Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dad 373: Go, Red Teams!

(As for this evening's weather, the day has ended like it started. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another cloudy, cool morning in the area. Yesterday was cloudy all day and the temperature never really warmed up.

Our thoughts and prayers are definitely with those suffering the results of Hurricane Harvey. Hard to imagine what they are going through.

School started today for all students in town, so we are preparing for the football season which starts Friday night. Cheering on Zack and his friends. GO, RED STORM!

Well, sister Deb left yesterday for her trip back to Florida via Pittsburgh and Indy. Confirmed by phone last evening she made Pittsburgh and will leave for Indy on Friday. (Drive carefully!)

The Red Sox stumbled a bit and went from a five-game lead in the loss column to only two. As of now they have climbed back to lead by four in the loss column. GO, RED SOX!

That's all, folks!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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