Thursday, March 31, 2016

Updates Galore

I finally saw Dad's toes tonight. They look pretty good. I didn't get to see them at their worst, but he says they are healing nicely.

Dad found an RV rental for the trip to Illinois in August! Mighty fine work on his part.

Speaking of the August trip, Mom has been thinking through what she wants to bring and what to wear. I will help her do that. As for me, I will probably think about what to wear the week before we go.

I have been keeping my 2016 Reading List up-to-date. I have read 14 books over the first three months, so I'm averaging at least one book a week.

Lew has been hard at work outside the past couple days. There are several piles of brush. I told him it looks like we have tumbleweed in our yard.

I am always busy at work, but the end/start of a month is crazier than normal. So today was crazy. Tomorrow will be crazy. (Crazy = job security.)

My diet hasn't gone well this week. Too many Kit Kats. But I am happy.  :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dad 299: All Plans Lead to Illinois

(I may have to get a drone for Lew to fly around. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a sunny, but very cool, spring day. Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s. Then back to winter temperatures. Hope the sun will start warming up the days. April is here shortly!
Been busy today. Reserved rooms for our trip to Illinois for Kelsey's wedding in August. Spent quite a bit of time on the phone trying to rent an RV to travel in to Illinois. So far, I have had no luck. I'll continue to work on this.
We spent Sunday (Easter) at Glen and Deb's home for a nice dinner. It was good to see Glen's parents and his sister, Jody. It had been quite a while since our last visit. We also were treated to a drone experience by the expert Zack. Hope Zack brings his drone to Illinois.
Spouse is looking forward to our wedding trip to Illinois. Trying to improve physically for the trip. Sure do hope we get an RV. A travel toilet will be fine!
Enough for now!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Drive Home

I got to work late this morning, so I stayed late to make up for it.

By the time I headed home, it was that odd time of day for driving: when you feel like you should have your headlights on but you also need to wear your sunglasses.

I was driving toward the setting sun....

Sounds like a good song lyric!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Debbie's Pinterest Success

We had Easter lunch at my sister Debbie's house yesterday. Everything was scrumptious, as usual.

Debbie made some cute kabobs out of bunny-shaped Peeps and fruit. She saw the idea on Pinterest.

Rumor has it — while Debbie was spearing the Peeps — she was also singing:
Kill the wab-bit; 
Kill the WAB-bit.
I didn't know my baby sister could be so sinister! But I ate a kabob anyway.  ;)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Lew's Logbook: How Soon We Forget

(It is interesting to ponder paths crossed. Enjoy Lew's post. ~ Tracy)

I had breakfast this week with two of my former fellow employees of Nissen Baking Company. I worked there for 32 years before retiring (the first time) 16 years ago.

We had a great time talking about the “good-ole-days” and all the people that we knew. I was amazed at how many names came up of people who I had to think hard about to remember.

It made me think more about the many people I have known through school, work, the Army, and churches over these many years — and that I probably don’t remember 20% of them.

It is an oddity of life that people come into our life for a time and then they’re gone. We mean to stay in touch but life just moves on. I hope I will see many of them in Heaven.

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Very Good Friday

Did you hear the Good News?
Jesus paid it all, 
All to Him I owe; 
Sin had left a crimson stain, 
He washed it white as snow.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Health Day

Still dragging a bit, so I stayed home today and rested. Hope it'll do the trick.

I will end this post with a picture of a cat.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Dad 298: From Couch to Illinois

(I still haven't seen Dad's toes, but maybe that's a good thing?? Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Awaiting the arrival of a spring day on a daily basis. Last week at this time we had no snow. This did change on Sunday and Monday. We received a snowstorm of about 6 inches. Most schools were canceled. Luckily when it snows in March, the snow melts fast. Didn't even plow. Very few patches of snow are visible now. Bad weather predicted for the next couple days. Oh joy! (Winter, I'm sick of you! GO AWAY!)
Still trying to avoid losing two toes due to ulcers. Doctor says it's looking better. A few more weeks and we'll be out of danger, I hope.
This Sunday will be the one-year date of Spouse's stroke. We now have a routine and are planning on a trip to Illinois this summer for granddaughter Kelsey's wedding. Our routine must improve and become more of an exercise program. We are going to try! Please keep your thoughts and prayers for Spouse. Tune in next week.
Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Proverbial Wall

This morning I sent a text message to my work supervisor.

I told her that I had hit the proverbial wall.

Last week I had a touch of food poisoning (long story), and I think I just needed some "down" time today.

I was correct.

I had a nice quiet morning at home, ate an early lunch, threw clothes on, then went to work for about 4 1/2 hours.

The Batgirls got together for a brief visit early this evening — chatting, laughing, munchies — which was a nice change of pace.

Hitting the proverbial wall led to what turned out to be a lovely day.


Monday, March 21, 2016

The Madness of March

Okay, okay.... So I know the term "March Madness" is reserved for the NCAA basketball tournament. But March offered another type of "madness" today. This madness was in the form of a snowstorm.

Many area towns cancelled school today. My place of employment was closed to our student population. The roads were very slippery, so Lew drove me to work.

