Friday, December 29, 2017

Bloggy Break

I am taking a break from blogging for the remainder of the year.  See you in 2018.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday Nights This Fall

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I took a class at my church on Thursday nights this fall. The class, called "Engage Together," is offered by the Alliance for Freedom, Restoration, and Justice (AFRJ).

AFRJ's vision, as stated on its website:

End human trafficking and protect the vulnerable.

The class was eight weeks long. Our final session was dedicated to identifying how we will combat human trafficking in our local community. As defined by AFRJ, there are five areas that must be addressed simultaneously:

  • Prevention
  • Identification
  • Rescue
  • Restoration
  • Reforms

Our ministry group came up with an idea for each of the five areas. We have a lot of work to do.

Before I took this class I really had no idea about the magnitude of human trafficking. (I had seen the movie "Taken," but that doesn't really qualify as an in-depth look at the subject!) I have been reading as much as I can handle (it's overwhelming) and I have watched a few documentaries.

I have yet to decide on my role in our church ministry group, but I know I will be involved somehow. There is a lot of work to do.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Dad 390: Lost, Found, Lost, Found

(Maybe men should carry purses. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Brutally cold right now. The experts tell us the next 8 to 10 days will be around 20° below normal. Our high today was around 17°. And it is also windy.
Had an interesting afternoon today.
Went to Rite Aid to pick up a prescription and some other stuff. Then I went to fill car with gas. Accomplished!
Then my world took a downward turn.
Walked into grocery store and checked for my debit card. Could not find it in any pocket. So I left my cart with shopping bags in store and walked back to car. Checked in Rite Aid bag and found nothing. Checked front seat and found card in beverage place. Back to store, loaded my cart, paid $109, and continued to car (17°). Nearing vehicle I looked for keys. Not to be found. Checked back in store and not found. Used store phone to call Lew to bring me a key from home. Then went and waited in the store until Lew arrived. Found keys that I had dropped beneath Rite Aid bag.
Very interesting afternoon. All is now well. All items found!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Witty Cream Cheese

We had a lovely Christmas breakfast yesterday at Matt and Emily's house. Our assignment was to bring the bagels and cream cheese.

I called our local bagel establishment before church on Sunday and placed our order: a baker's dozen of bagels and the appropriate amount of plain cream cheese. The bagel shop recommended a full pound.

When Emily saw the cream cheese container she said, "Tracy, this isn't true...." 

Bless her.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Eve Eve

After a night of snow and a morning of sleet, today was the perfect day to stay home.

I read a novel, Flags Out Front by Douglas Wilson.

I ellipticalized while starting to read said novel.

Lew and I worked on getting through my Christmas Movie Checklist. (After tonight we will have only one left — It's A Wonderful Life — which we will watch tomorrow.)

Dad made a Pat's Pizza run for supper, and I tried a new item (new for me, anyway): the Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad pizza. It was delicious!

And now I am off to watch Emmett Otter's Jug-Band Christmas!

Friday, December 22, 2017

Christmas Vacation, Day Two

On the second day of Christmas (vacation), my true love said to me:
Let's go out to breakfast,
then I'll get a haircut,
And after that we'll watch T.V. all day!
We went out to breakfast.
Lew got his haircut.
I did three loads of laundry. (Oops! That wasn't part of the song!)
Then we watched a couple shows on T.V.

A productive day!


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Wrapping Day

On this first day of my six-day Christmas vacation, Lew and I wrapped gifts.

Marilyn was a big help....

"Would you mind handing me some tape?"

We worked hard and long, but we finally finished....

The last gift. Phew!

And that's a wrap!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Dad 389: An Arrival In Illinois

(After his weekly weather report, Dad gets right to the point in his post today. Enjoy!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Preparing for another small storm in a couple days that will have snow, freezing rain, and rain. Very messy. Then a prediction for snow on Christmas day. (Won't bother us. We are staying home.) Nice 40-degree day today!

For our family's excitement for the week, check yesterday's post on this blog.... BODE HAS ARRIVED!

Tune in next week for more!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, December 18, 2017

Still Waiting....

Niece Kelsey's due date started out as December 17th but then was revised to December 13th.

Both of those dates have now passed us by, and Bode has yet to make his grand entrance into the world.

Baby Bode, please come! I hear that your mom and dad are ready for you to be born. (Your mom is especially ready!)

Saturday, December 16, 2017

I Saw Santa This Morning!

Lew and I had breakfast with Dick and Carole this morning.
As we were heading to our cars afterward I saw Santa Claus!

Santa drove by us in a red convertible. 
How do I know it was a convertible? 
The top was down!

It has been rather cold here, so I was somewhat surprised to see Santa driving in the open air.
But now that I've had a chance to think about it, I guess it really does make sense. 
After all, he does ride out in the open on his sleigh on Christmas Eve.

I can hardly believe it! I saw Santa Claus!

Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Movies Checklist

This post is a hint to my husband.  😉

There are some movies I'd like to watch before Christmas. I haven't seen any of these for a few years, and I think it would be fun to revisit them.

▢ National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  We used to watch this every year. There are so many funny scenes!

 Christmas With the Kranks.  This movie is based on the book Skipping Christmas by John Grisham. Maybe I'll re-read the book in addition to watching the movie.

▢ Emmett Otter's Jug-Band Christmas. I love the music, the story, the music, the characters, the music....

 It's A Wonderful Life.  This is probably my favorite movie ever. I really want to take the time to watch it this year.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Dad 388: Still Waiting

(Mom's new bed came last week, but Dad has another arrival on his mind. Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! After a couple snowstorms we have none coming until next week. The ski hills are going strong and we will definitely have a white Christmas! Temperatures are now real cold and it looks like they will be very cold for the next week or so.

Not a whole lot going on around here right now. We are waiting for news on the arrival of Bode. He will be our first great-grandchild. Due date is today. Kelsey is always a little late but we are wishing she will be close to the due time. Hope you will hear of this event within the week. Stay tuned.

Good news! March is only two and a half months away!

Enough for now. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Secret Santa Sweets

Today was our Secret Santa gift exchange at work. Not only do we each secretly surprise a co-worker with a present, we also bring in sweets to share.

The goodies were all put out in the morning, and we feasted on them for the whole day. My office-mate got a bellyache, and I'm pretty sure I was on a sugar high for most of the afternoon.

