Friday, September 23, 2016

Cleaning and Tidying

I am having a four-day weekend. I designed it myself: I arranged to take today and Monday off.

Because I didn't need to get up for work this morning, I watched the end of both games last night (see yesterday's post). A win and a win!

I didn't sleep in too late because I wanted to get a start on the day's activities.

In an ideal world, those activities would have been watching movies and reading.

In the real world, those activities consisted of laundering the bedding for the guest room and the day bed. But I didn't stop there....

I laundered some blankets and throws that needed it.

I reorganized the top shelf in the bathroom closet. This is the shelf that holds the spare sheets.

I reorganized the top shelf in the guest room closet. This is the shelf that holds spare blankets and throws. (The rest of the closet is now Lew's to use as he wishes.)

I neglected to mention that prior to laundering most of the bedding, I had to first use sticky-rolls to get off as much cat hair as I could. I had not kept a good handle on the bedding, so the cats had free reign for quite a while. This resulted in a ton of cat hair. Seriously, it was almost a ton... or at least it felt like it.

Tomorrow I plan on going through all my paperwork. I have one of those big long pillowcases that I'm going to put all of my shredding in. And instead of using my teensy shredder at home, I am going to take the pillowcase to Staples and pay someone else to do it.

And now I plan on taking a much-needed shower. I'm stinky and I ache all over. My aches even have aches.

Cleaning and tidying is hard work.

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