Saturday, March 31, 2018

Happy Easter!

Lew and I wish everyone a blessed Easter weekend.


Friday, March 30, 2018

Waking and Walking

This morning I surprised myself by getting up extra early and doing a 30-minute Walk-Away-the-Pounds workout video.  

I've been using the elliptical machine a little bit, but for the most part I have been pretty lax recently when it comes to exercise. So this morning's video was not easy.

I did have a workout companion by the name of Jerry. While I exercised, Jerry watched a fly that was crawling around on the T.V. screen. When the fly disappeared, so did Jerry... which makes me wonder what became of that fly!

Thursday, March 29, 2018


Today was the first regular season game for my beloved Red Sox. It was a mid-afternoon start time, so I was at work for most of it.

When I got in my car to head home, the Red Sox were leading 4-0 in the bottom of the 8th inning.

By the time I arrived home, the score was 4-1 (still bottom of the 8th) and within minutes the Sox were behind, 5-4.

Wondering if my attention to the game was causing the Red Sox to falter, Lew and I decided to watch an episode of "The Office" on Netflix while we ate dinner.

The Red Sox never did recover, so I guess I wasn't to blame.... Phew! It would be a long season if I couldn't watch them play.

Go, Red Sox!  You still have 161 games left!  (Even more when you make the playoffs....)

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Dad 403: No Steps Forward, No Steps Back

(I do like this short and sweet post by my father today. Enjoy!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Enjoying another spring-like day with all the sun. Walk outside and temperature will tell you winter is still around. The snow on the ground also gives a hint!

A few minutes ago Lew came over and said this has been a most unproductive day. I agreed and joined him in the comment. Most of my days fall in this category!

Continuing on in a real unproductive way, I will write no more today. Tracy will appreciate this short blog post, I'm sure. Join me next week!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Still Marching On

Things have been a bit crazy for me lately — sort of like the perfect storm! My blog has suffered a bit as a result, but I am going to try to start posting more regularly. As I mentioned on Saturday, my father and Lew have been keeping the blog going much better than I have. (For the record, I did predict that the month of March would be like this for me. I wrote about my own version of March Madness in my post titled Month Monikers.)

A week ago today I sent the following text message to my supervisor at 9:01 AM:
Just leaving my house. Pretty sure I put facial moisturizer in my hair and I had to pick up some cat poo that was on the floor. Swell morning so far!
And that was one of my better mornings!


Saturday, March 24, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Ken's Open

(If it weren't for Dad and Lew, my blog would be a real bust. I will try to do better about writing. In the meantime, please enjoy today's post by Lew. Happy Spring, everyone!  ~  Tracy)

Ken’s Place is open.  

Most people would say, “What’s the big deal with that?” Well, I’ll tell you.  

I can see Ken’s from my recliner. Although there are still piles of snow, the season opening is a sure sign that winter is behind us. The picnic tables are out and the lights are on and that gives me a psychological boost.  

We got food from there yesterday (opening day) and the place was packed. I suspect that I am not the only one that looks forward to this annual event.  

Below is a picture of last year's opening day. Winter was trying to hang on. A little warmer and drier this year.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dad 402: Haircut!

(It's about time, ha ha! Enjoy Dad's post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! No new snow for a few days, but some is predicted for tonight into tomorrow. Spring is here in name only.

Last October our hairdresser broke her leg. She was in Saco but lives in Sanford. She closed her Saco shop so I have not had a haircut since then. My hair kept growing out into a beautiful full head of hair. Actually it was quite uncontrollable.

Today Deb came up to cut my hair. She used the 3/8 clipper size and she did a very good job. (Not a Cindy-type cut, but just a notch below.) If I can I'll have Tracy put pictures of my head with hair and with not much hair. Enjoy the view, and I'll see you next week.



Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, March 19, 2018

Same Old, Same Old

Q:  The overwhelming theme of the blog so far this month?
A:  Snow.

Q:  What was exciting about my drive home from work at 6:30 tonight?
A:  I had to wear my sunglasses!

Q:  Tomorrow's forecast?
A:  Mostly sunny!

Q:  Wednesday's?
A:  Snow showers... UGH!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Snow Not Done

(Say it isn't s(n)o(w).... Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

On March 3rd I wrote a blog post for Mainely Tracy in which I was “wishful thinking” about the possibility of no more snow for the year. At that time there was no snow on the ground in our yard and things were looking up.  

So how did that work out for me?  

Not so good. It has hardly stopped snowing since.  

The good news is that the Clambake is open Thursdays through Sundays, and Ken’s Place opens for the season next Friday. The bad news is they still may be plowing snow.  

Below is a picture of our yard five days after my “wishful thinking” post.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Dad 401: Another Truck Story

(Dad had quite the day. Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

Derf Here! Not a bad winter afternoon after our two-day snowstorm is over. My hometown (Sanford) has received four feet of snow in the last two weeks. We have received over two feet of snow in the same time period. Spring is one week away with another storm presently predicted for the first day of Spring.