At the end of the day, the leftover goodies were brought into our office. (I believe I have written in a prior post that our office is "where food comes to die.")

So tomorrow we will continue stuffing our faces, undoubtedly experiencing more bellyaches and sugar highs.

I can hardly wait!

Monday, December 11, 2017

Our Wall of Fruit

We just purchased a piece of artwork done by a friend of ours. Lew put it up on our dining room wall today. It is the first thing you see when you walk in our house.

Such a wonderful reminder. I love it!

(See Galatians 5:22-23.)

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Modern Medicine

(Lew writes today. Interesting!  ~  Tracy)

Modern medicine is quite amazing. Insurance mess aside, the procedures for injury repair keep getting better.  

A friend of mine ripped a muscle in his knee. It tore completely off his femur. A very serious and debilitating injury.  

I spent some time with him this week and he explained to me what they had to do to make a repair. First they had to grind a groove in the femur; this was to create a place where they could reattach the muscle. Then the muscle was wired into the groove. 

The leg needs to stay straight for four-to-six weeks after the surgery, and then a slow regimen of physical therapy begins. Eventually bone will grow, filling the groove, further securing the wiring job. In time he will regain as much as 90% of his knee's strength and use.  


Friday, December 8, 2017

Our Double-Date

Lew picked me up at work around 2:45 this afternoon so we could meet up with our breakfast buddies, Dick and Carole.

We went to see "Murder on the Orient Express" at a lovely movie theater that has wonderful seats that recline. Those seats are so comfortable you could take a nap in them! But I didn't fall asleep because I was interested in the movie... plus, I'd already had my annual nap earlier this week.

After the movie we went out to eat. Lew and I got meals that were so large that we both brought home enough for tomorrow night's dinner. Yummy!

The four of us decided that we should have a movie/dinner outing at least once a quarter. Now we are just hoping there will be movies coming out that all of us will want to see!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Dad 387: Awaiting Bed

(I got home late again tonight, but the blog must go on. Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! The days of winter seem to be coming our way now. Perhaps some snow this weekend and next Wednesday. Spring is only a few months away. I'm already ready for Spring.

Busy day this Friday. Eye appointment at 8:30AM in Portland with my glaucoma doctor. Even at a new location. Possibly dilating my eyes. Possibly taking a field test. Then it is off to the doctor's office in Westbrook at 1:45PM for Spouse's appointment (every four weeks).

Ordered a new bed for Spouse last week that raises legs, raises head, and goes up and down. Would have received it yesterday if I had checked my phone for messages. Finally checked and it will be delivered tomorrow. Hope to get it set up tomorrow. Told it takes about one hour. Hope to accomplish the task in three hours. May even use the directions!

Tune in next week for an update. Hope the bed will be functioning then. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

My Annual Nap

Today was my annual "woman checkup."

In the past I have waited several minutes for the doctor to come into the examination room. I got in the habit of pulling out the footrest, putting my feet up, and taking a little catnap while waiting.

Today was no exception.

When the doctor came in, I told her she was interrupting my nap. She laughed and commented on how many of her patients cherish those few minutes of peace and quiet. It really is an opportunity to slow down and catch one's breath.

Hey, Doctor S. — I'll see you next year! And I am already looking forward to my nap!

Monday, December 4, 2017


We purchased a new vehicle for me back in April. My favorite feature has been the blind-spot indicator in my side-view mirrors.

I now have another favorite feature: the heated seats! (It's okay to have two favorites, right?)

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Moving Leaves

(Lew writes today. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

I had a leaf blower but now I don’t and I don’t know what happened to it. So last Thursday I went out to move leaves away from the porch and garage. I used a rake and broom to pile them on a tarp and then dragged the tarp into the woods.

Things looked pretty good when I finished, but later in the afternoon Mother Nature’s leaf blower came to life. The wind picked up and was blowing pretty hard for a couple of hours. Guess where all the leaves went? It was almost as if I hadn’t done anything at all. (I did enjoy the exercise, fresh air, and sunshine.)

Later that evening, I ordered a leaf blower from Amazon, It should arrive tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll get another nice day next week and I can attack those leaves again.

I’m not complaining. I’d much rather move leaves than snow.

Friday, December 1, 2017

December Baseball

One of the radio stations Lew and I listen to does a terrible job reporting on sports news.

Today the reporter said that the Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox are all off today.

I don't really follow the Celtics and Bruins, but I was glad to learn the Red Sox wouldn't be playing. Otherwise, I might have tried to find their game on TV tonight.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Dad 386: Awaiting Bode

(Long day today, so I'm a little late typing in Dad's entry. Enjoy!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Temperature reached 59 today. Tomorrow back to low 40s. No snow on the ground around here. Let's keep it up in the ski hills where the slopes are now opened.

Here are some things the family is looking forward to this season....

Glen, Deb, Josh, and Zack are taking a Caribbean cruise from Baltimore just before Christmas.

The whole family is awaiting news from Illinois telling of the arrival of Bode, whose due date is two weeks from today. Our first great grandchild! Excited — YES!

No haircuts for a while. Cindy, our hair dresser, has broken her leg (I don't know how). I was supposed to get a cut tomorrow. Tempted to let it grow until she is back in the shop. I'll keep you posted. Sooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Why I am way, way, way behind at work:
  • Departure of a co-worker.
  • Time spent training new co-workers (who are doing great).
  • Illness.
  • Annual all-staff meeting day.
  • Implementation of a few new processes.
  • Thanksgiving weekend (although it was a glorious break).
And now November is almost over, which means month-end tasks on top of everything else.
I am working hard... two long days already this week... but I am (surprisingly) not stressed.
And why am I not stressed?... Job security, baby!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Again, Puzzling

Yesterday I finished a jigsaw puzzle that I had started a few months ago. (I have a lovely puzzle case for storage purposes, which allowed me to put the puzzle out of sight when we were having some company. But you know what they say about "out of sight.")

This puzzle was harder than it looks, but I persevered... finally!

"The Rookie"
(March 2, 1957)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Sold!

(Lew writes today. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)


I placed an item for sale on Facebook Marketplace. The first two responses I received were strange. In fact, one of them wasn’t in English??  

