lawn.
Yesterday was a day of vaccines at the home that Mary Lou resides in. She didn't get a shot because she is about two weeks into COVID-19. She will receive her first shot in three weeks when the people who received their first shots yesterday get the second dose. Her second shot will be three weeks after her first shot.
Not sure when we will be able to visit our loved ones after all the shots are completed. I guess we will not be visiting for another few months. Let us open everything up and see what happens. Treat this as a virus.
Really watching the January 5th vote in Georgia and sure hope that the vote keeps out the proper candidates. Well, we will see!
I'm not blogging anymore this year, so I'll see you next year!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Where's Marilyn?

The most difficult installment of "Where's Marilyn?" to date! 
Happy hunting!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Fine Holiday Weekend

Lew and I had a lovely Christmas Day. We visited with family at Matt & Emily's house in the morning, and we spent the afternoon visiting with Debbie, Glen, Josh, and Zack. It was a rainy, windy day, but we didn't care. It was Christmas!

The weather is much nicer today. Still cold but sunny.

Dad and I went up to visit with Mom through her room window this afternoon. She was glad to see us and she held up many of her Christmas gifts to show us. And, of course, there was a lot of waving, "I love you"s, and the blowing of kisses.

The next couple weeks at work are going to be very busy for me, so I am taking the time to enjoy this fine holiday weekend. Blessed!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Dad 546: Merry Christmas!

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another wintry day. But the sun was bright and the temperature settled in around freezing for the day. The weather people tell us that starting Christmas Eve a rain will begin and last throughout Christmas day. This rain should get rid of our snow that we received last Friday. We received about 18 inches. I expect to see part of our grass by Christmas night.
I still see Mary Lou twice a day. I see her in the afternoon and early in the evening. I have a couple signs I show her in the evening that say "Luv you Lou" and "Good night."
Must admit that the weather is getting much cooler now. I want a quick winter.
Closing now and wishing all a happy holiday season.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Bag Lady

Tonight was the night I had set aside to put as many gifts in bags as possible.... Done!

There are four items left for Lew to wrap. That will be a cakewalk for him. He is an expert wrapper.

Time to sleep now!

Friday, December 18, 2020

A Record Broken: Mail Delivery

The old record for time of our mail delivery was 8:42 PM on October 16th.

It took just over two months for that record to be broken... 9:24 PM today!

For some reason our mail didn't get delivered on Wednesday. The weather was fine, so we still haven't figured out why it didn't come. (We know we were supposed to get mail, because we had a package "out for delivery" that day. We finally got the package today.)

Yesterday we didn't get a delivery because of the storm.

So the lateness today was probably due to the fact of three days of mail being delivered, not to mention all of the Christmas packages, etc.

What is the post office's motto again?!!!


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Dad 545: A Positive Test

(Dad writes today. Prayers requested! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another winter day was with us today. Temperature now is in the low 20s. And we are under a winter storm warning until 4:00 PM tomorrow. Will start snowing around midnight and will keep snowing until tomorrow afternoon. Worst part of the storm will be between 6:00 and 8:00 tomorrow morning. Total accumulation should be around six to ten inches of snow.
Went to Glen's shop today and had our Subaru serviced for the first time. Almost six months to the day after I picked up the vehicle. Only 2500 miles so far.
Upon returning home mid-afternoon, I spoke with Lew and he relayed the message that Mary Lou had tested positive for COVID-19. I just talked to a worker at the nursing home and he told me that the positive result was from a rapid test. They have tested her again and the swab has been sent to the state laboratory. (It will take a few days to get the results.) Fortunately she has no fever and no symptoms. I'll be posting her progress. Get the prayers rolling!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tomorrow is Pythagorean Theorem Day

Tomorrow — Wednesday, 12/16/20 — is Pythagorean Theorem Day!

12-squared + 16-squared = 20-squared.

I have a tee shirt to wear to work tomorrow in order to celebrate.

Happy Pythagorean Theorem Day!!!


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Dusting Doesn't Have To Be A Chore

I've been reading a book of essays about books. One of the essays is about how to care for your books. The suggestion is to not dust books on your bookshelves. Instead carefully dust a single book only when you remove it from the shelf to read or look at.

I have always applied this same suggestion to everything. The dust is just going to come back anyway, so why even bother!


Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Fun: Finishing Fixes!

I coined the title of this post — "Friday Fun: Finishing Fixes!" — at work today.