Many of my co-workers had longer-than-normal drives due to road conditions. My supervisor was stuck for half an hour in non-moving traffic when a tractor-trailer didn't make it up a hill and blocked the road. Didn't sound like fun.

By the end of the work day the sun was out, the roads were clear, and Spring had returned.

Go figure.

(Postscript: I love watching the NCAA tournament, by the way. I especially enjoy the first two days, because that's when all of the fun upsets occur. Now that I am a working girl, I wasn't able to stay up as late as I wanted to last Thursday, but Lew and I did watch some of the late Friday games.)

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Dinner Time

(These talks remind me of the vulture scene in "The Jungle Book" movie. Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

Typical conversation between me and Tracy:
“What do you feel like having for dinner?” 
“I don’t know, what do you want to have?” 
“I don’t know . . . ”
. . . and on and on and on.

I try to plan a meal several times a week but I just can’t do it for every day.

We sprinkle in takeout and eat out but that still leaves us with days like today.

A little while ago I asked Tracy, “What do you feel like having for dinner?”

She answered, “I don’t know, what do you want to have?”

We always come up with something — even if it’s just a product made by Kellogg's.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Please Don't Bring Me Flowers

It's not that I hate flowers.
It's just that cats and flowers don't mix.
If the flowers are on the table, then Jerry will destroy them.
If the flowers are on the kitchen counter, then Marilyn will knock them over and break the vase. (True story.)
So after last Friday's "16th Anniversary of Our First Date" flowers, I told Lew it probably would be best to no longer give me flowers.
But chocolate is still okay.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lucky Number 16

I know it's the 17th (Happy St. Patrick's Day, by the way!), but today I want to pay homage to the number 16.
Yesterday morning, the 16th day of the month, I decided to stop at the Department of Motor Vehicles to renew my driver's license.
I arrived, took a number, and was about to sit in the waiting area when my number was called. I went up to the appropriate window, paid my $30, and was on my way to work in less than ten minutes. I think I set a record!
And what was my number at the DMV?
Take a wild guess!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Dad 297: Here's "Toe" Progress

(I love Spring. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! We are now in the last full week of winter. The weather is sort of unsettled. Not too bad, though. Spring will be here Sunday and all snow is gone.
Went back to the foot doctor this week and he said progress is great, but still not out of the woods. He thinks it might take three more weeks and he originally thought three months. Hope next week's appointment is as good. We'll see!
Still trying to get Spouse up to a higher standard of living as we are planning on attending granddaughter's wedding in Illinois come August. Prayers are still asked for Spouse's recovery. Her stroke was a year ago this month. Thanks for your concern.
I'm sitting here and can't think of too much else to say today so I'll wrap it up.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A Girl Who Wears Glasses

I had an appointment with my eye doctor today. It had been almost two years since I last saw her, and I knew that I was going to need a new prescription for my glasses.

My long-distance vision stayed about the same, but the intermediate- and near-distances have both gotten worse.

After some discussion about how much I use the computer and what height I like the monitor, etc., my doctor suggested I get computer glasses. They are different from regular glasses in that I won't be able to use them for driving — they won't correct for long-distances.

She said I will still need to get "regular" glasses at some point.

Lew was with me and we made the decision to go ahead and get both pairs -- computer glasses and what I am now calling "real life" glasses. We picked out frames and the office is supposed to call me tomorrow with the details about what materials are available for the lenses. (Some materials might not be available because of the strength of my prescription.) I will opt for the best-quality material that provides for the thinnest lenses.

And all of the special coatings for anti-glare, etc.... yes, please.

Two pairs of glasses with progressive lenses are going to cost a small fortune. But, based on recent experience, they will be adequate for probably three or four years. The initial cost will make me pass out, but in reality the average cost per day will be reasonable.

Being able to see well? Priceless.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Purr-fect Medicine

I haven't felt well today, so I came home early from work. 

I put on my jammies, bathrobe, and slippers, then reclined on my bed.

Shortly thereafter one of my furry little friends joined me.

A purring kitty can indeed get you started on the road to recovery.


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lew’s TV Review

(To each his own, ha ha! Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

I like TV.

I have liked TV as long as I can remember.

Recently, I have been picking up on some of the reality series on cable channels such as History and National Geographic.

My latest discovery is “Wicked Tuna”.

This series follows a number of boats and crews that fish for bluefin tuna during the season that runs from June through November in and around Gloucester, MA.

This fish can only be caught one at a time. I’m not sure of all the rules, but what I have seen is that you can use rod and reel or you can harpoon them if you can catch them on the surface. Both of these methods require patience and know-how.

What I have observed is that a boat may be out for weeks and only catch one or two fish. It seems like they lose about a third of the fish that they hook. BUT, I have seen one fish bring over $12,000 at market. Not a typo, twelve thousand dollars. It isn’t easy to catch the bluefin (usually weigh between 200 & 700 lbs) but there is a pretty good payday if you do.

Fun show to watch.

Friday, March 11, 2016

16 Years Ago

Today marks the 16th anniversary of my first date with Lew.