I also received a message asking me if I would take $___ for the item. Trying to low-ball for a piece that you haven’t even seen seems to be a non-serious offer, so I ignored that one also.  

Actually, I pretty much was ignoring any responses because I didn’t want to be bothered.  

Last night I turned on my Kindle Fire and there was a message from a guy asking if the item was still available. I replied that it was. Right away he wrote back and asked if he could see it today. I said yes and gave him my address and let him know what I would accept. There would be no haggling.  

He showed up on time with his son, looked at the item, gave me the money and was on his way. He got a good deal and I got an item out of the house.  

Selling stuff is not easy, but sometimes things work out well.

Friday, November 24, 2017


I need a reset, reboot, or whatever after having the cold/flu for the last several days.

I told Lew that I plan to rejoin the real world tomorrow.

Of course tomorrow is too late to be on time for sister Debbie's birthday, which is today.  Happy Birthday, Debbie!

And niece Kelsey's birthday was a few days ago. Oh, dear. I did manage to send her a Facebook message the day of her birthday, but that's about it.

We did have a lovely Thanksgiving at Matt & Emily's house yesterday. I played a couple games with the kids and ate a lot, but I really wasn't the life of the party — not that I ever am.

Today I did five loads of laundry, which didn't require much skill on a social level.

Lew and I finished the final season of Longmire on Netflix. We didn't exactly binge-watch, but it was pretty close: a couple episodes last weekend, two Wednesday night, four yesterday, and the final two episodes today.

I think I am pretty much over the cold/flu thing.

Tomorrow, I reset.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Dad 385: Happy Thanksgiving!

(This is Dad's best post ever! Enjoy! ~ Tracy, Data Entry department)

Derf Here!

Zack's football team = Maine State Champs (score: 57-0)!

Let us all enjoy Thanksgiving Day!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, November 20, 2017

Self Pep Talk

I am so glad that I went to Zack's football game on Saturday. It was exciting to see him and his team win the State Championship!


Being outside brought my cold/flu back with a vengeance.

I did make it through a full day of work today. And I need to make it through tomorrow and Wednesday, too, because it's a short work week. (Thanksgiving and the day after are company holidays, woohoo!)

So I am going to channel the little engine that could.... I think I can.... I think I can....

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Football Mom

Congratulations to my sister Debbie!😎
Oh... and congratulations to Zack, too! 😉
WOOHOO!!!!! 🏈🏈🏈

Friday, November 17, 2017

Let's Go, Scarborough!

Tomorrow is the big football game!

Zack's team, the Red Storm of Scarborough High School, will be playing for the Maine State Class A Championship.

I just purchased tickets for Lew and I online. They are "mobile tickets" which means I have to show the tickets on my cell phone. We are so technologically savvy, aren't we?  (I'm hoping I did it correctly!)

We have our new stadium seats and our Red Storm pompom hats. We plan on dressing in layers, so we won't be cold. But hopefully we will stay warm with all of the cheering we are going to do.

Go, Zack! 


(Postscript: My co-workers and I were on time for our meeting in Bangor this morning. Yay, us!)

Thursday, November 16, 2017

A Thursday Post!

If you read my blog regularly, you may have noticed that I haven't posted on Thursdays very much lately. That's because I have been taking a class at my church. Tonight was the last official meeting, but I plan to be involved in the ministry that sponsored the class. I will write more about it in a future post.

But now, I must get to sleep. We have an all-staff meeting in Bangor tomorrow; I am riding up with my supervisor, who is picking us up at 7AM!  ("Us" is my young office-mate and I; she is spending the night at my house so we can both be ready on time. Neither of us is a "morning person," so hopefully Lew can get us moving, ha ha!)

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Dad 384: Pre-Winterizing

(Wait... Winter... What? Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well, from the temperatures we are having, I can definitely say the weather is winter-like. Even a little snow the last two days. Also snow predicted for the next two or three days. Just a trace!
Lew and I just about finished our pre-winterizing. Today we transferred all the equipment from the garage for the storage in the trailer. Lew also got his grill from the deck and cleaned it before storage. It looks like new. Only wheel covering on trailer and wrapping up trailer tongue to complete pre-winter tasks. Will do within a week.
Zack's team avenged their only loss of the year by winning the Southern Maine championship game. They will play for the state championship against the Northern winner (Windham). They beat Windham during the season by a 66-7 score. (Don't get too cocky!) All state championship games are on local TV. We will watch just as we do each year. This year we have more interest than ever before!
Thanksgiving, next week, will allow Josh to be home for the game. A great week coming up.
Stay tuned.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tracy's Tale

Unlike Lew, I remembered to get my flu shot in October.

I have the flu.


Poor me!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lew's Logbook: It's My Fault

(Lew writes today. Poor Lew. ~ Tracy)
Every October I get a flu shot.
I haven't had the flu in five years.
I forgot to get my flu shot in October.
I have the flu.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Maine High School Football

And the Class A South champion for 2017 is....

Scarborough High School Red Storm!

The game was streamed tonight, so Lew and I stayed home and watched it with my parents. We enjoyed the 49-7 rout of Thornton Academy. We also enjoyed being warm while watching... cold outside, brrrr....

And although we were inside, I still wore my Red Storm hat and mittens. Team spirit is important.

Congratulations to nephew Zack and his teammates!

Best wishes for next Saturday (the 18th) in the State championship game against Windham.

Go, Red Storm!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Dad 383: Streams of Football

(We're hoping for two wins this weekend. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! The temps are dropping as we are now fully in the fall. Winter is around the corner. We are ready for winter and the cold and snow. I will mow tomorrow after our first frost. Then we'll put all remains of summer away.

Zack's team plays for the Southern Maine football championship this weekend. The following week will be for the State. Hope Zack's team plays that weekend. Go, Zack!

Josh's team will complete the season this weekend. Only one win, which is definitely appreciated. Better luck next year, Josh. We'll be watching.

We will watch both games this weekend via computer streaming. Thankful for that.

Done for today. I'll try to do better next week.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, November 6, 2017

Eli's Belated Birthday Lunch

Eli was in Florida on his actual birthday, so Lew and I told him we would celebrate with him after he got back.

He's back!

Yesterday we took Eli, Adam, and Emily out for lunch.  (Matt couldn't join us because he's still working long days due to the storm.)

Eli and Adam both had treats involving ice cream. Yum!

