Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kakuro and Sunglasses

Two things I want to mention about this past week:

The first is that I have become addicted to Kakuro puzzles. My sister Kim sent me a book of 250 puzzles for Christmas, and I can't seem to stop doing them. I have completed 152 puzzles so far. I think that I did probably at least 40 this week alone. These are not "quick" puzzles. Each probably takes 20-30 minutes, so you can see why I believe that I am addicted.

Too. Much. Time. Spent. Doing. Kakuro.

The second thing is that I lost the sunglasses that I carry around in my purse. This loss occurred today. I really don't know what happened to them, but the best that I can come up with is that they fell on the ground at our breakfast place this morning. (I had used them in the car, and I'm thinking I put them on my lap instead of back in my purse.) The sunglasses were not expensive, but I am bothered by the fact I lost them. I try not to be careless, so I'm annoyed with myself. I'll get over it.

New sunglasses already ordered on Amazon for $9.99.

Friday, February 27, 2015

A Productive Hour

Writing Prompt: In the last hour.

In the last hour I have done the following:

  • Finished exercising
  • Eaten two small squares of chocolate
  • Had a drink of water
  • Checked some banking info online for myself
  • Checked some banking info online for parents
  • Given the cats their afternoon goodies
  • Read my e-mail
  • Talked with my parents
  • Worked on this blog post
  • Claimed that I'm about to take a shower (soon, real soon)

And that's about it! It's amazing how much one can accomplish in an hour if one tries.  :)

I'm going to hit the shower now.... after I check a couple websites.

My five minutes are up!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Free Falling

By popular demand, today's throwback photo is from Verlie's skydiving adventure on her 75th birthday.

She was braver than I will ever be!  Smile....

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Dad 242: Pump Up the Water

(I wish my Dad would tell us how he really feels about winter. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Woke up to another day with fresh snow cover. Will work on removing it later. Not supposed to receive any more snow in February. However, still may get a little on Monday. But that will be in March. At least today is a lot warmer than yesterday. It is about 15° this morning. Yesterday a record for the date was set. A balmy negative 11° in Portland. This was 6° warmer than the temperature in Lewiston. Please turn off the snow guns and turn on the heat guns. I'm ready for April! Enough about the weather.
Earlier this winter I had to replace our sink waste disposer (commonly called a "pig"). I tell you this because another malfunctioning device is now in question.
We have very low water pressure in this area. Well, we lived with low pressure for 30 years. Then in 2006, just before Tracy and Lew secured the home, the pressure was upgraded by installing a pump. The pump worked well for about seven years. The pump failed in 2013 and we replaced it. Well, the pump is failing again. This one didn't quite make two years. While doing a wash, Tracy heard a strange noise coming from the basement. It was our pump. It is quite noisy when it is increasing the pressure. Suffice it to say a new pump is currently being shipped to us. We hope the current pump works until the new one arrives sometime next week.
This winter has been horrible. It wasn't necessary to have two malfunctioning electrical devices to make it horrible. The snow and cold could have made it miserable with no help. I hate snow! I hate winter! I hate electronic devices failing! I hate cold! Enough for now. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Chili Challenge

I am entering a contest.
The contest is taking place on March 29th at our church.
You may be wondering, "What contest is that, Tracy?"
Answer: Our church's annual chili cook-off. (Also referred to as the ChiliFest.)
I have never made chili before. And regular readers of my blog know I am deficient when it comes to culinary skills.
But I am going to participate because I need to take more risks. (The combination of me and any sort of food preparation is definitely risky!)
My preparations for the contest are well underway:
  • I have my new 6-quart slow cooker.
  • I have signed up for the cook-off.
One minor detail that I have yet to accomplish is the securing of a recipe. (Note that I did not say a "winning" recipe. I have no pipe dreams.)
Once I decide on a recipe, I may wait to make it for the contest itself. That is, no trial run. Perhaps this is a bad idea, but I am seriously considering it. Feeding my first-ever-chili to a lot of people could be fun(ny)....
To Do:
  1. Come up with chili recipe.
  2. Get head examined.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Show Me the Movie

My Facebook news feed is full of articles and comments about last night's Oscars.

I watched none of the program. (Although I did look at live updates of the winners online.)

I perused the list of nominees to determine if I had seen any of the movies and came up with only three:
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Into the Woods
  • The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

There are some others I would like to see at some point:
  • American Sniper
  • Unbroken
  • The Imitation Game

I suppose I should be interested in watching Birdman -- it did win the "Best Picture" award, after all -- but we'll see.

And that about sums up my entire interest in the Oscars.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Routine Therapy

This week has been about getting back into a routine. Lew went back to work on Wednesday and I attempted to get caught up on some stuff.

"Stuff" included exercising, reading, paying bills, preparing my parents' tax returns, following up on some correspondence, etcetera, etcetera. I did not finish everything but I did make good headway.

