Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wedding Accessories

It was shortly after 3:00 when one of the groomsmen realized that the bag containing his rented tuxedo did not contain the black tie.

I was downstairs, ready to go, when Lew yelled that he needed me to do a favor.  "Call Glen and see if he has a black tie!"  I called, and he doesn't.

I then went upstairs and explained to Lew that he would have to give his tie to the tie-less groomsman.  Although Lew was wearing the same tux as the guys, it was more important for all of the groomsmen to match.  I guess Lew agreed, because he took his tie off and handed it over.

We needed to leave for the wedding.  Lew and I began a frantic search through all of his ties.  Nothing was jumping out at me, so in desperation I asked Lew if he happened to have a black bow tie.  A few seconds went by, and he said (with great relief), "I DO!"

The bow tie had belonged to Lew's father.  Lew's dad passed away several years ago, so Lew was actually quite touched that his dad would be represented at the wedding.

God is good.

(Postscript:  We took back several of the tuxes the day after the wedding.  One of them was that of the missing tie.  The clerk said that if it had been Lew's tux, then we would have been charged for the tie.  I said, "You would charge us for a tie that you never gave us?"  Apparently the clerk had thought the tie had been lost, and he quickly apologized.  He said that they would have driven a tie to the wedding if we had called them.  Well, we didn't know THAT!)

(Post-postscript:  I should probably post a picture of Lew in his dad's bow tie.  I happen to be in the photo, too.  My jewelry was made by my friend Carole.)

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