Adam ordered a vanilla milkshake all by himself.

Eli studies his root beer float while Grampa does a photo bomb.

The birthday boy!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Lew's Logbook: My Lineman

(Lew writes tonight. ~ Tracy)

I have been texting with my son this evening.  He has been working mandatory 12-hour days because he is a lineman for the phone company.  

The big blow that went through Southern Maine this week took poles down all over the place and it is his job to put the poles back in place.  He said he’s getting tired and my response was, “That’s what it takes to be a hero.”  

I was kidding, of course. But for the first time I can remember, lineman are getting a lot of attention for the work that they do.  So many people were without power that there has been a growing appreciation for the work they do and the fact that they do it under difficult circumstances.  

The fact is that my son has always been special to me, and now the people of Southern Maine are just catching on.  😊

Friday, November 3, 2017

We Got the Power!

Last night I was at my computer getting ready to do a blog post when....

Suddenly, I was sitting in the dark..

After not losing power when so many others did, it was finally our turn. Fortunately the power was out for less than an hour.  Apparently it was "on purpose" because the linemen were replacing a pole.

Last night I planned to congratulate the Houston Astros on being the World Series champions! Lew and I enjoyed watching this magnificent series. It was great baseball.

Tonight we went to Zack's football game. Scarborough won (handily), so Zack and his teammates will continue their quest for a state championship. They will play again next Friday night. Go, Red Storm! Go, Zack!

And now, there is a pillow with my name on it....


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Dad 382: Walk This Way

(I'm glad Mom listens. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The days are getting shorter. Five less hours of daylight. The days are getting colder. Most of the state has now had a frost. The weatherman just mentioned snow in the county tonight. Nothing that will last on the ground, but we're getting closer. Don't forget to set your clock back this weekend. Now it will be pitch black out at about 4:30. In just a few months spring will be here. Let us enjoy this statement. Enough about the weather.
Zack's team plays in the Western Maine semi-finals this weekend. Then to the finals to see who will be the state champions. Go, Zack!
Josh has been told he can't play football this week by the doctor as he had some surgery in the chin area. He will be able to play the last game a week away. Go, Josh!
For our family I make this announcement. Spouse is using her walker now. Thanks to her three daughters. She really does what they tell her!
Done for now – sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


We had a lot of wind Sunday night into Monday morning. Our power blipped off a few times, but it always came right back on.

Around 9:00 yesterday morning, our cable went out.  Our service wasn't restored until this afternoon, which meant over 24 hours of no TV or Internet at home.

We are glad we are able to watch the World Series on TV tonight, but Lew and I both agreed: We missed the Internet more than the TV!

Many of my friends and co-workers lost power for over 24 hours, so we were actually quite fortunate.

Electricity, cable, and telephone crews are still working hard to restore service to everyone. Many thanks to them!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Viet Nam Reunion

(Lew still likes wearing sunglasses. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Blast from the past.

I have been communicating with a friend of mine who I served with in Viet Nam over 47 years ago. We were both medics in the 1st Infantry Division. We have seen each other a couple of times since then, but that was 40 years ago.

Tuesday night he called me to ask if we could meet for breakfast. He lives in Patten, Maine, but was in Standish visiting family.

We got together at IHOP on Wednesday morning and talked for over two hours. As we left, we talked about getting together again soon and including our wives the next time. I really hope that we make that happen.

It was REALLY good to see him after all these years.

Below is a picture of us taken in Viet Nam, 1970.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Birthdays and Batgirls

Today is Eli's birthday! I can't believe he is six years old. He just took his first airplane ride last weekend. Guess where he went?
Happy Birthday, Eli!

The Batgirls gathered at my house earlier tonight for a light potluck. We had a fun time catching up and they all left shortly after 7:30pm. (Gone are the days when we stay out late!) Tonight was the first time we were all together to get our photo taken wearing our KISS sunglasses — a gift from Anne-Marie's husband.  Many thanks to our very patient photographer, Lew.

The Batgirls (L to R):  Me, Anne-Marie, Krista, and Ellen.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Dad 381: Guests (and Good Weather) Gone

(The house is feeling sort of empty, but our kitties are livening things up. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Just finished two great weather weeks with Kim and Kaelen visiting. They went back to Illinois yesterday and the weather is now very sour.
We are kind of sour also to see them leave. Their visit was very nice and was enjoyed by all.
Well, Kim and Kaelen saw Zack's football team win two games, including a 35-14 win over the defending state champions. Zack's team goes into the playoffs as the number one seed. They will probably meet up with the defending champs in the playoffs. The winner of that game will, I predict, win the state championship.
Josh's team lost by just two points in their game last weekend.
Spouse certainly enjoyed our guests and seems to be getting along quite well. Her children have convinced her to use a single-handed walker for her trips around the house. They tell her it is better for her balance. She is obeying them.
Tune in next week!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Back to Normal... Almost

Kim and Kaelen left today.  😢

I just got a text message from Kim that their plane has landed, so they are now back in Illinois.

The house seems empty and quiet... and cluttered.... I fell behind on keeping things organized while they were here. But now I have no excuse for putting off housework.

Oh, wait.  I do have an excuse... the World Series is on! 

Play ball!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Lew's Logbook: My Football Fix

(Lew writes today! ~ Tracy)

Finally, football.

I am not watching the NFL this year (and maybe never again). If they will not put a stop to the anti-American antics of some of their employees, then this customer is gone.

As Tracy noted in her blog yesterday, we went to see nephew Zack’s football team, the Scarborough Red Storm, play the undefeated Scots of Bonny Eagle. This was the most significant high school football game of the year in Southern Maine. There must have been a couple of thousand people at this game, and during the National Anthem you could have heard a pin drop.

I was totally pumped as we watched Scarborough dominate on both sides of the ball. At one point I blurted out, “I have not been watching the NFL this year and this is so much fun.” There were several people around us that heard my comment and gave me a knowing smile.

More football to come as Zack’s team goes into the playoffs.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Oh, Sweet Victory!

I had no back pain tonight, so we (Lew, Kim, and I) were off to Bonny Eagle High School to see Zack's last football game of the regular season.

Zacks' team — the Scarborough High School Red Storm — had already made the playoffs, but a win tonight would give them a bye week for the first round.

Bonny Eagle is the defending state champion.

