Thursday, March 29, 2018


Today was the first regular season game for my beloved Red Sox. It was a mid-afternoon start time, so I was at work for most of it.

When I got in my car to head home, the Red Sox were leading 4-0 in the bottom of the 8th inning.

By the time I arrived home, the score was 4-1 (still bottom of the 8th) and within minutes the Sox were behind, 5-4.

Wondering if my attention to the game was causing the Red Sox to falter, Lew and I decided to watch an episode of "The Office" on Netflix while we ate dinner.

The Red Sox never did recover, so I guess I wasn't to blame.... Phew! It would be a long season if I couldn't watch them play.

Go, Red Sox!  You still have 161 games left!  (Even more when you make the playoffs....)

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