Saturday, September 2, 2017

Weekend Update

Remember my big project at work? And how I was waiting to send out version 2.1? Well, I sent it out yesterday. I didn't really intend to send it so soon, but I happened to mention it at a staff meeting and of course everyone wanted it! (I might be exaggerating a little about my co-workers' enthusiasm, but they really were interested in getting the version with the cosmetic changes.)

Despite feeling a little chilly, Lew and I made it through the entire Sea Dogs game last night! (We even stayed for the fireworks afterward!) It helped that the game was a fun one to watch. The Sea Dogs won, 7-2. They usually lose when we go, so it was a nice change.

Lew and I went out to dinner with some friends tonight. That's two nights out in a row for us. We are not used to all of this social excitement, so we're tired now. I am glad that I have the day off on Monday to recuperate.

Speaking of the Labor Day holiday, our plans are to do nothing. I can hardly wait!

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