Bonny Eagle was undefeated this season... until tonight!

Scarborough wins!!!!!

The Red Storm were behind at half-time, 14-13, but scored 22 unanswered points in the second half for a 35-14 victory.

Scarborough wins!!!!!

Best wishes in the playoffs, Zack!

Scarborough wins!!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dad 380: Prepared for Plow Day

(Dad mentions summer, fall, and snow... all in one day. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another late summer day is being enjoyed this fall season. Good weather predicted until next Tuesday. May be a little cooler, but not too cold. Bring it on!
Well, Kim and Kaelen brought some winning ways from Illinois as both Zack's team and Josh's team won games last weekend. Zack's team is now 6-1 and will play the defending state champs Friday night. Josh's team won their first game and played quite well. Next week we'll have the high school playoffs set. Tune in!
Today Lew and I put the plow on the truck, but not because we have reports of snow coming. Saturday is "free inspection of plow" day at Messer's Truck. Good chance to change fluids and check on movement of plow. We go every year.
Tune in next week for more news. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Family Football Fotos

Glen took pictures of the Eurekans (Kim and Kaelen) with our family football heroes after their respective wins this weekend.

Congratulations, Zack (Friday) and Josh (Saturday) on your victories!

Friday night lights!

Saturday sun!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Oh, My Aching Back

This was supposed to be a weekend of attending football games for me — Zack's last night and Josh's today.

But I made it to neither.

When I left work yesterday, my back was very sore. So it was a heating pad (instead of football pads) for me this weekend.

I am starting to feel much better, especially since the nephews went 2 for 2!  Zack's team won last night and Josh's team just secured their first win today.

So I think my back pain is the lucky charm.  I may get an argument from Kim, though, as she and Kaelen were at both games.... Maybe we shouldn't let them go back to Illinois until football season is over!  😉

P.S. I received yet another "just because" gift from Debbie:

"Taffy Apple" scented hand soap.  A kitty.  :)

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Another "Just Because" Gift

Kim presented me with a gift last night.

It is a celebration of my geekiness, and I love it! 

Thank you, Kim!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Dad 379: It's a Bright Sunny Day

(Hooray! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Kind of a cloudy fall day. We sure are enjoying the day as if it is a bright sunny day. Reason below.
They are here! Kim and Kaelen are here! Their cab (Lew and Debbie) picked them up at Portland International Jetport earlier today. Not much else to write about as we have been waiting for weeks for them to arrive. It will be the first time they will see Zack and Josh playing football. All are excited! Enjoy the games and your Maine visit. Thanks for visiting us.
Sitting here waiting for the Cubs game. Still raining in Chicago. Hopefully Yankees are done tonight. We'll see.
Enough for now. Next week I'll do more.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Eurekans are Coming!

My sister Kim is coming tomorrow! So is my niece Kaelen!

The guest room is ready, and my housekeeper (Lew!) has done some additional housework.

We are looking forward to their visit!


P.S.  Red Sox....  😞

Saturday, October 7, 2017

We Gotta See the Baby!

Our friends Bill and Stacey became grandparents seven weeks ago.

Lew and I met the baby today.

Here is Lew with our brand new friend....  💗

Thursday, October 5, 2017

A "Just Because" Gift

My sister Debbie comes up to our house quite often to visit "the folks in the back" (our parents). 

Even though I'm usually at work during these visits, sometimes I see evidence that she has been here.

For example, I recently came home to find this on my dining room table:

Debbie knows we like all things "kitties" — Thank you, Debbie!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Dad 378: A Great Fall

(I've been neglecting my blog, so I'm glad that Dad remains a loyal contributor. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another fairly warm fall day. We are really having a pretty great fall as the weather has been great. There has been snow upon the mountains. Most of the state has had a hard frost. We, at the coast, are still waiting.
Zack's football team rolls on, while Josh's team still looks for a win. Keep up the good work, boys!
The Red Sox limped home for a second division title in a row. Now it is off to the playoffs this Thursday. Go, Red Sox!
It is hard to believe we will be getting ready for winter within a few weeks. But before that, we are looking forward to a visit from Kim and Kaelen. Next week they will be here.
Spouse is getting ready for our visitors by getting a haircut tomorrow at 9AM. Hope we get up in time!
Tune in next week.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, October 2, 2017


I woke up today to the news of what happened in Las Vegas.

The words that came to mind:  senseless, incomprehensible, tragic, sad, horrific, terrible, etc.

But words are inadequate.... Well, my words are anyway.

So I will end this post with a promise from the only One who gives us hope. Found in Isaiah 49 (ESV):

"I will not forget you.
Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..."

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Our Phone Works!

Sometimes the last resort really should be considered earlier.

Fortunately, I heeded the above advice last night. (This is advice I gave myself.)

I spent about 10 minutes reading online to try to figure out the problem with our phone. I got absolutely nowhere. I couldn't even determine if our phone was even hooked up or not.

So I marched downstairs and told Lew, "I'm calling."

The wait was going to be a billion hours (not quite that long, but close), but fortunately the cable company has a callback option. So I didn't have to stay on the phone the whole time, and they called me back when it was my turn. (If you are wondering, "How did she call if her phone wasn't working?" — I used my cell!)

Lew wasn't convinced I would receive a call, but about 20 minutes later I was speaking to a wonderful guy named Rich. He quickly determined that our modem had not been activated properly on their end, and he took care of everything. He was awesome.... I think I'm in love.

By the way, Lew was also awesome with the phone project. He did all of the manual labor. The new phone system we purchased is all hooked up and our old phones are in a pile, awaiting their demise. Thank you, Lew, for your hard work.... I know I'm in love.  💗

Friday, September 29, 2017

Don't Call Us; We'll Call You

Today is the day that our home phone was supposed to be switched over to our cable line.

As of this moment, we still get a dial tone on the "old" phone line. Nothing on the "new" one.

When I tried to call our home number from my cell phone earlier, I got a message that "this number is currently not accepting calls."  But I COULD call from my "old" home phone to my cell phone.


So I'm about to embark on yet another Internet search to figure out if there is something more we are supposed to do on our end. (We were told it would be seamless. Ha!)

