Monday, September 25, 2017

Technology Travails

I used a vacation day today so that Lew and I could do some errands.

We changed our cable package to make it more economical. Part of that entailed switching our landline to cable. In order for that to work best for us, we then went out and bought a new phone setup. (Sometimes you have to spend money to make money, right?)

Our wireless printer had been hanging on by a thread lately, and today the thread broke. So when we bought the phone, we also bought a new wireless printer. The salesman assured me the printer setup would be easy. Ha! I was ready to dropkick it at one point, but I persevered and eventually prevailed.

Lew kept referring to today as "the Day of Tracy." It certainly didn't turn out like I had planned it to. But we did eat lunch at IHOP, so that was something.

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