I spent some time plowing a little this morning. All of a sudden my truck started pulling to the left. Thought I had a driver's side flat. Checked it out and no flat tire. Continued down to Glen and Deb's to take two swipes to clear their mailbox. Went home and still had steering problems but blasted snow banks down out by the road. Parked truck and noticed passenger's side front tire tilted out quite a bit. Lew took a picture of this. Must get fixed in case of another storm.

Called Glen at Patriot Subaru and made him aware that the truck will be sent to his service department. Within an hour my truck was on a Triple A tow truck and off to Patriot. One side has new arm where it rusted out. Other side was checked and a hammer stroke broke that. Will be ready by tomorrow is my guess.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


Monday, March 12, 2018

Snow! (Again....)

Okay, so it's not snowing yet. But we're supposed to get another foot of snow tomorrow.

Another. Foot.

I don't know how much more of this I can take! (I guess I have no choice.)

Lew has agreed to drive me to work.  And he may even come pick me up afterward, too.

On a brighter note:  Wednesday is Pi-Day!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Reconnecting

(Really good words from Lew today. Enjoy! ~ Tracy)

I think “staying in touch” is one of life’s great challenges. We all know people that we would like to see more often but it is difficult to make the time.  

As I write this I am thinking of several people that I haven’t seen in far too long. It takes some effort to stay in touch, but each time that I make that effort, I’m very glad that I did.  

I bet you’re thinking of someone right now who you haven’t connected with in a while. It’s really not something to feel guilty about. After all, that person could reach out to you.  

I made a connection this week and that’s what got me thinking about this. Perhaps I’ll try another next week… if I can make the time.  😊

Thursday, March 8, 2018


The snowstorm was not a bust.  It snowed... and it snowed hard.

Classes were cancelled for students, but a few of us brave employees ventured in.

I am counted among "the brave" only because Lew drove me to work, bless his heart. 💗

It has stopped snowing now, and it's about time. Over a foot is more than enough!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Dad 400: The Snowstorm of the Year

(So far the storm is a bust, but I think the worst is still to come. Enjoy Dad's 400th post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! The snow is snowing. The wind isn't blowing yet. We are awaiting the snowstorm of the year. Supposed to get 12 to 18 inches of very wet pasty snow. Hard to move. Everything for tomorrow is already being canceled. Hopefully this is winter's last visit. No power outages, please!
Signs of Spring are showing up right here on our street. Ken's Place is getting ready to open on March 23rd. We can see Ken's across the street from our residence. The Clambake will open March 16th. Both places are seafood restaurants with burgers, etc. The Clambake was flooded three times during three extremely high tides less than one week ago. These tides were from the strong storm that didn't quite make it into much of Maine.
Saw my foot doctor today. Moved appointment up a day due to incoming storm. Must look for new shoes with a better fit for insoles. Will do! I'll also plow tomorrow!
Now a relaxing dinner with Spouse, and a short T.V. night followed by early to bed.
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Big Spender

I usually eat my lunch at my desk, but today I went out because I had to run an errand.

After my errand, I went into the Paper Store. Usually I go in there for one thing and then end up spending much more money than I had intended. Today, I spent nothing!

Then I went to the grocery store. I was inside for about 30 seconds. It was crazy! We are expecting a big storm tomorrow afternoon, so I think people were getting stocked up. So — again — I spent nothing!

Then I went back to work. Because I had saved so much money at the Paper Store and the grocery store, I decided to celebrate by visiting the vending machine. I bought some Frosted Strawberry Pop-Tarts.... YUM!

Monday, March 5, 2018

Month Monikers

I am having my own version of "March Madness" this month at work.

The owner and my supervisor are both out of the office this week. Fortunately they are available by e-mail (non-urgent) and text (urgent). I didn't text either one today, but I did e-mail them both.

Next week both of my full-time office-mates are on vacation. I will be taking on some of their tasks while they are gone.

After that there will be only two weeks left in March. During those two weeks I will be going over processes, etc., because I will be training a new co-worker in April....

April is the goal anyway. And I hope I can be a successful trainer. Otherwise it will be "April Agony!"

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Maybe No Snow

(I like how Lew is thinking! Enjoy his post. ~ Tracy)

Wishful thinking....  

The weather has been pretty mild for many days now. There is very little snow on the ground and most days the temps are in the 40s.  

So, at breakfast this morning, I asked my friend Dick, “Do you think the snow is done?” He laughed at me and said, “It’s only March 3rd." 

This afternoon I asked Fred if he thought we would get more snow. His response was, “Oh ya.”  

Of course they’re both right and I am just having an attack of wishful thinking.  

But maybe, just maybe….

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March On!

February is the shortest month of the year.... But you already knew that, right?

It seems like I was just doing the month-end process for January, and now I'm working on February.

I just keep telling myself, "Job security!"

Happy March, everyone. 😊