Sunday, December 6, 2020

Sunday Summary

We didn't get as much snow at our house as other places inland. Our plow guy didn't even have to come plow our driveway.

I did my Christmas decorating this morning before breakfast. There is a red tin on our kitchen counter that is plain red on one side and shows a snowman on the other side. While Lew cooked eggs, I turned the tin so the snowman is facing out. Decorating done! 😏

After missing church four weeks in a row, Lew and I made it back today. It was nice to see everybody.

I've had a quiet afternoon of ordering Christmas gifts online and doing other small projects. I imagine Lew has been watching football. He said he was going to make spaghetti for dinner, so he better follow through on that. Yum!

The rest of my day will be spent reading. I may even watch a movie. Looking forward to it!

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