Friday, September 30, 2016

A Night Out; A Good Cause

Lew and I are on our way home from The Root Cellar's annual banquet.

What is The Root Cellar?

Click HERE to find out.

Good night!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

BLT Dip (Minus the L)

We had a potluck lunch at work today. I ate way too much, of course....

But my main reason for writing this post is to share the recipe for my contribution to the feast.

I got this recipe from my sister Debbie a few years ago (after I ate practically the whole bowl of it), and it's easy enough for even me to make. Seriously, the hardest thing is chopping up the tomatoes!

Here it is. Make it sometime. Then thank my sister Debbie for sharing it with me.  :)


8 oz sour cream
8 oz mayonnaise
3 plum tomatoes
1 glass jar of REAL bacon bits

serve with regular Wheat Thins

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dad 325: What About Fred?

(My father's question about his namesake bear is inspiring me to write a sequel. Ha ha! Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Week's weather is full of unstable days. We may even get some rain. Next Tuesday will be the definite start of bright sun. Perhaps we will have some sun before then. We hope!

I read for the first time last night on Mainely Tracy about poor Fred the Bear. This was written forty years ago, but I had not seen it before yesterday. Poor Fred the Bear! I hope they let him out of the cage after hibernation. Do I have an answer? (Or did he expire?)

Well, our Red Sox are down to a magic number of one. Could have clinched the division last night but lost in their bid for twelve straight wins. Maybe tonight. One other goal is to have the best record in the league for home field advantage throughout the playoffs. Go, Red Sox!

Zack's high school team defeated Sanford last weekend. Sanford was my high school and I also taught there four years in the sixties.  Two weeks in a row Zack and his teammates defeated schools that I have previous connections with. I am thrilled with the results.

Josh's Maine Maritime team was not as fortunate as Zack's was. However, Josh, in his third college game, became a starter. Congratulations, Josh! We watched all of Josh's game via streaming.

That's it, folks!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, September 26, 2016

My Cinquain Assignment

While tackling my "tidying" project on Saturday, I came across some homework I'd kept from my elementary school years. (I hadn't kept much, thank goodness.)

The following is dated October 24, 1973, so I was almost 10 1/2 years old when I wrote this.

I got a red "Ha! Ha!" from my teacher. And almost 43 years later, I had an "LOL" moment.... But I wonder what sister Kim will think!


Saturday, September 24, 2016

Lew's Logbook: MMA Trip

(Lew writes today. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Went to Maine Maritime Academy today with brother-in- law Glen.

Nephew Josh was the starting right tackle for their football team today against MIT.

The game did not go as we would have liked, but the weather was perfect and we consumed some very tasty carbs on the trip.

It was a four star day.

I took a quick snap of Belfast.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Cleaning and Tidying

I am having a four-day weekend. I designed it myself: I arranged to take today and Monday off.

Because I didn't need to get up for work this morning, I watched the end of both games last night (see yesterday's post). A win and a win!

I didn't sleep in too late because I wanted to get a start on the day's activities.

In an ideal world, those activities would have been watching movies and reading.

In the real world, those activities consisted of laundering the bedding for the guest room and the day bed. But I didn't stop there....

I laundered some blankets and throws that needed it.

I reorganized the top shelf in the bathroom closet. This is the shelf that holds the spare sheets.

I reorganized the top shelf in the guest room closet. This is the shelf that holds spare blankets and throws. (The rest of the closet is now Lew's to use as he wishes.)

I neglected to mention that prior to laundering most of the bedding, I had to first use sticky-rolls to get off as much cat hair as I could. I had not kept a good handle on the bedding, so the cats had free reign for quite a while. This resulted in a ton of cat hair. Seriously, it was almost a ton... or at least it felt like it.

Tomorrow I plan on going through all my paperwork. I have one of those big long pillowcases that I'm going to put all of my shredding in. And instead of using my teensy shredder at home, I am going to take the pillowcase to Staples and pay someone else to do it.

And now I plan on taking a much-needed shower. I'm stinky and I ache all over. My aches even have aches.