Calling the cable company? That will be my last resort!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dad 377: It's the Magic Number Countdown

(Let's win the division, BoSox! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Here I sit in the Northeast on this fall September day with the air conditioner on. We sure are enjoying our late summer. The experts tell us it will be more fall-like starting tomorrow afternoon. Might even have temps in the 40s. So cool!
Zack's football team got back to winning with another blowout (beat the school that I was employed at as principal). Josh's team is still looking for a win, but did score five touchdowns in a loss. Go, Zack and Josh!
The Red Sox have been at magic number three for a few days. The Yankees are winning and the Red Sox are now losing. Five games left and must have a total of three Red Sox wins and/or Yankees losses. Stranger things have happened. Injuries seem to be taking over the Red Sox. Go, Sox!
Spouse continues to be holding her own and wants a haircut before Kim and Kaelen arrive two weeks from today. We are psyched for their visit.
Enough for today. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Technology Travails

I used a vacation day today so that Lew and I could do some errands.

We changed our cable package to make it more economical. Part of that entailed switching our landline to cable. In order for that to work best for us, we then went out and bought a new phone setup. (Sometimes you have to spend money to make money, right?)

Our wireless printer had been hanging on by a thread lately, and today the thread broke. So when we bought the phone, we also bought a new wireless printer. The salesman assured me the printer setup would be easy. Ha! I was ready to dropkick it at one point, but I persevered and eventually prevailed.

Lew kept referring to today as "the Day of Tracy." It certainly didn't turn out like I had planned it to. But we did eat lunch at IHOP, so that was something.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Bro Date

(Lew writes today. I love the photo with his not-so-little nephew! Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

He’s not “The Godfather,” but brother-in-law Glen made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.

Debbie could not go to Josh’s football game at Maine Maritime Academy today, so Glen called me earlier in the week and asked if I would be his date for the day.

Even though I had a couple of things planned, I immediately said I would go. We all have a hierarchy of things we would like to do, and going up to beautiful Castine, Maine to watch my nephew play football is way up on my list.

The weather was perfect and we took Josh out to lunch after the game.

A day well spent. Thank you, Glen.

Friday, September 22, 2017

I Certainly Can.... Ken-Ken

I stumbled across a superb Ken-Ken app for my Kindle Fire.

For those of you that have never heard of Ken-Ken, it is a game similar to Sudoku — except Ken-Ken is much more fun, especially for math geeks like me.

Problem: I can't seem to stop playing!

Solution: Just keep on playing, and eventually I will get tired of it. (Maybe....)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Darci Lynn's Got Talent

I just spent half an hour watching video clips from this season's "America's Got Talent."

I don't watch the show, but apparently the finale was last night, and the winner was a 12-year-old ventriloquist named Darci Lynn Farmer.

When I saw an article about her winning, I thought, "Hmmmm.... I should check that out." (I was actually thinking, "Really???  How good can a 12-year-old be at ventriloquism?")

Well, thirty minutes later I am wanting to find video clips of everything she's ever done.

If you haven't seen any of her performances yet, start your google search now!


(Postscript: When I was 12 years old, I could tell you which Major League Baseball teams were leading their divisions. I could also tell you the second-place teams.)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Dad 376: Spouse Is Doing Well Also

(Football and baseball... it's a wonderful time of year! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Enjoying another damp and cloudy day thanks to storms off the eastern coast. Next few days look like summer if the experts are correct. Bring it on!
Football is a 60-minute game. Well, last Friday Zack's team was in the lead for 59 minutes and 14 seconds (at one time led by 14 points, 28-14). Lost the game with 46 seconds left, 32-28. They should do all right the next four weeks. The season's last game will be, I think, their next challenge and then the playoffs. GO, ZACK!
The Patriots got a win and they are 1-1. GO, PATS!
The Red Sox are three games up on the Yankees with 11 games remaining. Keep scrapping, Red Sox!
Lew and Tracy are in a special choir at their church for Christmas. I'm sure they will contribute and enjoy it.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Time to Sing

Lew and I attended the first choir rehearsal at our church tonight.

It has been over five years since we sang in a choir on a regular basis, and boy, could I tell!  My vocal muscles are not in shape. I'm not even sure if we have vocal muscles or not, but whatever they are — cords, I guess — they are not used to singing for 90+ minutes straight.

So this week, as I am out and about, I will be softly singing to myself... when appropriate... probably not at work... I want happy office mates!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Retail Therapy

On Saturday I did something I haven't done for a long time: I went shopping.

And I'm not talking about

I actually went out shopping, to real brick and mortar stores.

I went with my friend Luanne, and we spent the whole day spending money. (It was mostly my money, Luanne has a lot more self-discipline than I do.)

I bought some much-needed clothes for myself and got a little bit of a start on Christmas.

We had a really fun time, and we are already planning to go again soon.... Just doing our part to help the economy!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Cooking for Tracy

(Enjoy Lew's post!  I did.  😘  ~ Tracy)

“It was delicious.”

That’s what Tracy says to me after almost every meal that I prepare.

Those of you who know Tracy know that she has many skills and talents, but most of them do not require time in the kitchen. That — and the fact that I am retired — means that I do just about all of the meal prep, whatever it may be.

I know my way around the kitchen a little bit, although my repertoire is pretty basic and limited. But she is not fussy. If I ask her, “How about ________ for dinner,” she says, “Sounds good.” We say grace before we eat and she always kisses my hand at the end. Then, after we eat, she always thanks me and says, “It was delicious.”

Isn’t she sweet. 💗

I’m going to go big this week and make an apple pie with some juicy Maine macs.

I’m expecting extra kisses.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Do Re Mi

Lew and I are going to be in the Christmas Choir at our new church! We went to an orientation session on Tuesday. Regular rehearsals will start on Tuesday next week.

Lew has already started listening to the music. I have not, so I am already a slacker, ha ha! At least we will be using our music for the performances; I am glad we don't have to memorize it.

It has been a while since we have sung on a regular basis, so this could be really interesting as far as our vocal stamina is concerned....

