Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Chili Challenge

I am entering a contest.
The contest is taking place on March 29th at our church.
You may be wondering, "What contest is that, Tracy?"
Answer: Our church's annual chili cook-off. (Also referred to as the ChiliFest.)
I have never made chili before. And regular readers of my blog know I am deficient when it comes to culinary skills.
But I am going to participate because I need to take more risks. (The combination of me and any sort of food preparation is definitely risky!)
My preparations for the contest are well underway:
  • I have my new 6-quart slow cooker.
  • I have signed up for the cook-off.
One minor detail that I have yet to accomplish is the securing of a recipe. (Note that I did not say a "winning" recipe. I have no pipe dreams.)
Once I decide on a recipe, I may wait to make it for the contest itself. That is, no trial run. Perhaps this is a bad idea, but I am seriously considering it. Feeding my first-ever-chili to a lot of people could be fun(ny)....
To Do:
  1. Come up with chili recipe.
  2. Get head examined.

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