Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dad 142: Springing Into Baseball and March Madness

(I googled the spelling of the two coaches' names, but I'm very happy that Dad decided to leave out the medical names! Enjoy his post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! On this bright, sunny spring morning. The ground is still covered with the white stuff called snow. I'm sure some of this white stuff will still be here throughout the next month. We have some very large mountains of snow remaining in the parking lots. Let us hope we have seen the last of it from the sky. Please!

Our winter statistics show a total of about 98 inches of snow in our area. Further north they went over the 100-inch mark. Be thankful for Spring. Still must redo my lawn where I plowed it up throughout the winter. It will be green in the near future. Isn't new life amazing! Get the lawnmower ready. I will!

An update on my colonoscopy is in order. The call from the office told me the two polyps removed were called some very long names. I don't recall the names nor do I wish to! I was told they were not cancer and to plan on the procedure again in five years. Good news to me! Thanks! Still waiting for my written results. Will file as soon as I receive them. Then I'll forget about the procedure for another 60 months. Can't wait! Or can I?

Just a note about sister Jean. She went back into the hospital last week and should be in rehab as you read this. She is still struggling as she recovers from colon-cancer-related surgery. The staff is attempting to get her strength and health up so as to enable another operation. This may take a few months. Prayers are still requested. Thanks!

The excitement around here is at a fever pitch as the baseball season is about to begin. Before I post again our beloved Red Sox will have opened the season at Yankee Stadium. Go Red Sox! Don't know what to expect for the season but I'll remain a faithful supporter of the team.

More good news. Not only is the baseball season about to start but other positive signs of Spring are occurring. The seafood restaurant across from our house is open for the season. The corner ice cream store will open in about one week. Down in Old Orchard Beach the Pier Fries stand will be open this week for the season. (They will be open on weekends only for a while.) We are ready for the change from winter doldrums. It is time for "Springing" to life. Please! Thanks!

I am still following the March Madness for both ladies and gentlemen. One interesting fact to me is there are two former University of Maine basketball coaches taking teams to the Sweet 16. They are John Giannini at La Salle and Joanne Palombo-McCallie with the Duke women. I wish them well and congratulate them on their accomplishments. A remarkable job. We could use you back at U. Maine. Hope your stints at Maine helped you to get where you are.

I think I forgot something, but this is enough for now. I'll catch up next time.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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