He bought me some flowers to commemorate the occasion.

I'm taking a picture of the flowers now before Marilyn inevitably knocks them over....


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Role Reversal

Now that Lew is retired and I am working full-time, Lew has taken on some of the things that I used to do:
  • Take the vehicles for servicing
  • Register the vehicles
  • Majority of the cat care
  • Launder the bedding
  • Be home for repair/service people
  • Stay up late reading
I'm trying to think of other things, but I'm having a hard time. Lew already did most of the cooking and cleaning, and I'm still balancing our checkbook.

Of the things I listed, I miss the late-night reading the most.

And the least?

Cleaning the cats' litter boxes!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dad 296: Toe Be or Not Toe Be

(For the record, I have not yet seen the feet. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying a record-setting winter/spring day. Temps somewhere in the 60s. It is Lew's and my belief that we will no longer see plowable or shovelable snow this year. Nothing in the next week's forecast, so if we do get snow, it will melt rather quickly. We have made it through a very mild winter. Last year about 90 inches of snow. This year less than half that. Ready for Spring.
Went to primary doctor a few weeks back to draw blood as I do every year. Last week I had my appointment to get the news on the results. Everything was fine. My cholesterol was not a problem, as has been the case for years. No diabetes and my prostate number is that of a teenager (doctor's words). One problem, however, has gone on for a few years....
I finally decided to show my doctor my feet. Several toes needed scraping and all nails needed to be cut. A couple toes had globs of black dried skin called ulcers. Went to foot doctor and he said, "I've seen worse but not much worse." He trimmed all nails and cut off all ulcers. I'm now bandaged up for one week. Don't want to lose toes. Not too concerned about results.
Please keep prayers coming for Spouse as she continues to struggle with the results of her stroke.
Stay tuned!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Born to Shop Online

While Lew has been talking on the phone with a friend this evening, I have been perusing my favorite website:

I enjoy having fun things on my desk at work. I love colorful stuff. I love unique things.

I did order a few items. (A couple are for gifts.)

But I also had to delete a few items from my shopping cart....

It is hard to shop in moderation for fun, colorful, unique things!

Monday, March 7, 2016

"The End"

Downton Abbey is over.

I'd watched it since the first season, and I enjoyed it. But I'm glad the show went out "on top" instead of hanging on too long.

My least favorite character was Lady Mary, and my favorite character was her maid, Anna. They were quite a contrast.

I always felt a little sorry for Lady Edith. I was so happy that her storyline took a wonderful turn at the end.

I know the Crawley family and their staff are fictional characters, but I feel like they are my friends. I will miss them!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Breakfast Galore

(For some reason, I would like a cup of hot tea right now.... Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

People who know me know that I LOVE breakfast.

I don’t mean a bowl of cereal and a glass of juice....

I mean eggs, bacon, home fries and some form of toast, muffin or bagel along with several cups of coffee.

Tracy and I have been meeting friends for breakfast on Saturday morning for many years. Since retiring I have also been having breakfast with three other retirees on Tuesday.

This week I added a Friday morning with another friend and next week I am adding a Thursday with my brother and another friend.

I have also been in touch with another old friend that I want to re-connect with and we are making plans to go to, yes, breakfast.

It is possible that I will get tired of going out to breakfast, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Following Up A Short Post

In general, there is no greater remedy for a short-term illness than a good night's rest. I succeeded in keeping my headache from becoming a full-blown migraine, and I felt so much better this morning.

With spring in the air, I decided to wear sneakers to work instead of my boot-type-shoes.

After work, I carefully made my way to my car because it was snowing. Who had the great idea to wear sneakers?

I met my friends Ellen and Krista for dinner at Ellen's house. We were a pretty low-key bunch. Gone are the days when we would visit until midnight. Krista and I were both on our way home by 8:30pm.


Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Short Post

Fighting off a migraine.

I am winning, but I can't look at screen for too long.

So.... that's all, folks!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dad 295: Spring Is Near

(I am posting this after a late day at work, so the sun has now gone to bed. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The sun is now out. Still cold and windy. The day started rainy but is now clear. No storms in the next week. Winter is about over. Hooray!
As stated above, it seems that winter is about done. We have very little snow on the ground. The only snow left is the snowbanks where plowing took place. It is exciting to know that winter shoveling and plowing are over (or at least almost).
As I looked out our window today I noticed that our local seafood restaurant had some activity. Upon closer inspection, Lew found out it will be opening two weeks from Friday. So on March 18, 2016 we'll have a baked haddock sandwich (Spouse) and perhaps a scallop dinner (me). Ken's Place will be in our plans until next fall!
We are continuing to get Spouse back to as close to normal as possible. We are attempting to keep up her exercises and routines that were worked on with the therapists. And drink water, water, water! Prayers are welcome!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

No Chance

In political news, today is Super Tuesday.

Several state primaries are being (were) held for both the Republican and Democrat nominees for president.

I am wondering if it is too late to run. Name recognition might be a problem, not to mention finances. So I think I'll sit this one out.

But if the Republican nominee is looking for a running mate that is a political outsider.... Well, look no further!