Lew and I had not done our weekly weigh-in since July, so we resumed that today. Lew didn't do too badly, but I weighed the most I have in seven years. (Too many York Peppermint Patties, I think!)  We even weighed the cats. Jerry was about the same but Kurt had gained a little bit.

I just did Verlie's 2014 taxes. Since she will have only a couple months of income for 2015, we shouldn't have to file for her ever again. The thought makes me sad.

Lew and I are slowly adjusting to our new reality. Lew says that driving by the nursing home every day is similar to wearing a black armband; it's a constant reminder of our loss.

Returning to routine has been therapeutic, but we also are enjoying a new toy: the Amazon Echo. It is an amazing gadget and I will not attempt to explain it here. But you should check it out.

Weather forecast: Cold. Snow. Cold.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Paper Laundry

Writing prompt: Nemesis.
I was going to write something of a serious nature, but I don't have the energy. It is so cold that I am using all my strength just to keep warm! (Cold weather... now there's a great nemesis.)
My mother's most-texted question to me is, "Wash?" (She lives in the same house as I do, but she often uses her cell phone to communicate with me. LOL! It works.)
Anyway, I got said text this morning and went over to my parents' side of the house to get Mom's laundry basket. The laundry machines are upstairs on our side, so it is easier for all if I just take her laundry upstairs and throw it in myself.
I am finally getting to the "nemesis" part of this story.
My mother has a habit of stuffing tissues in the sleeves of her shirts, especially sweatshirts. (I'm not sure why a trash receptacle is not her storage choice, but who am I to judge?)
After picking tissue remnants off of three consecutive loads of laundry, I have learned that I must check the sleeves of my mother's garments. When I checked today's load, I found one tissue. I hope that was the only one. The load is going through the washing machine right now, so I will know soon.
Wish me luck.
(PostScript: Another suggestion for my mother is to use her sleeve instead of a tissue. It works for little kids and for a lot of men, and plus it would save money.)

(Post-PostScript: I spent more than five minutes writing this post, but the subject matter demanded it.)

(Post-Post-PostScript: The wash just finished. The verdict for today's load is "Tissue-free!")

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Remembering Verlie

It has been one week since Lew's mother passed away. The adjustment has been hard. We will miss her always.  Love....

Verlie at age 16.

Her wedding day, December 31, 1947.

Our wedding day, July 20, 2000.

Emily & Matt's wedding day, September 4, 2010.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dad 241: Down With Snow

("Derf Wednesday" is a good day to start blogging again. Enjoy Dad's post. ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! From the snowed-in Northeast. The sun is out. The temperature is climbing to double digits. We might reach 20° today. What a joy. I'm ready for April!
Well, today's blog will be short. Why? Because the weather is depressing. I don't recall ever seeing so much snow in such a short period of time. One town "down east" received 99 inches of snow in 20 days. Over eight feet of snow in less than three weeks. Hard to believe, but true.
As you can tell, I'm thinking about the weather constantly. Lew spent several hours Friday shoveling off the roof above our living quarters. However, we received about a foot of snow the next day and we are awaiting another 6 to 12 inches tonight and tomorrow. Then our forecaster is telling us it looks like another Sunday storm.
I'm sick of winter! I hate snow! I'm ready for April. I refuse to write anymore. I'm tired! Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Thursday, February 12, 2015


Taking a break from blogging for a few days due to the passing of Lew's mom today.
We love you, Verlie.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dad 240: Snow Won(s)

("Snow" backwards is "wons". The snow does seem to have beaten us this winter! The runner-up for today's title: Snow S'Now. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Finally, a sunny morning in the Northeast. Not snowing but a bit chilly at 12°. Snow scheduled for tomorrow night (only 1 to 4 inches) then possible snow on Sunday and Tuesday (no amounts predicted yet). But we will be in the last half of February. I'm ready for April! (Have I said that before?)
Perhaps you have figured out the big news here in the Northeast is the snow cover. Well the landscape is covered. I think we may have enough to guarantee a 2015 white Christmas! We have sooo much snow that any plowing area is about one half of the original area. I have a path shoveled across Lew's deck leading to the stairs to the garage for anyone not wanting to walk down the driveway. The rest of the deck has snow up to the house windows and the top of the deck rails. I'm ready for April. (Have I said that before? Do you see the pattern here?)
Just a little more about the area storms. Boston has set records in snowfall the past couple weeks. They received about 6 feet of snow in a two-week period. Enough to cancel school for eight days over the period and close down the transit system. It has been a problematic two weeks. Please turn off the snow guns. Thanks!
As you can see, the weather is about all I'm dealing with right now. Received a couple calls from sister Deb in Florida telling how the temperatures are in the high 70s. That would sure melt the snow. Later, maybe.
I sit here waiting for next week. Why? Because it is school vacation week and basketball tourney time. Tournament games are on television and I try to watch them. It is a good way to pass a week in winter. Hope I'm not plowing too much.
Enough about the weather. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Asian Lily" by Phyllis C.

