Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Another Near Cat-astrophe

This evening, in the comfort of our living room, Lew and I took on the task of trimming our cats' claws.... Both cats.... Front and back claws.

Marilyn was next door visiting my parents, so we tackled Jerry first.... Piece of cake.  Not that he liked it, but he's an easy-going kitty.  Plus he knows he's going to get extra treats afterward.

I went to get Marilyn, who weighs in at less than eight pounds. She was not happy with us... not happy at all.

I tried to keep her occupied by giving her goodies while Lew trimmed her claws. She managed to squirm away a few times. She tried to scratch and bite both Lew and me. (I think she succeeded.)

And did you know that cats can growl?

Anyway, we were able to complete Marilyn's pedicure without any blood being shed.

And just think.... we get to do it again in another month! Just the front claws, though.  :)

We love our kitties!

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