It will be fun. 🎵

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Dad 375: Sports, Sports, Sports

(After my father wrote this, the number "20" became "21" ... Wow! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! We are now in the middle of some of the best weather of the summer season. It is just grand!
How about those Patriots.... Did you ever see them play worse? I haven't! Did you ever see them get out-coached like they did? I haven't! I figure them to win their division. Their record will be between 12-4 and 14-2. Then it is to the playoffs and anything can happen. Would like one more ring.
Zack's team is doing really well. Big game this week with another undefeated rival. GO, RED STORM!
Hope Josh's team rebounds from their first game and gets a win this week.
The Red Sox seem to be limping along to a division title. How about Cleveland's 20 wins in a row?!
Spouse is getting along fairly well and that really makes us happy!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

It All Waited

After staying home sick yesterday, I returned to work today.

I had 86 e-mails to go through. Fortunately a lot of them required no response/action on my part.

My co-workers did a great job keeping up with their tasks that I review. I was able to breeze through my part, making very few changes.

So... I may have overstated my "breezing." I put off one thing until tomorrow: reviewing 105 payables in our accounting system.

That number — 105 — is a lot.

My co-worker sent an e-mail telling me they were ready for review. She added a winky-face emoji at the end, because she knows how much I look forward to this particular task. (Nope.)

My one-word response to her:  "Stinky!"

Monday, September 11, 2017

It Can All Wait

Had flu-like symptoms today.

Stayed home this morning, and thought I would try to go in after lunch.

But I still wasn't feeling all that great.

I sent a text message to my supervisor, telling her how I hoped to get in to take care of some of my work.

Her response:

It can all wait.
Stay home.

Good advice, which I heeded.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Grocery Store Marvel

(Lew writes tonight. And I don't think he's weird at all! ~ Tracy)

I usually go grocery shopping twice a week. I have the time and Tracy really doesn’t like to go. (I asked her if she wanted to go with me one day this week and she said “nah”.)

Most times when I am at our local Hannaford I think about how amazing it is that they have all this food here every time I come. There are always blueberries and strawberries available (quality and price vary) no matter the time of year. All kinds of other fruits and vegetables are always in stock. Fresh breads, meats and bakery items tempt me all the way through the store.

I guess I am a little weird to think about such a thing, but it just goes to the fact that we live in the most wonderful country in the world and I thank God for it. I even feel blessed sometimes when I am running water in the sink because I know that most of the people in this world struggle for clean drinking water.

I guess that I am a little weird, but I am very grateful to my Heavenly Father and I don’t want to take anything for granted. (Thinking about it, my attitude may have something to do with the year that I spent in South Viet Nam and seeing a third-world country up close and personal.)

Friday, September 8, 2017

Lew Took Me Out...

... to the ball game!

We went to see nephew Zack's football game this evening. His team — Scarborough High School's Red Storm — won the game, 49-15.

It was a beautiful night for football.

Congratulations, Red Storm!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Dad 374: Pharmaceutical Ventures

(It's already time for flu shots?! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another cloudy, rainy day here in the Northeast. No complaints as we watch the devastation in the Texas area and Irma as she heads to Florida.
Went to Rite Aid today and stocked up on a prescription and some vitamins that Spouse takes daily. Also received my flu shot and last pneumonia shot I needed. Hope tomorrow will be less rainy so we can get back to Rite Aid for shots for Spouse. We go through the drive-thru and let them know we are there. Then Jim meet us out front to give Spouse her shots.
Friday will be Spouse's last visit to her doctor (Dr. Chase) in Scarborough. He is moving to Westbrook to their larger office. I sure am not happy about this. Can do nothing about it. Progress, I guess, for them!
Go, Patriots, tomorrow in your season opener. Get on the ball, Red Sox, both pitching and hitting.
See you next week!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Why Didn't I Think of That?

During our walk yesterday, Lew commented on how all you really need is one good idea and you can be set for life. Of course, having the good idea doesn't automatically get you to the "set for life" part — there is a lot of work that goes into it.

So, which is easier? Coming up with the idea or putting the work into implementing it?

I believe it is more difficult to have a new idea. I say this because I can't come up with one!


Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Anniversary, Emily and Matt!

Emily and Matt have now shared seven years of wedded bliss! I just read my blog posts about their wedding, and I have linked to the posts below. I hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane. 💗

The year is 2010....

Tuesday, August 31 ~ Weather or Not

Thursday, September 2 ~ All Work and No Play

Friday, September 3 ~ Wedding Weekend

Saturday, September 4 ~ Congratulations Emily and Matt!

Sunday, September 5 ~ The Father of the Groom

Monday, September 6 ~ Room for the Groom

Tuesday, September 7 ~ Wedding Accessories

Thursday, September 9 ~ Two Wedding Tidbits Featuring the Nephews

Friday, September 10 ~ Wedding Wheels 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Weekend Update

Remember my big project at work? And how I was waiting to send out version 2.1? Well, I sent it out yesterday. I didn't really intend to send it so soon, but I happened to mention it at a staff meeting and of course everyone wanted it! (I might be exaggerating a little about my co-workers' enthusiasm, but they really were interested in getting the version with the cosmetic changes.)

Despite feeling a little chilly, Lew and I made it through the entire Sea Dogs game last night! (We even stayed for the fireworks afterward!) It helped that the game was a fun one to watch. The Sea Dogs won, 7-2. They usually lose when we go, so it was a nice change.

Lew and I went out to dinner with some friends tonight. That's two nights out in a row for us. We are not used to all of this social excitement, so we're tired now. I am glad that I have the day off on Monday to recuperate.

Speaking of the Labor Day holiday, our plans are to do nothing. I can hardly wait!

Friday, September 1, 2017

Lew's Taking Me Out...

... To the ball game!

I have not been to a Portland Sea Dogs game yet this season, but that will change tonight. Lew and I are leaving momentarily to go to Hadlock Field.

I plan on eating lots of yummy stuff and cheering for the Sea Dogs. It will be loads of fun.

But Lew and I agree on something:  If it gets too cold, we are coming home!

Go, Sea Dogs!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Project Complete :)

I completed my big project at work yesterday!  I e-mailed Version 2.0 of my spreadsheet to my colleagues that need to use it.

I already have determined some cosmetic changes that I'd like to make, but I am waiting for more feedback before sending out Version 2.1.  The calculations already work properly, which is really the most important part.

Maybe I will get another Excel project soon. I had great fun with this one!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dad 373: Go, Red Teams!

(As for this evening's weather, the day has ended like it started. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another cloudy, cool morning in the area. Yesterday was cloudy all day and the temperature never really warmed up.

Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with those suffering the results of Hurricane Harvey. Hard to imagine what they are going through.

