Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dad 139: "Water Only" Update

(I am looking forward to next Wednesday's excursion with Dad. LOL! Enjoy his post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Coming to you today from the sunny Northeast. The temperature is rising. The snow is melting. Spring is only a few weeks away. Snow is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. March in Maine is full of changes. Can't wait for the sight of grass. Even though a lot of yardwork must be done to clean up the lawn where I dug it up plowing. At least it will be a whole lot warmer while working outside on the lawn. No more snow to move. Spring! Come quickly! Please!

Well, I'm continuing on my "water only" beverage living. Haven't had a sip of Diet Pepsi for about a month now. Every now and then I would really like a drink of the diet stuff. Because I have none available at home, I don't succumb to my temptations.

When I started my "no diet" to "water only" life I was told by daughter Kim that this would be good for me. She told me that this change would cause weight loss. I didn't know how this would be a result as the diet drink contained zero calories. Kim had found out this fact of weight loss from her daughter Kaelen and her friend Sam. Sam is a bodybuilder (a real bodybuilder) and seems to know of what he speaks. The body weight issue seems to be correct.

At last Saturday's weigh-in I was under 250 pounds. Not down to 249, but less than 250. Only a few weeks ago I tipped my doctor's scale at 266. The 266 was less than my last doctor's visit. So I was on the right track. One must remember that one time I tipped my doctor's scale at 300. I'm not quite back to "Greek god status", but I continue to move in that direction. My mind may be playing tricks on me. Could that be? I guess so! I'll still remain on my "water only" beverage life. As you see, it seems to be working. I still do not love my 50 minutes per day on the elliptical. Must admit doctor's scale was used fully clothed. Understand!

I've got a busy week coming up. Must get a haircut tomorrow and donate blood on Friday. I must call an 800 number to set up a blood donation appointment. I think I call somewhere in Georgia. Call Georgia to donate blood in Portland, about 10 miles from home. The lady I spoke with mentioned I have donated over 158 times. She said it probably wasn't necessary to tell me to eat and drink prior to donating. I told her I had heard this before. So I'm off Friday for another "double red" donation.

Prior to my next week's post, I have a very important session scheduled. Not really excited about it, but find the appointment necessary. Tuesday will be my "prep day." No solid foods and a couple of types of laxatives taken along with clear liquids. Wednesday will begin with more laxatives along with more clear liquids. Then a ride to the outpatient facility. Must be driven by another adult. I've already lined up Tracy for the transportation (to and from). Probably by now you have guessed "COLONOSCOPY". You are correct. Been there. Done that. Will be glad when it's over. I demanded to be sleeping throughout the procedure. Hope it works as well as last time.

So, perhaps next week my post will be on Wednesday as usual. May get backed up a day. Time will tell.

Still request prayers for sister Jean during her recovery. Thanks!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


1 comment:

Kim said...

Wow! The water thing really works!! Now if you would just follow Sam's exercise advice you would be a Greek god in no time DAD!!