Saturday, February 21, 2015

Routine Therapy

This week has been about getting back into a routine. Lew went back to work on Wednesday and I attempted to get caught up on some stuff.

"Stuff" included exercising, reading, paying bills, preparing my parents' tax returns, following up on some correspondence, etcetera, etcetera. I did not finish everything but I did make good headway.

Lew and I had not done our weekly weigh-in since July, so we resumed that today. Lew didn't do too badly, but I weighed the most I have in seven years. (Too many York Peppermint Patties, I think!)  We even weighed the cats. Jerry was about the same but Kurt had gained a little bit.

I just did Verlie's 2014 taxes. Since she will have only a couple months of income for 2015, we shouldn't have to file for her ever again. The thought makes me sad.

Lew and I are slowly adjusting to our new reality. Lew says that driving by the nursing home every day is similar to wearing a black armband; it's a constant reminder of our loss.

Returning to routine has been therapeutic, but we also are enjoying a new toy: the Amazon Echo. It is an amazing gadget and I will not attempt to explain it here. But you should check it out.

Weather forecast: Cold. Snow. Cold.

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