I had a few outstanding e-mail requests that needed to be addressed, and the person who needed to do her part finished her piece of the puzzle.  This meant I could then complete my part.

It is nice to get problems resolved... especially on a Friday.  😊

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Shopping... Check!

I just finished my Christmas shopping!

All of the packages that needed to be delivered elsewhere have already arrived (per the recipients).

The rest of the expected packages are coming to our house.  May the deliveries begin!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Dad 544: A Post in Two Parts

(Dad writes today. He is more consistent than I am! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another very cold day with the temperature only about freezing. Winter seems to be here. Oh, joy!
Just got back from saying "Good night" to Mary Lou. It just started snowing as I came home. Was told we may get snow squalls today. Snow storm will not give us any major depth. Watching evening news now and learned will get another storm this Saturday. Combination of rain and snow. No accumulation will hit us.
I'm trying to finish this blog post before Tracy gets home. I have had all day to do this and I waited all day. Must get organized and not procrastinate. Phone just rang: Kim Cell!
{ Interlude }
Kim called and said she had a good day today. Kim, Joe, and Kaelen have all been feeling poorly for a couple weeks. A lot of their church group have COVID-19. Kim, Joe, and Kaelen have not been tested for COVID-19, but the three of them all think they have been infected. They are on the mend now.
Done writing. I must do better or I will forfeit my gig as guest blogger. I will try harder! Really!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Cyber Week

I didn't feel like doing much shopping while I had my sinus infection, which made me behind on getting my Christmas shopping done.

So starting Sunday (two days ago), I started my Cyber Week. Shopped last night and tonight as well. Made a really good dent! Tomorrow night I will try to fill in the gaps and be done.

Christmas is two weeks from Friday! Can you believe it?!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Summary

We didn't get as much snow at our house as other places inland. Our plow guy didn't even have to come plow our driveway.

I did my Christmas decorating this morning before breakfast. There is a red tin on our kitchen counter that is plain red on one side and shows a snowman on the other side. While Lew cooked eggs, I turned the tin so the snowman is facing out. Decorating done! 😏

After missing church four weeks in a row, Lew and I made it back today. It was nice to see everybody.

I've had a quiet afternoon of ordering Christmas gifts online and doing other small projects. I imagine Lew has been watching football. He said he was going to make spaghetti for dinner, so he better follow through on that. Yum!

The rest of my day will be spent reading. I may even watch a movie. Looking forward to it!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

First Winter Storm

Although it's Saturday, I went to the office for a few hours. We were working in the training environment for our new computer system that is going "live" at the end of the year. Got some good practice today and we all learned a lot.

When I left at 3:15ish, I had to clean my vehicle off.... It was snowing!!!!!! NO!!!!!!! I'm not ready for snow yet.

As I type this tonight, I can hear the wind howling outside. Not sure how much accumulation we will get. Hopefully it will be just a dusting. (I wish!)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Checkbook Fun

I keep track of our checkbook in an Excel file. I designed the spreadsheet myself.

After each year is over, I copy it over to a new file and update it to start the new year. Calendar year 2021 will be my seventh year of doing it this way.

One tab of my spreadsheet has all of our regular bills and when they are due next. I can hardly believe I'm putting in dates for 2021. Yikes.

Do you have a fun way of tracking your checkbook? I bet it's not as fun as my way! 😁

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Dad 543: Perseverance

(Dad writes today. The verse he quotes is Romans 8:28. ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Not a bad early winter day today. Keep them coming!
Today I learned that Mary Lou's roommate passed away last night. She was pretty much bedridden with cancer. A sad moment at the Center. Rest in peace, Terry!
I saw Mary Lou this afternoon and then again this evening to say "Good night." She wants nothing but to come back home. My guilt is rising in my mind. Only if I was healthy enough to care for her. That is what I would rather be doing. Don't see it happening, sad to say. All things work together for good to them that love the Lord. I don't doubt this statement from Romans, but would like to see how this is good for me. Someday I'll ask the reason and He will tell me why when we talk it over in the by and by. What a day that will be.
I think I will stop here as I am trying to get this written by the time Tracy gets home. I should have done this earlier as I had pretty much all day to write this.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Greetings to you, December

I got the new month off to a good start: I made it to work today! It is nice to be able to work from home when necessary, but it is much more convenient to be at the office. I spent some time "digging out" after being gone for over a week and a half, and then just plugged away on my workload.

Happy December to all!