Saturday, March 24, 2018

Lew's Logbook: Ken's Open

(If it weren't for Dad and Lew, my blog would be a real bust. I will try to do better about writing. In the meantime, please enjoy today's post by Lew. Happy Spring, everyone!  ~  Tracy)

Ken’s Place is open.  

Most people would say, “What’s the big deal with that?” Well, I’ll tell you.  

I can see Ken’s from my recliner. Although there are still piles of snow, the season opening is a sure sign that winter is behind us. The picnic tables are out and the lights are on and that gives me a psychological boost.  

We got food from there yesterday (opening day) and the place was packed. I suspect that I am not the only one that looks forward to this annual event.  

Below is a picture of last year's opening day. Winter was trying to hang on. A little warmer and drier this year.

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