(I'm switching "To-Do Tuesday" and "Throwback Thursday" this week. I hope that doesn't confuse anyone's schedule!)
Today I am sharing a beautiful framed photograph I received as a gift on my 40th birthday – almost 12 years ago if you can believe it. (I barely can.)
The photo hangs on our dining room wall and is in the line of sight as you enter our home.
It is a picture of an Asian Lily.
Phyllis, the lovely woman who gave me the photo, tended the lily and was also the photographer. She passed away a week ago. Lew and I attended her memorial service today.
We grieve with Phyllis's family, but we rejoice with her. She is now home with her Lord.
I wonder if she is already tending another Asian Lily.

A life well lived.

Monday, February 9, 2015

I Recommend "Sensible Shoes"

Our women's event at church this past weekend was based on the book Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown. The book is a novel about four women who take a "Sacred Journey" seminar at a retreat center. But this novel is more than just a story; it also describes the spiritual practices and disciplines that the women encounter at their seminar.

I read this book about a year ago at the recommendation of my friends Luanne and Laura (the visionaries for our own event). I read the book again last week so that it would be fresh in my mind. I rarely re-read books, but I'm glad I did this one. I enjoyed it even more the second time through and I learned so much. My copy of the book is now highlighted and marked up, with some pages marked with tabs.

Sensible Shoes probably would appeal mostly to women, but I know of one man in our church who is reading it along with his wife. I recommend that anyone read it given the chance!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Full Day of Being Filled

Lew dropped me off at the church this morning around 8:15.
He picked me up at 6:00PM, at which time we drove to Matt & Emily's house to celebrate a birthday. Happy Birthday, Emily!
I want to write much more about the women's event at church, but I'm tired. A good tired! I will share more in a future post.
For now, I leave you with this photo. You may ponder its significance!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Setting Up

New blog theme for today: Five-Second Friday!
Spending the day getting ready for our women's event at church.
And my five seconds are up. :)
Registration Table

Thursday, February 5, 2015

TBT: A Christmas Cookie

This past Christmas Eve, Lew presented me with a gingerbread man cookie.
Here's a photo of him.
Isn't he cute?
Actually, wasn't he cute?
I ate him today.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Dad 239: A Super Super Bowl

(Malcolm Butler has indeed become a household name in New England. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a snowless morning. However, we are supposed to get a little snow later in the day and a small storm after midnight into tomorrow. Another few inches to add to our past week's four feet of snow. Please speed up the time and bring April sooner. I'm ready for Spring.
Only a couple comments for today. I'm too tired to muster up an interesting blog post.
Comment number one. Our mailbox needs some repairing as the pressure of the snow from the town snowplows caused a breach in the construction. I will be trying some new tweaks. Hope they work.
Comment number two. Later today I plan to watch the parade in Boston for the Super Bowl champs. Most of New England is very supportive of the Patriots. The rest of the country has a little support for the Patriots, but it is sparse. My only question is the following: Can they repeat next year? I'll remember the name Malcolm Butler for a very long time. Congratulations to the Patriots organization. Job well done.
Done for today. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Getting Ready for a Special Weekend

The mini-pilgrimage is over.

The Super Bowl is over.

I will spend the rest of this week getting ready for the Women's Pilgrimage at our church. The event is on Friday night and all day Saturday. I am not speaking nor leading any of the sessions, but I am finishing up some advance work that I agreed to do. We have over 30 women coming! I am excited!

To do: Finish preparing for the Women's Pilgrimage.

Monday, February 2, 2015

A Roller Coaster Ride Called Super Bowl XLIX

At the beginning of the 4th quarter last night, I was pretty sure the Patriots were going to lose. They were behind by 10 points. Given the formidable defense of the Seahawks, a comeback seemed unlikely.

State of stomach:  Relatively calm.  I had already resigned myself to the loss.

When the Patriots went ahead, 28-24, with about two minutes left in the game, I had hope they were going to win.

State of stomach:  Nervous. Anxious for the next two minutes to be over.

When that Seahawks player caught the ball after tipping it in the air, falling on his back, and having to reach out for it..... UGH!  I thought the Patriots were toast. Still over 1/2 minute left in the game. A Seahawks touchdown for the win seemed inevitable.

State of stomach:  Churning, churning, churning. Couldn't believe the Patriots were about to lose their third consecutive Super Bowl after a mind-boggling catch by their opponent. Thought I would be ill. Hated football.

The Seahawks almost scored on their next running play, but the Patriots defense stopped them on the 1-yard line. But that was only the first down. Three more chances.  On the second-down play, I was confused by what was happening, but then my husband started yelling, "Pick! Pick! Pick!"  Malcolm Butler had intercepted the ball!!!!

State of stomach:  Like a volcano ready to erupt. Too much commotion. Could it be that the Patriots were really going to win after all? I didn't like where they were on the field. Possibility of a safety. Nervous, nervous, nervous....

But then, a five-yard penalty on the Seahawks! And that was it! Take a knee (or two), Tom!

State of stomach: Cartwheeling! Best game ever!

New England Patriots are Super Bowl champs.

I love football.  :)