School started today for all students in town, so we are preparing for the football season which starts Friday night. Cheering on Zack and his friends. GO, RED STORM!

Well, sister Deb left yesterday for her trip back to Florida via Pittsburgh and Indy. Confirmed by phone last evening she made Pittsburgh and will leave for Indy on Friday. (Drive carefully!)

The Red Sox stumbled a bit and went from a five-game lead in the loss column to only two. As of now they have climbed back to lead by four in the loss column. GO, RED SOX!

That's all, folks!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

And One to Grow On

Today is my sister Kim's birthday!

I would make fun of her age, but I am older than she is.
So I'll refrain.

I do wish she lived closer so we could celebrate with her.
If she has a cake, I hope she eats a piece for me.

Happy Birthday, Kim!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Definitely Not a Car Race

Yesterday there was an Ironman Triathlon held in our area.

The running route included a section of the Eastern Trail that crosses the road we live on. The participants had to cross our street twice — over and then back.

On our way home from church yesterday, Lew and I became painfully aware of the Triathlon....

After turning onto our road from Route 1, it is just under two miles to our house. (I think it's 1.7 miles.)  It took us one hour to travel that distance.

One. Hour.


Still recovering....

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Impulse Buying

(Lew writes today. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

Normally I’m not an impulse buyer but yesterday they got me.

Who’s “they?”

"They" are the people who study buying habits and do product placement in order to induce impulse buying.

I went to Sam’s Club to look for a book that I wanted (they had it, yeah). As I entered the store there was a huge display of Serta pillow sets. I thought, “I could use a couple of new pillows,” so I grabbed them. Going a little further I saw a display for dish towels. I thought, “We’ve been using the same towels for years,” and I picked up a package. When I got home I realized that I had done some serious impulse buying (didn’t really spend very much).

I can understand why people who are proficient at marketing and product placement are paid good money. It’s because they are so good at taking ours. 😏

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Project Update

My mind has been distracted all week with the project I was assigned last Friday. (See my post, I Get a Project.)

I worked on the project quite a bit on Monday.

Tuesday morning I showed my preliminary efforts to my supervisor. After we met I made some additional changes.

Tuesday night I hardly slept at all. I couldn't stop thinking about ideas to make my spreadsheet work even better.

Yesterday (Wednesday) morning, I immediately started implementing all of my new ideas. My supervisor had set up a late-afternoon conference call with some other colleagues to introduce my spreadsheet, so I was working under a deadline of sorts. When she came in my office midday, I threw my arms over my monitors and said, "Don't look yet!" (She laughed.)

I had something ready for the conference call, after which I began adding even more enhancements to the spreadsheet. I was at work until after 7PM, but I was able to send out a revised version.

Then today... oh, today... more and more ideas going through my head.... But I couldn't do anything with my ideas because I had to get caught up on some of my regular work.

Tomorrow, however, is a new day. I can hardly wait to get back to my project!

I really am a crazy person!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Dad 372: Summer Summing-Up Signs

(Another indication that summer is coming to a close: We are watching the Little League World Series! Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Another beautiful day here in the Northeast after some boomers last night. All part of the experts' predictions. Predicted weather for the next week will not require the air conditioner as the humidity will be in a comfortable zone.
Almost to the active part of "summer / fall" as football season and back-to-school is happening. Bring it on! We are ready!
Not much else going on, but I am getting a little more cleaning done each day. I could possibly complete my cleaning within the next couple years. (Maybe not!)
Sister Deb is about ready to head back to Florida via Indy next Tuesday. Not the official end of summer, but close.
Stay tuned for more news!
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuckered Out

I've had a busy couple days, so I'm taking the easy way out for today's blog post.

Below are a couple more photos from last night.

Hanging out in my hammock sounds like a wonderful idea to me, too!

Who is in Tia's hammock?


Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy Birthday, Lew!

Today's the day! 💗

Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam came over this evening to celebrate Lew's birthday with us. 💗💗

I managed to get a couple photos of Grampa Lew with the kids. 💗💗💗 

Adam and Eli didn't want to stand still... too excited about cake!

Riding with Grampa on Great-Fred's tractor!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Lew's Logbook: Range Time

(Lew writes today. And I am #OneBlessedGal....  ~  Tracy)

Tracy and I went to the range today and she became familiar with “Adelaide.”  (Yes, she named her .38 Special.)

We had a great time and she did very well at putting her shots on paper.

Nice to have a wife who shares some of your interests. (She loves baseball and football also.)

#OneBlessedDude  💗

Friday, August 18, 2017

I Get a Project

I was given a project today at work that is going to be fun for me. It involves building an Excel spreadsheet for my colleagues to use for a specific task.

I love figuring out how to get spreadsheets to do what I need them to do. And I try to make them "slick as snot" to work with. ("Slick as snot" is a technical term that my husband often uses.)

I am truly a geek!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Ode to a Hobby

With apologies to the Everly Brothers....

Whenever I'm conscious
All I want to do is
Read, Read, Rea-ead,
Read, Read, Read!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Dad 371: Noisy Neighborhood News

(Dad theorizes about summer in today's post. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Great summer days are upon us. So nice!
A lot of activity going on close to home. The building sounds are heard loud and clear throughout the day as there are two new homes being built a few hundred feet away. Supposed to be done and have residents in them sometime this fall. Fingers are crossed.
It is hard to believe that the busiest weeks of summer are over. The last two weeks in July and the first two weeks in August seem to be the busy four. Schools and school activities are now starting, so people have had their vacations. Summer is basically over. Accept it!!
Spouse is getting along fine. We are pleased about this. Please continue your thoughts and prayers for her. Thanks.
Enough for now. Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Embracing My Geekness

I am so excited for tomorrow, I can hardly stand it!

You may be asking, "What's so special about Tuesday, August 15, 2017?"

The date of 8/15/17 makes it Pythagorean Theorem* Day!

I bought a special t-shirt for the occasion, and I even got permission to wear it to work. (I work for a technical school, so it wasn't that hard a sell.)  😊

I hope that everyone is at least half as excited as I am.  I love this stuff!

*If the month and day — 8 and 15 — are the lengths of the smaller sides of a right triangle, then the two-digit year — 17 — is the length of the hypotenuse. The Theorem: The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Do the math!