Monday, February 9, 2015

I Recommend "Sensible Shoes"

Our women's event at church this past weekend was based on the book Sensible Shoes by Sharon Garlough Brown. The book is a novel about four women who take a "Sacred Journey" seminar at a retreat center. But this novel is more than just a story; it also describes the spiritual practices and disciplines that the women encounter at their seminar.

I read this book about a year ago at the recommendation of my friends Luanne and Laura (the visionaries for our own event). I read the book again last week so that it would be fresh in my mind. I rarely re-read books, but I'm glad I did this one. I enjoyed it even more the second time through and I learned so much. My copy of the book is now highlighted and marked up, with some pages marked with tabs.

Sensible Shoes probably would appeal mostly to women, but I know of one man in our church who is reading it along with his wife. I recommend that anyone read it given the chance!

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