Saturday, March 12, 2016

Lew’s TV Review

(To each his own, ha ha! Enjoy Lew's post! ~ Tracy)

I like TV.

I have liked TV as long as I can remember.

Recently, I have been picking up on some of the reality series on cable channels such as History and National Geographic.

My latest discovery is “Wicked Tuna”.

This series follows a number of boats and crews that fish for bluefin tuna during the season that runs from June through November in and around Gloucester, MA.

This fish can only be caught one at a time. I’m not sure of all the rules, but what I have seen is that you can use rod and reel or you can harpoon them if you can catch them on the surface. Both of these methods require patience and know-how.

What I have observed is that a boat may be out for weeks and only catch one or two fish. It seems like they lose about a third of the fish that they hook. BUT, I have seen one fish bring over $12,000 at market. Not a typo, twelve thousand dollars. It isn’t easy to catch the bluefin (usually weigh between 200 & 700 lbs) but there is a pretty good payday if you do.

Fun show to watch.

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