Friday, August 4, 2017

Driving Ankle

You've heard of "tennis elbow," right? The title of this post, Driving Ankle, is about something similar.

Usually it takes me 15 to 20 minutes to drive home from work. Tonight it took me an hour and a half. (There was a major accident on the turnpike, and traffic was diverted; Route 1 was a nightmare.)

My hour and a half of driving was stop and go, stop and go, stop and go... and the "go" part was always very short.

After moving from brake to gas, brake to gas, brake to gas for an hour and a half, my right ankle was feeling kind of strange when I got out of my vehicle tonight. I think I've been able to work it out a bit, so hopefully it will be 100% soon.

Have you ever had "driving ankle?" The next time you do, you will at least know what to call it. You may thank my creativity for that! 😏

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