Cleaning and tidying is hard work.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

We Are Social

Our friends Bill and Stacey came over to our house after work tonight. We went out for a three-course meal: pizza, then french fries, then ice cream.
After returning to our house we watched the Red Sox and Patriots games at the same time (sort of). Both of our teams are currently ahead as I write this. Time will soon tell the final outcomes.
Bill and Stacey have headed home, Lew is upstairs doing cat-care chores, and I am sitting in Lew's recliner writing this post and watching the Sox.
One final thought regarding our evening: Good friends are a blessing!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dad 324: Football, Football, Football

(Farewell to Summer of 2016; it went by much too fast. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying the last summer day of the year. And it is a great day. We welcome Fall tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, the next season change is "Winter." Oh, joy! But then "Spring" again! (That was a quick year.) Now for some current doings....

Last weekend was a great football weekend for us up here in Scarborough.... Our nearest professional team, the Patriots, won.... Josh's team, Maine Maritime Academy, won with a touchdown and two point conversion with 19 seconds left while they were behind 35-34. Winning score was 42-35.... Zack's high school team won their game 49-0. They showed no mercy on their opponent, a high school where I was employed as a principal many years ago.

Lew has been repairing and painting the exterior of the garage. He is very busy upgrading the property. Maybe there will be a picture on Mainely Tracy when the painting is complete.

Done for today.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

You Go, People!

Today's goal: Conquer the world. (See yesterday's post.)

It is good to set lofty goals. Although I can't say I conquered the world today — not with a straight face anyway — I can say that setting such a high goal pushed me to make great progress.

If you haven't attempted conquering the world, I encourage you to try it. You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Baby, It's Wet Outside

"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...."

It didn't help that my tummy had issues today either.

I really wanted to make it into work, but sometimes it's better to just stay home.

Especially if one is in a cranky mood from having tummy issues.

But tomorrow I conquer the world.  (It's good to have goals.)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Painting

(What retirement? Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

My last big project for the year is to paint the garage.

Climbing ladders and painting for hours at a time reminds me that age may be a state of mind, but the body doesn’t care what you think.

I’ve had all kinds of muscles saying bad things to me.

However, all of this outdoor work does makes for good sleep.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Call Me Four-Eyes

When I arrived home from work today (about an hour ago), my father told me to come and see a replay of the end of last night's Red Sox game.

I took him up on his offer, especially since I knew the Red Sox had beaten the Yankees in dramatic fashion in the bottom of the 9th.

The TV looked a little blurry to me, so I adjusted my glasses.... And, uh-oh....  I still had my computer glasses on.

I usually switch my glasses when I leave work.  I put my computer glasses in a case and then in my purse. And I put my regular, everyday glasses — the pair I use for driving — on my face.

I didn't make the switch today.

Fortunately my everyday glasses were in my purse, so I was able to put them on and see the baseball replay.

But it's funny that I didn't notice anything amiss while I was operating a motor vehicle. I'm not sure if that's a reflection of my priorities (baseball over driving???) or if my drive home is so routine that seeing correctly is merely an option.

Anyway, I got home safely and the Red Sox won last night. And that's what matters.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Dad 323: Sports Roundup

(I have an ice cream treat waiting for me! Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Another cloud-filled day that is supposed to have some rain before tomorrow. We'll see!

Well, the pro football season has started with a lot of close games and some upsets. We, who root for the Patriots, were quite pleased that they were able to win over a very strong Arizona squad. Three more home games and then Brady returns after a suspension, even though not found guilty of any activity.

Zack's team got beat by a very strong Bonny Eagle team. A few mistakes were made that, if not made, might have changed the results.

The Red Sox are doing well. They must continue to win as they are in a close race with three weeks to go. Our fingers are crossed. Go, Sox!

Sister Deb is safely back in her Florida home. Already been to the restaurant for ribs. They are good.

Tune in next week for more uninteresting news.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

A Time to Turn

Although Fall has not officially begun calendar-wise, I have already turned over a new leaf. (Get it? Fall...? Leaf...?)

My 19-year-old co-worker (with whom I share an office) is a heavy sleeper and has been sleeping through her alarm. When she got into the office last Friday and lamented about being late, I said, "Let's look for a new alarm clock for you."

I did a Google search on "best alarm clock for heavy sleepers" and found an article that reviewed ten different options. We looked at a couple of them on and ordered one for her right then and there. It was delivered to her home on Sunday, and she has made it to work bright and early both days so far this week. Success!

You may be thinking, "How wonderful, but how has Tracy turned over a new leaf?"

Well, I too have gone to work earlier than usual these past couple days. I wanted to encourage my co-worker by getting an earlier start myself. I even got up early enough to use the elliptical machine both days. And, boy, do I need to get some exercise.

And now I need to get some sleep. Turning over this new leaf has tuckered me out!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tom Who?

Until last night, I did not have a favorite NFL player.

But now I do.

His name is Jimmy Garoppolo.

He is adorable.

I'm allowed to say that because I'm old enough to be his mother.

Go, Patriots!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Garage Cleaning

(Lew and I are tidying machines. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

Tracy is going full out on her reorganization/de-clutter project in the house. That project is going great.

For some reason, I started puttering around in the garage this week. So far I have spent about four hours going through cabinets and cleaning out under benches.

In the process I found a skill saw that I did not know we had (Fred knew) to go along with the four other skill saws that I did know about.

I also found an electric chain saw that has been lost for a while.

My goal it to keep going through stuff and get it somewhat organized so I can find it when I want it. I’m also working with Fred in hopes that I can get rid of some bulky items and make more room.

In the meantime, if you need a screwdriver give me a call. I think it’s quite possible that we have over 100 of them. I’ll be glad to give you one or two.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Heaven on a Plate

Friday special at Pat's Pizza in Scarborough: The best Mac 'n Cheese around!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

One Year

I started my job one year ago today!

Q: How many days did I dread going to work this past year?
A: Zero

I know that no job is perfect, but mine is close.  :)


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dad 322: Streaming Football

(Let's go, Scarborough! Let's go, Maine Maritime Academy! Enjoy Dad's post.  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Putting up with a foggy, drizzly day in the Northeast.  This morning the fog was very dense and some places had zero visible miles.

Well, got to see Zack's high school team as his game was streamed on the computer. The team beat Portland for the first time ever. They were 0-6 against Portland until the win. Zack was the only sophomore starter for Scarborough. Of course, he is about 6'5" and pushes the scale towards 300 pounds. He did not get pushed around much as he handled his position rather well.

Josh's Maine Maritime game was also streamed and we watched that. They were ahead 28-14 with six minutes left. The game was tied near the end when a field goal would have won. I guess they don't have a long kicker. Overtime was not kind to Josh's team, so they lost 35-28. Still enjoyed watching Josh play.

Had some good company on Labor Day. Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam were over for lunch and some go-cart riding. The starter broke on the cart, but we believe it is now repaired. Wait 'til next time. More rides.

Done for now.

Until next time.

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

A Sign of the Times

When Lew and I were visiting with Matt and Emily at their home on Saturday, I had the need to visit their "water closet."

After completing the task at hand, I went to retrieve my phone to take a picture.

I love Emily's sense of humor – and I have great respect for her patience with her two little boys!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Labor Day "Recipe"

Sleep in a bit.
Breakfast out.
Some tidying at home.
A visit from sister Debbie and nephew Zack.
Host cookout for Matt, Emily, Eli, and Adam.
Lots of playing inside and outside.
"I love you, too"-s from Eli and Adam.
An evening of sports on TV and reading.

Beat that!  :)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Apple Cider Vinegar, Part II

(I have heard all about Lew's satisfaction in the W.C. Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Last week I wrote about my experiment with drinking apple cider vinegar. Someone suggested it might help my acid reflux.

I have been drinking one ounce (in 6 oz. of water) twice a day for over a week.

At this point I have reduced my use of Tums by about 80%.

There has also been another noticeable benefit to this experiment: I’m not sure if is because I’m taking fewer Tums or if it’s the apple cider vinegar, but I’m spending less time in the water closet and realizing greater satisfaction. (Can’t be more specific because the editor wouldn’t approve.)

I’m going to stick with this process for the near future and may have further reports.

To this point, two thumbs up.

Friday, September 2, 2016


Cleopatra has nothing on Jerry!  He loves his upstairs water dish.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

On the Way to Normal

Aaaaaahhhhh.... The lovely lady at the dental office took the stitches out of the roof of my mouth this morning. I still have some "puffiness" there, but it feels so much better.

As for the graft site, those stitches dissolve on their own. The doctor said I am two weeks ahead of schedule in my healing. (Hooray for me!)

It was so wonderful to be able to brush and floss ALL of my teeth tonight. I had to use an ultra-soft toothbrush in one quadrant of my mouth. And I had to be extra careful flossing so that I didn't jam the tender area.

I believe this ends my comments on my recent gum graft. I hope my readers aren't too disappointed. I know I have hardly mentioned it at all....
